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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 7:20pm-7:50pm MSK

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and, probably, it’s an indescribable emotion when you talk to the audience, in response there are so many questions, so much interest. we discussed with the girls what qualities they already have, what markers, yes, what moments in their own behavior and in the behavior of the kids around them, you can pay attention to in order to support, in order to prevent some unpleasant, difficult situation and how... then maintain this spirit of mutual cooperation. popularity in our country only in the internal troops 18 clubs activities military-patriotic movement is gaining attract not only guys, but also girls, interesting meetings and non-standard activities, as has become a tradition today. it was hot on the ice and sold out in the stands, the final series of the president's cup moved to brest, where the local sensation of the season took on two-time trophy winner metallurg in the third match. the squads approached the duel. with a score of 2:0 in
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the series in favor of the wolves and in front of their native stands , the bisons were aimed at pleasing the fans with their first victory. in the starting period, the teams did not score goals, but already in in the second twenty minutes the spectators saw three goals scored at once. the zhlabin residents opened the scoring. alexander podkorytov converted the majority, and then sergei kuznetsov increased the guests' advantage. sergei pushkov's guys found an answer only at the curtain of the second period.
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already three strikes in a row, we need to treat the team more fairly, because this is a disgrace, but we are very happy that we scored one more goal. thus, the score in the final series for the president's cup became 3:0 in favor of metalluga, the squad will play the fourth match also in brest on april 16. my colleagues will sum up other sports news in the review, the results of the week on the main broadcast at 21:00. with that, i say goodbye, have a good evening. beat the representative of france ocean doden 62364. the meeting lasted 1:50 minutes, sosnovich's score was eight serves for elimination, nine double faults and six converted. let me note that
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arina sabalenka and victoria azarenka will also play in the main tournament. the championship starts on april 15. minsk basketball players ended their performance in the vtb united league with a defeat. in the guy's final fight alexey sukhovetsky lost to moscow mba 8170 on the road. thus, the belarusian squad has only one victory. the team finishes the championship in last place.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. we baked a loaf, what a beautiful loaf, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who
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raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, bad weather torn out, oh, difficult, priceless. rolls and koravai will be wrapped so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread has become easy and familiar for us, the artel field is called a green workshop, happy is the one who is given the right to be a master of this open-air workshop.
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three industrial enterprises of the leading manufacturers, their own project organizations, communities, towns and gardens, branded stores, and direct connections with foreign partners and foreign currency, all this firsts ў republics agrapramyslovy kambіnat zahodni bukh. for anyone and yourself, the land is a great success, and for the future, for sure. 1st sunny day i will become more enamored of their most wicked thoughts. only the strong harmony of high culture and agriculture allowed the rich people of the baranavi region to grow such riches in the country. hanusa experimental station kalgasam will eliminate the michuryn
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methods of the rural gas reserve and grow new crops. the exhibitions were opened in the holy city of kalgas.
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they set fire to the barn, what was done by your policemen, this village was set on fire, which of the punishers escaped punishment, snovsky and vinnitsky were not tried for the crime, kotryuk
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also managed to escape, that is, using her service in a foreign region, retribution for crimes without a statute of limitations, even today... there are some legal possibilities, to posthumously find them guilty, a film from a series without a statute of limitations. battle of death! watch it now! every 30 seconds, the silence of the hut is not broken by the ringing of a bell. in memory of those who were brutally exterminated by the ukrainian nazis from the 118th police battalion in march 1943. you're driving me away.
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her brother volodya hid in a potato hole. i don’t remember how long i sat in the hole, but it was already evening when i heard the trumpet signal. i realized that the punitive forces were leaving our village, then i crawled out of the hole. the whole village was burning. i ran into the forest, thinking that my relatives and the rest of the villagers were hiding from the punitive forces in the forest. polisu shouted, but no one responded. then i went to the village to visit my uncle. the next day, march 23 , 1943, uncle yaskevich joseph and i went to the village of khatyn. the barn in which the punisher burned people was still smoldering. burnt human bones lay on its ashes. burnt corpses lay near the barn. among the corpses i found my brother victor and two sisters. i recognized my father by his teeth, since he was burned beyond recognition, and i recognized my mother by her shoes. she was lying under the fence, holding. by the hand of his younger brother vladik. for the executioners, who
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killed and burned 149 people, khatyn became an association for their punitive activities. the policemen from this nazi unit are called the khatyn killers, although on the territory of occupied belarus the 118th ukrainian police battalion took part in the destruction of hundreds of settlements in the minsk, vitebsk and grodno regions. in total order. 200 volumes, which contain evidentiary materials from the decision to initiate a criminal case, to interrogation reports, confrontations. hundreds of volumes are several criminal cases against former servicemen of the 118th ukrainian security police battalion, the first group criminal case was opened in march 1973. these were five people, that is, lakovskaya, knap, kurka, lazinsky, sakhno. in 74 , a criminal case was opened against mileshka, 12
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years later, in 1986, vasyura was arrested. on the punitive officers came out from the department of the state security committee for the grodno region. they issued separate instructions for some regions of ukraine, the baltic states, and russia and received answers. that lasta lives in donetsk and works as a miner. leading foreman of construction department number 15 donetsk shakhtostroy, lakusta was detained first. april 1st 73. lakusta did not change his first or last name, nor his place of birth, the village of luzhany, chernivtsi region. on the same day they interrogated him and started asking him questions. “where are you
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from? grodno and i, i’ve been waiting for you for a long time. during the first interrogation, which took place in donetsk and lasted about 40 hours, lakusta spoke about the events in khatyn. one day the first platoon of the first company drove in cars towards minsk. on the highway he was ambushed by partisans and was fired upon. the partisan was killed by a german and several policemen. after this, the entire battalion was put on alert. chasing the partisans, we entered one village. all village residents were driven away.
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germany, such that they started everything , i wasn’t in belarus, i was immediately taken out to tell you right away, there was no one, no, i and i didn’t kill the partisans, it’s me, shoot me now, no matter what, i didn’t kill
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a single partisan, i didn’t burn a single house, i have... i have an honest soul. in order for the executioner to speak, investigators looked for witnesses and interrogated them, and arranged confrontations with the accused. the punishers were taken to the scenes of their crimes. at each interrogation , new facts and evidence were presented about the extermination of people in populated areas. but then, when there was evidence, they admitted that we didn’t shoot, we stood, the germans tried to do it with our own hands. the records of interrogations of accused witnesses allow this. compile not only an anthology of the crimes of the 118th ukrainian police battalion, but also trace its evolution from creation to liquidation. the 118th ukrainian police battalion was founded in kiev in august 1942. the backbone of the unit were representatives of the organization of ukrainian nationalists bukovina smoking. being
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influenced by the propaganda of ukrainian nationalists, i voluntarily went to serve in the ukrainian army. they explained to us that the kuren would not fight, the more competent ones would take leadership positions. positions in government bodies in the territory occupied by the germans, illiterate people will serve as security. the goal is to prevent the germans from robbing ukraine. together with me, residents of the village of luzhany, vladimir katryuk, nikolay katryuk, ended up in voinovsky’s kuren. from the autumn of '41 , almost simultaneously with the wehrmacht units , the bukovinians arrived in kiev; they were involved in guarding warehouses , together with the occupation authorities, establishing the so -called new order. they undergo initial training, well, that is, a drill step, some study the rules, weapons for them yet
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they don’t give it, but they guard local warehouses and even guarded the monastery. then the fighters.
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germany from the city of woodzec, together with a former soviet army officer vasyura grigory, who at the beginning of the war, like me, was captured by the germans. we were sent to kiev after undergoing special training at a german propagandist school. all preparation was aimed at... persuasion, conveying information full of anti-soviet orientation, hatred of the soviet union. of course, using nationalist ideas. at the end of november 1942, ukrainian policemen are sent to belarus to fight
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the partisans. at the end of december 1942, the 118th ukrainian police battalion changed its location . the headquarters, the first and third companies are transferred to the regional center of pleshchenitsa. this was the status of the settlement during the years of occupation. the second company is being sent. towards slutsk. in pleschennitsy, the unit was located in the barracks of the former pleschennitsy border detachment. from here, on january 6, 43, the day before christmas, ukrainian nazis set off for a punitive operation in the village of chmelevichy. on the way to the village on the orders of smovsky and vasyura, shelling of the populated area began. this is how the punishers paved their way. bursting into the chmelevichs, old people, women and children half naked.
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this means that, i know, according to the platoon commander’s report, three civilians and six partisans were killed, in spain, at that time there was half a hole not
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a bedroom. at the memorial, which was installed at the beginning of the village, exactly in the place where the executioners installed machine guns and fired at the village indiscriminately, they did not aim at the partisans, there was indiscriminate shooting, civilians were killed, in the lists several dozen died... and after that they abandoned him and left. then my father died. police officers of the 118th ukrainian battalion
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, along with other nazi units , were recruited to participate in punitive actions. under the pretext of fighting partisans, the executioners exterminated civilians and burned villages. the existing order in the battalion and strictly supported by the command. to instill in the punishers such qualities as cruelty, thirst for destruction, hatred of soviet people and everything soviet, suspicion of each other, the manifestation of pity and feelings of compassion for the victims was considered as sympathy and assistance to the bandits, as the germans called the partisans the population of the villages of the partisan zone. on may 20 , 1943, on the first day of the punitive operation codebus, which... the nazis developed in strict secrecy, the killers of the 118th ukrainian battalion destroyed the village of novaya veleyka, modern dokshitsky district. the reason for the reprisal was
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that on the eve of the tragedy on may 19 , 1943, at the bridge across the river near the village on mini a staff worker, a storekeeper with a surname very similar to the surname of the slovsky battalion commander, was blown up; it differs from smovsky in only one letter. vasyura ordered the village to be burned, but... before this , the police plundered the houses of local residents, hijacked the gathering, and then set fire to every yard. next on the list for destruction was the village of vileika, in the same dokshitsky district. at a cemetery near a populated area , ukrainian police ran into partisans, a shootout ensued, and the partisans retreated. on may 20, 1943, they burst into the village, they burned five collective farm buildings and 42. houses with courtyard buildings, but this also turned out to be not enough, on may 22, 1943 they
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broke into... the village, part of the population, again for connections with the partisans, they drove to sarai, that’s 38 people, these were old men, women and children, they acted according to a well-established scheme, when they set fire to a barn, sent out machine gunners to shoot those who tried to escape, for the 118th ukrainian battalion such actions became classics, during the punitive operation of cottbus, only in the bikgomal region there were more than 400 civilians were killed and burned, order... deported for forced labor in germany. residents of the village of osawa also appear in these statistics of nazi crimes. on may 27, 1943, the 118th ukrainian police battalion dealt with them. the victims were the families of the partisans. they were given out by the local elder. 78 people were shot and burned. the operation in the village of osawa was led by meleshka. on his orders, women and
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children were arrested and driven away. into the barn, and after it became known that the headman’s son was also among the partisans, he was thrown into the well. remaining honor the population was lined up in a line, and they watched with their own eyes how it all happened. three children aged from 7 to 10 years old were able to get out of this barn, but they were shot. after operation codus, the 118th ukrainian police battalion was transferred to the territory of the modern grodno region to participate.
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they took me 50 meters away and shot me. the massacre did not end there; some of the ukrainian nazis jumped into the dugout among the human blood remains and looked for gold and valuables. i saw it torn apart by explosions pomegranate dugout, at the bottom of which lay about twenty mutilated corpses of men, women, and children. the dugout was impossible to watch. the bodies of the dead were torn to pieces, human flesh mixed with the ground. when we arrived , lakusta, kotryuk, filippov, ilchuk, the gun commander biskandyrov, in the dugout were searching the clothes of the dead, hand rings were removed, gold teeth were pulled out, gold coins and other valuables were taken out of the clothes. i remember well how beskanderov searched the panties of the remains of murdered women and took out gold coins. the headquarters speeds are transferred to the lead. the first forward company was located in ivye, the second and third in
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the shchuchinsky district. located on the territory of the western regions of belarus, the 118th battalion supported the ukrainians who destroyed the poles during the volyn massacre. in belarusian villages, subordinate vasyurs also began exterminating the polish population. people were killed by families in different localities. lipnishki, subbotniki, geroniony, vasilishki. in march of '44 , policemen of the 118th ukrainian battalion near the villages of morino, ivyevsky district, pursued one of the partisans for a long time. they fired from a rifle and a machine gun to no avail, then they used a mortar, gave a real chase, killed the partisan near the neighboring village of krivichi on the opposite bank of the neman, then took out their anger on civilians, fired at the cart, wounding a teenager. the final operation in belarus for the 118th battalion took place near the village of yuratishki, it was a battle with partisans, after which, together with the nazis, the ukrainians left for
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the territory of east prussia. became part thirtieth ss division. after the retreat of the 118th battalion, it was transferred to france. by the way, on the way to france, kerner, smovsky, vasyura, and some other leaders disappeared. the ukrainian commander smovsky ended up in the usa and died there, escaping punishment, just like the commander of the first company vinnitsky, who led the ukrainian diaspora in canada.


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