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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 14, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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they followed one of the partisans, fired with a rifle and a machine gun to no avail, then used a mortar, gave a real chase, killed the partisan near the neighboring village of krivichi on the opposite bank of the neman, then took out their anger on civilians, fired at the cart, wounding a teenager. the final operation in belarus for the 118th battalion took place near the village of yuratishki, it was a battle with partisans, after which, together with the nazis, the ukrainians went to... the territory of east prussia and became part of the thirtieth ss division. after the retreat 118 the battalion was transferred to france. by the way, on the way to france, kerner, smovsky, vasyura, and some other leaders disappeared. the ukrainian commander smovsky ended up in the usa, where he died, escaping punishment, just like the commander of the first company vinnitsky, who led the ukrainian diaspora in canada. his battalion subordinate kotryuk
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also settled in canada. he was a beekeeper, that is, he raised bees, which is what he lived for, he did not like to talk about the past, although he did not deny his participation in the transition to the german side, participation in the 118th battalion, but here he didn’t tell anyone the details until the end. after 30 years, during investigative actions, the remains found on the site of dugouts in nolebokskaya pushcha were sent for examination. it was for this crime that the israeli simon wiesenthal center, involved in the search for nazi criminals, included kotryuk on the list of most wanted persons. in the soviet union , they have been searching for katryuk since the late forties. the state security agencies sent various requests to state and departmental archives.
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i sent requests back to canada, but they didn’t issue me a kotryuk. by the way, he even received the so-called hitler pension. germany covered all the wishes of the executioner of khatyn, and he, including with german funds, financed the installation of a monument to a participant in the bukovinian smoking in chernivtsi. the criminal case against the battalion translator lukovich was discontinued due to the death of the accused. lakusta, kurka, knap, lazinsky and sakhno were convicted. only
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lakusta was sentenced to death, then a case was opened against meleshek, he was also sentenced to death. the most extreme case against the executioners of khatyn was initiated in 1986 against the chief of staff of vasyura. they brought them all to vasyura for the trial, and there is lakusta, knap, kurka, sakhnoy, lazinsky, they brought them all, they all testify there. before we print on the train, but i will talk to them so that you understand that this is a serious matter. in the compartment near the toilet the following are ours, one of our employees is always in the corridor, because you never know who knows what they are capable of. vasyura did not admit guilt for a crime committed against civilians during the great patriotic war, he denied participation in the punitive action in khatyn, said that he was in lithuania, looking for his wife and daughter, but the testimony of witnesses and his colleagues in the 118th battalion played a role. the executioner has begun. his main role is
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the organization of punitive operations and personal participation in the torture and murder of soviet citizens. the facts are so numerous and confirmed, therefore the materials of the case are the most voluminous and... the verdict against him is, perhaps, the most volume. the criminal case against vasyura amounted to 17 volumes, the verdict alone took 100 pages. it was announced a few days before the new year of 1987. execution. already on january 6 , vasyura wrote a thirty- page cassation appeal. but she was rejected. the verdict was left unchanged. the second punisher was shot.
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november 1987, the fate of the battalion commander körner himself remains unknown only based on sketchy evidence, so to speak. it is known that he retreated in battle from the territory of the grodno region when they were still there on the territory of germany, and further traces of him are lost. the criminal case against the last executioner of the khotyn kotryuk has not been completed; the proceedings are planned to be resumed even after the death of the criminal. katryuk died at home in the canadian province of quebec at the age of 93 in 2015. not everyone ... ukrainian nazis were held accountable for crimes for which there is no statute of limitations.
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on august 22 , 1944, at the age of 26, kondraty ivanovich naumov received the high title of hero of the soviet union. marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with german fascist invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the bobruisk operation. within a few days, in june 1944, in a battle for
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a railway station with four tanks, he destroyed two anti-tank guns and knocked out one self-propelled gun. at the head of the group. liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank, captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk and destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite the severe wounds received in this battle, he continued to command the battalion until the very end. 5 september 1944. during fierce battles, the tank of the guard captain. umova was hit. this time, the seriously wounded battalion combatant was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin,
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the order of the patriotic war, second degree, and medals posthumously. hello, so where is this all going? today we have the right lineup to talk about this; we’ll start by talking with sergei.
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side of this multidimensional chessboard, apparently, yes, this is such an unusual chess, and there are already some, so to speak, five-six-dimensional ones there, and so, what is happening on this very russian chessboard, standing apart from all the others,
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nothing else can compare, firstly, because russia is really , second, first, no matter what, nuclear country, secondly, because... with nuclear strikes and either destroy china there and declare its hegemony, or this china
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will destroy them, there are no such people, there will never be any in the united states there was no, there is a desire to do something completely different, there is a desire from different sides to somehow delineate this china, yes, and one of the main sides is russian, because the border is very long, because russia is able... to greatly help china with raw materials and at the same time with military high technologies or the highest technologies , such an opportunity , despite everything regrettable that happened in russia, is still present, yes, but there is also a border, this holiday of russian disobedience, they say that first we need to eat russia, and then start working with china, at the same time we need to after russia try... or before - this is a complex question, eat iran, block china from
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afghanistan, iran, iraq, from there, try to come to an agreement with india, strengthen japan, come to an agreement with china's competitors in southeast asia, create this ring around china , to destabilize china by all possible means, there are uyghurs, radical islam in general, all of tibet, everything else. after that, blowing it all up , setting up something like the notorious continental blockade, then somehow blowing it up from the inside in one way or another, returning to the era of the opium wars. you immediately set the direction for, well, in general, the entire geopolitical map with which we started today. if possible, i ’ll lay it out like this so that maybe you can figure it out. and the first of these, the first of these questions, you also touched upon it, is, of course, the middle east. if we talk about it, then one of the central questions that is relevant now is why respond to an iranian attack by israel,
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on the one hand we hear tough statements from tehran, but on the other hand we remember very well how in such situations earlier, the deeds of the iranian leadership were much calmer than words, this is how you see the possible development of events now, given that in the same scheme that you said, this, well, let’s say, the daska also has a decisive importance, yeah. so you supported my idea that it is no longer a great chess board, but boards connected into some kind of multidimensional structure, well, this means that what is happening on this iranian board, i am sure that this is the leadership of iran that now exists , there is no war with israel wants, understands perfectly well that the united states will most likely be drawn into this, and this leadership remembers too well the tragedy of iran in the iraq war. and does not want to again drag its people into a very large-scale bloodshed, it, this
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leadership, will not do this, in addition, it has completely mastered certain principles of working under a false flag, to work against israel, it has its own proxy structures there, they are all listed , and by the way, they alone are already able to... somehow deal with israel, i remind you that when america suddenly decided, after, so to speak, criminal falsifications, which was entrusted to colin paolov, perhaps not the worst american politician, but drawn into this criminal adventure by the neck, yes, the famous test tube that was shaken, which we all know, it doesn’t matter, all this later turned out to be vomit. but that’s not what i want to say, iran categorically does not want war, and
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some crazy people who don’t know what they’re thinking about probably hope that if something happens, they will be able to drag america into a war with iran, which is extremely doubtful, these crazy people want to iran was forced to strike israel, and iran is doing everything imaginable. the islamic world, just to prevent this from happening, this is the situation now, ukraine is now closer to us.
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will join nato, obviously it does not, it turns out that the united states is simply condemning the ukrainians, behaving in this way and promising them some kind of nato membership. what we now want to discuss has two levels: one is completely obvious, and the other, well, kind of hypothetical and playful. at the most obvious level, the following happens: first, okay, everyone... starts talking about that russia will fight with the west, in particular with europe. everyone begins to say this in unison, there is no one who has not noted this. i mean the media, politicians, ideologists and everything else. i will never believe that there can
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be a choir that is not conducted. which is not at all as simple as someone thought, then we need to deal with this territory, yes, but it wasn’t enough, now we still have to get into the baltic states somewhere, yes, that would be great fun, the russians don’t want to, everyone says, that the russians will be this means that those who speak will
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drag the russians into this, bring it to a situation where it will be impossible to get away, this is the first thing. second, well, it would be nice if they just said this, but they are also raising military budgets, europe is raising military budgets, europe is coming out of this state of military semi-subjectivity, it is beginning to swing. third, as soon as europe swings in a military vein, who will these soldiers be, what will be the ideologies, what will happen, we have the whole army.
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and this is the longed-for american plan, americans, when everyone says, they want to deal with russia or china, they first of all want to deal with europe, most of all in the world they are afraid of the russian-european, specifically the german-russian alliance, because it puts them in the most vulnerable position in terms of hegemony. and we will continue. with the guests in this studio, what the enemy is preparing for us, more on that in a couple of minutes,
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we need something hotter, like the moscow crocus city, god forbid, terrorist attacks and armed confrontation in belarus. the goal is
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to enter belarus and at least a piece of land seize, declare your power, call here foreign, well, not mercenaries, already troops. olga igorevna, well, time is running out for the enemy, we see that.
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ideological direction of the administration, igor lutsky, was elected to the council of the republic and i think he will take his rightful place there, vladimir borisovich headed the ministry of information all these years, our most ideological ministry, which was in charge of this very information war, what is now his... and does it on the eve of important political campaigns, we will now hold all-belarusian people's assembly and we are entering the presidential election cycle, in fact
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, we, the deputies of the house of representatives, well, probably already this year, we will see how it goes, or next year, we will have to appoint, well, i mean, we will have to make a decision, make up your mind, elections will be held next year in any case, presidential and also an important moment, his first action as deputy head of the administration. president vladimir pertsov is coming to visit us at the national library, where the congress of the belarusian republican youth union, communicates with young people, i listened to the messages that he conveyed literally what is called from the presidential communication, what are the important points, no formalism, creative approach, emphasis on initiative, development of various forms of activities, a must watch what the enemy is doing, evaluate his actions. this one is set up for such analyticalness, such a deep approach, a strategic approach, this is the key to the success of the actions that we talked about, well, i would like
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return to terrorism, extremism, because we... must understand that this is now a common element of the war against us, taking into account the fact that other elements have failed, although the west will not give up on them, what i mean is the sanctions that failed, these are attempts to intervene in the internal political struggle on the territory of belarus, russia, which means terror and extremism, here the media, that is , the information war always accompanies terror and extremism, my colleagues have already mentioned several important points when the west introduces lies in order to... .
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belarusian people's assembly, the west will never allow us to carry it out calmly, never in our lives, this is impossible to even imagine, and terrorism and extremism for them today are the only, as they believe, effective tools for somehow shaking up the situation inside countries, the president warns about this, speaking about the importance of ideological work and countering the information war, why? because our successful work in this
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direction will help unite people, they will try to us all this next year to separate in any way, for any reasons, including again throwing into belarus an interethnic issue, an interreligious issue, not to mention an attempt to divide us for political reasons. if we talk about military threats, this is a direct question now for the deputies who are in this studio, because the president has agreed to submit to the house of representatives a draft law on the suspension of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. i have a question, why are we doing this now, we could have done it earlier, we could have earlier, but this is a very correct legal assessment of the events that are taking place in our region, this agreement has lost its force altogether, it was concluded in the conditions of the end of the cold war, when arose, well, i remember the words, you all remember, such an atmosphere arose as they spoke of trust, the word détente was no longer used, de-escalation, a single space from lisbon to
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vladivostok, now nothing.
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the poles have one division, they are now deploying additionally, one division, it is more numerous than this number, but why they made such a fuss about our normal exercises, limited, what is 5,000 people, yes, we are keeping troops in readiness, but what should we do, we have a war going on south of the border, we are developing an aggressive offensive infrastructure, they are telling us about some kind of suwałki corridor , and why do they say, look at how they work, what is information warfare from the point of view
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of extremism, this is also extremism, why? the president talks about this, appointing not the chief of the general staff, not the chairman of the kgb, but the deputy head administration on information and ideological work, because information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they raised it. the hype around our exercises for the purpose of creating an information fund around the deployment of german troops near the belarusian border on the lithuanian border, that is , in fact, the germans are entering lithuania as occupiers, 500 people, a heavy brigade, now everyone admits, this will be the most combat-ready, means a formation, then yes, the formation brigade will be of the bundeswehr in general, right at our very borders, but they accuse us of we are carrying out some kind of escalation here, here is a specific example.
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together with the nordic countries, they are already slowly preparing to send troops, both small elite units and logistical support personnel. the latter could play an important role by releasing their ukrainian colleagues to retrain for combat duties. nato units could also undertake training of new recruits. the words coincide with the fact that france agreed on a quota of 1,500 soldiers to be sent to ukraine. new ones appear information about preparations by paris. military contingent to be sent to ukraine. for these purposes, the command of the french foreign legion in early march approved the composition of a battalion tactical group of about 1,500 people. it is expected that in april the group will be brought to a state of full
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combat readiness for an operational rush to the ukrainian theater of military operations. what is olga igorevna’s goal? i think this group is ready already.
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and not like others, we even know what
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kind of troops these are, and we had to say this a division of the main directorate, which means military security there, a department, a general directorate called, which is responsible there, specifically subordinate to him, they have a specific structure, so-called regiments, there is a thirteenth parachute dragoon regiment, it consists of several squadrons and companies , these are such special units. plus these are instructors, because scholz said, storm shadow missiles are launched with the help of british instructors, scalp is an analogue, this is french, the british development of this missiles, this is a scalp, a french analogue, naturally done with the participation of the french, they will legalize it, because it is no longer possible to hide their presence against the background of the losses they are suffering, but listen, the attack on the hotel in kharkov no longer doubts that there were the french, the russians said they were mercenaries, the french said they were in ukraine. there are no mercenaries, what does this mean, these are their career officers, yes, they have
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units in other regions, what is the nato mission, again, this is legalization, we know for sure that at the stage, for example, i’m not i will take it so far, the ukrainian counter-offensive, in fact, at the zaluzhny headquarters in the southern direction there were nato officers who coordinated all this, there are already many publications on this subject, polish generals received ukrainian military awards, this is the legalization of presence, what is it?
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the usa would not carry out a single terrorist attack, there is no potential, france is the same, but there is a very important political one. aspect. first, there is no european independence. sending
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a european contingent to ukraine is also us pressure on the european elites. they are each day they are required to help ukraine. why is europe afraid of a full-scale war? yes, europe itself is bursting at the seams. if today is macron or scholz, i, like vadim franzovich, are very actively communicating with european deputies and politicians who say: if today is scholz-macron. we send the army, they can carry him out with pitchforks, they have a million of their own problems, tens of millions of migrants, but...
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in slovakia a pro-slovak politician won, there are those everywhere, it’s like there is no pro-russian one, he doesn’t think about russia, he doesn’t think about belarus, he thinks about slovakia, we need this, so this is the first risk - lack of sovereignty, the second means this unpredictability within europe, this is a huge risk for us, we always wanted a calm, predictable europe, but they themselves create a storm when you finance terror and extremism, when you supply weapons, everything will come back, that’s all.
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80% are ready to participate in hostilities and estonia 66%. for some reason, poland has not yet entered into these questions and the parade every day, that means every day iphone, every day cafe, every siesta day in italy, what kind of war, if we take it globally, europeans, i mean the indigenous people.
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patients, but the fact that if you have money, it says so, if you are the owner of enterprises, you don’t even work there, and these are all ukrainian enterprises that are not state-owned for a long time, they all belong to oligarchs, then you are exempt from the subpoena, i translate, they built, they built the country, yes, they said, ukraine will be free, in the end, if you don’t have money, go die for other people’s interests, and if you have money, live calmly fill your pockets further in this war, returning to the question. we sometimes analyze their statement, then we forget what they said, we analyze the next one, it’s an endless stream, we need to look at what they said, she said, we will support
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ukraine, even if our voters are against it. german foreign minister, one of the leaders of the green party, once the most pacifist party. the next moment, there is an icon there, nato appears in your picture, what is nato? so they say, why were you afraid of nato? expansion to the east, look, we have no shells, no weapons, so the point is not in the shells in the weapons, but the point is...
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this is dissatisfaction with their policies, the more expensive political technologies are, this also needs to be understood, and of course - this
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dissatisfaction with the policies that they are pursuing may reach a level where they will not be able to restrain it, so they are now in control, which is why the united states, by the way, to end the moment, sort of pulled back a little for the time being , when the primaries come, they don’t seem to highlight no money, not because they don’t want it, but they do, they are ready to give everything. because the primaries are going on, candidates are being nominated, an unpopular war, rhetoric that blames russia for everything doesn’t work in the united states, so for the time being they overloaded it all on ukraine, i assure you, here some people say, well, russia is specifically waiting for trump’s election , now if he wins, but if someone in the russian leadership or among americanists thinks so, this is a deep mistake, as soon as the elections are over, politics in independence whoever wins can become even tougher.
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returning to minsk, the president said then, this is not only their war, we are absolutely
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convinced that today they are waging a war not only for themselves, not only for their land. if we use historical parallels , the lessons of history are a test of strength, which, unfortunately, begins again in the balkans. well , a quarter of a century has passed again, the independence of serbia is a bone in someone’s throat, president vučić warns of a threat to his country, speaks of the most serious challenges. this is about the upcoming adoption in april of the un general assembly resolution on the genocide in srebryanica; the expected reception of kosovo at the council of europe in may. our chances are minimal, but this does not mean that it is not worth fighting, says vucic. why are they so unhappy with serbia? and this is the one, the president said everything, this is the same sample of the feast, that is, look, i also thought, i was once studying to write a thesis on balkan topics, i thought, why didn’t they... why didn’t they like yugoslavia? yugoslavia was an absolutely pro-western country, tito was friends with hollywood actors, at the same time
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western intelligence agencies sponsored the ustasha, this is croatian. and there, by the way, not only the usa , great britain, germany play an active role there , germany became concrete, here is helmut-kohl, the unifier of germany, genscher, the vice-chancellor, yes, they became the gravediggers of yugoslavia then, in the nineties, of course, this the policy of the united states, which wanted to establish its control everywhere, but i would like to go back, we can criticize them endlessly, of course, these are the imperialists, they have
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their vision, their own geopolitics, they write it, follow these strategies, sometimes violate them. then we could become stronger. alexander lukashenko sent this message: we are not accepting serbia, there was also yugoslavia. yugoslavia into a union state had all the prerequisites for this in order to help, we would be stronger now, but unfortunately, then in that moscow, liberal, pro-western, our president was not heard, and we are reaping now, including in blood in ukraine, in
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this tragedy that is happening in crisis, something that was not heard then.
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around russia in asia, as they are immediately interested, now there have been 30 years of genocide in rwanda, absolutely man-made, behind which are european countries, when the worst thing that happened in yugoslavia is an ethnic conflict, a religious conflict, this is always worse than politics, remember , lukashenko always says, god forbid belarus, the language issue, they wanted to play us off on the language issue, now they want to, in the twentieth year they wanted, in ninety-four, in ninety- six this supreme council. treacherous, so today for the americans, kosovo-serbia is a wonderful situation, the smoldering conflict, when necessary, was extinguished, when it was necessary to bring europe to its knees a little, again, that means, let it burn, the same thing in the middle east, how many times have they said that the palestinians -the israeli conflict can be resolved by international instruments, it was a long time ago, who wanted, who really wanted
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to sit down and decide, but why decide, when it is necessary, when it is necessary, we will do it...
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important words were spoken and they are worth recalling right now, guys, everything is concentrated to find a way to overthrow us, no matter what kind of relationship we had with you, i scolded you there, fired you from work and so on, you must be statesmen, neither i nor you personally mean anything in comparison with that, what a sovereign, independent belarus means to us, we owe it...
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we, unlike many very countries in the region, have preserved all the monuments of the great patriotic war. we can probably be proud of this, yes, we are proud of what we remember, but today this is not enough. and the president says that they are trying to open us again the count, this is the count of those victims who once were, so our task for the 24th year is to stop them from thinking. about opening an account, not in action, i would say. olek sergeevich, what do you think? well, first of all, sometimes i still read again, it’s nonsense for them when they write why political parties in belarus argue little among themselves, don’t
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discuss much, i’ll answer, it means that we argue, and we discuss normally, but we we understand perfectly well everything that they want to do to our country, they want to destroy it, and we will have our own political programs put higher, unity in the country and work for the good of the cause, no, but... i also remember yesterday’s meeting of the president on professionalism, and i understand one thing, now at this time i should work carelessly, approach my official duties in such a way that i’m wearing a tie a suit, i came to work and made a report, just so that they couldn’t leave me behind, not an important suit with a tie, not a beautiful picture, but the result, the efficiency of the work, so that you could really see what was happening, and this applies to everyone in the country, well, unity. for this is obvious to me, and no one will think about us except us, the belarusians, only ourselves, i always remember this thought, and i will never forget it, there is an external threat, there was, there will be, but no one except...


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