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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 9:20am-10:46am MSK

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it’s interesting, here’s the sea, but i don’t know how big it is, probably uncle lenya said that life originated in the sea, and now it’s in ours, how is that?
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thank you, we should rent a room, i don’t know, we’re all booked, leave me alone, beckoning, hello girls, we haven’t heard of a bed anywhere here, it’s not for rent, it’s for rent, well, let’s go, manya. excuse me, oh,
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ivanna, look at the dog i went with, i wonder if he’ll find a bed somewhere, oh, everyone’s place is packed to capacity, you can’t wash the linen like in july, mistress, can you tell me where? gerasimovna, gerasimovna, are you me? called, annovanna, no, not me, hello, lyudmila gerasimovna, it’s us, like this, there’s not a single free place, dear, i’d be glad, but there’s nowhere to go, but do you know me, but they gave you a familiar address, anatoly petrovich, no remember, can you really remember all of you, or maybe you’d like to bring me a ten-kopeck piece for a glass, there’s a jug in the refrigerator in the morning, no, no, thank you, let’s go, man. “i think i remember,
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his wife was a young beauty and a little girl, well, maybe buy a load, or maybe a tomato from the garden, put it on the back seat, everything is fine with you, in order, good afternoon, for the development of contacts, well, are you going to discuss again, yes, here, take your grapes, get out of here, well, let's go, let's go. have a safe journey,
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thank you very much, anna ivanovna, please come to us, anna ivanovna, we will be very glad to see you, next year we will definitely come to you again, is it possible? just give us 2 weeks notice, all the best to you, goodbye, good afternoon, there is no place at your place, but there won’t be, everything is busy, or maybe somehow, anna ivanovna, you see, overheard anna ivanovna, what am i going to put with you and your dog, hello, ma, it’s time to turn off the organ, it’s making my teeth loose. will turn itself off, where did you lose the lens? i went to the store, they just left you, they left today , they will arrive tomorrow, there are five people from murmansk, if you stay in the hall until tomorrow, it will cost ten,
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what can i do, put this in the muzzle, don’t let it bite, it’s not written on it, lie, show him to the hall, okay, but can i take the basin. take it, only then wash it, okay, the pneumatic is foreign, italian, yeah, let's go, thank you, the mullet is starting to move towards the shore, so hunting is guaranteed.
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what light comes and pecks? but they say it can take a sea worm, you can’t take less than a kilogram, but go to hell, excuse me, i’m out of curiosity, god, what’s your business, you’re already the forty-seventh out of curiosity, it bites, it doesn’t bite, what to fish for and let’s light a cigarette, where are you staying, you’re not bored here alone, let me see you off, by the way, i have the same vacation as you, i ’m not bothering you, man, apologize to
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the woman, let’s go. there's no point in burning the lights, you're supposed to sleep at night, senya, senya, well, it’s still early, go see that the new guy can’t sleep there, he’s set up illumination, go, go, and the shallow meadow, oh,
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my place, you were scared, but no, you don’t have a light. yours is on fire, but i don’t smoke, by the way, but i ’m watching the light, don’t even try to smoke. the smoke is biting into the whitewash, well, manka, let's go to sleep,
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huh? oops, well, here we go, we found it, come on, guys, come on!
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stand, and i, well, okay, don’t rush, to the crimea, bless you, what’s there in the crimea, you need it, you need it, grow up, press there. there is the black sea, the air cures all diseases, it is purer than penicillin, how will you get there?
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such a distance, okay, don’t be sour, you’ll become a sailor, you’ll replace me, you’ll go everywhere, no, i’ll be a pilot, why a pilot, i decided so long ago that the choir is already? ural, no, there won’t be a rehearsal, vovka died.
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it's good that you and i are here at home, why? why, why? therefore, we will die and there will be no one to cry. wow, i heard it from adults. love me, my dear, i have a cavity, in a year and a half, i will probably die, love my dear friend, she will warm me up, she will lead the grave to the south, here she will die. both! stop it, stop it! don't, don't trust fools, you can't, cry, cry,
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cry, don’t be ashamed, sai, go, go, we ’ll catch up, nothing, nothing, everything will be fine, cookies go, good morning. woke up, woke up, did you watch an italian film yesterday, hello, it's protost, hello, step aside, hello, are you late, my dear? wow, my girl, my sweetie, good morning, good morning,
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got ready, got ready, thank you, i’ll go and see what you have there, anna ivanovna. and this kid, he is someone you know, the son from his first husband, he died when he was still little, but what about you? so it’s me next to him, you, me, i still have the same card, uncle lenya took it off, don’t lie, where now, i’ll get settled somewhere, but where will you get settled,
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pack your bed, take your things to me, room by evening. and you would have come to your senses.
9:37 am
oh, it’s good here, you don’t want to leave, well , don’t leave, whoever is driving, everyone says so, it means it’s right, since everything, manka, you say correctly, right, now lyoshka doesn’t take a drop in his mouth, but how did we meet, how did he pull it out me, like this every day...
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then he took an oath before the wedding, no, no, he’s been holding on for four years, but what, here he is it's going to go fast, there's no work, and the bad money just floats into your hands, oh, it hits great, yes, it's a pity that all the fish are gone, they bought the gun in italy, it was a gift from their comrades, but who are you, a man, a pensioner, oh, ah how old are you, a lot, 45, but such pensioners don’t exist, it happens, ribbon, everything happens, i wonder what kind of experience you have, 40 years, oh,
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come on, you’re a pilot, or something, then it’s clear, i served in the flight corps in engines , commissioned, guessed right again, congratulations, your wife is almost pregnant, i hope before the war, progesterone, magnesia and a knife according to the example urgently, bull call, hello, it’s urgent to veri grigorievna, everything went perfectly for us, thank you very much, we were told that if you don’t get us pregnant, then...
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i’ve always admired it, even since my student years, i want to marry you, which i’m on the bench , seryozha, i feel so bad for you, watch the tv series attempt of faith on the belarus 24 tv channel, we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes, the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but in this variety it’s easy get lost, a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not shriveled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. i can't wait to start
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cooking. sounds absolutely amazing. let's figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. don't forget about invigorating exercises. i will show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching. front the back surface of the thigh, first we’ll stretch the front surface of the thigh, now it’s time to walk, run with a full charge of strength to meet this day, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel. great, lyosh, what do you need, i’ll give your lenka a workout on skis, come on, yes i don’t know how, come on, come on,
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yes, i’m afraid when you’re far away, on such and such a boat, well, maybe on a boat, happy fishing, thank you. lyosh, be kind to your mother, why is this all of a sudden? well, please. lyoshka is crazy, don’t swim too far!
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come out, come out, come out, but i’m not scared anna ivanovna, it’s good here, it’s good, why are you losing him out of nowhere, like convicts in siberia, but you know, our home is there, you me... devonka, tell me what, you love me alexei? and what? so you don’t love him, but why
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would you love him, a fool? a fool, he is a fool, just understand, he’s the only one i have, and so do i. maybe the katran will grab it? have you ever tried katran? so it’s a shark, it’s like a shark, but it’s jerky, you know how delicious it is,
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manya, why do you call him mane, after all, he’s a boy, he’s mario manuel von wolf swinkel, his pedigree is like this, well, help! wow, come on, come on, yes, it’s a rooster, brothers, lyosha, lyosha, they caught the rooster, now, damn it, the kings, before, chow the rooster, hang, beckoning. well, he’ll tell you, let’s go, manka, let’s go! lenochka,
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we realized a long time ago that in your family it’s not lyoshka, but you are the main thing, but maybe you ’re twisting the truth, twisting it, so twist it here, look at how you’ve begun to live, what you’re running from, there was a bonanza here and never it won’t end, that’s right, girls, fyodor is right in what he says, but why be shy and that’s right, a goldmine, about work is not a problem, to work, not to work, the number, it is required, from alexey. first class driver at any motor depot with arms and legs, they will take you, and you will go as a nurse to a boarding house, resting in good health, sit and sunbathe, if you want , go out tomorrow, lenochka, thank you, say thank you for your care, thank you for your care, we will return home, i for your family only made good ones, and
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you can stick syringes into your ass anywhere. and you, fyodor, take it easy, take it easy, he and lyoshka are no more stupid than you, look, people are kind, it’s our owner, he’s gathered guests, he’s still insulting, well, well, anything else about your opinion, he’s walking around, you’ll take a walk, you’ll kill me as a ghoul, what? took it into circulation, you lyoshenka, you’d rather feel sorry for your father and mother, we don’t always know whoever gets it all, they get it, so for free, whatever one may say, they benefit all around, len, go and call, alexander nikolaevich, otherwise it ’s inconvenient, we fished together. that means,
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don’t bother lenka, about being sorry, but why feel sorry, ma, you and your father are healthy, lenka and i too, we stand on our own two feet, we don’t demand help, why feel sorry, they have the strength, alyoshenko there are fewer and fewer people, as you can see, every year there are more and more people, yeah, i see, it’s like they’re not at home on vacation, in a hotel, why do you need so many mothers? but i agree, idiots, good evening, and good evening, good evening, sit down, hold on, alexander nikolaevich, thank you, so, there’s your spoon, but in general, anka, you’re right, lenka rules, if it weren’t for her, there would be you and i are relatives, well
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, what... our natalka is worse, everything was with you, it was in vain that lyoshka saved her, it would have been better if she had drowned, you think what you’re saying, you can’t drown the bolt for me, yeah, lyoshka, no, what’s wrong yuzhku not come on, have you completely switched to kefir, well, that’s enough for you, fyodor leonchich, he won’t, and no one in our house will drink in front of us, really, lyosha, you’re uncle fed, let’s try some fish soup, fish soup, be healthy, and wine that will ruin the whole taste, i give up, i’ll have a double portion, how long have we, sasha , known you? 32 years old, annavan, 32, you can’t be like that, but we’ve only met for three decades, and i didn’t live before you, i lived, of course i lived, he’s vovka’s friend.
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my firstborn, no, i have great respect for them and for your husband, who died heroic and to vovka, although i’ve never seen them , and i’ll go to krasnoyarsk, well... when was the last time you were in yalta or simphepol, and what didn’t i see there, in siberia, what did you not see, so there are nuts, pine nuts, not like our walnuts, useful for the body, everything is useful for you,
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a young cossack walks below, walks below, walks below. is crying, and there is a maiden crying, and there is a maiden crying over a stormy river, and there a maiden is crying over a stormy river, what are you crying about, maiden? what are you crying about, what is the girl crying about, what is everyone living about, what is it all about?
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let's go, let's go, cheerful friends, the country, like a mother calls us and loves us, caring hands are needed everywhere, our goat's kind female voice, come on girls, come on, let the country sing, let the country sing, his guys loved him, let our names will become famous among the heroes, with whom is he in the room or is it already better, eh?
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all the worst is behind you, look, don’t believe me, let’s speak like women, women, you are still young, you have your whole life ahead of you, and you sold everything for this penicillin, a cow, a wild boar, chickens, i didn’t have chickens, okay , there were no smokes, there was only one man, he really needs penicillin for his wife, he offers any money, well, think about yourself. anya, i already thought, so what? all the injections were given to the guys, those who lived with vovka, all 45. well, okay, give us your ampoules, no,
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you will inject in front of me, in front of me. good evening! “excuse me, you can sit quietly, dolphins, dolphins, i’ve never seen them in my life, you’ll see again, now the fish is coming to the shore, here they are after it, and you don’t believe that they understand everything?” no, i don’t believe it, it’s a pity, but manka and i believe, you’re looking for adventure, just like everyone else, you’re biting, girl, oh, not biting, uh-huh, you’re not afraid alone, maybe you’ll be escorted out, what are you fishing for, or i can hook you up,
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well, like everyone else, but you know, i don’t advise you to try in vain, beckoning, i understand who they take us for, i understand, beckoning , you’re smart, let’s go with god. you see, he might still see you off, yes, you’re unlucky with your owner, he’s a slow-witted person, and you think so,
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yes, don’t hold a grudge against me, i wish you well, if it turned out your way.. go, if you got into trouble, don’t tell me, i can’t, i won’t tell you, for my grandson’s sake, it’s time, so darling, it’s a girl. wants, well, a girl, so a girl, let it be a girl. what difference does it make, well, happily, well, bye, when can we wait for you now, until two years from now, or maybe you and your father will get together with us, but where are we, god forbid, my son knows how to do everything but not do everything, remember, if anything happens, your house is here, okay, well, come on, otherwise you’ll recognize it on the boat, here you are, here you are, like this, well, mother, well, be healthy, okay, go,
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goodbye, happy, go, that’s all the record- i still need a new one, i’ll get it, oh, i ’ll go with you to the pier, let’s go to the pier, i’ll go went to the pier. don’t worry, anna ivanovna, everything is fine with them, fine, but are you married? no, not married, then it’s not your place to judge, let’s go, sasha. you can help me pick the peaches, anna
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ivanovna, why do you play a march when they are leaving, so that they remember, and you, sash, are not in the service, choose ripe ones, they are almost all ripe, the only scientist is resting with me, he is elderly , he is not with his girl painted, apparently he will have children older than her. where do they go like that, well, yes, in a hotel a sanatorium needs a stamp, here they are with us, of course, he says, as soon as i remember your seeing off, so your legs come to you, advertising you know, are you happy, better tell me why you’re not married, but why, why, why, continuation, children, grandchildren, continuation - that’s good, only i don’t remember the beginning, no father, no mother, no
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real surname, the hail was going on when they found me in the ruins in 1941, now it became a hail, i annavanna, all my life i bow to two gods, to my mother, whom i don’t remember, but she gave me life, and to the war, for the fact that he left that life, it may be a sin to say so, but it just so happens, i see you are cheerful, the women look you... they’re drying up, i’m not complaining, lyoshka says that you were a pilot, a pilot, the pension is big, but it’s enough, well, it means you deserve it, we don’t pay money in vain, in vain no, i wanted to fly since childhood, so i flew while i could , but he didn’t want a wife and children, he grew up an orphan, so he was afraid that they would too, after all , this is the kind of work we have, it’s just beautiful on earth when they fly, don’t think about it, i don’t regret anything,
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i wouldn’t mind living like this a second time , you live easily, you have no worries, except for a dog, you talk to two gods, you pray, but maybe that’s not why you’re alive, maybe you’re alive because you’re a vova mine died! playing with your head, a show where they fight not with the help of physical strength, let them drink heavily. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and
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sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. name a city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however, activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the best? titled in the country, i hope that benfica, benfica, absolutely right, in a difficult, extremely difficult fight, wins today, watch the intellectual sports project, head game on our tv channel. you and i live
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in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning. they live in postmodernity, postmodern everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence, because logically somehow explaining why a man, a grandfather, who does not remember his name, is put in the post of such a huge state, this is it’s absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you’ll just... be, but somehow uncomfortable, monastic life, it’s not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s the front line, god is alone with every heart, every person says , this is individuality, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24.
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smells good, tasty, you know how, the trick is not great, where are you going, anna ivanovna?
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you’re a disgrace, but come on out, we don’t need these boxes, i won’t take the grapes anyway, neither to ryazan, nor to kazan, i’ll hand over everything to the state farm, you decided it yourself, yes, yourself, for 40 kopecks. but it would be worse for 20, sasha, look at him, at the owner of this, and why look, why look, there’s really nothing to look at, the state farmer will rent it out, you hear, but i would have handed it over to you myself, yes... you won’t take it, lord , what is misfortune? it fell on me, sanya, lei, lei, i still won’t take you, damn these rubles for us, they ’re enough for you and me for three lives, and you and i live alone, it’s fair, herod, shut up, they
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’re fair, they’re telling the truth. a wolf is not a shepherd, a goat is not a gardener, you are a goat, senya, a goat, san, uh-huh, so if you judge, whose side is the truth on? i think on yours, i didn’t guess right, but she’s always on the woman’s side, that’s why she’s like a bee, she’s all, you know, howling at herself? drags, oh, i ’ll tell you how we used to live,
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until we became this very resort, a village, it is a village, everything is on its own hump, you know, it was more fun, at home on each other’s day off. i was leaving the hospital, i was completely
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dying, she took pity on me, that lyonka of yours advised me to come here, she took the last chance of herself, and so i live. and i’ll leave for krasnoyarsk anyway, i’ll leave anyway, don’t you believe it or something, yes, i don’t believe it myself.
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dolphins, look, look, dolphins, i told you that you would see dolphins. wait, take this, i’m tired of
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canned food, thank you, i’m tired of it, you’re a poacher, guessed right. eh, there are a lot of them, they will all spoil here, now. well, what should i do with them, what’s your name,
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zhenya, i have sasha, and... nikolaevich, we’ll cook the gorbol, and the mullets for the bolyk, you have salt , you have it, well, let’s, yeah.
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hello, hello, hello, is this your friend? comrade, are you relaxing here? no, in the village, but from whom? anna ivanno, what is your last name? i don’t know, but do you have documents?
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everything is fine, i'm sorry, comrade colonel, please, happily, all the best, follow me, maigret, you are offended, offended, at i don't really know you. beckoning, beckoning, shouldn’t we go for a swim, get up, go ahead, go ahead, manyuniam, let’s go, alexander nikolaevich.
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i won’t interfere with the tables, but i sent mine to the cinema, there’s a french actor there today, this is his last name...
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yes, look, you, colonel, don’t be afraid of gunpowder, and i’m a private of the guards, yes. and i reached prague, and that’s right, right, that ’s how it should be, it may still be, no, they won’t bother now, otherwise they wouldn’t let you retire so young, but what are you going to do next, airplanes, i also an engineer so as not to fuss, as you say, maybe a seagull, semyon protasovich, what a seagull, no, i ’ll tell you a secret, today i would have agreed at the state farm, i’ll hand over all the grapes to the state farm, she doesn’t know yet, have you ever
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seen this tornado , no, today you’ll see, she’s just in the cinema, in the cinema all our secrets are declassified, maybe i can help than semyon protanov. here, well, no, sasha, i ’ll go for a walk somehow, i’ll go, well, go for a walk, i’ll go for a walk.
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i walked far, san, to the sea. what are you doing here? but didn’t you hear anything? no, but was there death? so everything seems to be in place, no, not everything, there is no more of my family
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life, so right away, at the moment, go, she says, out of my sight, out of my sight, her eyes, see, are spoiling from me? “you know, you still have to live somehow until the morning,
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travel is not only about getting to know history and sights, the wolf river that flows through the wolf.” belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's
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reading, and of course, to join so, dear friends, for your attention, we omit a dish of unique folk art pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and use two handles to knock it down, hard, not scary. there’s nothing scary here, look at the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. you’ll be partners in sports, and we, i hope, will be partners in life, emotions, feelings in dancing are wonderful, but in my opinion you have a love triangle there , i want to know what happened to my father, who lived a double life for so long and deceived me and my mother, you know, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, it will immediately become clear that i i concocted the interview myself, please help me out, i just have to hand it in tomorrow, okay, tell me the address, i really need
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to talk to you, i’m sorry, i can’t right now, i’m not alone, you ruined my girl, listen, stop it, you see , that the guy himself is stressed, it’s just an accident, but there’s no need, i can do it myself, i’m sorry, it’s just a necessity, ritka, you still came, and you’re not alone, inga, i love you very much and i ask you to become mine wife, i love someone else, i myself have been living with this feeling since the day you fell on the ice due to my fault. watch the series again there will be a day on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. well, start your record, i'm leaving. so you're leaving? so that's it. good riddance. make music backwater. you'll get by, music is for good people. and that means i’m worthless, but you weren’t like that, not like that, yeah, not like that, not like that, you were young, and now you’re old, and i see you’re yelling, or, go, go, maybe you’ll find something better, go, i’ll go, and i’m not holding back, go, i’ll go. semyon
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protasovich, wait, goodbye, sasha, the climate here is harmful to me, semyon protashich, don’t fuss, it’s better not to go any further, he’ll go, anna ivanovna, he’s heard enough of this, he ’s been driving since last spring, start music for him, he’ll show up, there’ll be music for him, i’ve already made arrangements with the car. take it all to the state farm, he’s a goat without a horn, you should take care of yourself, anna ivanovna, you’re worried about my health, i see you also agree with him, you think, i don’t know what the vacationers are gossiping about all summer, they keep calculating how much they’re charged it turns out to us how much for the peaches, for the pears, for the flowers, and if there was nothing, where would you go, and who now from your own? it turns out, let's shake.
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oh, oh, come here, come here, beckoning, beckoning, mom, hold it, give me a paw, give me a paw, give me a paw, give me a paw, where is your master, where is your master, dog, where is your master? hello, zhenya!
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hello, where is the fish? there will be a storm, there will be seagulls on the shore, and the fish will be away from the shore, anka, you have a good friend, a good one, but it seems you were right about what, he was unlucky with his owner. you can give him candy, of course it’s funny! tell me, zhen, what draws you to the pier at night? well, not fishing. i read somewhere that fishing time does not count against life. but to be honest, i'm tired. i really wanted
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to disconnect from everyone. so how does it work out? don't know. something happened to you today, for today, zhenya, everything that could happen to me has already happened, you know, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, yeah, but actually no, the sea will be, the sun will rise, there. .. from there because of the meganom,
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sash, and you haven’t seen a mogo anywhere, no, the last boat. stayed, but he gets sick like a baby, take some carvalo in the refrigerator, yeah, give me 25 drops, october. it's so hot you will meet him, sasha, of course, thank you.
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anna ivanovna, why bother, you don’t feel good, let go of the puddles, thank you.
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i see him with suitcases, well, i think he will also sell peaches, and he gives me a ticket under my breath, i’m flying away, he says, are you waiting for the tenants, no one will come, the season is over, it’s time to breathe, yeah, well, breathe, breathe, hurry up, wait , thank you, happy, goodbye.
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alexander nikolaevich, the devil knows what it is, elsa nikola. good morning, zhenya, good morning,
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you haven’t caught a cold, now i’ll prepare breakfast, no need, no need, it’s time for me to leave. hello, good morning, anna ivanovna, great, i wanted to help put your camp in order, nothing needs to be put in order. i 'm leaving, the boat is at 11, come.
10:36 am
what a thunderstorm there was, overshadowing my passion , he’s afraid of thunderstorms, he says this from the war from... guns, he will return anna to ivan, no, sasha, you don’t know him, he ran away more than once, even while
10:37 am
lying down, then it’s a different matter it was the very middle of life, but now, now, it’s scary to count what remains to live. “you remember me, young, sasha, and i don’t remember, as if two different i’ve lived my life, it’s good, sasha, that you showed up."
10:38 am
if i stop you for an hour, please, for a week, for a week, until the second, i’ll go to komarovo, i’ll find myself in the kuchina, if i stop you for an hour,
10:39 am
10:40 am
10:41 am
man, well, forgive me, that’s how it is it turned out, well, you’re smart, you understand everything yourself, well, sorry, i spent, i spent. well, how will it be for you now? who knows what will happen? go eat, sasha, dinner is still warm. thank you, i don’t want to, i don’t want to, but you haven’t eaten anything, look who you look like, go ahead and eat, don’t worry, i’ve seen everyone here, you know.
10:42 am
why do you need it? i need it, but i need it, why did i let it go? you'll still live, sasha, you'll help me remove the grapes, i can't do it alone, but they're good grapes, sasha, let's go
10:43 am
have lunch, anna ivanovna, this is some junk with a gun, can i leave you? and next summer i’ll come, you’re leaving after all, sasha, it’s necessary, anna ivanovna, yes, why did you come to your senses, now there’s nothing... it’s going, we’ll hitch a ride, beckoning, anna ivanovna, thank you, but if something goes wrong, excuse me, but what is there, let’s go, beckoning, don’t leave, sasha, i can’t, anna ivanovna, she god needs it.
10:44 am
10:45 am
it’s interesting, here’s the sea, but i don’t know how big it is, probably. why do i need all this, why do i need this, why, why, who, who needs it. i alone, i alone need this, i, myself, who needs me, who?


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