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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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millions, millions of people who are starving, who are wandering around the world, who have lost their loved ones, who are simply in such a state of siege, who seem to be strangers in their own country, in fact, you raise an important topic due to the fact that i, for example, am in i’m shocked to see how , for example, ukrainian military personnel react, having lost a limb, who turned out to be disabled, how they, at least on a public plane , broadcast some kind of positive agenda, that it’s okay, but here... legs they won’t freeze, but he sits without legs, for example, yes, that is, they are trying to make humor about this, before you look, for example, well , it was a huge tragedy there in the chechen company and so on, the person is disabled, you must understand that everything , you are excluded from life, you usually become a burden for your relatives, if this happened, god forbid, yes, now there are more opportunities to socialize there and so on, and there are certain opportunities to earn money and somehow live a full life, but still it’s yours... personal
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tragedy, this is not something you have since childhood, for example, such a tragedy happened, and you are somehow trying to live with it, fight it and become a worthy person, but you were deprived of this simply because, for example, some person, a particular politician , well , to put it mildly, he behaved dishonestly and brought your country to this state, and you perceive this as some kind of normality, it seems to me that this is still a fairly large layer for the study of psychiatry.
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a serious threat arises, the number of troops has been increased, in my opinion, already more than 2000 with our army at 60, yes, we have tactical weapons, but somehow we can’t get around this situation, well, we can’t, we say openly, we certainly can’t, we make the appropriate decision, we see what, what close attention of the head of our state on issues of ensuring the country's security, this is always something that is on the public plane. we see meetings,
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meetings, appropriate commands are given today to our armed forces in order to ensure security, peace, tranquility in such conditions, that’s all that we today we see you on our belarusian streets, but here the danger is greater , even addressing our listeners, our viewers, the danger is primarily caused by marginalized people, mentally ill people, outright traitors, these are the three categories of people with whom we work western intelligence services, these curators you are talking about are large... unfortunately, enough in any society, we have them, but if you look at those who have been detained recently, these are precisely people from of these categories, the task of the special services is, so to speak, to recruit them, such people, they easily succumb to recruitment activities, yes, they, as they say, have nothing, in principle their level of development is quite low, they easily succumb to this kind of provocations, for example, remember those who set fire to the transformer at these substations on the railway.
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freedom and only after you have been caught do you begin to think about who your children will end up with, what fate these children will have next, and so on, well, how can you even think about it in your head? pack these things, and the most ridiculous thing is that in this situation they say: well, what did we do, we just transported one box from place to place, and the fact that there is an explosive in this box, the second fool will come and take it away this box from this place will be placed in some other location and the third one will simply press the button, so it is used everywhere. the word is simple, just
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took, just carried, just laid, just pressed, unfortunately, people with a low level of development, they are always everywhere, but they are not they strive not to read or learn anything, so they live in the elementary. these are the simplest instincts that god has given to each of us, which god has endowed each of us with, so they can be manipulated, the intelligence services know this very well, these are the people who become their victims, naturally their law does not exempt them from any responsibility, of course, we we can say that they have four children left, but did they think when they made the appropriate decisions, it means about the children, those who could, so to speak, suffer from this naturally, there is no explosion or a train being abandoned, so our task is to show such cases, among other things. examples, yes , maybe he doesn’t watch tv, somewhere in a newspaper, somewhere by chance there will be a minibus on the radio somewhere else, he will hear, he will see, at least something will be imprinted in his head when he is offering this kind of income means, or setting tasks, something will click for him, so the big task today and the mission in this matter is
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to counter this kind of provocations and the recruitment of terrorists and their accomplices in our country lies in the media, and you also carry out this work with dignity, but little more is needed, because well... let's say, yes, for good content, destroy, help your own fellow villagers, including your same relatives, there was one in the village, and in 1920 there were also people at my entrance who knew me very well, with whom i lived and were aware of, so to speak, including my biography, that they knew
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me completely and could come in, ask any question, clarify, ask for anything, there were those who at night, while i was sleeping there , painted the entrance, came in, wrote that there were so-and-so five and ten, there were traitors, there will always be, the task of the special services. by the way, traitors, unlike the marginalized mentally ill, are the easiest, or more precisely, the hardest, to identify and eliminate their threat, why, because we can find out that he is a traitor, and we remember there were many such facts in the twentieth year only by the fact of committing the corresponding action, yes, that’s why the emphasis is on these people, and here there is a threat, in in connection with this, our people must look more carefully at what is happening around each of us, no matter who we work for, what we do, but... we need to look at what is happening around us and what the situation is, what processes, what kind of people are nearby, what things remain nearby, wartime, the head of state also called for this, so back when, that is, there was, i remember the all-belarusian meeting, our meeting of the last all-belarusian meeting of the sixth, this was discussed, today security depends on everyone
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of us, yes, our special services work effectively, thank them very much, the security bloc, but again the time is such that we also have responsibility for our security today, so dear... citizens, be careful, watch what is happening around you and don’t be shy today we inform enough sources to whom we can inform, including us deputies, we will indicate the appropriate reaction to those people who are professionally involved in this in order to protect us, because i repeat once again, from the mentally ill, from the marginalized and traitors, which means that our society has not been cleansed, we had a sufficient number of them , unfortunately, there will be, so the special services will work with them, some failed, they will try to recruit others. thirdly, they will study mistakes, not mistakes, but the actions of our special services, how our special services reacted, they will look for new options on how to still carry out these bloody plans of theirs, and these are dozens of cases, we are what is with you in the media read, saw, and there is so much more that you and i have not seen and do not know, so citizens, be
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be vigilant, this is not a call, this is not a slogan, this is really what will save each of us in life today, our state as a whole, mihalovich, we have touched on an important topic and it seems to me, including, it is worth talking about this point, i am interested i paid attention to how they introduced political information for university students during certain class hours in schools, when they came and showed these films, which are also produced by ont, the television news agency, directly about these special operations, about the detention of terrorists, about how recruitment takes place in order to exclude the possibility, to minimize the possibility of influence on... russian society, what do you think, maybe it’s worth introducing a similar practice at enterprises for one hour a week to show a film for the team ? actually takes a lot of time, but people will at least know how the specifics of these events and
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the actions of our, well, let’s say, open opponents, enemies, yes, who are trying to introduce their narratives to influence our society, this is one of the effective methods, why? because when communicating with work collectives, starting to give some facts like this, give an example, and that means asking if you know, you don’t know, but we know, we’re starting an enterprise there last week, or
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creating an alternative internet there, or somehow influencing within the framework of that content that exists today and shoot through our society, we can say frankly, we won’t, we won’t be able to, there are simply no such opportunities, but reaching everyone is really what can happen today, what is real today and what is happening today, we need to increase this form of work, including with the help of films, including the high-quality information content that is sufficient today, which our journalists do, which really shows what is on...
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in fact, the economy in belarus is part of the private sector, and it’s actually very interesting and i think it’s worth focusing on this often enough so that people understand when they’re told theses, let’s say, yes, we have the main areas they are certainly in the hands of the state , it’s normal for any state to behave this way , transport housing and communal services means. some areas, that means industrial production and uh, that means
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food issues, yes, why, because there is an example right there, please, we can pay and also pay for transport, the transport sector, in many european countries this is a private uh, it belongs to private people, private companies, naturally, having paid, for example , 100 dollars for the maintenance of this or that bus, well, figuratively saying, yes, a private owner will make another 50 a month, then he needs profit from us. what is happening: the state paid 100, took 80 per person, and paid an additional 20 from the budget, because this is an important area that ensures, therefore, conditions for comfortable living of people in our cities in other settlements, the state keeps this for itself, so to speak, in your own property, controlling these processes, creating good. unfortunately, our broadcast time is coming to an end, thank you for taking the time to participate in our episode, information and analytical project, the actual microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio and television channel belarus.
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i am a native resident of the city of khoiniki, here i was born, went through the school of life, started a family, now i work as a teacher in military-patriotic education, instilling in young people patriotism, respect for work in the older generation, pride in achieving a sovereign belarus, the city of thirteen thousand
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is being transformed and everything is becoming. more comfortable for life, social and rental apartments are being built for young professionals and large families, the state supports construction for workers in demand in the economy. medical services are reaching a qualitatively new level, the district hospital is equipped with modern diagnostic medical equipment, and a medical gas supply station has been put into operation. there is a specialized school for children and youth of the olympic reserve, where five sports are cultivated, and promising young athletes are included in national teams. not long ago, as part of the
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benfesto project, a football ground was opened for children artificial turf. our boys and girls got the opportunity to play the number one game. the industrial locomotive of the city is the polesie production site of the milk processing plant. the focus is on advanced technologies and time-tested recipes for the production of whey and various types of cheeses. they are not only the most delicious, but also the most environmentally friendly. dairy specialists even produce cheese products. the estate in ramov is a monument of eclectic
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architecture, its historical value amazes the imagination with its combination of different forms art of the past. now here is the krovchesky museum, where unique exhibits are collected. we, local residents, preserve the history of our native land; we raised our youth on the principles of respect for elders and love of work for our homeland. khoiniki is our place to live.
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today in the ether 24 on 7 project we will talk about current events and important dates, invite you to take a walk in the company of our guides around the city and language, get acquainted with a new film from the collection of masterpieces of belarusian cinema, and of course, present to your attention the best releases from our projects
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tv channel. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with important things from the world of economics, social life, sports culture, the growth of sales of new cars in belarus, a new modern simulation platform for future doctors , the triumphant performance of belarusian freestyle wrestlers at the qualifying tournament in baku. sales of new cars are growing in belarus based on the results of the first quarter. sold 8,252 cars compared to the first in the quarter of 2023, the market grew by 131%. one of the factors for the increase, experts believe, was the decision to increase. from april 1 , there is a recycling fee for cars imported into the country. in general, the car market has changed significantly, sales of electric vehicles are growing. as a result of march , of all passenger cars sold, this amounted to almost
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5.5%. amkador presented new equipment. five innovative units rolled off the production line at once, including a crawler excavator with increased bucket capacity and universal loader trailers. all cars are assembled according to modern standards. electronics allows you to control. equipment for just one operator. each model is designed to perform a wide range of work. today amkador is a leading manufacturer of high-quality special equipment. last year alone, 11 new models of agricultural machinery were created. the production of assembly shops is concentrated throughout the country. branches have been opened and are operating successfully in russia. more than fifty dealerships operate throughout the world. new modern simulation platform for future doctors opened in gomels. university clinic. the diagnostic laboratory provides ample opportunities for working out the full cycle of clinical and laboratory diagnostics. students have at their disposal a full range
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of equipment for conducting research: hematological analyzers, microscopes with a built-in camera, with the ability to view images on a computer in accutainers. innovative class work also helps practical healthcare. current doctors will be able to improve their qualifications here. also at gomel university. belarusian freestyle wrestlers won four olympic licenses, and the athletes performed triumphantly at the qualifying tournament in baku. denis khramenkov, alexander gushtyn, aryan tyutrin and mogomed khabib kadi magomedov got tickets to paris. to win the olympic quota, athletes had to make it to the finals of the championship. at the moment, belarusian wrestlers have won seven olympic medals in total. licenses. previously, quotas were won by irina kurochkina, vanessa kaladinskaya and abubakar khaslakhanov. last chance to get the athletes will have a ticket to paris at the world qualifying tournament, which
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will be hosted by istanbul in may. an art premiere from artists from belarus and russia took place in moscow. 43 paintings are exhibited at the tseritelli art gallery in moscow. focus on historical episodes, domestic interiors and the orthodox faith. all masters have the status of honorary members of the russian academy of arts. among them are 12 belarusian contemporaries. the art dialogue is patronized by the people's artist of the soviet union, zurab tseryteli. the president of the academy personally selected the works. to everyone who missed for educational walks around the capital and the language, we recommend joining our regular guides in the mental promenade section. today they met where all roads begin to once again see how great our country is.
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hello everyone, this is a conventional promenade, your guide to the iconic places of the capital and language, in all my life, let’s head to chargov’s minds on the promenade, it’s clear, it’s time to go on a trip, so the wonderwolves are in the wild.
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but look, it’s 334 km to brest, and 315 to gomel. it’s moments like these, you understand, how big our country is, walk, don’t cross, feed the elder kiy.
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uvogule, kab pabachyts usyo, varta spyashatstsa. do you think it's worth it? of course, because the snow begins to fall in the beginning, the flowers bloom in the afternoon.
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the next conditional promenade, most importantly, wait, because we are waiting, until, in the date of the week section , we find out what significant dates in the context of belarusian culture the outgoing week will be remembered for: three talented belarusians, three stories, a unique creative path. on april 9, 1947, in the village of grabovo, volkovysk district, a theater actor and cinema, honored artist of the republic of belarus, ivan matskevich. as a child, the boy dreamed of becoming a sailor, but circumstances did not allow him to enter the naval service, so ivan studied at evening school, while simultaneously working at the baranovichi plant, building parts.
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colleague. i once suggested that we enter the theater and art institute together. we went to minsk and motskevich entered. the talented actor left a noticeable mark on the russian theatrical art. since 1996 he served at the gorky theater. many have played on its stage bright roles in the plays "running, zoyka's apartment, pani, kokhanku" and others. and back in 1973.
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belarus, honored artist of the republic of belarus, elena shvedova. domestic and foreign critics called the singer an outstanding master of vocals, a belarusian nightingale. elena vladimirovna studied at the conservatory in the class of professor, people's artist of the ussr, tamara nizhnikova. germany, the netherlands, france, spain, switzerland since 1998, shvedova is a regular participant in the strauss festival. several performances were performed on the stage of the bolshoi theater dozens of leading roles in performances, the magic flute, rigaletto, the barber of seville, carmina burana and many others.
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there were evgeny glebov, raymond paus, quincy jones, the queen group in 1989, people's artist of the ussr vladimir mulyavin invited molchin to work in the state ensemble pesnyary. the works of the twenty-four-year-old composer were included in the program of anniversary concerts for the band’s twentieth anniversary. one of the brightest works of the composer’s pesnirov period,
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the wreath program. the pinnacle of oleg molchin's creativity the song on the kupala poem prayer, performed by vladimir mulyavin, is considered right. however, many of the compositions are written. on october 26, 2021 , a unique object appeared near the composer’s house, oleg molchinov’s musical bench. next, we continue to get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema in the cinema section. every saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this special event is dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. feature film through the director's cemetery victor turov based on the story of the same name by pavel
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nilin, which premiered in soviet cinemas on april 5, 1965. the film takes place during the great patriotic war. in the fall. until 1942, when german troops were approaching stalingrad, a group of belarusian partisans took upon themselves the task of undermining german military echelons. finding themselves without weapons, the partisans send sixteen-year-old apprentice mekhasik to the village to mechanic bugreev, who agreed to make explosives for the partisans from aerial bombs and shells. accompanying is sazon ivanovich, collaborating with the germans on the instructions of the partisans. yesterday they sent a detachment of makarevich. with the last supplies, but you know that we cannot accept the plane now under our conditions, so i argued to send pashkevich to this, well, what’s his name, yes, so you say how much he can
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do, pashkevich says that from half a ton, together with bugriev and his last living son, the sick felix, mikhas drowns explosives in the basement of a dilapidated cemetery chapel, and the unexpected appearance of the germans disrupts the heroes’ plan. we thank god he’s alive, and a living man is always afraid of something or someone. for example, sooner or later everyone must hang me. yes. the film was filmed in novogrudok in the village of brityanka, novogrudok district. now the filming locations are difficult to compare with the film footage. the lake was filled in and reclamation work was carried out. long gone, also in one of the episodes of the film you can recognize the chapel tomb of the princes svyatopolk mirsky, located near the mir castle. in 1994, by decision of unesco, the film was included in the list of the 100 most
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significant films about war in the world. watch the film through the cemetery on april 13 on our tv channel. in the guide section you will find the best projects of our tv channel. let's meet a man whose whole life is theater. we will explore the most interesting sights of the volkovysk region and continue to review international news. the crew with the first female cosmonaut from belarus returned to earth. emotions , incredible expectations, of course, surpassed themselves, because what i saw with my own eyes was something unreal. i wish everyone
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to people on earth, so that they appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible beauty, russian paratroopers are preparing to jump from a height of 10 km. each breed, of course, has its own characteristics, and these characteristics can be turned into an advantage; corgis have short legs, but in some situations this is very convenient. for the most interesting international news, watch
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the program around the planet. we will attend a master class on volkovysk weaving. two strings, why? because one thread separates from the park, goes to the first nichelnitsa, this is our second nichelnitsa. we have one thread, look, here. we have small ones like this, we insert a finger here, look, yes, and we have to thread one thread from the parka into the first nook, the second into the second village. ros can surprise you not only with its antiquity, but also with its unique modern residential development project. this town was built from 94 to 96 of the last century. the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here, that is, all these objects that we see are all located outside the access zone car. all automobile entrances are located along the perimeter of the town. let's find out the history of the largest stone mi.
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this is the revival of the inanimate, i take a spoon or a fork, i’ll attach a bow to it, i don’t just start, as they say, chatting and moving and moving to the music, i start how she looks, and what she thinks, the stage during performances is not without funny stories, i hit my ponytail with a sword, i still don’t understand, but suddenly the wig rises, flies in the other direction, i fall beautifully, as if killed, yet i don’t understand, in the other direction and... together we fall so beautifully on this stage. how
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difficult is the job of a puppet theater artist? you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg, and you have to perform a whole performance, play her, work, dance, hold her hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, until now, you feel, this is a puppet theater artist. let's meet a person who can bring objects to life in the belarusian program. watch these and other projects on the belarus 2 tv channel.
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i am belarusian, i am happy with the getai cossack the lands between the forests and the past centuries lived, i am belarus, i... i hope that this name is mine, and the good glory of belarus in
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the world is not in vain, i am belarusian, i am happy that the mother gave me what relatives i feel the song of the spring and close from far away, i am belarusian, and even though today i am small, but i will say, i will be born from a tribe of ungodly ones and i will not tremble with hell. congratulations, your wife is almost pregnant, i hope with twins, progesterone, magnesium and a knife... we need it urgently, vykovy, call, hello, believe grigorevna, urgently, everything went perfectly for us, thank you very much, we were told that if you don’t get us pregnant, then no one will help us, the bykovs are of course the authority, but you don’t want to discuss conception with me, maybe we’ll take a break, the stimulation lasts for 2 hours, we’ll go now,
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seryozh, if we don’t now we'll have time, dear verochka and sergey, have you lived together for 10? the presidents of belarus and russia, alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin , held talks in the kremlin on the evening of april 11. the communication between the leaders of the countries lasted about 4 hours. before
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the meeting, the president of belarus spoke with reporters and answered a number of questions. in the kremlin leaders discussed the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields (the focus was also on the regional and international situation, coordination of actions to respond to existing threat challenges. today, the heads of state took part in events on the occasion of cosmonautics day, hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya by decree of the president of russia awarded the order of gagarin. today in minsk the meeting of the first session of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation was held, it was opened by the chairman of the central election commission. after the electronic registration of members and the required quorum , secret voting began.
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wear by our members of the council of the republic, i am sure that the tasks that confront us will be realized, but i have no doubt that we will fulfill it with honor and dignity, because the assessment given by the head of state, the president of our country, we must fully justify the high assessment by the parliamentarian of the seventh convocation . a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the cis was held in minsk; the agenda included a wide range of topics with an emphasis on cooperation in security sector. the meeting participants discussed. issues related to ensuring safe conditions for the professional activities of journalists and preventing infringement of their rights, discussed the topic of the thirtieth anniversary of the cis being granted observer status at the un general assembly , a statement in connection with the terrorist attack committed on march 22 in crocus city hall. our organization consists of independent states, and this is unshakable and
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no one has ever questioned it, but at the same time our organization is a commonwealth. and this is what allowed us always find compromises. and build a common unifying agenda on a whole range of issues for the development of our community, for the benefit of our peoples, a creative agenda, an agenda that is related to economic development, to solving a number of social and humanitarian problems, and of course security problems, which we are also talking about today spoke in great detail. new investment projects are being launched in the workshops of the mogilev automobile plant named after kirov, now a branch of belaz, where they are developing their own electric... lifting and transport machine. the car uses a replaceable battery box as the power plant. without recharging , such a machine can work up to 4 hours. this development is unique not only for mogilev, but also for the entire country. now the main components of the complex are purchased in russia. therefore, the new project is a good prospect to make the dump truck as
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belarusian as possible. the mogilev prototype is planned to be produced by the end of 2024. this technique is primarily designed for work. in mines in cramped conditions, on today, with the expansion of production in mines for the extraction of rock mass, there are problems with the ventilation of these mines, because all machines run on diesel current, that is , this is an alternative to diesel machines, which will allow miners to save on ventilation. belarus has the first medal of the fourth stage of the commonwealth cup, which started today in murmonsk. anna solo won gold in the sprint race. the belarusian shot flawlessly on the first shooting range and made one mistake in standing shooting. the athlete managed to get ahead all her rivals and even the winner.
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first place is taken by the representative of the republic of belarus, anna solo. the season of breathtaking entertainment starts in minsk on april 26. on this day , attractions will open in the capital, more than fifty
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winged swings in three parks in minsk. now specialists are adjusting the equipment after reactivation. in addition to technical aspects, the focus is on appearance. by the beginning of the season there will be new items. along with the start of the amusement season in the capital, fountains will begin to operate. the whole city will be filled with water more than thirty artificial sources. a facsimile edition of the zhukhovitsky gospel of the 15th century was presented in grodno. a copy of a unique monument of ancient belosian book writing consists of 740 pages and contains an image of four evangelists and a miniature. they, as well as the initials, headers on the pages of the copy, are made of cine-variant mineral, which has a scarlet color. thanks to this, the maximum color reproduction of the original edition is preserved. facsimile circulation is only 99.
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a great opportunity to prove yourself by coming starting my career at this enterprise, for the first time i came to the area of ​​the technical control department, where a very large number of products were exhibited, a large huge assortment, the sound of crystal, the flickering of edges, all this fascinates and gives positive emotions, our... enterprise with great history, and more than one generation has worked here. in order to become a highly qualified specialist, you need to
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study a lot and a lot. each product is thought out from the smallest details, from ideas to production forms, the master puts his soul into each product, because it is, after all, produced not by machine, but by hand. we have a great responsibility, because we are the only ones in the country that produce these products, having worked here for more than 30 years, there is something to be proud of, our company is recognizable by our products, a lot of effort has been invested here, as long as i work here, that is how much i develop . the quality mark is very important for our company. if the year of quality is an exam, then the quality mark for us is the highest mark, results of the entire enterprise. i
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believe that we deserve the quality mark. we will introduce you to the architectural memorials of belarus from different eras and styles. temple near mosary - geta dastatkova lakanichny. navat prasyaknuty spirits of the italian renaissance pas adobe pa'.


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