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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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influence on these processes, we will find out about this very soon, but we will not avoid a right turn. conservative right-wing parties are under attack through the media; attempts are being made to discredit them and portray them as radicals. however, apparently, in europe, such narratives are believed less and less, seeing what is happening with their own eyes. in belarus, work continues with citizens' appeals; senators are actively helping people solve problems. a young woman appealed to the council of the republic. ksenia shtolinkova. the girl wrote a letter addressed to the chairman of the upper house of parliament with a request to show a performance in the theater based on her play about the events of the holocaust and how important it is to preserve historical memory today. the production features the love story of a minsk artist, inscribed in the score of the events of the 20th century, in which reality and fiction, memories and dreams are closely intertwined. the appeal did not take long to arrive. already march 14 at the belarusian state youth theater. the premiere of the play took place,
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clara was here, now this work will be performed every month, the play, clara was here, is dedicated to the holocaust and specifically yam memorial, because the action of the play takes place precisely in this space, it is a story about love, about family memory, about pain, which cyclically closes in this space and develops over several decades, starting from the tragic events,
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mini-tractors are assembled here for cleaning the streets of public gardens, and also produce unique tires for belaz workers who work in the coal mines of kusbas. at the exhibition you can, if not take a ride, then feel the comfort and convenience of belarusian elevators. brand quality mogilevlift is not only known, but in demand in russia. a joint venture has been created that produces allied elevators of various modifications, from freight elevators. and
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private companies, where they can become more familiar with the products of the belarusian regions, this is a good opportunity for business communication and concluding contracts. last year, 1.1 million people visited our pavilion, this year we expect 1.5 million people, russian regions have also begun to use this site more actively. business meetings, level meetings chambers of commerce and industry, they naturally produce results specifically for the segment of medium and small enterprises, which do not always have information about the opportunities that open up in a particular russian region, so we have agreed with a number of regions that from 50 to 70 companies we will gather here on the site of our pavilion and hold joint cooperation meetings so that they can collaborate and... get to know each other.
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presented tourism potential of the mogilev region. for example, during the first during the world war, the royal headquarters of the russian empire was located in mogilev. emperor nicholas ii and his family moved to the city for a year and a half. part of the dwara, high-ranking officers and embassies of european countries. also, part of the exhibition is dedicated to the defense of mogilev during the great patriotic war, in particular to the tank battle on the buinichesky field. in addition, visitors to the pavilion can see a model of... the restored bulgakov palace. this is an architectural monument of the 16th-11th centuries. get acquainted with ancient technology, the qualities of flight from the vine. and now to the hockey the final series for the president's cup and the opponents at the decisive stage began with the battles at the full house in zhlobin, hardly anyone could have predicted. the sixth and seventh teams of the smooth season, metallurg and brest, show the fans really hot hockey. how did the first match turn out, who came out. forward in
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the series, details in the plot of alesya chichura. the final series for the president's cup started emotionally, loudly and with a scoring frenzy in the gutter, and it's no secret. the current champion, the metallurgist, is determined to complete the golden trick, moreover, the team has all the cards in its hands, starting the decisive stage in front of the home stands, the squad simply has no way back, it has long been clear that the wolves have such support that it is almost impossible for someone other than the hosts to win in zhlubina. however , the sensation of this season, the brest hockey players do not agree with this and are ready to win in any case. in the first match of the final series , none of the teams was going to play defensively; already from the start, the squads loaded the goalkeeper to the maximum on the opponent, 6
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minutes after the starting throw-in they opened check. through the efforts of alexander pod korytov, the metallurgist came forward. not even 50 seconds pass before konstantin totarenko compares the numbers on the scoreboard, but this takeover was the only one for brest. in the second period , the home team confidently took the lead, 4:1, with konstantin lukin, mikhail stefanovich and yegor starkov making their mark. everything was absolutely, well , it turned out the way the coach told us, we played defensively, on the counterattack, we caught it, we all scored a goal. in the final twenty minutes , sergei kuznetsov and vitaly pinchuk bring the score to razgromny, 6:1 in favor of metallurg. it was a good match, there were some tough moments for both sides, but let’s just say that the score seemed to be good, but for me it was just a confident 1:0 victory, which
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we will try to convey to the guys in preparation for the next match. well, i think that we simply missed due to our mistakes, the game was going pretty well until the score was 2:1. further on our air, atn projects are also available on social networks in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. see you at 8 o'clock on the first button.
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the national bank reported positive. where we'll tell you more in the next few minutes. you are watching economic news in alina studio lopot. good morning. the national bank reported a positive balance in foreign trade. it amounted to just over $23 million. foreign trade turnover came close to $15 billion, an increase of 1.3%. exports of goods continued to grow and... in january-february amounted to $6.2 billion. in belarus, inflation in march compared to february amounted to half a percent, belstat reported. the list of the most expensive products includes vegetables and chicken, but fish, on the contrary, has fallen in price by almost one and a half percent. in the non-food group the increase was higher
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total synthetic detergents, clothing and medicines. at the same time, household electrical goods have lost value. there was a noticeable increase in tourism services, by more than 7%. annual inflation. at the end of march it turned out to be 5.6%. the same figure was recorded in february. to create simple , understandable incentives for scaling their business, senators adopted innovations in the bill on entrepreneurship, here are some of them: ips will be able to change its status to a commercial organization within one day without suspending its activities. at the same time, earlier the received license and certificates and other documents will not have to be reissued. they will switch to a new commercial organization. all the rights and obligations of the former individual entrepreneur, and the working conditions will not change. bank accounts will also be re-registered in a simplified manner. in nina , the existing mechanisms will be supplemented by the possibility of providing guarantees for loans, grants from local budgets and reimbursement of part of the capital costs when implementing
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investment projects. the results on the currency and stock exchange ended with the growth of the american and chinese currencies. the russian ruble weakened towards belarusian so, the following rates have been established. according to the national bank, 26 kopecks costs a euro dollar , 3.54 for 10 yuan gives 4 rubles 50 kopecks, and 100 russian rubles costs 3.50 belarusian rubles. in belarus. over 3 years, the volume of production of import-substituting products increased by 20%. such figures lead to mineeconomics. at the end of last year, output reached $30 billion. more than half of this production is exported. small medium-sized businesses are actively involved in import substitution; their share is approaching thirds. industrial production in the eurasian economic union over 2 months grew by almost 7% compared to the same level last year. plus. fixed in all top five countries, the largest in armenia - this is over a quarter, the smallest in kazakhstan. in our country
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, industrialists increased production by more than 7%. and finally, the financial department of belarus has significantly increased the cost of precious metals in products and scrap. from april 12, citizens will receive 15 rubles more than the current price per gram of 750 gold. 900 gold has risen to almost 200 rubles. platinum and silver prices have not changed that much.


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