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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 3:40am-3:56am MSK

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the king, who you can’t even go to him, well , just look, when did it happen that he didn’t become mikhalo yakovlevich, well, as if some cultural figures i knew also called me, maxim, you should call the ministry, go, knock , it’s you who should, i’m not persistent at my core, at my core, i’m not a persistent person, i don’t interfere, i was born, as you know, a smoke-filled sheep, the one that fights, fights, fights, what ’s this for... it will come , no, i’m like that, probably not
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that i’m a photographer, i’m doing my job, but already the judge, who is probably a little higher, let him decide what to do, but that’s it, then they called me from the ministry, that you know, we are considering you, and like other candidates for the position, i was pleased, that at least my candidacy is being considered, then they literally call me, and a month later tomorrow is a meeting with the minister, with anatoly micheslavovich... i came, anatoly micheslavovich, well, he roughly said the following words: we made inquiries about you and asked, let’s say, svidomo people, as if everyone was leaning toward one candidate, yours, i understand that if it had happened that they would have offered me 5 years ago before i had gone through many stages of some kind of establishment, i would have refused, i would not have been ready, then you see, it happened that.. well, again
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, yes, as they say, here from there that mihavic moment, in principle, and i was already here, i was ready, that is, i had something to say, the musician, i understood that i could communicate with them on an equal basis , that i would not be somehow inferior to them, i would be equally now we continue our creative friendship with them , well, let’s say it can be from mikhala yakolevich from me a slightly different approach to people, i somehow believe that creative friendship should be people in love, kindness, as if i positioned it in such a way that i communicate with musicians, well, in fact, this is how i can, i ask them, i don’t demand, everyone knows, he has his own methodology, absolutely, but people are different, it’s good that they are different, so i have great respect for musicians, i myself played in an orchestra for 10 years, i saw how and learned how to, how not to, conduct myself with musicians, how unpleasant it was for me when this happened to me...
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it’s clear that to continue now, i ’ve been in the orchestra for almost 2 years, 2 years, the second season is full, and accordingly, how do i understand that in 2 years, but there is progress, there is already movement in that direction, as i see, how do i want to develop the orchestra, what do i want to do with the orchestra, because it is very difficult to make a thousand programs in a year, something else, well, we need to somehow rearrange the orchestras a little to suit ourselves, in our own way, in accordance with our vision of the issue and continue with him.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you learn about key dates and events in the country and the world. walking in a week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. we tell you how to choose
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quality products for healthy dishes. variety of products on store shelves today. the buyer has unlimited freedom of choice, but in this variety it is easy to get lost, a freshly picked unripe eggplant must be heavy, there must be a stalk, green, not shriveled, a proper breakfast, a guarantee of health and good mood, today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling , i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds just amazing, let’s figure out how much it will be with... i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front back of the thigh, first
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let's stretch the front surface of the thigh, now it's time to walk, run with a full charge of strength to meet this day. look in the project tomorrow. champion on the belarus 24 tv channel. after your appointment in the press, journalists called you the new finberg. does this comparison offend you? no, but i approach this with a sense of humor. you see, here is mikhail yakovich finberg, when he created the orchestra, well, there was mikhail finberg, not a people's artist, not a professor, nor a state prize winner, there was simply mikhail finberg, a musician who created a team, and you know, it was as if everyone got into a boat and went to the ark where,
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in these 40 years, which they had for 35, 35 years , the team was when i arrived, so they sailed to the point that they became the best team , mikhalyakovich has well... all the titles that can only be had in our country, our orchestra has all the titles that, that is, let's say, this is the richest boat became a boat, and of course, well, as it were , a young man came who at age, he just started and a man came who was like him when he started, well, it’s clear that i’m not people's artist, not a professor there, and accordingly, no matter how difficult it is to compare, you can compare with mikhail finberk, but not with mikhail yakovlevich, with mikhail finberg and maxim rasokha, but you can compare that they came at the same... age, both love belarusian music, they popularize it constantly, in this regard, yes, you can , of course, you know, once mikhail yakovich said, not to me personally, i only knew him once, but not to me, he said that rasokha, a boy walking with long strides, and you
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know, as my friend once says, yes walked, as you perceived in the orchestra, how long did it take to gain authority, it is clear that... a change of leader is such a painful period for the team, in fact, because for many years, for 35 years, they have become accustomed to one thing, that means already conservatives, who have become somewhat ossified and something else, no worse, no better, no, different, a completely different approach, for them of course it’s somehow new, a wonder, that is, we got used to it, we got to know me, in -firstly, no one knew me in the orchestra, i am orchestras. v every action, they saw me, that is, i recognized them as people, as musicians, as something, that is, well, such a process, it is partly still going on, although it already seems to me that we have passed the line, as if some kind of there may
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be mutual misunderstandings sometimes, grinding in, everything is already, you know, as if there is already a grinding in, the work is already going well, such high-quality work, but it still seems to be there...
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there, of course, the vocalist is the face of the orchestra, in any case to me it’s interesting to work with those guys who worked under khamil yakovlevich, finberg, and of course, we have recruited about... four new vocalists, young artists, both girls and guys who are really bright, well, this is not just my whim, i want new soloists, no, it’s just really us we held auditions, we had monthly auditions for almost a whole year, we held auditions for vocalists on a certain date, 10 people came, five people every month, but we heard those whom i would like to see in the orchestra. that is , i would like to see you in the orchestra, so i said this after listening, and people
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were happy, for us it’s a dream too, admit it, there were no offenses from the old-timers, because artists are touchy people, you know, i, in principle, am an orchestra player myself, i played for a large number of years, and i also struggled with this situation, i know that musicians, as a rule, are always dissatisfied, no matter how it was.
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what is the meaning of life for you? this is a philosophical question, i think everyone probably
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says it differently, but for me, as i understand it, it means that it sometimes changes with age, at the moment the meaning of life for me do what you like and have fun and just go and do, go and do for pleasure, this is from life to my age today, thank you very much, thank you. this was the meaning of maxim rassokh’s life. an ancient asian proverb says: “strong is he who is wise.” export - this phrase is directly related, because they win not by force, but by mind. everyone. hello, my name is gennady vaitovich, on air an intellectual and sports show, head game.
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today, for the first time in the history of our project, schoolchildren enter the playground, but not just schoolchildren, but the winners of the republican intellectual and sports tournament "vyki" quiz, which took place in... plays in everything, he is used to reaching great heights, so after graduating from school he plans to enroll in aviation and study
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to become a pilot. and alexey gontarenko. he considers proper preparation and self-confidence to be the key to success, both in sports and in studies. among sports disciplines, they prefer football and volleyball, but plans to connect the future with programming. hello, friends, first of all, i would like to congratulate you once again on your victory at... well, in the end, at the republican stage in the building of the national olympic committee, they were also the first. by the way, it was the national olympic committee and the belarusian olympic academy that organized this tournament. friends, but the situation here is a little different. if there is a quiz at the vytogi tournament.


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