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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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plans to enroll in aviation and study to become a pilot. and alexey gontarenko. he considers proper preparation and self-confidence to be the key to success, both in sports and in studies. among sports disciplines, they prefer football and volleyball, but they plan to connect their future with programming. hello, friends. first of all, i would like to congratulate you once again on your victory at the republican tournament, vytoki quiz. i'll explain, the point is . the guys went through three rounds of selection, they immediately won the regional stage, then won the regional tournament, which was held as part of the festival in itok, well, at the end at the republican stage in the building of the national olympic committee, they were also the first, by the way, it was the national olympic committee and the belarusian olympic academy that were the organizers of this tournament. friends, but here the situation is a little different: if at the tournament... if you performed as a single
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team, then here you will have to work, as they say, against each other. what does it feel like? alexei? of course, it’s more common to work in a team, but it’s interesting to play individually to find out which of us is stronger? well, we'll find out very soon! friends, three stages of the quiz-taking project are behind us, it’s clear that there is already some experience, but here in the tv studio, probably, it’s a little bit... everything is different, here’s the excitement, let’s say, before the start, where there’s more quiz-taking at the tournament or here we have? vladislav? the tournament ended up being a quiz, probably because it was a republic after all and we fought against the regions, well, there was more excitement there. well, that's great, that's great, vadim, what are your expectations from today's game? and basically the expectations not bad, since i prepared well, i will count on first place.
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my friends, in fact, we wish vadim and all of you to prove yourself brilliantly in this game, and of course to win, although of course there will be only one winner, but i remind you that there are four periods of the game ahead of us, during which i will ask you different questions from the world of sports, for correct answers you will earn points, for incorrect answers you will lose points, and of course discipline, a red yellow card, a red one is a minus five points, yellow... the card is a verbal warning, and the rules are explained, let's play with our heads, move on to the first period, the main referee asks questions related to the sport, the player who is the fastest to light the lamp on his playing stand answers. in controversial situations, participants have the right to protest, and the chief judge has the right to resort to video replay. correct answer: 5 points. wrong answer - minus 5 points. the period lasts 4 minutes. what do they call it?
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respectively, winter aluminum or granite football club with which name once played in the belarusian major league? aluminum or granite? vadim? granite. granite. that's right, this is the correct answer. the club is currently in the third division. by the way, football club aluminum is the real name of a club from the top league of slovenia. let's continue. in the biathlon pursuit race at the shooting range, the athlete made four mistakes, how many? he needs
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to overcome four penalties in the distance, vladislav - 20, this is the wrong answer, four penalties, how many penalty meters in the distance does he must overcome, my friends, for a miss a penalty loop is given, yes, accordingly , four penalty loops, the only question is how long is one penalty loop equal in length...
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and this is a simple question, my friends, the twelfth player, the coach? for you this is not a coach, the fans are called the twelfth player, their support is like an additional player. at the 1932 winter olympics, these animals took part in the competition for the only time in history. who are we talking about? here you can think logically, animals that for the only time in history were. participants in the competition, now we have equestrian sport as part of the olympic games, that is, it is not horses, we are talking about dogs, my friends, we are talking about dogs, or rather dog
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sled racing, the only time in history this discipline was presented at the olympic games. let's continue. in which sport did a violation called double-line passing previously exist? vadim, tennis, unfortunately, this is the wrong answer, pass through two lines, such a rule existed in hockey, it was removed to add dynamism to the game, how many meters is an athletics race or steeplechase? vadim, 3 km, 3.00 m, that’s right, this is the correct answer. uh... in what sport in the uk do they say it's an exchange of opinions using gestures? by the way, the time of our period has come to an end, and we can finish this issue if we have options, exchange opinions
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using gestures, that’s how they talked about boxing in the uk, my friends, the first period has come to an end, let’s sum it up. as you can see, our participants started the game very carefully, in particular, alexey, he never pressed a button, if my memory serves me correctly. alexey, what kind of strange tactic is this? well, i’m just scared to go into the minus; i won’t be able to dig myself out of this minus much if i answer incorrectly. on the one hand, this is logical, but on the other hand, as they say, those who don’t take risks, well, it’s too early for you. no matter, vladislav, how was the first period? well, at first i did well, then i did wrong, the wrong answer and went into the minus, now i’m at zero, take vadim as an example, he showed the greatest activity, well, so far ahead, vadim, your
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impressions, the first period went pretty well, i even knew some questions, but i didn’t know some, well, let’s move on, let’s move on to the second period. congratulations, your wife is almost pregnant, hopefully with twins. progesterone, magnesia, try the knife on us urgently, call us, hello, grigory urgently, everything went perfectly for us, thank you very much, we were told that if you don’t get us pregnant, then no one will help us, bykova is of course an authority, but don’t start discussing with me wants.
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since my student days, seryozha, i feel so bad for you, watch the series attempt of faith on the belarus 24 tv channel. each of the heroes is special, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys, which is us, that there were few of us girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal search there were only six girls who graduated and received an education on an equal basis with men.
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on the belarus 24 tv channel. players select the topic of the question from the proposed list. in addition, each participant has several cards with which you can get the right to answer a question first: temporarily remove your opponent from the game or change the selected topic. the player who is the fastest to light the lamp on his gaming stand answers. the correct answer is five points. wrong answer - minus 5 points. the period lasts 5 minutes. we begin the second period. alexey, topic: olympics. please note, which italian city hosted the
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2006 olympic games? olympics 2006. winter olympic games. for the second time in history they took place in italy. in the city of turin. vladislav. subject. football. subject. football the legendary spanish defender, who returned after 18 years to seville in the 23-24 season - vladislav sergio ramos, sergio ramos, of course, is the correct answer. he played for real madrid for a long time and returned to his native seville, where he began his professional career. vadim, belarus. the topic is belarus, change the topic, change it.
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football football changing the topic belarus belarus, as
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part of this team, belarusian handball player sergei rutenko won his last champions league title, the famous spanish team, for which the famous handball player sergei rutenko played, alexey barcelona, ​​barcelona, ​​of course. congratulations to alexey on his first points. vadim, topic: olympics. olympics, take a break, anyone? vadim. vadim. ok. we play the olympics theme, but without vadim. what valuable exhibit was donated by daria domrocheva to the museum of the national olympic committee in october 23? oh, you were in the museum of the national olympic committee. we saw various exhibits there, at that time
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this particular exhibit was not there yet, but in overall, what could it be? alexey, gold medal, gold medal of the olympic games in sochi, this is the correct answer, of course, my friends, uh, even if sometimes you don’t know something, you can simply use logic and use it to give the correct answers. alexey, topic: history of sports. let's try the name of the sports facility, which got its name from the length measurements that were used in ancient greece. vadim, stadium, stadium. yes, the correct answer, the name goes to measurements of the length of stages or stage. vladislav, football, football. have a rest, who? vladislav, is this? i understand, the topic is football,
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friends, what is the name of the top division of the french football championship, where paris saint-germain, marseille, vadim, psg play, what is the name of the championship itself? the championship is called, well, let’s say, in russia it’s rpl, in england it’s the premier league, in spain it’s la liga, in italy, uh, serie a, and in france. league one correct answer, vadim, unfortunately, minus five points, since the answer was incorrect, so minus 5 points. vadim, topic: olympics, and i’m the first from alexey, and changing the topic from vladislav, accordingly, alexey answers first, but
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we will change the topic for him, what topic we will choose for alexey, sports and cinema, sports and cinema, a fan. old man khatabych from the film old man khatabych became such a sport. what match, match, what sport did they attend together with their friend volka? football, let it be, football, of course, is the correct answer, they posted a soccer ball between the teams shayba and zubila. this is where we will end the second period, let's sum up the results. as you can see, the game went a little more fun, in particular, alexey is gaining the first points, alexey has become a little more active, as i understand it, i liked the second period more, yes, i became more confident, i felt confident and connected logic and was able to earn 15 points due to this. vladislav, we are still in the tail,
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how will we get out? well, i hope so. i will come across a topic that is most familiar to me and i will try to recoup on it. vadim is still in the lead, but the opponents are being selected as quickly as possible. how do you like the game? in principle , the game is going well, the questions are interesting. well further, my friends, it will be even more interesting. let's move on to the third period.
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there’s a lot here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we’re starting to get acquainted and setting off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, power mills, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside. i also met witnesses who wished
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to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services in the chapel large wings appear. to show how extraordinary and wonderful our country is. the road between sino and shklovo is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to idviga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. they believe it has healing powers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. each participant plays separately, that is, one
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on one with the main judge. the type of task is chosen by the player himself from the proposed list. correct answer: five points, incorrect. either voting, or how confident the participant is, that is, if someone from the team says: guys, i know 100% that this is so, then they trusted him, right, yes, we trusted each other, and most likely this is what was the key to our success, well, let’s see what will be the key to success now in the third period of our game. vadim, we have three options
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to choose from, who is cooler, sports puzzle and know ours, what will you play? in know ours, play in know ours, know ours, from the proposed options, find a representative of belarusian sports, find... belarusian football club left right right right right is the correct answer football club navtan from novopolotsk representative of the major league two-time winner of the belarus cup on the left was chepenets football club from the bulgarian city of velingrad, the next question is which of these wonderful athletes from belarus is on the left.
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past on the left, the uruchye sports palace in minsk, and the home arena of the handball team named after the football capital, on the right was the olympic sports palace in russian chekhov. we continue: moskot, who entertained the fans of the competitions in belarus from right to right, well , of course, this is lynx, the main character of the second games of the cis country, which took place in ten cities of belarus in august. 2023, on the left, by the way, we also had a lynx, a little lynx named tikhonya, this is the mascot of the second winter
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international sports games children of asia, then we move on again to the athletes, who from they are represented by belarus, skip, skip the correct answer on the left, this is alim selimov, two-time champion. world greco-roman wrestling, now the chairman of the belarusian wrestling federation, on the right was the russian wrestler, roman vlasov, and we continue, medals, moving on to medals, only one of these medals was awarded for victory in competitions that took place in belarus, on the left, on the left, of course , these are the same second games of the cis countries that we already remembered today, well... rightly we have a medal from the olympic games in tokyo. next question. the logo of our olympic team.
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left. left. that's right. the olympic team logo is on the left. well, on the right we have the logo of the chilean olympic team. next question: the sports palace again. last time it didn't work out like it does now.
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bad, the questions were moderately difficult, well, in principle, not bad. we continue the third period and alexey goes to the start. alexey, let’s return again to the itoki quiz tournament, what i remember most, so share your impressions. most of all i remember the finale, we were in the enock building, it was all big in the end. one team and i remained in the finals and we had a decisive round, we scored the same number of points, and there was a decisive round that brought your team victory, that’s right, yes. well, i
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hope that our game will also have a positive result, it all depends on you, alexey, let’s play, there are two options, sports puzzle, who is cooler, what do you like best? sports puzzle, play sports puzzle. sports puzzle, find the correct answer using the hints on the screen. name the athlete who is encrypted on...
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gathered, let's move on, name the sport that is encrypted in the picture: triathlon, triathlon, that's right, this is the correct answer, which includes a sport that includes swimming, running, and cycling, triathlon, corrected, excellent, let's move on, name sports object, which is encrypted on the screen, minsk-orena. minsk arena hosted the 2014 world hockey championships, the european figure skating championships in 1919, as well as the opening and closing ceremony of the second games of the cis countries. this is the correct answer. next: name a sports one team. i'm skipping it. let's skip it. they are called.
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loaves, they play in the major league of belarus, they have three stars on their emblem, one star for every five championships, we are talking about the bate football club, no big deal, then name the tournament that is encrypted on the screen, the european championship, not the championship, i i’m waiting for an answer, time is running out, we can still miss it before it’s announced, no, the logo of the games has become a paparagus flower, the mascot has become a little fox, little fox, and the indication ba is an indication of the country with the slogan “bright yeah, bright you”, bright year , you are bright, we are talking about the second european games
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that took place. in minsk in zaslavlie in 2019 . let's move on. sport equipment. frisbee. we're talking about frisbee, that's right, which is called a flying saucer. and initially, according to one version, a pie stand was used as a frisbee. next question. here we need to guess. moving up, moving up, absolutely right, we are talking about the final of the olympic basketball games between the teams of the ussr and the usa, 1972, moving up, that's right, next, the time of our game has come to an end, this is the last question, and here we need to guess
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the athlete. but we can end the game because time is up. daria domrycheva, daria domrycheva, of course, four olympic golds, a large crystal globe, and also - daria domrycheva is the only woman to hold the title of hero of belarus. alexey, did you like our game? yes, there were interesting questions, at the beginning of course. i got confused, but everything was good and interesting. the third period of the heading game project continues, vladislav took the start. vladislav, we continue to remember the tournament in after the quiz, did you remember the brightest moments, what was the most difficult? well, our victory in the region can be considered one of these difficult moments, because in the region we were left with three teams in the finals, we had
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two additional ones. well, we were probably luckier than others and we won the region, well, as they say, the luckiest of all, i wish you... you are lucky in our game, but in particular in the third period, you and i will play we don’t have any other options in the game of who’s cooler, we’re playing, yes, we’re playing who’s cooler, who’s cooler, in front of you are two images, to answer the question you just need to choose one of them, in the first comparison block we have the national basketball association, the national hockey league nba versus the nhl, let's go! which of these leagues was founded first? hockey. nhl 1917, nba 1946. this is the correct answer. let's move on. which of these leagues has
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the most teams? nba. but here it is wrong. nhl again. nhl 32 teams, nba 30. which of these leagues did karl malone play in? nba. nba. that's right. great basketball player without a championship ring. he played for the team for 18 years. but he never became a champion. the winner of which league receives the larry o'brien cup? nba. nba. that's right.
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touched on in the first period, we continue it, the 2008 olympic games in beijing are playing against the 2022 olympic games in beijing, let's go, the motto of these games was the phrase: one world, one dream, 2008, 2008, that's right, at the 22nd winter games year, the slogan sounded like “together for a common future.” which games did the belarusian team win?
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the second year, that’s right, at the 2008 games the mascots were the so-called children of fortune, five characters. at these games, the host of the tournament, the chinese team, took third place in the overall medal standings. 2008? this is the wrong answer. in 2008, the chinese team took first place, winning a total of 100 medals. but in 2000. in the twenty-second year , the norwegians, who are traditionally strong in winter sports, excelled at the winter olympics. the german team was in second place, and the chinese team was in third place. our game has come to an end, uh, well, overall i think
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which is very cool, how can you evaluate your game? well, average, maybe even a little above average. the rating, let's say, is modest, i would rate vladislav's performance higher, but one way or another, let's see. numbers of all participants. we played out, our participants played out, the points flew, well, the more interesting the final fourth period will be, so let’s move on to it. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. bobryus is one of the most fragmented cities in this country in belarus, probably something equips this animal here in this city, foreign students travel around belarus, study its history, explore
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the sights, because the city is called a bridge, which means think about it, think about it, it probably means that there is some kind of bridge here. the bridge, look, kai, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes, it’s really big, and they also share their vivid impressions.
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hello, hello, my name is svetlana, alexander, it’s very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich, and they told me, that we know each other, oh, how young i am here, you are always irresistible, secrets, good mood, so many teams, so many wives, oh well, you have such a positive face, as if that ’s why women fall in love with him , yes, accordion, beautiful, so calm, it seems. there are many more interesting educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in tokyo in the twenty-first year, a man from australia became a bronze medalist in triathlon, he was 63 years old, at the moment he is preparing for the olympic games in paris, now he will be 66 years old, and the children, well, my daughter is four years old, well, when of course, when in kindergarten, well, you’ve already put her on a horse, and she’s been on a horse since she was three weeks old, it’s amazing, sometimes it’s hard to work with him , that is, he... has some traits, i say, a hooligan,
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she says, no, not a hooligan, a good girl. to cross the finish line, you need to take 10 game steps. before making a move, the player chooses the difficulty of the question on a scale from one to three. if the answer is correct, the participant takes one, two or three steps, respectively. by distance. moreover, every 10 points of advantage over opponents gives the player the right to an extraordinary attempt. whoever crosses the finish line first will receive 50 points. the fourth period is the culmination of our project. very soon we will find out the name of the winner. friends, in this period we will walk
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in the following sequence: alexey starts with us, then vadim and vladislav closes our trio, who starts with us from the second round, since according to the rules, for every 10 points of advantage, the participant receives the right to one extraordinary attempt. good luck to all, let's start, alexey, the complexity of the question, the second level of the question. which german football club is nicknamed the goats? bayern? this is the wrong answer, the correct answer is keli, while we stand still. vadim, two. attention, this sports equipment is installed at a height of 2 m 43 cm for men and 2.24 cm for women. what sport are we talking about? let it be volleyball.
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a site that hosted modern pentathlon competitions as part of the second games
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of the cis countries. pgu. this is the wrong answer. pgufk, belarusian state university of physical education. sports, the main sports university hosted competitions in modern pitebory. alexey, third level. who became the most valuable player of the nba 22-23 regular season. no options. mm, real madrid, real madrid, this is the correct answer, two steps forward. vladislav, two. there are five player roles in basketball. point guards and attacking defenders, light and heavy forwards. name the fifth one.
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midfielder. this is the wrong answer, the right answer. alexey, second level, what is the name of a fight in which an athlete must put an opponent on his shoulder blades without using technical actions with his legs to grab the opponent’s legs. greco-roman. greco-roman wrestling is the correct answer. two steps forward. vadim, the complexity of the question. two. how often is it done? games of the cis countries, every 4 years, this is the wrong answer, they are held every 2 years. vladislav, second level. which club won the english premier league in the 22-23 season? manchester city? manchester city,
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that's right, two steps forward. alexey, second level. what is the name of the sport whose purpose? two: how many field players of one football team are on the field at the same time? 11 outfield players? 10, 10 is the correct answer, two steps forward. alexey, second
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level. round weights on both sides of a barbell in weightlifting. what is it about. here is a barbell, can you imagine what they put on the barbell, damn it, damn it, this is the correct answer, the correct answer and two steps, yes, vadim, two, the starting point of the distance in sports competitions, for example, in races, start, start, that’s right , this the correct answer, and two. forward vladislav two, name an athlete who always walks sitting, this is not so much a question as such a riddle, let’s use logic,
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a chess player, that’s right, we’re talking about chess, these are the athletes who walk. two steps forward, excellent, alexey, second level, how many games do you need to win in badminton to win a match, six games, unfortunately, this is the wrong answer, two games need to be won to win, vadim, two, what is the name of the natural the natural surface of a football field, lawn, lawn is the correct answer, we take two steps forward, be bolder, thus, it is vadim who is the first to reach the finish of the fourth period, it’s time to sum up the results of the whole game. this player was active from the very first period, and he becomes the winner. congratulations
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to vadim alexandrovich. vadim, congratulations. an excellent game, in your opinion, this is the key to success today. most likely, i was just very lucky; i came across questions to which i knew the answers, and most likely this was the key to my victory. well, as they say, the strongest are lucky, you were the strongest today. vadim, we congratulate you once again, all of our participants will receive souvenirs from our partner in the heroes project. the second season of the entertaining, extreme tv show heroes has reached a new level. now it includes the youth show heroes, in which... teams from belarus, russia, uzbekistan and slovakia participate, the adult extreme show heroes reloaded, where representatives of the show business, television, cultural and... sports industries will fight for victory. the project will be led by commentators tv channel belarus 5 anna lyubenkova, daria lukashenko, who embodied the virtual character
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yustu, and the famous russian sports commentator viktor gusiev. the show, as before, includes four stages symbolizing water, air, fire and earth, as well as the main test - the tower of heroes. don't miss the exciting exciting project heroes , watch on belarus 1 tv channel every sunday. let's finish here, my name is gennady vaitovich, you watched the intellectual sports show, head game, pump up not only your body, but also your brain.
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we are belorusty land, shchyla cut.
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the park, by itself, is forgotten
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first by the heat, hail to the earth, our light and name, hail to the peoples of the great union. our people , my moti prodino, vechlashi belarus, our beloved mother, hail, live forever, in pri, belarus, friendship people. all the strength of our people are the sacred
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owl paths of our mountains.
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good evening, panorama live broadcast, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova and about the main events of this environment, the regional and international situation, as well as cosmonautics day and...
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industry, how we master technologies and what the buyer orders, we will tell you about sales markets and service. how the arrival of investors changes life in the outback, why the result will not be long in coming, if there is a desire to work, about promising views in agriculture, a report from the northern region of the country. yes, everything, everything, how smoothly the security architecture in the european region was violated and to whom? it is beneficial to redistribute the previous foundations, we will carefully analyze how it should be and how it actually is with state control, we will check the preparation process school lunches, we will tell you about the results and shortcomings in our material, the final series for the presidential hockey cup has started, the poster in the confrontation is a wonderful metallurgist playing against brest, the president...
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alexander lukashenko is flying on a working visit to the russian federation. tomorrow in moscow there will be a meeting with russian president vladimir putin in a 1:1 format. the heads of state will discuss the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, issues requiring consideration at the highest level. focus on negotiations there will also be a regional and international situation, coordination of actions to respond to existing threat challenges; in april, alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin are planning a joint event on the occasion of cosmonautics day. the heads of state will sum up the results of the mission to the iss, where for the first time in history the crew of a union state worked. the presidents will talk with the astronauts and discuss further prospects for cooperation in the space sector. and our cosmic marina vasilevskaya is ours.


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