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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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they remained alive, the prisoners tried to stay together, villages, families, not to go far from each other, there were almost no men, many children, from zero to 15 years old, with them women and old people, there were practically no dry areas, they tried to settle the children on the hummock , there is not much water there, there are pine needles, there are fir trees, so they lay down on them and did not take shelter, and at night it was still snowing, that’s when they woke up, shoveled this snow, in general, in general, got out from under this snow.
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vashli's cleared passage to the camp territory, then this says, well, even compare how life, life, when our soldiers, through what seemed like angels, disobeyed him, when the camp was liberated, our special services discovered the agents, and that is,
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how typhus would spread. the camps in the azarichi area were liberated by the 65th army under the command of general batov and the troops of the first belarusian front under the leadership of rakosovsky. the prisoners saw soviet soldiers at dawn. those who could still move rushed towards them and were blown up by mines. the soldiers then cleared the trails and slowly began to lead them out.
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bssr, his deputy nadezhda grekova , classic of russian literature, national poet yakub kolos. the special commission reflected in its report that the air temperature in the period from march 8 to march 19 in the area of ​​​​the settlement of azarichce ranged from 0 to -15°. when... for centuries in the open air, the average life expectancy was three days; it was impossible to survive in such conditions without food, heat and water for 10 days. these commissions also became part of criminal cases against nazi collaborators from the eleventh security police
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battalion of ss troops. after the azarichi, they returned to the unit’s location in babruisk. they continued their service, and during the liberation operation of bagration, knowing that they would have to respond, they fled. from the ss, the accused talked about this during interrogation, described how they got rid of the nazi uniform and how they went to serve in the red army. they understood very well what they were saying, to whom they were saying it, and what they were getting for it, and what awaited them for it. therefore, if they already began to testify, then they told everything to the last. sometimes, even we already had it’s scary to listen to, a crime against the civilian population.
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the largest camps are aimed at exterminating the civilian population. in 1946 , during the minsk trial, one of the creators of the death camp, general richard, was sentenced to death and hanged at the minsk hippodrome. in december 1947, 16 people involved in the creation of these camps sat in the dock in gomel, but since in april 1947 the supreme soviet of the ussr abolished the death penalty, the criminals were from the wehrmacht. received each 25 years, many were released under an amnesty, without having suffered serious punishment, they hid behind the fact that this was somewhere, even for some kind of benefit of the people, or maybe they were driven away so that they would not end up on the battlefield,
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the azarians the camps are now an integral part of genocide, namely the genocide of the belarusian people, by soviet employees from the ss police battalion. they had to answer 30 years later; they were searched throughout the soviet union. kashnikov was found in the irkutsk region, he worked at bratskaya tets, dodonov lived in michurinsk, worked as an electric welder at plant named after lenin. after the war, each of them had families, children were born, those who were initially convicted of being in collaborationist formations served time, yes.
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carried out, some were sentenced to 10-15 years in forced labor
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colonies with confiscation of all property, awards they received and deprivation of military ranks. many tried, both from these former police officers and from their relatives, to appeal the sentences, saying that they were under duress...
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in units of the armed forces, practical psychology in military affairs, information security,
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unmanned aerial systems and military medicine, it is also pleasant to note that the demand among applicants for engineering specialties is growing every year, so at the military academy the aviation faculty, faculties of air defense forces, missile forces and artillery, as well as command specialties at the combined arms faculty. recently , military faculties and departments are increasingly opening in belarusian universities. why on your is the military profession so in demand today? well, the profession of military personnel has always been and remains one of the most honorable and respected in belarus. why is this happening? well, i think that in light of recent events in the world, our region in these difficult times is a profession that boys, as well as girls, choose because it comes first. investments, future high social status, career prospects , material well-being, confidence
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in the future. to date, graduating from a military educational institution guarantees a stable and decent salary and preferential loans for housing construction, medical supplies, annual leave from 30 to 45 days, well, what are not the arguments in favor of receiving a military education, military science is received not only... by representatives of the stronger sex, what specialties do they choose girls today? yes, the results of the latest admissions campaigns demonstrate that the popularity of studying at universities among girls is growing from year to year. for example, last year the competition for the specialty of practical psychology in military affairs consisted of more than five people per place. in legal work in the military sphere , there are eight people per place. well, what can we say about the points scored by girls, so in 2023. girls entered the military academy with scores of 395-396, which would definitely
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be enough for admission to any specialty in a prestigious educational institution in the country, but this year we plan to recruit more than seventy girls to military schools, well, the main recruitment will take place in the military academy of the republic of belarus. the belarusian military education system enjoys prestige abroad; representatives of which countries receive it? belarus, which is confirmed by the interest of other countries in training their military personnel. train officer cadres in almost the entire range of specialties at the level of training of military specialists. since the creation of the sovereign belarusian state
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, foreign military personnel from more than thirty countries have been trained in national military educational institutions. today in the republic of belarus is undergoing training. effective interaction of personnel at all levels of management in solving joint tasks as intended.
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good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. hello, hello, my name is svetlana, alexander, it’s very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich, and they told me that we know each other. oh, how young i am here, you always have irresistible secrets of a good mood, so many teams, so many wives. come on, you have such a positive face, as if... that’s why women fall in love with him, yes bayan, handsome, so calm, it seems, and many more interesting educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in tokyo in the twenty-first year, bronze medalist a man from australia became an eventer, he was 63 years old, until now he is preparing for the olympic games in paris, now he will be 66 years old, and the children, well, my daughter is 4 years old, well, when
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to become a horse trainer, when in kindergarten , well, you already put her on a horse, but she... with three weeks old on a horse, amazing, sometimes it’s hard for you to work with him, that is, he can be restive, yes, but you, i tolerate it all, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i was still looking for some traits, i say, a hooligan , she says, no, she’s not a hooligan, she’s a good girl, the belarusian economy is in the green zone, there are dynamics of gdp growth, drivers are industry and trade, let me remind you, according to the results of the twenty -third year, growth. industrial production was generally the maximum in a decade; a third leader was added, this is agriculture. the export potential of belarus is presented in uzbekistan; the usfood exhibition in tashkent brought together almost four hundred companies from 26 countries. belarus is in the top five among foreign exhibitors for comparison to this top five in terms of the number of companies represented at the forum. also included were
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germany, turkey, russia, and china. the launch of a spaceship was, of course, a fantastic spectacle; it was impossible to tear yourself away from the screens. it turned out that at that moment the vonison was beating in the hearts of all belarusians. marina vasilevskaya was chosen to join the main crew out of several thousand applicants. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of the construction of the barrier in belovezhskaya pushcha. what conclusion did the experts come to? experts have confirmed the negative impact on the reserve’s ecosystem. belarusian scientists are trying to minimize the environmental damage caused to belovezhskaya pushcha. it is expected that the mission report and its recommendations will be considered by the unesco world heritage committee in july forty-sixth. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, see the program events on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world
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that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for... passions, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24:7, watch everyone on our tv channel friday evening. there is one news for belarus now in the studio vladislav bundry, hello! vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus . our first cosmonauts and the team that helped make the historic flight were honored at the palace of independence today.


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