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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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animals from the danger zone on boats , water is pumped out from flooded areas with pumps. in orsk, the water has receded significantly; more than 5,000 houses remain flooded. in the kurgan region, where the flood situation is predicted to worsen, emercom aircraft delivered 2 km of prefabricated dams. almost 100,000 people, 3,600 of them children, have been evacuated in kazakhstan since the beginning of large-scale floods. at temporary points. local emergency, 67 settlements remain cut off from outside world, in the affected areas roads were washed out, bridges were destroyed, thousands of houses were drowned. a rainy weekend is expected in belarus, tomorrow there will be short-term precipitation in most areas, thunderstorms are possible in places, but... during the day the temperature
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is contrasting from 10 degrees in the north and up to +20 in the south of the country. on sunday morning and afternoon, weather conditions in belarus will be determined by atmospheric fronts, from the cyclone, which is moving from the south of scandinavia to the gulf of finland. short rains are expected in most parts of the territory, with thunder in some places. thunderstorms strong gusty winds are also expected in most parts of the country during the daytime. nighttime lows will be +5 -11°, daytime highs. will range from +13° in the north to +23 in the south. at the beginning of next week, there will be less precipitation, rain will fall only at night in the southeast, during the day in the north of the country, while strong gusty winds are expected, up to 8 degrees celsius at night, and up to +16 in the daytime. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00 . with this i say goodbye to you, all the best and have a nice weekend.
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unter less than the new order, why in the west they started dividing people by quality again, who is lobbying for the next shingle on hosting? the question is, does nato want to continue to sit in its park, or is it still ready to try to break out into the jungle? mina zelensky's usurpation of power left the jester without money . we will discuss what will happen next with the politician who predicted the coup in ukraine. could it be? an offensive is possible,
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if a large group is assembled, the fooling of the europeans reaches a new level, even goebbels did not know that this was possible. will belarus seize part of poland and lithuania, this is exactly what alexander lukashenko proposes. right turn the european union is on the threshold of global transformation. we lost the first world war, we lost the second world war, we won’t win the third world war either, dear friends. billionaires are rapidly going underground, why all over the world? premium bunkers are being built. trends in the new world order are events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times. what should each of us pay attention to? let's figure it out together. onter is less than the new order. russian a eugenic term describing second-class citizens. that is, you and i were actively used in the rhetoric and propaganda
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of the third reich: with the help of such terms , the process of dehumanizing political rivals or potential enemies is underway. not a single person with a healthy psyche will kill another person, but provided that there is something in front of you that does not have the traits characteristic of a person, it is much easier to carry out the order. why this excursion into the ideological tricks of the nazis, you ask. the point is that large-scale world conflict always has a certain trigger stages of development. dehumanization of opponents is an integral part of the whole process. we are once again being made out to be inferior untermenschs. allegorical opposition is increasingly used in the rhetoric of western politicians. blooming garden and jungle. the civilized west and the dense east. as you understand, wild animals a priori live in the jungle. stefanie babst is one of those calling for a speedy solution to this problem.
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let me express myself a little it’s provocative to say: the question is, does nato want to continue sitting in its zoo, or is it still ready to try to break out into the jungle? this is a bit of an exaggeration, but exactly... it’s a sin to complain. the next stage of this process was the construction of a new airfield in romania. it has already been dubbed the unsinkable aircraft carrier on the black sea. the inevitable capitulation of the kiev regime, which... is indirectly confirmed even by the ukrainian armed forces, does not mean at all that the west intends to raise the white flag. the white house and its loyal subjects they are actively developing a backup plan in which new countries will be involved in the fight against russia. it is not surprising that in kiev they began to seriously say that those who fueled
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the fire of the ukrainian conflict are now actively draining the country and preventing its accession to nato. absolutely all allies support this decision, except for two countries. since this information has become public, the us and germany are now trying to pay attention to other skeptical allies such as hungary and slovakia, but the key position of these two countries. but who are the lucky ones who are predicted to repeat their independent fate? potential volunteers include romania, moldova and poland, and the aja times published an article by former assistant deputy secretary of defense stephen bryan. it states that moldova could soon become a springboard for nato. the analyst assumes that in the worst case scenario, part of the ukrainian territories will be occupied by russia, and the west will go to poland or will be divided between it and other neighbors. in this case, nato will need
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a counterbalance to a russian victory, which could mean increased defense of odessa and the threat of attacks or advances on crimea. the eu has already allocated 41 million euros. to support the army, however, so far in chisinau they are disowning such forecasts. any kind of speculation about any representatives of the armies of third countries is banal speculation. surprisingly, i completely forgot that there are already at least american and romanian military forces on the territory of the country, joint exercises 2024 have been launched. the purpose of the maneuvers is joint training and exchange. between special forces soldiers, as well as increasing the level of interoperability, and moldova’s neutral status may be canceled with the loss of independence. more and more often , politicians are hearing ideas about uniting chisinau with bucharest. i support
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the merger. i have no prohibition, this is my right. yes, i continue to believe in the unification of moldova and romania, that this will happen in the european union. the republic of moldova is stable thanks to the help of romania. this is true. romanians live in moldova, like me, like you, history has created injustice, but i can't change the past. but in bucharest they clearly want to change the present. the romanian ministry of defense has submitted for discussion a defense bill, according to which it will be possible to send troops to other countries to protect romanian citizens in response to... hybrid threats. moreover, in the country, after fifteen years of mothballing , the arsenal factory for the production of artillery guns with a caliber of 152 mm will be restarted. and the mihail cagolniceanu airbase plans to become a command and control center for nato troops in
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southeastern europe. 2.5 billion will be invested in it euro. new access roads and energy infrastructure facilities are currently being built. runway, a residential complex for 10,000 military personnel with families has been built. by 2040, the air city will become the largest in europe, twice the size of the famous us air force base, ramstein in germany. the united states is forming such, you know, expendable troops of natives, the ukrainians are running out, we need to bring up the second echelon, in the second echelon we will have romania, perhaps poland, here... they will even try to involve moldova in every possible way, they are actively working with the government of moldova, establish interaction. as for poland, even without preliminary caresses, it is ready at any moment to grab
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a weapon at the command of the fas. no wonder warsaw constantly declares the creation of the most powerful army in europe. as confirmation, multi-billion dollar purchases of military equipment in south korea and. the united states, but most importantly, nato is using polish territory as a training ground for the largest military maneuvers ever held on european soil. and if plan b... doesn’t work, then the west is developing option c: the hour is uneven, when the nato flag can begin to develop next to the sacred mountain of all armenians, rarat, even though it belongs to turkey, but the small proud people continue to consider it theirs. the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich
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won bronze in the fifth of the season's final stage of the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. very i worked a lot, i worked towards this, it’s my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last. will work. i do n't think there was a game.
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over the past 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. why do the cia and mi-6, who finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev, not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did it all, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns and the swedes.
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the romanian aircraft carrier is part of the white house’s long-term strategy, which we spoke about in detail in one of the program’s episodes almost a year ago, predicting this trend. the consistent resuscitation of the greater romania project is in conjunction with a similar imperial project in poland. the washington, warsaw, bucharest axis is building a new architecture for the european region. one of the stages in the development of this scene.
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not to cause much controversy or discussion, everything is on the surface and in the statements of western
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politicians. indeed, the only thing worse than a war with the anglo-saxons is friendship with them. complete lies and double standards, fabulous money promised to ukrainians as an incentive for participating in local assaults turned out to be gardon’s pyramid. disabled people and college students are left to their fate. people who gave their health for zelensky are forced to beg on the streets . i don’t withdraw payments, all my savings are accumulated it’s over, friends, i will require your help, forget how much money i will give you a lot. over the years of us hegemony, the rhetoric of press secretaries of relevant ministry departments has contained one very capacious term: collateral damage, as they traditionally describe the millions of civilians killed
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during their humanitarian bombings. today , ordinary ukrainians also fall into this category. finding themselves on the sidelines of life in their own country, while some are fattening and making money from the war, buying up real estate around the world, others have to rejoice at expired sausages, people eat this sausage, really, it’s not for cats and dogs, here they eat 90% of everything, everything is expired, but it can smell, but what can you do, a pension of 2-3, that ’s how we live, i left fresh , well, expired, expired. the inhumane attitude towards its own citizens on the part of the kiev regime is beyond understanding. temporary workers do not value anyone, neither military nor civilian. it seems that ukrainians are not compatriots for them, only a tool for enrichment. let's discuss the situation with a politician who once sounded the alarm,
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standing behind the podium of the verkhovna rada, warning of an impending coup. hello, oleg. in ukraine they are actively discussing the upcoming battles for kharkov, why there is no centralized evacuation, what do you think this is connected with, can there be an offensive, maybe if a large group is assembled, what kind of group should there be in order to take such a large regional center as well, probably from 3000 and above, with equipment, with tanks and everything else, is it possible to gather such troops and so that no one knows about it?
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as you know, the constitution of ukraine states that the president is elected by direct popular elections for a term of 5 years. 5 years from the moment of inauguration expires on may 20, on march 30 there should be the first round of the next presidential elections, now a unique situation has developed in ukraine, when there are no elections, the verkhovna rada adopted a law that obviously contradicts the constitution.
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did not do any of the above, in response to the persistent desire to make a choice, he said that we, a warring country, have no money, if you if you want us to hold elections, give us 5 billion
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dollars, we will hold elections, he didn’t hold elections then, but in fact, he suspended himself, today he is completely dependent on the united states, he is worth it only or not only, even to any european leader, suddenly on some issue...
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he resembles a truck driver who is driving at full speed into a concrete wall, there is no bus, because there is a passenger behind him, and the bus driver is trying, hoping to jump out in front of the concrete wall, and the passengers, residents of ukraine, may not jump out, but deputies, officials are trying to get rid of zelensky, to get rid of it, to disown it, that’s why people like sergei shafir are leaving... winding down their business, leaving ukraine, believing that nothing good will happen, the war is bad, the end of the war will generally be a disaster in ukraine , return to the front line, there is no work, the economy is not
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working, the head of the administration of the president’s office, ermak, is gathering all the power in his hands, at the beginning there were about five or six teams that formed all the power around zelensky, now there is only one ermak left. thank you for your opinion. indeed, everyone who has the opportunity is trying to leave the ship with the withered captain. zelensky is backed into a corner, understands his prospects and is ready for the most desperate decisions. if earlier in kiev they tried not to notice macron’s initiative to legalize western military personnel on the territory of ukraine, now the situation forces them to promote this issue with the remains of legitimacy. zelensky actually officially acknowledged the involvement in an interview.
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well, in all honesty, the details i don’t feel any discussion between macron and partners, i even want to almost say emanuel, but i want to explain to you my attitude, i can’t say publicly today, so let the army be in the light. come to ukraine and fight. we have to carry out voluntary actions, if people from other affiliations, and not just affiliations, in particular, from other communities, come and fight for ukraine. ukraine will not be against it at all, since it wants to help ukraine. for our country, one way or another, this is an increase in tension in the region, and means a threat to national security. recently, the head of the sbu vasily yamalyuk confirmed that there was a terrorist attack at the machulishche airfield in belarus.
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a dangerous flyer that operated with deep radar across the territory of ukraine. it was obviously sabotage and the radar system was corrupted and put out of order completely, and so on. tobto a50 - the same a50 of the past machulishchi aerodrome in the republic of belarus. the former head of the sbu valentin explained to us even earlier about who prepared the attack and exercised direct patronage over the operation. nalyvaichenko, he admitted that in 2014 he personally invited the cia for these purposes. sensational material from the new york times about how our international partners, the intelligence services of the cia, mi-6, the usa, britain, worked and work in ukraine for the safety of our citizens, for our national. take care of those that did not make it into the material, that is, since the 14th rock, since the 24th year , in fact, the 14th rock, i have rightly renewed such a partnership with the cia, with '.
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attention, question: how will the intensity of hybrid attacks from the territory of ukraine increase with the situation around the suwalki corridor is also adding to the increase in the number of nato instructors and specialized intelligence services. the western media are diligently inflating such phantom pergolas, they have pulled hundreds of armored vehicles into the region and significantly increased the number of personnel, and in response... belarus is being presented as aggression and preparation for war. restless belarusians are attacking the european union with its borders wide open. without visas for neighbors, no one would clearly tolerate such aggression from official minsk expected. we had to urgently take retaliatory measures and occupy defensive lines. barbed wire and dragon teeth are integral attributes of the free world.
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european gardeners. they carefully protect fictitious narratives under a canopy of lies and propaganda, forming their own phantom pergola. a similar situation is unfolding around the notorious suwalki corridor. a section of territory stretching about 100 km between poland and lithuania in the offices of the north atlantic alliance is called nothing less than a nato hot spot. and firewood they throw false narratives into this fire with their own hands. in belarus they give it clearly. don’t believe anyone that we want to fight, we are preparing for war, i speak about this frankly, if you want peace, prepare for war, i didn’t come up with it, this is very correctly said, if someone howls from there criticizes us, you know, we do it’s right if
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trouble starts praising us there. can you imagine what happens in the mind of a person who is fed such liquid without unnecessary sentimentality? and it’s the belarusians who haven’t even advanced to the dacha yet shovels and cuttings, there will certainly be enough material for a good documentary film about the preparations for the storming of
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nato headquarters. sometimes it's what we think it is. for greater authenticity, they take out kept women of belarusian origin from their pockets, who are ready to confirm that they personally stroked dinosaurs and shook the claws of aliens. i have information that the scenario of the use of tactical nuclear weapons and a military operation aimed at lithuania is being seriously considered. the main problem is that it's not just spring aggravation, systematic and... methodical work in relation to our state. belarus is demonized in the eyes of western society not out of idle curiosity or idleness. an information curtain is needed for specific tasks. while they present us as hawks with an army that barely exceeds 60 thousand including civilian personnel, poland alone has increased the number of bayonets to 200,000. add to this the nato contingent in the region and you can easily answer the question: who
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will destabilize security. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia had a master of veterinary sciences evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinarians treat humanity. we also prepare a pharmacist, this is our only one.
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if you don’t get us pregnant, then no one will help us, bykova is of course an authority, but you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break, the stimulation lasts for 2 hours, we’ll go now, seryozh, if we don’t have time now, dear verochka and sergey, you have lived
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together for 10 years, it probably seems to you that you know each other well, that you are from me you want, what do you want to know, but it was and was, consider it a past life? watch the series attempt at faith on the belarus 24 tv channel . pumping up western society with similar meanings is like another declaration of us as underminer, links in the same chain. by blocking belarusian russian television, they removed alternative opinions
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, eliminated the possibility of discussion, and actually plunged their citizens into an echo chamber, where they tirelessly spin the same narratives, passing them off as the truth, which they themselves confirm. goebbels would simply be jealous of how they brainwash europeans and justify another shingle on hosten. but as has happened in history, a resistance movement is brewing. i want to say absolutely clearly: ukraine is not the seventeenth federal state of germany, dear friends. taxpayers' hard-earned money should stay in our country. and if you look at the numbers, that's 6 billion euros in benefits for more than 1 million. ukrainians per year, 22 billion in military aid since the beginning of the conflict, all this was provided by german taxpayers, 19 billion euros in within the framework of eu assistance and another 200 billion euros are planned. the economic costs of the war on
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ukraine, which germany must pay together with the european union. dear friends, these tax revenues are for our children, our pensioners, our middle class, our farmers, our artisans. it's on us. historical responsibility, i will only say one thing: we lost the first world war, we lost the second world war, we won’t win the third world war either, dear friends. in such an environment, complete a split in society, europe is approaching the election campaign. elections to the european parliament will take place in june, the first since britain left the family of european nations. this education will definitely never be the same again. how stable is the ear on feet of clay? studio with analyst and famous blogger from switzerland, alexandre pesquet. hello, alexander, how do you assess the socio-political situation in europe on the eve of the parliamentary elections? the mood, of course, among the residents of the european union
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is very different, because the countries that are countries, members, participants of this supranational assembly, still have a little, well, diverse, let’s say, but problems, yes, if countries. south, and countries such as greece or italy have one of the main problems of everyday life, for example, migration, yes, migration flows that from the east or from africa lead through these countries, of course the population in these countries, and the government is in order tired of this one-sided load, through migration in their countries. within the european union, i don’t know anymore over the last eight or nine years , the situation has been intensively discussed, a variety of solutions have been proposed, but the solutions, you know, are not more or less fair,
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because some eu countries refuse to accept migrants, well, countries like poland, hungary, and the baltic states, well they still willingly accept refugees from ukraine to this day. but they don’t want any migrants from distant non -european countries, since this covid story, we just, well, elementary, from the canopy of our own bags, we know, we we understand that they are the same. 100 euros could buy two bags of food, but we always eat, plus or minus the same thing, now with the same 100 euros you can fill only one bag with food, of course this situation simply does not pass people by, there is of course such a conflict, who will win in the end, the tv or the refrigerator, and you know, until recently the tv was in the lead in this fight, but the refrigerator is starting to catch up with it and people are done.
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right votes, so that also when appointing within the framework of the same european parliament, will the new leadership of the european union have enough power to have such a significant, significant influence on these processes. we will find out about this very soon, but we will not avoid the right turn. will
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ursulov be able to retain her seat in the european parliament, who can compete with her? yes, yes, yes, in fact, this is one of these key points, yes, what exactly these elections to the european parliament will bring, fundamental, because well, like changes in the leadership of the european union or not, and ursula. she occupies a key position, of course, so precisely in the executive branch, and in the executive branch of the european union, and - in her place , many people want to install another person, but ms. fondeline, in fact, is very experienced, very experienced - this is a bureaucrat, she brilliantly masters the art of behind-the-scenes struggle, has a chance to stay in this positions in brussels. you see, she has
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a lot of allies in the european bureaucracy, because well, she, like a caring mother, fertilized and watered her brussels gardens and a number, a number of politicians have already taken root there, maybe we are them we don’t see it, that is, on tv screens, but nevertheless, its bureaucratic or administrative resource in brussels cannot be underestimated; manfred weade has a grudge against it. this is a deputy from germany from the union of christian democrats and the bavarian, and sister party, this was the person whom mrs. merkel favored 5 years ago, and who lost precisely in the battle for this place at the top of the pyramid, the power pyramid, he is still, he is still weaving intrigues in the european parliament itself, of which he is a member, he still enjoys the support of... namely germany, germany is the
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german government, olaff scholz will not support mrs. fondelein, as she was told, that’s the most interesting thing, yes, the german leadership does not want to support the german woman in this position, but just the bright candidates now who are ready to throw down the gauntlet, unnoticed by mrs. fondelaen, they are still sitting in ambush, these people must come to the surface. just before the parliamentary elections in europe, thank you, alexander. while european politicians digging a hole for themselves with anti-people statements and the same actions, billionaires go straight to the root and dig even deeper. the richest people on the planet have embraced the trend of building underground shelters. do they know anything about upcoming events, or is it just plain old? panic from the cold war period,
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it’s not possible to clarify personally, one way or another billions are going into the ground. there are two widespread and equally naive misconceptions. first, money can buy everything, first of all, safety, second, the earth only becomes more expensive, since the lord no longer creates it. if this were so, then the most expensive property would be in the center of babylon. it increased its price for 500 years, and of course, in stores we would pay with clay credit cards, where the owner’s name is written in cuneiform, but how could it be otherwise, the sumerians were the first rich people? history teaches, teaches the masters of the world, that it has no rulers, there are only slaves, but even so, the current fruitocracy is firmly convinced that
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everything can be bought, and most importantly, eternal life and complete security. of course, merchants of similar a huge amount of gypsy gold appeared. we can never predict or control what will happen to the world, but our first instinctive action is always the same: to protect those we love. the swiss bunker builders know for sure that billionaires don’t like little people, but maybe they love at least someone, it’s unlikely, otherwise our world wouldn’t be a giant pump converting natural resources into money, that is, the total into... opidum proposes to billionaires the construction of giant shelters under their own palaces. in truth, this is an option for the poor among the plutocrats. those with really big money prefer to hide in remote places, where there is not a single living soul at all; even if you ride for a week, you won’t get anywhere. so, what are
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owners offered to fill their underground shelters with? these are time capsules that are supposed to deliver the most important things from our world to the world of the future through centuries of chaos. destruction of death. we strive to provide a refuge for our dear people, where they will be reliably protected, will be safe and will avoid the attention of enemies. at this will give them the opportunity to enjoy all the comforts of their home, surrounded by the things that are most dear to them. that is, from the 100 centuries of torment and creation that our civilization has lived through , the people of the future will inherit neither books, nor paintings, nor statues, but most likely only... from a cart, a watch from potek filip to a cellar with expensive wine and whiskey. it is known that zuckerberg is building himself an estate on the hawaiian island of kauai for 100 million. this is already a remote place that would simply be spared a ballistic missile, but in addition, somewhere in the underground depths a bunker of 500 square meters will be cut down.
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it is known about the owners of amazon, google and other owners of silicon valley that they fell in love with new zealand. this is a country of sheep and hobbits, it seems to be an enemy to no one in the world, but there are radioactive clouds here. they won’t crawl, even for them this is too long and boring a journey. the past generation of planetary plutocracy trusted the reliability of the american rockies. all sorts of kochs and warburgs dug their shelter there. however, over the past half century in the united states the billionaires on kuraleseli are so well founded that they obviously do not hope to hide there even underground, and the new money is going to be buried in the new zealand bowels forever and ensure an autonomous existence for themselves and, if necessary, for their own. topidum life support systems are an invisible shield, it works with the reliability of a swiss watch, protecting loved ones and things dear to us is a basic human instinct, our shelter is the best, full of luxury and the answer to any challenge, we will provide protection from any
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threats, from ballistic missiles , environmental disasters and civil unrest. opidum - security without sacrifice, comfort without compromise. this is precisely where the fatal mistake of all these constructions lurks. plotocrats are firmly convinced that the scheme of whoever has the money controls the world is easily scalable. the world can be reduced a million times, everything in it will remain the same. gold power will remain with the previous owners. in fact, the head of security will be servile, even though he has a gun and zuckerberg has the biceps of a teenager. and the servants will continue to bring plates and glasses, although we ourselves have always dreamed of eating black caviar and drinking mutonro. and you will pay them in dollars of the disappeared us in bitcoins, which you cannot even take into your hands. here you begin to understand that the tower of babel is not only a metaphor for a linguistic split, no, it is also about a social split. the higher ones need force to force the lower ones into submission; when it disappears, the entire social
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hierarchy crumbles. the bunkers of billionaires are the same as luxury real estate in the downtown of ancient babylon; it is valued, protected, and inherited. rises in price only as long as the existing order is maintained. then zuckerberg and bezos, swaying, will hang for some time on the branches of a spreading tree, just like their ancient colleagues once did, firmly convinced that gold will save them and protect them from any dangers of trouble. you can’t forbid living beautifully, but judging by the psychosis, everything should be in moderation, otherwise you’ll just... languish over gold significantly below sea level. security and confidence in the future are definitely not achieved alone. after all, there will always be someone who will confidently knock on your door with a sledgehammer. super. reliable and expensive bunker. only by joining forces and reaching new heights can we ensure a stable future for ourselves and our
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children. history is a witness to this. that's all for today, it was the trends program, disparate facts packaged into a single concept. until next time. for our company, vodka quality is a way to once again express ourselves to the whole world that we produce world-class products. during the first days of my work , it so happened that i ended up at a facility under construction, i, as a young worker, am impressed the scale of this construction, all these volumes are still before my eyes, of course, the food
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security of the country is an integral part of my work, there will be the production of fertilizers, there will be harvests, the people will be fed and happy. our main goal is the safe conduct of the technological process, the production of a high-quality product, looking at our product, you understand how beautiful it is, because all the granules are the same size and this is achieved not by sifting, but through painstaking work, setting up equipment, more than one person, our entire enterprise, and the goal of the well-being of our people, if these conditions are met, then there will be well-being, i am proud... the quality of the product that we produce, this year a quality mark was approved in belarus, it has five components, our product
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meets all the criteria, this means that our product is worthy of the quality mark, in the future for our enterprise i wish stable work, continuous development, to finally reach this cherished goal, to build a nitrogen complex, well, save the following... the team, after all, this can be said to be a gas-forming enterprise for our city, therefore its development, its stable work is very important, nitrogen will work, the city will live formidable, their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich.
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she is plasticine, but i tried to sculpt her into something right away. 12 years ago, when we bought this house, it was in very poor condition, we restored it all with our own hands, planted christmas trees, planted trees, see the poleshuki project, that is, the mentality poleshuk will still get it, he will pass on this legacy, what he has inherited from time immemorial will be passed on to his generation, on the tv channel... belarus 24, you and
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i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodern everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence. because it’s logical to somehow explain why a man is appointed to the post of such a huge state, grandfather who doesn’t remember his name, this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for such a life of prayer, you just won’t feel comfortable somehow, monastic life is not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s a front line, god bless speaks with every heart in private, every person is an individual, tell me the project , don’t be silent, forgive me new releases on the belarus24 tv channel. tv channel belarus24
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presents food has never been simpler at all times. a person wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that would show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world is yes will change, she will share before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, well, well, in belarus this recipe has been preserved, this is a hunters' recipe, duck in a pot in a worldly way resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also ...
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let me love you, like a flower in the field, like a young apple that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, let me
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love you. may i love you for the song that i can hear, for the hearty laughter that is the most precious ring, for the clear eyes, for the young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear daughter-in-law, let
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us recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. the temple at mosary is a dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsyi. let's look at their history and important facts. the era that he lived in was a turning point, just as the 790th year was known to rach paspalitaya, and with this we say, it happened and became known, ending with the baroque style, and all
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historic kryntsy here are taking us away from the paeina such a dead end, because in the past the documentament to the architects would have been the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who he is is unknown. glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give something new to the aryginal. on our tv channel.
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dj's music. are you ready for today's meeting with our guest? oleg viktorovich, what do you expect from the children you will meet now? well, i probably expect a lot interesting questions that i will be happy to answer. are you ready to promise that you will answer all questions completely honestly? i'll be crystal honest. well then , good luck. today our guest is the hero of russia. federation, cosmonaut pilot, oleg novitsky,
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oleg viktorovich, you have the right to refuse to answer the question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself. time has passed! born october 12, 1971 in the city of cherven, minsk region, it is very close to minsk, literally 60 km, i graduated from high school, since childhood i dreamed of becoming a military pilot, i prepared very hard for this, and i was lucky to enter the borisolevsky higher military pilot school. after graduation, he served for a long time in the north caucasus, applied for... the air academy , after graduating from the academy, he learned that he was recruiting for the cosmonaut corps, during his work at the cosmonaut training center he completed three flights into outer space, completed three spacewalk, i'm currently preparing for...


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