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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 12:50am-2:21am MSK

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ishi for halai, motsnaya, infrequent, it’s not varta for you to jump, you wouldn’t do it anyway, and the war is over, and our help will be, and you’re stuck, stuck. everything is magchyma, but on pasadze may yana for me, well, like medicine, you drink it and everything else, since you are fishing,
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that quails are not normal. and you’ll never forget, when the snow falls during the whole winter, it will snow, everything will be looking, but we can’t guess.
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that summoner, i ask you, is not our uncivilized nation, this is our cherry, but according to you.
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i believe that he is right on me like a dog, you won’t say anything about culture, a soldier...
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once you can win, i ohistamia hell getai vyaslyvastsi and cunning people, if you say hello, i’ll sleep in any well, come on, the dog is strict with me, go to the akno .
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if you want, well, some yans, adzin dry hands, others are not dry, take it, take it, take it all, take it from me, if only i could take my hands off, so i would have shot even one step, well, my dear, , hello, hello, good day, vasil yagoravich, and you, so okay, i love people like that, well, you said it yourself, meetings at the same hour, where, where, іrad, ідзі, покраїнія, знў постіш.
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damn you know that i'm a partisan? why am i
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in the summer? how can you be a partisan? and i’m just waiting for the first ones. my dachshund brothers were partisans. matsi is crying. yana lichyts, why yana die. i don’t say that you’re the one who knows them, but father, father, on the contrary, i say that you’re no different here, if there’s such a war, well , of course, i’m no different.
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rugs, all the yans here, our parasyats, how
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the yans went here, and the yans not here, how the yans went everywhere, near the balota, here we are their adtul they extracted, father, eva, and i, and such bombs extracted, so we are their little darling, we have such an eva, my mother, who is the hut of this beast, because there is no place for her to put her strength. felix, so, mikhasya, are we going to sort out this bullshit? yes, that's right, vasil yagoravich, yes, if this pig is sold to the chygun people, such is the effect of the attack, shreklikh, as the germans themselves say, only the hell of the carriage will dance.
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yes, yes, if you didn’t have any extra, then why would you have extra? felix, well, eva, ours.
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all this is healthy, you see, i have recruited the 41st, and our artillerymen dropped, right in the factories, they worked these shells, and now we are responsible for their design, it’s like monkey’s work, inu, ale treba, and all y your thoughts show that you fueled, there was no food, you were at home,
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you... you killed someone, you didn’t need to, felix, and so you’ve come to your senses.
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irzhavy vasil yagoravich, as you are, only you are more important. felix, what are you doing here, but get out of here. just look there, if there was no one there. idzi, idzi, no matter what taba here is a slave. vasil yagoravich, it’s not a threat, i’m afraid of the nazis. you don’t need strength, move, what are you, you don’t even know the key, halo, if the halo does not fall from syaredzin, oh so, and just don’t dismount,
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move, you’ll get a boost. if you need it, i’ll give you a haircut later, i have my own clipper. you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity - everything in the world is text, the text is not important, ours. the mistake is that we look for meanings where there are none, it seems to me, here it’s already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow to explain why they put a man, a grandfather, who doesn’t remember his name, at the post of such a huge state, this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for such prayer
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life, you’ll just be somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s... hunters, duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there’s a lot of fat, and also introduce the viewer to the history and traditions of one or
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another area, stove, stove, what a medieval stove looked like, a ceramic box lined with bricks, in which a fire was built, but a large metal sheet was installed on top, in the 18th century, a baron, a gypsy baron, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate surroundings on a gilded carriage, we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the project food anywhere, there are dishes that you definitely have not tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe throughout belarus. look, every sunday on our tv channel.
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the first time i try this katle, you can do it all the time. nichyoga, geta proydze. nothing. galounae, that everything is gone, and for the hutkasts they cry on the iron people, for the sake of their breasts, you should vasil yagoryvich, tlushavechi pіts, with honey, my mother, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go where are we going, why are we having meetings? behind the scenes and wars, well , what kind of cyper became on the dandies, if you believe the german newspapers, so the germans took marskvingrad twice. come on, vasil yagoravich, the germans don’t care about maskva, i just as soon as you become a dandy, you
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hear maskva, we hear, but not everyone, but uvogule on the dandies, just come on without any agitation, well, if it is, then i don’t know, drained on the right dandies. i ’m just glad to hear, we have a bureau of bureaus, listen to the cossacks himself, and it’s so easy for people to turn on light music, if people, well, the partisans didn’t boast, i’d like my friend anatoly zheuzhyk to let me shepherd, so i don’t bother with it. geta i tell you so i say, like a man, you won’t be dissolving, great rights, great demands, builders, you’re already in the volga, spoil,
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like you’re in the volga, ukraine is all in yago.
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well, it’s probably not the same, but it’s suitable. other times you wait until the end, the rain, the frost, you don’t respect, you just itch all over, hell, you don’t care, you hear the rampages, the train, the train. the sleeper was dripping. here, like a tornado, the death itself is even terrible, like a zahne grukat to the whole forest, zah, ravuts,
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storna. who knows, what kind of people, what kind of people , what kind of people, who are in the cars, what kind of people, what kind of bastards, fascists, who knows,
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it’s not all, try it. well, go, felix, go. tell eve, let her get out of narada and fall asleep with the roof. go, go. trouble is a word. grazing tago,
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yak may.
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the wind, my feet were getting cold, and the germans went everywhere with the lighters.
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zaukab na іkh lіkha, and you died and іѕ a mountain tаbe yama, don’t forget, don’t die, don’t let him be hostile, don’t forget me, don’t forget , don’t forget, mom, nonsense, lad, what are you saying, why not i'm sure you'll see the germans with a bayonet, mom, mom,
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good zen, good zen, as you adore, good, good, lyazhy, lyazhi! now i'm in trouble i'm making a fool of myself, i don't need to, i'm a magician myself. aussteigen. aber schneller,
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gestern einen brief bekommen von meiner frau, was schreibt deine frau, sie hat ein kind zur welt gebracht, oh du glücklicher vater, gratuliere, das muss bekosten werden, ja natürlich. das kommt nicht in frage. papas falls into a framed prykmeta, geta zjamit mahoukki na rahunkavots for the year of cheese, and geta ў papas fall, what's the matter? the guerrillas
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were lying, the sleeper was telling me, the finger of the adzin, what kind of partisans, from the friend vasil yagoravich, he himself got rid of them huffing, hustling, hustling, partisans.
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all the little things, good, that you don’t
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sweat yourself, so i want, that, i want to go to the yard, that, that, i need to go to the yard, well, just go to the sun, don’t go out into the street, and don’t mix it up, kali laska, i i understand everything, i know that sophia kazimiraina says that i’m worthless, i forgot about my husband, i wasn’t there, i didn’t cry at the farms, i ’m talking to you, and i’m talking to you, do you think that yana adna mozha adchuvats, god, yes, i just can’t speak havary, i don’t know how to cry, and dze geta... where is sofia kazimirovna, where is the gang that they took away,
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they called out to me, they even called out to me, come on, give me your head!
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my dad brought sazon ivanavich to pakhavanna. dad, what is dad? vasil yagorych would be a party. they've already started to get along with their dads. why the hell did you jump for bullshit? pants and cough i'm all breasted rlana and ў kryvi and dze yon himself іrad sya there climbed out on the stove himself climbed out the sign yon hodzіts capska though the hole yashche to lie down what you said the reclaimers were hit with all their might. dze torture did vybukhov swear? but i say,
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i don’t know, i don’t know, i don’t know, i don’t know, i think anyway, that my old ladder was a bunch of iron, that she was with her husband maygo, the mechanic vasil yagoryvich, lyaboshchyk, i tell her that, and... i know i feel, in the voice of vasily yagoravich, that we used to lie down with him at night, and he told me: a hog, that’s what we work there on the graves, at the chapel. russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and
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the west’s attempt to discredit the electoral campaign, people went to the polling stations, thereby demonstrating to everyone who disagreed. russia, the collective west, however, did not appreciate or understand this, but this is simply different. the regions that do not stop terrorizing ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, broke all the stereotypes of ill-wishers, with an average turnout of more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? the end of the war, the end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't do anything here find.
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mauchy, mauchy, i don’t want to hear your proclamations, but i mean, geta yon not for myself, geta yon gavaryi for us, what kind of pavins live, live, live,
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why should i live without my husband, my dear, without my husband ix dear ones, i am a capsicum for the winds. anyway, i’ll go right away, so, i ’ll go right away, go, so you, you wo n’t go anywhere, for me, the snakes are hungry, if your mother was gone for a long time, i was shot by the germans, i’m sorry, vasily yagorych kaza, and you don’t teach me, why do you
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want to patch up the hole, why do you have to patch up there? lagmans, and why don’t you go, why do n’t you, why don’t you try, why don’t you...
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look, i’m going to serve. have some tea. pi, this tab is indispensable. what about geta? it's funny here. it is written here that the race of gadgets is a luxury, and that there is a lot of luxury. there are so many luxuries, why did they kill us?
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for the sake of it, i can’t do it right now, and then i’ll tell you everything. felix,
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yana, kravidachka, you may, i’ve been working like this all night, god knows, i ’m cooking a house, i’m only now gaining understanding, like all this... it was pathetic, all here is a walk with kadzilam and the addition of two naughty ones, and even below the legs of a man of unpretentiousness, like a skin quill can become a trac. you try to fall asleep, and i’ll go right away, i
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’m not tired, i’m not bragging, i’m not far, i’ll be close here, by the way! all this time i grabbed them, all three hidden tables, this one in the officer’s cafe, you know, everyone is aryginal, don’t you?
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germans, what are they asking for? who are you asking for? aўcharak? what kind of aucharak? well , that’s it, let’s take it easy, what a simple savetskaya dzyauchyna, let's say, is a married woman, and so, for example, we know and their officers do not ask for free. kali ў zhanchyny is a woman.
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skinny, so small, how are you? well, you damn muggle, that's all you know? ha, i was told, i know a lot here, since last winter, with his kamadai flock, the dancer was brave, well, it means his dancers, the last hour and astana dance, i just don’t understand how geta atrymlivaetstsa? vasil yagoravich says that you didn’t have any salt, there’s some knowledge here, ditch they speak german, and their officers ask them... for a cafe, what do they call it? eva is performing at this police cafe. eva kratzer. i came with my ensemble from berlin, and there were
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a lot of complaints here. for two thousand years, posters were paralyzed in the streets with their portraits, give in to everything, let go, and many people are not known to you, and i know nothing, i don’t know anything, it turned out beautiful.
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and i would be happy, muggle, i would be happy, happy under any circumstances, if i had gone to viktaram partyzany, and no matter if they had killed me, it would have been great if they had killed me, or if you would have killed me xia.
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you're cute, but you're a wimp, but you walk so hard, so hard and breathe.
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go, go, bam, i'm done. tabe drenna? no, it’s good for me, i want it, i’m
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innocent, right. why so raptan? i'll come by, i'll come by, i'll come by, i'll come in at night, we'll... and everything was so good, i'll go, well, i wanted to tell you something, i don't remember what i wanted
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to tell you, that i let you go like that, you obliged to develop. sweat, kali sweat, mom, he’s already idze, and he’s idze, who idze, mikhasek, idze, yes pabachyni sofia kazimirauna, you’re idze, and how are you talking, talking. yeah, what kind of speeches, speeches that i’m digging for you, vasil yagoravich, i would have saved them, he’s the one who’s back, the one who’s back, he’s here sazon ivanovich, yeah, yes, he’s a good girl.
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light a cigarette, dear, light a cigarette, because today it’s
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flooded, you won’t lie down, you’ll leave, you ’ll be looking for the dead of night again. if you don’t lie down, you’ll leave again, into the dead of night of the enemy, and the meetings will be the first, the meetings.
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i live in the white world for everything. you know, i, kali
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i hear all these old archival records, i smile at the meeting, because i feel such nostalgia, such a sense of sadness, i feel here not only gifts, those close to me, i know, the voice of nellie zahara baguslavskaya i'm glad i'm a chalavek, but i sense that the dachshund is well known here.
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philharmonic and kirava musical ensemble at the pop music group of iryny palyanskaya. there they asked inela baguslavskaya, from the hibernating understudy. you have just completed your first crazy tour in central asia. let's go. yana salistkay, yon musical director, the already married couple returned from touring. the story will appear, as if the forest of hibernaculas nellie baguslauskaya would have formed further, if there had not been an all-union competition for a sculpted savetsk song. it started in 1966.
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thus, in minsk, and now, as the participants of such a competition, the right to perform solo concerts is given, it is written in a red circle at the posters, all these were the rules, and for them we are collecting the best
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campaigns i kalektyvy: for viktar vuyachych - tonic, and for neliya baguslauskaya - ensemble arbita 67. designated.
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oboist of the symphony orchestra, future honored artist, actually played the guitar and had a solo piece on the oboe, yura marinovsky, an experienced musician, experienced, working in all previous ensembles, by the way, spoke english, which was important for foreign trips, by the way, it was he who first sang in our ensemble, marik shmelkin rehearsed on the drums, but the fact that he was an excellent musician was immediately obvious, then... he worked for some time in pesners and there he , so to speak, shone on the dulcimer on the drums, all spring is one spring, it’s just her fault, i just looked at the boy as i walked,
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boguslavskaya, i was especially amazed when i went to the studio for the first time in my life, when... she wrote a song in one take, beautiful, intonation, character, everything done, everything, all the tasks that were before her on stage, she instantly transferred to the recording, in my opinion, this is her moment of recording and through the eyes of a boy who did not see it at all, but as it turned out, this is a colossal advantage and speaks of the high professionalism of the musician , singer. if suddenly you become the sun, if suddenly you...
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the first telegram, congratulations were from boguslavskaya and kaplanov, this
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says a lot, the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko’s presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything we were able to preserve them, now , of course,
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it’s a show , where they fight not with the help of physical strength, let the strongest win. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who cannot distinguish colors. what exactly is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. this is the first, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan.
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name a city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however, activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica, absolutely right. a difficult, extremely difficult fight, he wins today, see the intellectual sports project, game head on our tv channel. tired sun, tenderly forgive the sea.
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he simply packs up the activities of music, and this kaplana, who could not live without music, he could not live without music, he breathes this music, he pays from music, he becomes a producer on the right, om in independent belarus, menavita kaplana arganizova tours of the world the star of the pop artists julio iglesias, patrysia cas, the baccarat duet, toto cutunio. and all these artists, yana gavaryl, perform in different countries around the world, and also such a global organization and such a soulful atmospheres, like those of minsku, are not remembered, and this is everything, the dzyakuyuchy kaplana, the dzyakuyuchy yago of the soul, the yago of charisma. in 1995, neli
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baguslauskaya had a dream for herself.
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you want to be kind, i’m sorry, but i didn’t listen. yana went to the superac and performed, and the news was overwhelming. i'm supakaya. how many forests have rushed by, let autumn not count, although the cranes cry farewell. if
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summer goes away, a song. finally, yana patchula , as the fartepiyana started humming in my cabinet, for so many years, ten, ninety bastards, this fartepiyana remained completely forgotten, and then i slept, i played with the hands of the kaplan, i sold the doors, and i sat down at the instruments, and i said: listen, nelya, i’m writing a song, great one, perhaps are you writing text? this is how the prisoner duet, their firsts, call the song autumn is coming.
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izmail kaplanav's songs were so bright, so hit, that the public devoured them with the lethal passion of first step and listening. somehow the captain and the artists sang a great song and the public immediately began to sing and remembered these songs. ci pa
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perazhku ci pa moscica clear months godzіts heta rare ўlascіvascі rare gift so sachynyats kab music. hey fire, happiness awaits me, the night promises a meeting with my beloved, we lived in the same house, i lived
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on the ninth floor, he on the seventh floor, even in the same entrance, it was a composer, a talented composer, who asked me to give him lyrics, he we 're off and running, who's going to love us, who 's going to love us? i changed kaplanav to uladzimir mulyavin, and the guitar fell to the top of nadzeya salodkai. yong writes this song, amal adrazu paslya
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the death of uladzimir mulyavin, destroyed by this tragic tragedy, and the ancient sacramental requiem since september. pyasnyarskaya share, pyasnyarskaya glory, zyazyulya ў berozakh pra toe kuvala, krynіchenka song. on the 29th day of 2003, the day of development with uladzimir ulyavin , it was the end of winter, and instead of the khryshchensky marrazo, there was a terrible rain, and this charga in the house of the officer, it was simple by the end, it was all curled up and curled up. tsi there, i didn’t understand, before ўvogule yana pachinaetstsa, we passed then times, i was with her, tired and at the end of
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the getai charga, i voluntarily slept, just after the fire of two gadzins we melted there, here the ripe dew fell from the rain, at the temple with holy water there were droplets, the edge of the geta to the cutest little patches of men yuts.
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it’s not true, my dear old lady, tell me so. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but in this variety it is easy to get lost, just
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picked. ripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk must be green, not shriveled, a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood, today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling, i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds simply amazing, let’s figure out how balanced it will be and suitable for a morning meal, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front back surface of the thigh, first we’ll stretch the front surface of the thigh, now the most time to walk, jog to meet this day with a full charge of strength, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. thanks to government support , several government programs in the field of oncology have been carried out to re-equip our system. we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything you could wish for. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defense of the homeland? in 20 additional years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand were saved.


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