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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 3:25am-4:51am MSK

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fair, the evening before ivan, well, in general , all sorts of lyrical, such festive names, and if we are talking about belkin’s story, a shot, a blizzard, an engraver, a station warden, well, everything is harsh then, and already in the collection there are notes from the hunter, khor and kalinich, two landowners, singers and others. the correct answer to our question is option b. second question. yak is the correct spelling of the name of the asian region in belarusian. option a, option b, or option c. alexander, how do you think, how would you write? well, i'm sure it's not possible b. geta dakladna. at yetnam? dakladna ne yon. i'm just trying to say whether i like it or not. it seemed to me that it wasn’t so bad.
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option b sounds very good, seriously, in vietnam, why not, the main thing is he’s joking, you know, if they ask, where are you going, i’m in vietnam, yes, but only if so, well, then we won’t spend much time on this question, correct answer, option c, c and nothing else, third question, what type of natural waters from... fresh, b brackish, c
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salty time. ekaterina, what do you think? not very strong in reservoirs, in calculating how much salt is in them? but as for me, it’s better to choose the middle to stay as if neither here nor there, so i chose b, salon, salty, so this is 14.5, this is salty, in salty then how much more than 14.5, logical, egor, as you answered, well , i don’t know the exact values, the tabular ones, but i can assume that 14 s for the price per liter is a fairly large number, so i chose the option with salty, salty, it’s like that. i was already
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thinking, like in the staff room, we were thinking, well, because yes, a large number, press less than 0.5 g/l, well, just a little, salty, more than 16 g per l, salty - this is from half a gram per liter to 16 g/l. the correct answer to our question is option b. fourth question: which city was the capital of the qin state? a sanyan, b. sargon from changsha, time: egor, what do you think, how did they answer? i believe that option a is correct, but i am also not 100% sure. not particularly strong in history and geography. well, what do you think, is this an ancient city? yes, how ancient? well,
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it definitely has a thousand-year history, a thousand years, so good, accepted, artyom, what do you think? well, honestly, out of all three cities i didn’t like any of them, well, i also answered san, and rightly so, yes, but i don’t remember exactly the history of sanyang itself, and i’m unlikely to remember, then i ’ll tell you, the city of sanyang is the capital of the state of qin wo times of government, can you imagine? imagine there were 1 million inhabitants, and this was in the third century bc. the correct answer to our question is option a. sanyan. fifth question. what is the smallest number of edges a polyhedron can have? a-4, b - 6, c- 8. time!
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elena, how did you answer? i'm not good at geometry, but i answered option b. yep. valeria? well, purely logically, if there is a triangle at the base. then the number of edges it can have is six, and most likely such an epigonum will be called a pyramid, yes she is reasoning correctly, yes ilider, we can be sure of this, pay attention to the screen, here it is, tedrider, triangular pyramid, call it what you want, correct the answer to our question is b, six ribs, the sixth question is what nickname it received in the 14th century. rome, b. slutsk athens, ts-slutsky paris. time.
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kira, what do you think, how do you like slutsk paris? me now?
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yakub kolas on rosstans? a, on rosstans, b. at the block of polessya, ts-at the polesskaya wilderness. time. egor: i chose option c, and i am 100% sure of it, because we literally went through this work, and the first part of may i will call the paleskaya wilderness. how about arranging the rest? i'm afraid i'm sorry, another part, variyant b.
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eighth question: which of the listed areas are densely populated? a arabian peninsula, b) equatorial forests, amazon basin, central indian subcontinent. time! ekaterina, what do you think? i'm not a geography fan. get lost even in three pines, but , as usual, in such cases i choose the golden mean, option b - forests, the amazon basin. and who lives in the forests of the amazon basin, if they are, well, very densely populated, anacondas, crocodiles, who are there? everyone who needs it, who is suitable, lives.
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very good answer, does not concern others. i like. alexandra. it turns out that both the first and second options, that is, the arabian peninsula and the forests of the amazon basin belong to the least. here it is, a comprehensive answer. the correct answer to our question is p. hindustan. india, pakistan, bangladesh are all hindustan - these are some of the most densely populated countries in the world. and only for this reason it was possible to understand and come to the correct answer, and choose the option c - hindustan. ninth question: whose wife was barbara? yawned: a) kazimir jagailovich, b) zmund august 2, c- stefan batory. time. elena, how did you answer? i
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answered option b. barbara radibil was the wife of segismund on august 2. segismund the second had three wives, the first. the beautiful legend about the black panya svizha svizha, in what year did the wedding take place? don't you remember? well, somewhere in the 15th century, somewhere in the 15th century, that’s it, i won’t pester you anymore, this information is enough. did someone answer option a or option c, for example? artyom, did you answer option a? well, yes, i’m sure he was guided by what he answered, well, he wasn’t guided by anything, obviously not a history textbook. oh! that they very proudly admit their mistakes. so, attention,
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the correct answer to our question: sigismund august 2, it happened in 1547 (16th century), we have absolutely established this with you. tenth final question of the second round: this planet revolves around the sun practically lying on its side, and mercury, b - venus, c - uranus. time. kira, what do you think? this is the case when you remember the exact page where it is written, but exact, i knew that it was not mercury, most likely either venus or uranus, and it seems to me that it is most likely uranus. pay attention to the screen, the angle of inclination of uranus is 98°, which means that it is almost... lying on its side. the correct answer to our question is option c. uranus. well, according to tradition, i would like to collect
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your opinion and impressions of the second round. did you find it more difficult than the first? kira, how are you? it seemed to me that yes, it was more difficult. what causes this? this is probably caused by my carelessness. i'm sure that all these topics i've ever heard or gone through, but my memory didn't retain this knowledge, so, well, apparently, my brain just decided that this information was not needed. i don’t dare, well, your bet is 22 points,
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very good, well, then let’s check this bet, pay attention to the screen, elena, alexandra, anastasia, artem, congratulations, valeria, egor, ekaterina and kira, unfortunately, you see, something went wrong in the second round, the bet was successful, and also on this screen we see the four players we will meet. at the bottom of the list there are four players to whom we say thank you for the game and see them off from our site, all the best, goodbye, thank you, i was impressed not only that i got into this program, but that i met so many wonderful people, who also showed their strength, i am not at all upset that i i dropped out, i had to sensibly calculate my strengths, and i fully expected such an outcome, but i am very... grateful to the program for the fact that i got the opportunity to realize myself and grateful that i refreshed a lot, a
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lot of information in my head. i didn’t come initially with any idea of ​​winning, i just wanted to try, it’s actually very interesting that it turns out that i forgot a lot of information in all 11 years, but there is also one that i remember, it’s very pleasing, so i i am very grateful for this program, that i was able to get here at all, try myself, and yes, i’m not upset, i assumed that it would be like this, for me this is such a good experience, a task. there were quite good ones who tested erudition, in those i made a mistake, but i can say that it was a little offensive, but not to say that i was upset, i set a goal for myself to get into the second round, i accomplished it, one might say , that i am pleased, i refreshed quite a lot of all kinds of knowledge from school, and of course, a very curious, let’s say straight contingent, very smart people i was surrounded, i really liked the charisma of the presenter, probably, from the questions i could highlight... the question about the atomic lattice, which is located in brussels, quite
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useful information for general development. we have a musical break, on stage a student of the grand studio malinovka bayspomash, margarita tsumareva and roman kovalev ballet. kosteshnik, new shade. for the most part, the city has chicks, don’t grab them, and a certain amount of money is lost without a summer. ale navoshta think pra geta, let’s not drink hell in the spring, gardens, gardens are falling asleep, and the skin is new the day is approaching, the dawn is coming, karago,
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hapako! oh, kropelkі will give a mum pairon, i look at the light, i don’t like it, i am a paradise, my pybyaga, i don’t eager, iszi domo, i’m not eager, i am the house, but ... ah, adbudzets zima, non -viasal budze ice, at atachenni mar i nadzeya, we mean the spring is more merry, the chickens are in the spring, we are not drinking, gardens and
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gardens for...
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one moment, it was all gradual. of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region,
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and the ministry of culture, it was decided that... it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, but by preserving it in its place , yes, but with global modernization, we will meet people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream.
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watch the project glance at belarus on our tv channel. guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third round and suggest that you postpone the questions and
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answers for a while and take a short break in order to get to know each other better. anastasia, you, as the best student of the gymnasium, carried and passed the torch to the first-graders, what kind of olympic system do you have, please tell us, it was on september 1 at... the school assembly, and i was honored to carry the torch and pass it to the first-graders, and how you have become better, well then is there any basis on which this was determined, just average scores, that’s all, or something additional? gpa and additional achievements are certainly taken into account. and what activities in other areas can you attribute to yourself? i am a unicef ​​volunteer, as well as a member of the unicef ​​advisory group, and i am also a champion of the dancefall volunteer project. i'm also just interested in dancing and singing. nastya is certainly one of the best students at our gymnasium, and of course she
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received such an honor for a reason. you do you really like to eat in the school canteen? do you love it so much that sometimes you eat as many as two servings? not even sometimes, almost every day. you look wonderful and you can’t tell, if you hadn’t indicated it in the questionnaire, i wouldn’t have guessed it. what's your favorite thing about the school cafeteria? casserole. picanka with condensed milk. nastya's average score is 9.8, but she promised me, swore literally yesterday, that she would improve physics to ten and she would have 10:00. anastasia, you want to become a specialist in intercultural communication. what do intercultural specialists do? communications? they mainly participate in negotiations with people from different countries. is it possible to communicate with people from different countries ? try to understand their mentality without knowing the language? no, do you know a foreign language? yes, i am an olympiad student in english,
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and i also started learning french. what is your level of english? if we take international tests, approximately b21. wow, did she want to come to us, were preparations made? i’ll tell you, it was nastya’s big dream to actually get to your... transfer, she was worried, she was really looking forward to this qualifying round, she consulted with me on history, and of course, you should have seen the eyes of this girl, when she found out that she had passed this selection and was going, she was simply happy, you can see from her, she smiles so much, a ray of sunshine, yes, she is like that, yes, a star, a smiling little girl, such a very kind girl, so today, thanks to you all, her dream has come true, may she remain in the third round with such... enthusiasm, with with sparkling eyes, well, he doesn’t forget about knowledge, erudition and speed. and now we will meet elena. do you really love
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english, social studies, history, because you consider these subjects the most useful? yes, don't you find math useful either? well, perhaps, mathematics is also useful, but probably not in my specialization, which i chose for my future. what specialization did you choose? but i want to become a translator, she has the ability to become a translator, do you see it in her? alena is a participant and winner of the regional stage of the republican olympiads not only in english, but in social studies, he shows himself remarkably well in class, does extra assignments, prepares very carefully for the performance, i have great chances, i think you really love classical music and theater, let’s talk about everything in order about classical music . what classics do you like? i like chopin the most, but i also like listening to bach. do you like the theater? which theater did you go to most often? it will
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only appear in the national one, well, in minsk, but i plan to visit again. she's enough sophisticated person. i think it’s immediately clear that a person like this likes classical music. what traits do you think are preventing you from achieving your goal? well , it seems to me that this is to some extent laziness. and the fact that i constantly put everything off for later, that is, you return home from school and you need some more time to start doing your homework, that is, are you bargaining with yourself or not? well, yeah, yeah, how much time does this procrastination usually take? well, about an hour exactly, oh-oh, that is, closer to do you sit down for homework in the evening and how long does it take to study? well, two hours is enough for me, are you familiar with our program, do you know that the third round is treacherous, i always call it treacherous, because not only knowledge is important there, but... the states, the table,
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i am very pleased, i think that alena also, well, i’ll advise alena to think about tactics in the third round, she still has time, and now let’s get to know alexandra, the most memorable incident from school life is school concerts, do you lead them, do you participate in them, or do you just like them watch, and i’ve been performing at school concerts for the past six years, previously i was performing in their lineup.
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well, she doesn’t get a 7.8, but she has nines and tens, but i think that, of course , grades are important for her in all subjects, she is equally good at algebra, languages, geography, and she writes and draws poetry, recently at school there was even her personal exhibition of drawings, if you had a round sum of money, you would spend it on pleasant little things for yourself, here i want to know in more detail what these pleasant little things are, not only for
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yourself, for yourself and close. i think that she will show us more in this area, well, who knows, maybe the creative nature will win, then we will see her on the big stage, everything may be, we wish good luck, alexandra is on our program, thank you, we just have to meet artyom , here i must maintain the style of the author, to the question: favorite subject, you wrote the following, i treat each subject with understanding and respect each discipline and do not elevate any one due to the fact that my heart and mind
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are boiling. medicine is written as the beginning some novel, do you really want to connect your life with medicine? well, yes, this is my conscious decision, which i made right at the end of the ninth grade, but i regret that i didn’t decide on this earlier, well, yes, i plan to enter a medical university, how we decided, how we came to this conclusion? in general, artyom is an olympiad student in geography and takes diplomas at the regional stages. but - still, probably, his soul lies with him, specifically, i probably think that for chemistry and at the end of the ninth grade he came up to me asking what he should do, i definitely said that his profile was medical, because in artyom i see a very good doctor, exactly what kind of doctor? well , personally, i need a good cardiologist, artyom, yes i heard, i hope you would like to learn, here i want to give you
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a compliment, firstly for your courage for...
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the habit of giving advice to everyone, i just can’t get rid of it, no only with you, artyom, sometimes i can’t restrain myself, i constantly make some corrections, comments, very often children call him grandfather, grandfather, yes, because with artyom, you probably even saw this while answering questions, he really likes to reason, he speaks, reasons out loud, and maybe, well, not all girls like it yet, but they still do not understand all the charms of artyom. did he enjoy coming to our program, maybe it was also his dream to come to us, so, naturally, he dreamed about it, and i will never forget, i was on... sick leave , my leg was broken in in november, artyom called with such joy, he told me to get better very quickly, because we were going filming in minsk, cool, we wish all the guys success, it’s time for us to continue the game, we’re looking forward to the third round, vasya,
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start, it’s time to get back into the game, the third round is ahead, let’s get acquainted with its rules, in the third round the host asks 10 questions, the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer, the correct answer brings him: three points, in case of an error, the right to answer goes to the other participants, the two players who score the most points advance to the fourth round. first question: what philosophical question is addressed in the poem? krasova, who lives well in russia, gives the answer: peace, wealth, honor. anastasia, what is the most important value of a person? unfortunately, no, this is the wrong answer. artyom, what is good in a person? no. what is the most important thing in life? no. elena. what is a sense of life. no. i
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can't accept these answers. you see, we talked very well about meaning here, and you, well, were on the right track. i understand that the poem, even if it was read, is natural. remembered, i would like to hear from you something like what is happiness, what is happiness, if only in your answer the word happiness and some question related to it appeared, i would accept it as the correct answer. what do you think is happiness? peace, wealth, honor, aren't you dear friends? they said so, here is a verbatim excerpt from the poem. second question: these wooden shoes, clamps, the oldest ones have been found.
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i even skated in the netherlands, that’s what i wanted to hear from you. third question: before you the aposhnya radki vydomaga has reached the top, and in what words is he a leader? alexandra! i want to spend a precious night with you and torture you and tell you: why the hell are you these clear eyes? clear eyes hercules. what do you call gety versh? i am nepeўnena, which is what the name is, i am extraordinary
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in the first days. that's how it is. the first radki have a name. i would like to sleep with you on the streets of course. i would like to go to the streets with you. hurray, uh-huh, geta versh maxim bogdanovich, that’s what it’s called. the fourth question is a video question, pay attention to the screen. in which capital city can you see this monument? alexandra, and this is dublin, the capital of ireland, a monument to the great irish city, famine. well done, well done, i see yes. that's right, the absolutely correct answer is yes, it's dublin. fifth question: what saints are depicted on this icon? artyom? perhaps cyril and methodius? exactly, exactly. impossible,
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exactly, these are cyril and methodius. this map is located at the center of the northern lights in the aviki river. museum visitors celebrate. there are certain countries on it, if you look closely, you will see that some are marked very densely, others are practically untouched. by what principle are certain countries marked? artyom? perhaps these are the countries from which the tourists came. ah, let's dare guess, then, what is the name of this card? tourist map, well, wow, i won't torture you. artyom, the map is called mark where you are from. and you absolutely conveyed the principle to us. on this map, people actually mark the countries they came from. seventh question, pay attention to the screen. encrypt this abbreviation. alexandra,
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housing maintenance service. bravo, correct answer, housing maintenance service. the eighth question and this is the question from the chest. the chest contains what was shared with the captured pierre bezukhov, platon karataev, who wants to console him. pierre accepted this with gratitude. name attention, very precisely, what lies with.
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well, why the ninth question and this is an audio question: what is the name of a special style of singing without words, popular in the culture of various nations, with a characteristic rapid switching of voice registers. let's listen.
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something comes to mind, to be honest, nothing comes to mind, most likely it is one of the more or less contemporary artists, that is, the 19th-2nd century. but despite my interest in art, i'm not very into
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the relationship between the paintings and the authors, i understand, anastasia, it’s unlikely that it’s malevich, but let it be malevich, let it be of course, but it’s not molevich, well, then i’ll say, it’s escher maurizio, escher’s paintings are based on three-dimensional structures, the existence of which is in in the real three-dimensional world seems impossible, all that remains for us to do is to sum up the results of the third round, only two tickets, i ’m talking about tickets to the fourth round, attention, with a result of 34 points, the fourth round is alexandra, yes, well done, well done, smart girl, well artyom, artyom, is sent to your company with a score of 27 points. artyom! alexandra
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and artyom! we will meet you in the fourth round of the intellectual show. i know. elena, anastasia. thank you very much for the game. with that, we say goodbye to you. girls, i'm glad to see you in the teachers' room. surely you would like to play more, but still, what?
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thank you very much for your participation, thank you, i think we won’t stop there, anastasia, well, you’re finally smiling, because in the third round i lost your smile, what happened? questions for me the third round was quite difficult, i knew. the answer to only one question, and then the speed, the speed interfered with what, and about yodal, how you played with us, i really liked the atmosphere, the game itself, i have wanted to come to you for a very long time, so i am infinitely glad that i passed, and i am more than happy with my result. marina mikhailovna, are you happy, were you so worried about
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anastasia from the first round from the very first minutes? well, of course, i was worried, yes, i’m happy, i was sure that nastya would pass all the tests with dignity, but it happened, a little bit lacking, somewhere confidence, somewhere this quick reaction, somewhere a little bit more knowledge on intercultural communication, but she will be a student in the future, i think this question will help me learn, thank you very much , good luck to you in the future, and we continue our game, the fourth round is ahead and we need to find out who will be the winner, vasya, start the fourth round, the final one. the fourth round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the fourth round , participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. leader in number of points, the first person chooses the topic of the question and, if the answer is correct , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect,
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the second participant enters the game. the correct option earns him two points. alexandra, you are the leader in points, choose the first category. let it be geography. in which european country did a volcanic eruption occur in 2010, paralyzing air traffic? 20 thousand canceled flights and millions of non-departure passengers at different airports around the world. it was a volcanic eruption in iceland, the eyafjall volcano, if i'm not mistaken. well done! not all television presenters and announcers can pronounce such a word, were you even able to pronounce it? yes, thank you for doing this for me, let's look at the screen, there is a video, here it is, it was this volcanic eruption
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that paralyzed air traffic in europe. artyom, choose a category. i’ll choose biology, name the group of monosaccharides, the general formula of which you see on the screen, the group, well, i don’t know how it’s correct, glucosides, maybe, well , something, well, list them, glucose, fructose, and this group is called. sugar, well carbohydrates, no, i don’t remember. alexander, do you have the opportunity to earn two points? unfortunately, i don't have any versions. we really hope there are versions in the staff room. elena dmitrievna has, yes, i have a version that it is hexose, because it has
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six carbon atoms. these are hexoses, well in this case gixose. alexandra, let it go. there will be physics, as a fully or partially ionized gas is called, in which the concentrations of positive and negative charges practically coincide, well, here you can either cling to the presence of charges and the fact that they are equal to say that it is a neutral gas, or a fully ionized, noble gas, perhaps an ionized gas, just what is it called, ionized gas, your answer? having tried noble gas, alas, no, artyom, plasma, plasma, this is the answer that i was really waiting for. artyom, choose a category.
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source code from any programming language to machine language. let's say, a transcoder, no, artyom, an inverter, no,
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as with computer science in the teacher's room, help us, don't knock on our door, please, on this issue, in the teacher's room they gently hinted to me, that they are busy there, so i’ll voice the compiler, i think metals, which metal is leading in...
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perhaps it’s may, no, it’s on the tip of my tongue, well , turn it around, there’s time, incas, well done, sasha, well done, incas, it’s them , well, all 10 categories of the fourth round have been played, all that remains for us is to find out the results of the entire game as a whole, congratulate the winner and say goodbye to the player.
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alexandra, you only needed one point, but i see the smile on your face , i understand that perhaps these points are not the most important thing for which you came here, you are awesome fought, thank you for this game, all the best, alexandra, i’m very glad to see you, but you can’t even imagine what was going on in the teachers’ room, because until the last moment we thought that... you would win, and then, when we saw the results, and there’s only one point, and you’re not in first place, olga vladimirovna lost her words, sasha, such
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a gap after.
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the game is over, it's time to reward and congratulate the winner, this wonderful bouquet is for you, thank you, thank you for the game, that's it, the game is over, now you can share impressions, artyom, how do you like the game? in principle, i liked everything, i liked the questions, well, it was intellectual, interesting, just what i needed, elena dmitrievna, what a finale, it was a victory, you
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are happy, share your emotions, emotions. bye. is it true that saturated carboxylic acids have lower melting points than unsaturated ones? as far as i remember, a saturated carboxylic acid differs from unsaturated ones by the presence of a double or triple bond, and a double or triple bond is much stronger than a single one. and accordingly, more energy is needed to
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destroy it and, well, melt it, so to speak. how did you answer this question? but i don’t remember anymore, i don’t think so.
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musi lіdzіya people, the sir of the birth of the land, we are expanding our efforts, we are trying to prosper the free land, the evil land, our bright one. we salute
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the peoples of the fraternal union, our beloved mother, and fashionable life, even beloved, our mother’s homeland is of course alive and belarus, right from the beginning, manfully, you are sheep.
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the power of the people, the power of the people, our package, our way, our road is changing, clear life
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fear, faith are divine, joys, evil earth, our light.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama. tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's sum up this day together. coordinated actions of allies from space heights to regional security. experts are discussing our president’s loud statements during a working visit to russia. massacre in sydney, australia, six dead in a shopping centre. the police are working on a version of the terrorist attack. and a beautiful, icy struggle for. republican hockey league cup, who won champion, vivid footage of the final fight on our air. my colleagues will continue announcing the program. a reporter's view of space, we
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were next to marina vasilevskaya, leading the way. let's remember how it was, look through the photos and videos. now it will be faster to build houses and commercial buildings. savmin's resolution reduces a number of duplicative procedures. luxury cars - expensive premium villas all over the world, as poor ukrainian officials and refugees shock the european deputies of the american authorities with their luxurious lives. about global corruption we’ll talk about scale in detail today in panorama. the beathlon season is coming to an end, but the celebration of sports continues here in murmansk, so today in panorama anna eismond will have a bright conversation with fans. well, andrey kozlov will tell you everything about the sports part. from the commonwealth cup celebration, and of course, about the city of murmansk itself. don't switch. seven teams from different parts of belarus strive to become the best in the battle for the coveted flag. this is the semi-final of the republican
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military-patriotic tournament. we'll tell you how young people cope with the challenges of our time. patriots. themes and events of the end of the week literally compete in their importance and pass under the sign. this is a space mission , cooperation on security and strengthening economic cooperation, the situation on the western borders, the prospect of peace negotiations in ukraine. statement.
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with ukraine, what will happen, you know, there is a 100 km front in ukraine now, you think it’s simple, not simple, our border with ukraine is approximately 1500 kilometers, add 1500, in the baltic polish direction, another 1500, 3000 km, you and i will have to do this front close if we go to war. can we do this? we won’t be able to, i’m telling you, we won’t be able to, we want problems for ourselves, we don’t want it, this is secondly, and firstly, maybe ukraine, just like today russia, will need such a belarus, so, you know, this is the simplest solution , tomorrow iskander put it in position, shoved a missile there, i’m not talking about a nuclear warhead, shoved it.
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here is our, let’s say, alternative, that is, the possibility of using the belarusian platform for negotiation processes, especially since, well, we remember in principle that the minsk processes, in general...
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and the factor of lukashenko’s personality will play an exclusively positive role in this. allies coordinate efforts to respond to threat challenges. today there are enough of them from provocations on the external borders. here it is also possible to restrain the ardor of aggressive neighbors before the economic
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pressure of the west. our anti-sanctions strategy is working well. on monday , the dialogue on the work of the union economy will be continued by the prime ministers of belarus and russia. of course, the topic of space was a common thread the day before; the presidents of belarus and russia held a meeting with oleg navitsky and marina vasilevskaya, space is without a doubt ours. right now my colleague anastasia benedesyuk has come to the panorama studio, who covered the entire space odyssey and is ready to share her emotions with you. nastya, good evening, you were our eyes and ears throughout the entire space expedition, waiting for your inclusions. from baikanur literally the whole country froze. you and i also went live through space, via satellite, there is no internet in the steppe of kazakhstan, i’ll explain for the audience. and when the team returned to earth, you took off an amazing film, there's no other way to put it. it aired the day before, where we once again
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experienced all the exciting moments, from the cancellation of the ship’s launch, tears of sadness, to the reception of our heroes in the palace of independence and pride in our country. i’ll note that those who haven’t seen the film by anastasia bendesyuk can watch it on the youtube channel of agency novostey, well , i have a few questions for you, tell me, what is our marina vasilevskaya like, firstly, marina vasilevskaya is an incredibly beautiful, beautiful girl, even that same one the moment when we were writing an interview with marina in the palace of independence, this is her first big interview, she was wearing heels, for a person who had just returned from space, this is of course very difficult, she was in special equipment, this... the suit was very worried , so that no one would notice when she landed from the iss, journalists noticed, she was beautiful, as always, her eyes were tinted, she later admitted that she borrowed her makeup bag from tracy dyson, because the urs of space is not allowed, so first of all, she is beautiful, confident in belorussian,
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secondly, definitely heroic, because not everyone can decide on this, well, very sensual, we saw those emotions of hers in the palace of independence, when she cried with her, well... everyone present in the palace of independence, in that very film, which was released yesterday, you can read the comments; the audience of this film also cried. what were your emotions while working at baikanur? baikanur is a full range of emotions from anticipation, from anticipation of this start, because for us it was something new, we have never done anything like this before seen, neither by journalists, nor by belarusians, although they were certainly natives of belarus, they had already flown, gone into space, we know them all, but nevertheless, this was the state, on the other hand, the twenty-first. march, we remember, when this start did not happen, there was confidence that it would happen, but nevertheless, on the twenty-second, i remember just now, we met at baikanur with the parents of marina vasilevskaya, hugged, they cried a lot, we were worried, they were without communication at baikonur, we already had information at that time, alexander lukashenko
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i phoned yuri borisov, borisov said that all the problems had been fixed, marina would fly, everything would be great and safe, the parents asked several times, this is exactly right , we say, yes, and for... the borders of belarus in the car, so spartan conditions, the men from our team gave
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us the largest, warmest car, so it was such a night, well, not the easiest, but this is really a small thing, the main thing is that everything worked out and we were the first to see it. and how was the work of journalists organized, was everything allowed to be filmed or was something classified as secret? did everyone agree to be interviewed? as for the neck, it’s secret, probably not, in general, everything that was seen was talked about, but before the start. conducted briefings with journalists, here it was important not to interfere with those services that were to be evacuated, for example from the capsule, when the crew had already landed, it was important not to interfere, so of course we observed these points, in all other respects this is complete improvisation, you see, you’re running, gave an interview about willingly, but rather they gave it after landing, because people are still a little superstitious, they say: we will give everything, everything will be, everything will be, but first for us the main thing is to do the work, to do it efficiently, and then all the attention press... everything , what do you need. okay, who came up with the idea to give marina flowers after landing? oh, it was very
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spontaneous, in fact, i was just passing by a flower shop in karaganda, yes, those same daisies. well, they gave marina a lot of roses, before, i’m sure, and after she was given flowers. here is the main point, i wanted to give her something tender, something so homely, cozy, dear, they were transporting it across the steppe, so this bouquet is also quite small, it wasn’t planned like that, it’s just... by the command of the heart of the soul , i still wanted a beautiful girl , beautiful, they didn’t give her flowers on the iss, so we were the first. and if the rider is with the astronauts, they know there is a preference for apple, birch juice, and apple, yes, marina vasilevskaya, while still on the iss, she asked her friend, i would probably even say, from the academy of sciences, who accompanied her all the way to bring apple juice, oleg novitsky traditionally, when he returns to earth, he always takes a sip of birch sap. one interesting thing is my colleague annyakviloriya, she brought lard, there was an agreement a couple
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of years ago with oleg that if we ever meet you in the steppe of kazakhstan, it will be lard, and for marina, she brought cucumbers, her parents admitted, which she loves very much, there is no rider as such, but regarding food, when they are just leaving for the iss, they choose their own preferences in food, they try everything, in general, they decide on what they need, marina said that she really liked the cottage cheese, i have. one last question for you, if you were offered to become an astronaut and fly, would you agree? firstly, i would correct you first, because this is not the last question, the last one, that’s what all cosmonauts say, you’re right, secondly, probably, seeing that team that was with marina and all this way, i would probably , took a risk because a reliable rear, a shoulder to support, by the way, i would too, you see, the president said, by the way, here...
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i wish all people on earth that they value and take care of everything that we have, because... this is incredible beauty, another season
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of republican amateur hockey competitions for presidential prizes. the second match of the golden series turned out to be perhaps the most intense of the season, 18 goals were scored, yes, the goalkeepers felt the power of the players, and the spectators experienced vivid emotions from each puck, and yes, the stands of the capital olympic arena were sold out, the match took place in the ambiance of a real sport holiday.
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it's always a holiday, you can see the joy of the stands, delight. here the minsk region team left behind 4:3, but already in the first break the ice owners managed to work on their mistakes. as a result, in the second and third, the head of state’s team completely dominated on the court, scoring six goals. the guests managed to object only once; in the final period of the game, the capital's team tried as best they could to restore the balance in
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the score, scoring three times, but the president's ice team did not give up. were named the most valuable players of the meeting. in addition, based on the results of the entire tournament , the organizers awarded prizes to the best in their roles. thus, among the goalkeepers, the goal guards of the minsk region team maxim shchepko were noted. the defenders had no equal to alexander kovshik from the squad of the grodno region. in the team’s camp, the heads of state singled out artyom korkotsky as the best striker, and andrei
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kostitsin as the league’s top scorer. this victory in the tournament became. this is already the fifteenth in a row for the ice owners. by the way, an interesting episode occurred after the award ceremony. alexander lukashenko gave his a gold medal to the son of one of the hockey players of the minsk region team. naturally, this fragment will go down in the history of this season, which will be remembered for its bright matches, unpredictable results and incredible emotions. as always, emotional, because every year we really get older, but at the same time our love for... hockey does not become less, we are always happy only with victories, so we go out to win every match, in the team next to the first we can be only the first, i was pleased that the teams were strengthening, the teams are getting younger, every year they are more and more motivated to beat our team, this also makes us happy. according to tradition , the winners of the match thanked their fans for their support; the smartest
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fans took home plush gifts, also during breaks in the confrontation for the spectators. pop performers performed, and the most active fans took part in competitions. let me add that the bronze medals of the championship were won by hockey players from the grodno region, who beat the team from the brest region. new season for hockey fans will begin in the fall. the belarusian biathlon opens up a new place on the world sports map for the first time in two seasons in the commonwealth cup, belarusians compete in the arctic circle. the finish takes place in murmansk. tomorrow. eduart latypov and belarusian anton smolsky. my colleagues are working at the scene right now, over to andrei kozlov and anna eismond. hello belarus, it’s already spring for you, but it’s winter for us. and our beloved biathlon, and next to me
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is snow maiden anya from belarus, from belarus and granddaughter andrey. advice. also from belarus, also from belarus? well, who starts first? well, let's decide honestly: 1, 2, 3, you start, i start, where are you from, from the minsk region, right? and we go to the merchant to be friends, i’m from tambov, sports grandfather frost, official russian, i’m the new snow maiden from belarus, i’m a jurid, she started to get interested in biathlon, the specialty of belarus came here to murman, and with my dad, it’s amazing, you always always go for biathletes, yes, i’m happy for anna solo, of course, we even have a small present for her daughter and for her, bows, bows, like mine, like this one, but for her. thank you very much to the fans, but before we return to the results, it was impossible to lose sight of, probably
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, the main attraction of murmansk, the nuclear icebreaker lenin, it will no longer leave anchor, but now continues to delight us with its greatness, just as biathletes cut through thick the ice of the arctic ocean has now become a museum, which continues to create a stir around itself. murmansk is the last city of the russian empire, founded in 1916 and the place to conquer the northernmost latitudes of our planet. well , to further emphasize the peculiarity of the biathlon track here, it is located beyond the arctic circle and, by the way, the track is somewhat treacherous; it is not for nothing that it has hosted the ussr championship eight times. the track is not easy, and even more so, as you can see, it’s the end of the season and the weather conditions.
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victory in the overall standings, today is the second competition day in murmansk, it is taking place without smolsk, the fans are all a little upset, but i think your family absolutely has some kind of common sense approach here, why not today?


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