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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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but if you don’t sing daninka, it means your eyes are on target, i understand, that’s it, vyaselya, they gave, yes, we sing, we do everything very well, well, this is exactly the case,
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gaidaenko vladimir alekseevich. during the patriotic war, he took part in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he supervised the counterwork, the construction of defensive structures, and then became the commissar of the partisan detachment. he carried out a raid on the dopinsky forests with the partisans. since 1944.
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it is believed that for the period from 9 to 11 a.m. this is the peak of human activity, so it is best to perform the most difficult tasks in this interval, and not stretch out your morning coffee. i, like the majority
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in this world, i don’t even speak in our country, in the world in general, understand football, so sometimes i also comment. the size of a good, high-quality fillet should be medium; a too huge piece of meat is better. don’t take it and thus try to relax and relax, together with lentils - it’s just a bomb for us, our carbohydrate and whole grain ones, buy good ones the products are not so easy, but cooking with them is a pleasure, and the taste of the dish depends on the quality of the ingredients. today i went to the hypermarket again. with a big
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list, so let's start shopping. there are many varieties of lentils on the market; it is not difficult to distinguish them by appearance, they have different colors, but in terms of their beneficial properties they are almost the same. the process of choosing lentils is no different from the rules applied to cereals. so, here are the signs of good lentils. be crumbly if you when you buy a product in a package, make sure on the transparent side that there are no traces of condensation, the beans must be the same size and the same color, make sure that there are no foreign particles, and the beans must be smooth and without any damage. we go to the vegetable department and choose. we
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need parsley. buy parsley only with fresh, bright green leaves. yellowish leaves may indicate damage or overripeness. the stems shouldn't. be lethargic and weak. if you want bunches of greenery to be preserved as as long as possible, place their stems in a glass of water, cover the top with a plastic container and put them in the refrigerator. they can also be frozen or dried. now choose the chicken fillet. on store shelves, chicken breasts are presented in a variety of varieties, with skin without. with and without bones, let’s focus on the last option. the size of a good, high-quality fillet should be medium. it is better not to take a piece of meat that is too huge. most likely, the bird was fed gmo foods and hormones. the color should be soft pink, grayish tint
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or unnaturally red, it is better not to take it. if you choose a packaged breast, be sure to pay attention to the labeling. indicating the shelf life and the date when packaging was made. according to standards, chicken fillet can be stored for no more than 7 days. so, the choice is made, all that remains is to prepare the breakfast of the champion. seryozha, good morning, i’m very glad to see you in my kitchen today. hello, i’m looking forward to the dish you’ll prepare, i’m sure it will be very tasty. listen, i ’ll tell you what’s more, it will happen. not easy delicious, it will also be incredibly healthy, because this is the breakfast of a champion. sergei motskevich, head of the department of commentators and preparation of thematic programs on the sports television channel belarus 5, began his career with shoulder straps on his shoulders, but at almost 40 years old he decided to change his life 180°, turning his hobby into
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a profession. since 2011 he has been working on television, since 2013 he has headed the commentator department on the belarus 5 tv channel. during this time, he has attended five olympics, visited more than thirty countries of the world, and enjoys commenting on all types of games sports, but her main love is volleyball; she values ​​kindness, openness, the ability to forgive and the ability to admit their mistakes in people. what are we preparing today? as always, it will be a healthy salad, and sesame-breaded chicken. the main dish is chicken fillet; to bread it, prepare an egg and turmeric. and sesame seeds. for a warm salad you will need 150 g of green lentils, the same amount of spelled and beans. also prepare a green apple, tomato, sweet and hot peppers, young zucchini, a couple of celery stalks, parsley salad mix. for dressing
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you will need soy sauce, teriyaki sauce and lime. seryozha, distribute responsibilities. so, that means, now i’ll deal with the chicken itself, and you can do it. here's an apple for starters, well then all the other vegetables will also be behind you, well , yes, let's start, we'll communicate along the way, and we'll compete like for once, no, no, no, just take it and do it, seryozha, you've been commenting for more than 10 years, not only the main sporting events in belarus, but also many international starts, but should should the commentator have some kind of sports background, or is this not necessary? you know, mashon, i’ll tell you honestly, in my opinion, a sports background is, well, desirable, you know, if you happen to comment on events, but especially if there are world championships, european championships with the participation of belarusian
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athletes, of course, any nuances, they should be yours known as a commentator, but again, it’s the 21st century, all this can be studied, all this can be... well, let’s say, you can additionally find out from the same specialists if they cannot comment, but again these same specialists can come and make a duet, the commentator’s task, as they say in such cases, is to tell something interesting from history, and the nuances of this or that sport, that’s why specialists come to our broadcast, what sports background do you have? football, football, played football, well, in my short, let’s say, sports biography i also played handball, but it was very short, and so is football, so, probably, i, like most in this
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world, i don’t even speak here in the country in general in the world, i understand football, so sometimes i also... a lot, well, let’s put it this way, as strange as it may sound, my core sport, and you know this, is not football, it’s volleyball, that is, we don’t have much of it , unfortunately, on the air, i get a kick out of it when the world championships come - european championships, well , mostly the european championships, where our belarusians participate in girls and boys, that’s when i really get high, i played volleyball, but didn’t do it professionally, you know, well, my favorite team sports is volleyball... in terms of commentary, in in terms of emotions, it seems to me that commenting is the easiest, easiest, most interesting,
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everyone starts their morning differently in terms of physical exercise, because in order to feel confident throughout the day, well, naturally, you need to help the body in some way. to get back to normal, our warm-up today will be devoted to the back muscles, well, let’s remember school, for starters , generally developing such general warm-up exercises that each of you probably knows: hands on the belt, movement to the right, left, right, left, raise your arm, bend over, left, right, left, right. again, the way you perform these exercises may be
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different, but this is a general warm-up. so, we lower ourselves down, sit down so that our feet are on the carpet, our pelvis is on the heel, we tilt our body forward as much as possible, we lower our head so as not to strain the neck muscles and... then we try to reach as far behind our hands as possible, while the pelvis should be the opposite in the opposite direction try to reach the heels, this way we stretch the back muscles, then we do the following exercise, to stretch the lateral muscles, we go to the right, then we do the same to the left. again, after making several such
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movements to the right and left, again to the center and once again bowing their heads, they stretched and reached for their hands. we continue to work with our back, in this case we pay attention to our spine, again the fitness roll comes to our aid. what do we do? we put this fitness roll in this way and... after that we rise a little, raise our body and start doing these movements like this, slowly, slowly, but very confidently, kneading our spine in this way, well, in conclusion. and one more small exercise, but i think that many will like it: we put our roll so that
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it is located under the occipital bone of the head, and then we do these movements, again to the right, to the left, and in this way we try to relax and relax. this is where we will complete our exercise, i just want to wish that your day turns out to be truly cheerful and active. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that occurred during the week, in just 20 minutes.
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there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. you, seryozha, have five olympiads under your belt, but i would really like to talk to you about the first one, how exciting it was for you and how you prepared for it, well of course, it’s exciting, the first olympics are the olympic games in london in the capital of great britain, well, i’ll tell you honestly, for
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me, in general, the very concept of going to the olympics back then in the twelfth year, it was something incredible, that is... i basically didn’t i could imagine that having come to television in the eleventh year, having already entered the staff of the bel tv and radio company, in the twelfth i would go to the olympic games, and well, it happened, thanks to those people who trusted me then, believed me, and i’ll be honest, i was preparing , i, well, i'll probably never do that i was preparing as if for my first olympics, well , there are rumors, of course, that i brought 10 kilograms of paper there, i actually brought it there. such a stack, well , i won’t lie, just such a stack of paper, but these were preparations, my preparation for the olympic games, i then commentated on swimming, commentated on athletics, volleyball, i remember these sports, well, that’s why i prepared, prepared
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i screwed up very badly and naturally somewhere on some broadcast, not without it, it was the first olympics, but in any case this... the pleasure of the olympics, because the sporting events themselves, they are not particularly different from the usual world championships, european championships, for some sporting events, well, it’s the same thing, they practically perform like at the world championships, at the european championships, it’s all the same the intensity of passions at the olympic games, well, you yourself understand, and this is the most cherished reward for any athlete, when it’s one thing when we sit, watch there in the arena or on the tv screen and how we worry about them, it’s another thing when you’re in this you are in the moment broadcast, and you see their performance, you see
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that we are going for a medal, do you somehow restrain yourself in these, don’t you? and i couldn’t restrain myself for the first time in london in 2012 and after that i, well, i understand that maybe someone doesn’t like it, someone says that it’s too much emotion, but if you take it as a percentage, i i think that 80, or even 90 percent, are people who want to empathize with an athlete at this moment, especially our belarusian one, and naturally they also want to hear these very emotions, shouts from the commentator. and well, this is this , this should still be in this regard, we also need to help people watch the successes of belarusian athletes, you have a lot of business trips, a lot of international trips under your belt, and you take something with you from food or , well, in general how does your body get used to
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this or that food, because even you and i were in tokyo, there is completely different food, there is different food, the first time i came across similar food, with such completely different food, was in the eleventh year, just came to television, went on my first business trip to south korea, flew to the world athletics championships, and well, i already had a rough idea of ​​what asian cuisine is, in particular korean, japanese, they are a little different, but not much, but uh, i’ll tell you honestly, it’s very difficult for me to get used to it, yes, in tokyo i was already ready for what kind of food... it would be this korean, well, asian, but honestly, masha, i was ready, but it’s still the same i’m not used to this food, so always at all the olympic games, no matter where they take place, in brazil, in rio, well, things were simpler there, in khinchhan in the eighteenth, in tokyo in the twentieth, i’ll be honest, i
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tried my best to find european cuisine, even if it was a little more expensive, but... it’s at least what i will eat will be, well , probably safer for the stomach, well, perhaps safer for the stomach, well, the most important thing here, the most important thing is that it should be at least somehow tasty, well, plus everything, masha, well, we - with they brought something with them there, it’s true, their native belarusian jar, well, not without it. so, well, mashun, i’m handing out the next task, you now start frying vegetables in a wok, at a very high temperature, overnight.
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agree that when you listen to a sports broadcast, you probably want to hear competent speech, well, it’s clear that immediately the voice, then competent speech, then basic knowledge, but again this is how they are greeted by their clothes, but in general, in principle, this everything should be in a complex, so i think that anyone can become a commentator, but another question, again, for this you need love for sports, you know, that’s why we
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held castings at one time, applications come in, they send their resumes and some video materials, those who want to get in, then the management listens, evaluates and... well , those who were remembered the most, they come, there is such a kind of interview, you are given the opportunity to try yourself on air with one of the regular commentators, and then it’s again work on yourself with the opportunity to try your hand again, well, that is , to summarize, even if you were refused, let go of your hands, try yourself further, perhaps you will hear the cherished yes. that is how it is. so, mashun, now, please,
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send these cereals there with the vegetables so that it turns out even tastier. together. together. seryozha, you draw up a commentary schedule, how far ahead can the guys plan their personal lives? well, they can plan their personal life, of course they can, of course they can, but it is advisable, of course , to plan their personal life, but this is such purely everyday advice, a little in isolation from work as a commentator, so a little in isolation again, but again, when i make a schedule, i try to take into account all the wishes regarding vacation and some aspects related to everyday life. with my family, so here, well, i think there are no special questions, although there are situations when you have to
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do it hard yourself, you have to call in the evening, relatively speaking, on wednesday or thursday and say, yes, your day off is canceled because you have to go to broadcast, possibly even to another city. hello everyone, today we are looking at a great breakfast, i already see it and want it right away to say that it is simply wonderful, today we have a salad with lentils, spelt, vegetables and chicken fillet, just think about it, it’s just beautiful, and i think you couldn’t imagine anything better, lentils, porridge, side dish, cereal, which is enriched to the maximum protein, that is , this is the top-top of all cereals that can only have a low glycemic index. and if your body perceives it normally, then it is a direct must have in your diet, be sure to add it, here we also added spelled, also one of my favorites
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each, it gives such a feeling and crunchy, as if i may say so, but it is very pleasant in texture just when we eat it and together with lentils - it’s just a bomb , we get our carbohydrates and... grains, we also added vegetables, again, i’m a fan of vegetables, the more of them, the better in our diet, a large amount of vitamins, minerals, you will forever forget about pharmacies if you eat the required amount of vegetables during the day, and this is still the case with chicken fillet, low-fat protein , which is very well absorbed and uh together, that’s it together we made a simply amazing dish, if you eat this every morning... believe me, you will forget about sleepiness at work, you will be very productive, you will be healthy and filled with energy. well?
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i have the meat ready, i have the vegetables too, well , generally great, then we’ll wrap it up, but for this you need to do the parsley now, so please chop it, add it to the salad, and then i ’ll make the sauce. seryozha, we have already talked to you about the workload of your subordinates, but what is your schedule? according to my workload, let's just say that there is no big difference from other commentators. moreover, i myself was back when i started working with a commentator, when there was no belarus 5, but there was already big women’s tennis at that time.
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milk, what to do with it in a salad with it, let's put it here in the salad, pour it in, like this, here's the salad mix, here, yeah, come on, season it, throw it in, and i'll season it with the sauce i prepared, in fact, all that remains is to beautifully serve our breakfast, well done, well done, start with the main course. chicken cut the fillet into portions, salt and pepper, add a little turmeric. prepare the batter. beat the egg. dip the breast in it, then bread the fillet in sesame seeds. fry it on both sides until golden brown. prepare a warm salad. chop the apple, zucchini, celery, tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers. chop the garlic as finely as possible. fry
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the vegetables. in a wok on high temperature. the carbohydrate component of breakfast is cereal. add boiled spelled lentils to the pan. variety of boiled dishes beans. let cool slightly. before serving , add chopped parsley and salad mix. the salad dressing is quite simple: combine teriyaki sauce with soy sauce, add a little lime juice. your loved ones will definitely appreciate this breakfast of a champion. enjoy! appetite. so, we did everything, prepared everything. mashun, do you like this breakfast for champions? well, it looks like it’s beautiful, i’m sure it will be very tasty. it will not just be tasty, it will not just be beautiful, it will also be very, very useful. friends, cook with us, bon appetit. bye bye.
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