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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 11, 2024 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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and what if you come back, i’ll show you sketches, show you proposals, what i had in mind, why? i told him this: you will be in flight for 12 days, i will be in the workshop for 12 days, on a work shift, and i will also be in direct contact with you, live by this idea, i received this recharge, received approval and am waiting for their blessing after returning to the land of meeting in this workshop.
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including in one of the large pharmaceutical companies of the russian federation, we have been selected as one of the centers who work together with them and clinical trials are now being initiated on these new biological products, this is a completely different level of assistance, our organization is a member of the world federation of hemophilia and members of the european hemophilia consortium, there have been great advantages recently that have been achieved with the help of our organizations, with the help.
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competitions in this sport will take place from august 7 to 11 at the porte de versailles exhibition center. it's quarter finals time in the conference league. the top eight looks like this: victoria plesin will take on fiorentina, and brugi paok. another the representative of greece, olympiacco, will fight with the turkish fenerbakce. in foggy albion , astanvil is waiting for a visit from the french lisle. by the way, last year the winner. the return matches of this stage will be held on april 18.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around
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the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark. the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. the state security committee of belarus together with the television news agency bel tv and radio companies
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are presenting a project on the belarusian genocide people during the great patriotic war. punishment. into prosthetics, nameless and missing victims of trostenets. it is impossible to name all those hundreds of thousands of those who were shot and destroyed today. a film from a series without a statute of limitations. trostyanets. it's a different matter.
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in soviet times, a similar case was filed against every state criminal, the search for persons who collaborated with the nazis began even before the liberation of belarus, and many were convicted after the war, but only then... the state security authorities would not have found him if he had not stumbled, he engaged in theft and was
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he was prosecuted there for 5 years, after which he was released; the case file says that he got a job as a teacher in a high school. one of the most brutal policemen who operated in trostenets taught children after the war, but the truth about his service during the great patriotic war became known. known decades later, and there are dozens of such cases, having changed their surname, biography, forged documents, nazi collaborators did not think of finding themselves in the dock again. looking for order, alphabetical list, like would be top secret, where tens of thousands were punished by enemy agents, this list was in every unit of the state security agencies, but directly... there were special units that dealt with this,
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a search was going on throughout the soviet union, the criminals were betrayed by their colleagues, former police officers nazi units. during the investigation, they handed over those with whom they swore allegiance to the third reich and carried out reprisals against the civilian population in trostenets. confrontations were held with already convicted persons from them, so let's say parts. and under the weight of that irrefutable evidence, yes, in the end they all confessed that they were directly involved in the extermination in trosyanets. during the interrogation of one of the policemen, he pointed out to this deshner that there was such a translator, and then an active punisher, so i personally saw the trophy.
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it was not enough to identify a nazi collaborator, it was necessary to prove his involvement in the murders of civilians and punitive actions, to find witnesses to specific episodes of crimes, this is quite a long process process. investigative activities began. after the search for the arrest of the accused , the central archive of the state security committee stores several criminal cases, accused in which they were involved in the extermination of people in trestyants and the minsk ghetto. these are hundreds of volumes. affairs. they were classified in soviet times;
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during the period of the already independent belarusian state, the information that was classified during the existence of the soviet union was assigned to the state secretaries of the republic of belarus. about the crimes committed in trostyanets it became known immediately after the liberation of belarus. in july, an emergency state commission began work, which included the chief. surgeon of the red army, colonel general of the medical service, academician nikolai burdenko, photographic evidence in criminal cases. arriving here on july 14, and certain places were still smoking, that is, barns, the bodies of prisoners, they were burning out, that is, they literally.
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places of forced detention, concentration camps, prisoner of war camps and death camps. it included all forms, it was the largest nazi camp in the occupied territory of the soviet union. historians often call this belarusian camp auschwitz, because really everything in this camp was killed. these were spontaneous murders, these were planned murders of both prisoners of war and civilians, participants in the underground struggle, citizens of different nationalities; of course, the jews were the first to come under attack from the nazis. the camp territory
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occupied 200-250 hectares. the first prisoners were soviet prisoners of war. it was their hands that actually created the infrastructure of the labor camp. they developed the area they themselves spent the night in dugouts, which looked more like holes. the first commandant of the camp, eduard straoch, decided to create a favorable picture for the prisoners. people who arrived here in may of '42 first of all saw flowering trees, a lake, the bright green of young grass, a peaceful landscape that did not even hint at a slow motion. destruction, an ideal rural topography that became the topography of nazi terror in occupied territory. land of the karl marx collective farm near the village maly trostenets was chosen for the forced detention of people, its convenient location from a logistics point of view, advantageous access roads; jews deported from western europe were brought here.
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such beautiful girls were traveling, such women, he was, he was 16 years old, he... echelons from germany, in meetings between aslovakia and poland, each had about a thousand people, but in nazi documents they... in pieces, then their sorted, selected specialists of strong, healthy people, about 80-100 people, the rest were subject to destruction, an entire school, children and teachers were taken from küln to minsk, the journey from germany to belarus took several days, during which the children sent postcards to their parents with views of ancient cities and asked
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them to send a certificate of completion of courses to minsk in order to receive here... .more profitable work, because they were sure that they were simply being resettled, but upon arrival in minsk they were killed on the same day. the maly trostenets camp was under the jurisdiction of the sd; various workshops were located on the territory repair of shoes, clothes, farmland. they served not only, for example, the sd security police service, they practically served the entire city, first of all, food products. the second is construction materials, because even in this territory there was a small asphalt plant, as they write, they worked from 12 to 15 hours a day, that is, this is forced labor in local fields, in craft workshops, in a stable, in a mill , from the clearing
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, everything is on the bunks, straw at most, food, well, at a minimum. it was a conveyor belt, so who was able to work, he who worked, who , at least for some time, showed that he was not able to do this, he was subject to destruction. initially, the camp was guarded by the volks deutsche, ethnic germans who lived in the soviet union, and then they were joined by various police units. ukrainian policemen and this is not just one person. he told us, well, then they said that there were these, well, they call them moldovans, there are latvians, there are some others, but naturally, we also learned the names of some of our policemen. the labor camp guards are not was constant, rotation occurred periodically. the policemen lived in the village of maly trostenets. this house has survived to this day, although it is dilapidated.
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there was a dining room a few houses away. here is the trasilez camp, yes, these are three points. so that there would be no more escapes, so it would also be very difficult to escape from this camp, the occupation authorities organized a school of saboteurs in the camp, exact information about who exactly they were? no, they could have been prisoners of war, civilians, jews, but the fact of the school’s existence cannot be denied. those the persons they selected were subject to
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recruitment to send them to partisan formations in order to identify their location and strength. the criminal case contains the testimony of witness tamara albukh. she describes in detail the location of the camp. from the mogilev highway the prisoners walked along. cemetery, behind it there was an entrance to the territory, to the right of the road, about ten meters away, a two-story stone bunker, its remains have been preserved to this day. people walked along the poplar alley, planted by the hands of soviet prisoners of war. it led to the farm buildings workshops barracks. it is called strauch alley, as it was the idea of ​​the camp commandant, but for the prisoners it became the road to death, there was no turning back. well, the five-year-old boy didn’t let go of his hand. talk, don’t let go, translate, translated, he’s on his mother, bury him alive, in a hole, he threw him,
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the german, well, mother, who’s going to bury him, he shoots her, pushes her there, buries him alive with the child, for during the existence of trostenets, 206.5 people died here, this is data from the emergency state commission, but it is necessary... understand that most of the victims were never in the camp itself. the labor part was essentially a barracks where prisoners who went to work were forcibly kept. during all this time, in this place, in the labor camp, there were from 200 to 900 prisoners, who were periodically subject to replacement, the rest were brought to trostenets to be killed. there are three mass destruction sites in the vicinity. the blagovshchina tract is a couple of kilometers from the labor camp, to the left of the highway. the people
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who were brought to the forest area near the mogelev highway have already been sentenced to destruction. the nazi decision was not subject to appeal. the unloading place in german documents is indicated a few steps from the fork, these are the meters of the last path. it was impossible to escape, people were surrounded by a security ring. those sentenced to death were brought to the ditches, where the firing squad was waiting for them; no one came out of blagovshchina alive. according to the recollections of residents of the large trostenets, which is located just a couple of kilometers from the blagovshchina tract, mass killings here began in the fall of forty-one. the cold winter stopped the process. it was difficult to dig trenches, but already in the spring of '42 , the conveyor belt of death was in full operation.
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children were lifted up by their legs and hit with their heads against pillars, and that’s how they were killed. people were taken from the minsk ghetto, from the novolodarsky prison, underground members, connected partisan detachments of hostages, that’s the name of people who were simply grabbed on the streets in retaliation for the killed german soldiers. on a day , the police could make up to seven flights from minsk to blagovshchina; each car was in order. 50 people, after the explosion in the sd canteen in in september 1943, the nazis carried out a punitive action in retaliation, the victims were residents of arkticheskaya, the first and second
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white sea streets, they actually destroyed an entire block, thousands of people, people were grabbed at night, their families were taken away in trucks, there were not enough gas chambers for mass actions, at the disposal of the minsk sd, at that time there were four gas vans for destruction in blagovshchina. people were unloaded, killed and waited for the next train. between train trips
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the tract was worked.
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and it had to be collected in order to bake worked efficiently, most often work teams did this, people collected ashes, loaded them onto stretchers and took them out to the fields, fertilizing the land for a future abundant harvest, later these people were also burned in piles, people were brought in gas chambers while they were being transported from the minsk prison and camps on the broad side of trostenets, people were already dead, those who
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remained alive'. were shot and thrown into a pit, i had to get acquainted with the interrogation protocols of german prisoners of war who personally operated these gas chambers, the drivers, from him there was a lever behind the cab, the valve was switched and the exhaust gases went into this tin-covered, closed body, although i personally read the interrogation report when... a german fascist soldier admits that this was an atrocity against humanity, i did not know, he says that i was carrying in this car, these are the moments. the third place of mass destruction was the barn that the prisoners saw at the entrance to the camp; here, literally a few days before the liberation of belarus, 6,500 people were killed. the nazis began to take the blacksmiths of the camp to this barn along a wide street in minsk.
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