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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people. went to the polling stations, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed the unity of russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate or understand this, but this is simply different. the regions that do not stop terrorizing ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, have broken all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. average turnout amounted to more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? the end of the war, the end? everyone's standards
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are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here that doesn't comply with generally accepted laws. in both russia and belarus , we hold elections primarily for the citizens of our countries, instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western sham, we have another word , justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. this historical moment: beykanur cosmodrome, march 23, 2024, 15:36. the first citizen of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, flies into space. with her is the most experienced commander, a native of belarus, a roscosmos cosmonaut who has walked into outer space three times, oleg novitsky, astronaut tracy dyson. and 51 years after the first
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native of belarus, peter klimuk, here he is the first citizen of a sovereign and independent belarus. some 6 seconds will pass and only a small dot will remain from a huge rocket of 300 tons, the rocket disappears behind the clouds after 2 minutes, the first stage, then the second after 5 minutes, then the third, but the main thing will happen in 9.5 minutes the separation of the transported ship, there is our marina vasilevskaya, her launch into space has officially begun,
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the decision of the presidents of the two countries. this is archival footage. alexander lukashenko visits the energia rocket and space corporation, they talked about the prospects for cooperation, the possible launch of a joint belarusian-russian space satellite, and there for the first time, alexander lukashenko will say that an astronaut from belarus will definitely fly to space. 20 years will pass.
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scientists, the presidential administration, roscosmos, the commission was interdepartmental, they interrogated with passion, studied biography, education, assessed personal qualities, they must be belarusian, they must be modest, there was no impudence, complacency, there is already such excessive self-confidence, although we set the task that if you have already been selected and you get into the cosmonaut corps, then you have to endure everything there and you cannot leave the race, you cannot leave the race, no matter how difficult it is for you it wasn’t, it will be unbearable, you say, that’s it, i can’t go on, but i can’t quit the race, less than thirty people were chosen, they went to the star city according to the schedule,
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passed a medical examination, then the fight continued only for six. i remember the visit of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko to the training center. cosmonaut of the roscosmos state corporation. there were six of them, i met with the head of the belarusian state, yuri ivanovich borisov, the head of the roscosmos state corporation, and the heads of the training center. and he was very much like that a meaningful, warm conversation, but first of all, we saw how marina vasilevskaya passed an exam or a special unique centrifuge test when her own weight increases. to 7 8 9g and it was amazing to watch how this very brave, courageous person endured it with such a feeling as if it were some kind of easy exam either at school or in an educational institution, and it was clear that the person
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approached it with all responsibility the task that was set for her by the leadership of the republic of belarus, well, she fulfilled the tasks, yes without forgetting the sensations. tests for astronauts, a centrifuge, not everyone passes, but those who... with a 90% probability will be enrolled in the ranks of astronauts. it is known that when launching spacecraft into orbit and leaving orbit, people are affected by acceleration on the equipment. well, let’s say we
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need to accelerate from a speed of zero to a speed of 8 km/second in 10 minutes, well, it’s equivalent to the fact that our gravity has increased, say, four times eight times. possible during a ballistic descent, in which case the internal organs are displaced, redistribution of fluid in the body, that is, for a person it is not natural, it is bad, so people need to be selected, prepared, then there will be more difficult tests on the edge of human capabilities, all this time in my head not to let the country down, i am incredibly happy that we have such a chance , to be among the candidates for... space flight, and i can say with confidence that we are ready to represent our country , the republic of belarus, at the international space station with honor and dignity. and how much was hidden from television cameras, training in zero gravity, performing normal and emergency situations on the soyuz simulator, it was on it that
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the crew went to the stars, and this is extreme training footage already returning to earth, when in the ocean or sea, our unit is preparing for... cosmonauts for the event, the probability of which we strive to reduce to zero, nevertheless this probability exists, according to existing standards, the crew in some cases can be... evacuated from the landing site within two days or even three days after landing. every workout requires maximum composure. in addition, this is also a test of endurance, for example, in winter, knee-deep snow and no matter what minus. you are like a true keeper of the hearth. everything here is based on real events. in 1965, astronauts already had to survive in the forest. it was a pair of underwear. leonov. leonov was the first in the world to go into outer space and they were the first to make such
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an emergency landing together. their braking propulsion system did not turn on in time. i had to do it manually. space flight is associated with various kinds of unexpected events, although our technology the most reliable, but nevertheless, to be on the safe side, the crew prepared for the worst conditions. throughout the survival , the crew was accompanied by instructors, doctors, psychologists, and teamwork was assessed. who knows how long you will have to wait for... the rescue team, leonov belyaev for a day. photos from this training are already in marina’s photo album. she shared them with her once boss. officially no longer working. belovia has been a flight attendant for a belarusian airline since 2017, now under contract with roscosmos. they wrote me some comments on facebook, there unflattering towards marina, that this is flying there on a tray to serve tea and coffee there.
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the presidents also began to support the crew; a week before, the head of roscosmos reported to vladimir putin. i know that preparations are underway for the nose, how is this work going? let's start with this. stage , all complex tests for
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crew training are literally now being completed, a crew of three, a cosmonaut from our fraternal belarusian republic, marina vasilevskaya, passed all the exams, ready to fly, of course, a couple of days before the launch alexander lukashenko spoke with vasilevskaya and novitsky via video link. oleg, we’ll talk about the prospects when you return home, but... there should be these prospects, maybe there should be more than one, well, let’s see, alexander grigorievich, everything, as they say, is god’s will and our health. if you feel good, i’ll ask the russians to let the three of us fly, nastya, marina and you, don’t you mind, yes, we’ll complete any task, okay, then when i meet with the president of russia, they’ll just be on the sly drop these questions. initially, roscosmos planned. to launch the ship on march 21, ballistic conditions would have made it possible to fly to the iss using an ultra-short two-orbit
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scheme, in just 3 and a half hours, but 20 seconds before the launch there was an automatic cancellation and the launch was postponed to saturday, successfully. along with the postponement of the launch , the rendezvous scheme for the cosmonauts changed and they went to the station according to a two-day schedule. we can simply welcome that belarus in the post-soviet period has become a country whose citizen visited space. belarus, as part of the soviet union, was a kind of assembly shop, one of the largest. industrial research centers. belarusians participated in the creation of a number of technical innovations, without
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which space flights are simply unthinkable, new materials, optics, electronics, information technology, space applications and much more. the last project for a reusable spacecraft, the project was called buran, which was successfully launched and tested, but unfortunately, after the collapse of the soviet union, it partially ceased his being.
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in gomel there was a design bureau for system programming, in novopolotsk the measuring plant produced computer equipment, integral and peling - this is for optics. for example, they were held in minsk.
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the materials are made and calculated incorrectly, the device burns up, in fact, the entire mission ends there, therefore, when forming launches of spacecraft descending into the atmosphere of the planets of the solar system, these launches always involve special work on the development of heat-protective materials and experimental methods for testing them under conditions as close as possible. those that exist on mars, venus, earth and other planets, among other things, we once carried out a large amount of work on creating thermal control systems, cooling systems, spacesuits, satellite systems, and these works
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continue with varying degrees of intensity are developing now, with the collapse of the soviet union they lost contact. union programs were supposed to unite the school; already in ninety-nine the first space program of the republic of belarus was signed, and we began to carry out active research, but it was just research from the point of view of establishing communications, although they were in soviet times, we worked quite well, but here the state independently signed an agreement at the state level, an agreement with space was signed, a man in space, well...
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the second cosmos sg program from 2004 to 2007. technologies for deciphering space images for monitoring objects, integrated geographic information systems for accounting and rational use of natural resources are being developed. resources. space always beckons humanity and this, again, is the highest, most modern technology, well, if we figuratively compare it with... sports, that is, doing space, in a race, participating in space research, it’s like playing in the major leagues, that is, very there are few countries that have the technology and can be the first in space research. then the new cosmos nt program is new joint projects between belarus and russia to create experimental
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equipment for targeted sensing atmosphere of the earth. i'll tell you, even here is our satellite, which... we have created a system for obtaining information, control, receiving feedback, it is used in the interests of many industries, and our income exceeds the cost of maintaining space control for the first spacecraft by more than 40 million dollars, of course, we have now created on the basis of this, together with a constellation of satellites, this online allows us to collect information that now provides our industries with this information. july 22, 2012 after the first unsuccessful attempt the belarusian spacecraft for remote sensing of the earth is being launched into orbit; it is still operating today in a joint russian-belarusian
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operation; its service life has more than doubled. in the development of this cooperation , a new spacecraft with a resolution of 35 cm is now being developed together with roscosmos.
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the approximate launch date is twenty-eighth year , but from the twenty-sixth year roscosmos plans to begin additional work to build up the group, and three additional devices will be created. in fact, it will be possible to provide consumers with satellite images of this. class c in 24x7 mode, it will be possible to build a highly detailed three-dimensional model in one pass, since it provides a shooting mode, the so-called triplet, that is , three images of the same territory from different angles, that is, in dense urban areas there are no longer shadows will. the belarusian state university has organized training and retraining of specialists in multi-purpose thematic processing of space information, which made it possible to open a new specialty, aerospace, radio-electronic and information systems and technologies, on the basis of the center... of aerospace education of bsu, as well as to recruit groups
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of students in this specialty. a constellation of satellites will be launched, two nano and one small, the task is not just to launch them, but to establish communication between them, to create a certain apparatus there, since the satellites are small, to control them correctly, to obtain information, to use, this... the task is now being solved , we are now at full speed we are working on a russian orbital station, it will be created in the period 27-32 in stages, launching docking all the main working modules, in the 32nd year it will be in full configuration, a new orbit has been chosen for the russian orbital station, it will have an inclination of more than 90 degrees , polar orbit, and will practically observe 100% of russian territory.
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willingly or unwillingly, even outside of their profession , to the work carried out by highly qualified specialists, controlling a spacecraft, which is located hundreds of kilometers from the surface of the earth. after 2 days of travel, this is the very moment. forging the manned transport spacecraft soyuz ms-25 with the international space station, the first citizen of the republic of belarus on the russian segment of the iss. the hatches are opened after checking
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the tightness of the docking and equalizing the pressure between the ship and the mission control center station at 20:26. on march 25, 2024 , he allowed the astronauts to open the transfer hatch from the station. ship. they will have to spend 12 days on the iss. scientific mission has begun. the belarusian promised to help roscosmos cosmonaut oleg navitsky ; the task is to photograph certain areas of the land of belarus so that the academy of sciences can compare the results, images from stations, satellites, remote sensing of the earth, aircraft, drones and ground-based information. another task concerns microbiology, the study of bacteria, their influence in space on... people, materials, optics and radio electronics; it is also planned to study the change in the properties of lactoferin in space conditions. union
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strength, it knows no bounds. congratulations, your wife is almost pregnant, i hope, progesterone, magnesia, urgently, vykovy, call, hello, to veri grigora urgently, everything went perfectly for us, thank you very much, we were told that if you don’t get us pregnant, then we will have no one it won’t help, that’s the authority, of course, but you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break,
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stimulation. let's go now, seryozha, if we don't have time now, dear verochka and sergey, you have lived together for 10 years, it probably seems to you that you know each other well, that you want from me, what do you want to know, but it was and was, consider it a past life, why didn’t you tell me, yes, i want to beat for you, whom i have always admired, since my student days, seryozha. i feel so bad for you. watch the series attempt of faith on the belarus 24 tv channel. heading. a show where they don't fight with physical force. strongest. in the 2223 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is
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this. that it is understandable even for non-players distinguishing colors, what exactly is its specificity, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. name a city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however, activity. will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica is absolutely correct. in a difficult, extremely difficult struggle, today he wins. look intellectual and sports project " head game" on our tv channel. the achievement of
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the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency means peace.
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the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 244. the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the issue.


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