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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 2:50am-3:26am MSK

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in the west and in the east, as they cook in the suburbs and in polesie. i'm going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of our country. and today i am at peace. from minsk to mir 100 km. this is not even a regional center, just a village, but the place is quite lively. the mir castle attracts tourists all year round. he's on the list. unesco world heritage site, so this object is important not even on a republican, but on a planetary scale. it will take the average tourist about 4 hours to visit the world, he will spend 2.5 hours exploring the castle itself, half an hour to a walk around the area and an hour to explore the city. but in vain, if you add a culinary touch to this trip, you can stay here for at least two days. and this time will not be wasted. in the world they prepare
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several very interesting dishes, the name of which contains a mundane addition, but unlike stale cutlet or mogilev sausages, which are found in cafes and canteens throughout belarus, you can only try something mundane here, the world appeared in written sources thanks to bureaucrats, for the first time he mentions...
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this estate in the surrounding area on a gilded road built an estate for himself in the world and even rode in a carriage. there were 97 stores and 12 shops in the world; goods were imported from all over europe. merchants from leipzig and köniksberg, memel and libau knew how to get to the grave of mirsky. yes, mir was once the center of the county. the market , the trading heart of the city, still lives and today you can buy absolutely everything here, from slippers to overseas spices to the freshest fruits. what are you selling? this is our homemade yuba, i make it all myself, this is adyey cheese crows, this is cottage cheese, this is russian hard cheese, and this is butter. you know what,
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it’s time to talk about special duck therapy, because when you give up, they rustle around like that, they do something, it’s so nice, you forget about everything, the ducklings were different, even to my completely untrained eye , at least two breeds, from which i concluded that the inhabitants of the world have some special predilection for this bird. are you cooking duck?
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units, this is a very rare bird on the table of belarusians, it is successfully prepared in general , it is handled, and it is regularly prepared an endangered species, you can live your life and never meet her, but if you come to the world, then you have a chance, i’d like a worldly duck in pots please, the cafe where i ’m going now is right on the market square, this a state-owned establishment, but... the rating among visitors is that they note the simple, well-prepared cuisine and simply amazing combination of price and quality, the menu has several duck dishes, my mother also cooked duck as a child, but i didn’t really like this process , firstly, it took a long 4 hours, and secondly, sorry mom, the meat turned out a bit harsh and, in my opinion, not very tasty, let's see, maybe the duck in a worldly way will change my impression of this bird. what
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a scent, in general i have a special relationship with pots, i’m a little afraid of them. because before enjoying the taste of the dish that was cooked in this pot, a person usually does something and burns his tongue, this is always the case with me. duck in a pot is mundanely reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, but it is essentially duck fat, unlike any other, for example, pork, very healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins and various things. in the dish , the taste of duck fat is well felt, but it is not overwhelming, it is unobtrusive, there is just enough of it to give a simple dish a piquancy, oh, i’ll tell you, this is the right dish , potatoes and carrots
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are cut into small pieces, and the duck, for which i ordered it, is huge, the meat does not get into the pot right away, the duck is put in it already cooked. the meat really falls right off the bone, it’s very soft and tender, look, you can just press it falls into small pieces, well, the duck got very tender meat in a worldly way, so i burned myself. as promised. worldly roast goes well with vegetables, fresh or pickled, and you can also dip black bread in it. it turns out very tasty. this pot is very filling, it can easily feed an adult man, and it costs only the same
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as two cups of coffee in the capital. after the roast, i felt empowered to continue exploring the local market, but it didn’t work out. if you want to buy something tasty in the world market, do it immediately, because the market here is short-term, there were a lot of people here in the morning, now there is no one. but i was able to calmly, almost alone, explore those sights of the world that are not a castle. the village is compact, everything is located near the central square. behind me is the trinity church. now i’m getting smarter, it looks like a pseudo-russian style. although it used to be baroque. troitskaya church was unlucky, it is more than 500 years old, and would have been recognized as a masterpiece of architecture if not for a fire in the middle of the 19th century. after him, only the walls remained. the church was restored but rebuilt beyond recognition. the church in the world was built by the
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same architect as the farm church outside. usually architects have their own style, although these are completely different from each other. the point is that giovanni. bernardoni was a versatile master, mastered different styles, he used the baroque, which was extremely fashionable at that time, in a fresh way, and the world inherited the renaissance, which was losing popularity. from the church the road leads directly to the castle. the heated traveler strives for it at the limit of physical strength. but i didn’t, i decided, you know, to prolong the anticipation of meeting for coffee at the only cafe with a view of the castle. i drink coffee not only with a beautiful view, but... in the charming company of the owner of this cafe, elena. elena, hello. hello, volodya. come on, elena, surprise me with some dish that is impossible to find in the whole world except in your establishment. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and
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maybe in the whole of belarus. i can’t say that i can distinguish pinsk belyash from slutskoye by taste, but mochanka is quite different from goulash. and not bad. with the menu of most roadside cafes and restaurants, so i decided to test my inner gourmet and identify the dish blindfolded, so in front of me there is some kind of bowl, which means it’s either, which means it’s either some kind of stew, or soup, it really feels like some kind of... then the first course in terms of dishes, but overall it smells like... some kind of dessert, len, this is a dessert, no, then guess, it’s so good, cinnamon, cinnamon, what else is there, is there vanillin, no, cream, in cream - this is instead of milk, or something, and there is milk too, cinnamon, cream, milk,
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ok, stop guessing, let's try, where is my spoon, there is a spoon, the first spoon, this is the most important thing, but no, the most important thing is to get it into your mouth, how delicious it is. m, is it either pasta, or is it semolina dumplings, okay, stop guessing, look and be surprised, i was practically right, it really is soup, but it’s milk soup, what is it with, what is it, it’s damn it, it’s damn it , okay, why pancakes, uh, well, because you hear how tender, yes, that’s what it feels like? it's a pancake, but it's not just any pancake, it's a special recipe. combination
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cinnamon cream is a win-win and familiar. new impressions are given by the delicate filling and its unusual consistency. the pancake is what makes this soup special. surprisingly, this is a recipe from belarusian folk cuisine. elena brought it from the gomel region, and then it turned out that a similar dish was once in use among the worldly gentry. we found it in the booksellers. that is, you want to say that the same soup was cooked in the mornings for the princes? not really for tears, but for their courtiers. it's nice to eat soup with a story, every spoon strengthened the feeling of being part of something great. it's time to move on to the dessert of my trip: mir castle. by the way, it
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really does resemble a huge birthday cake. the castle is not only a fortification, it is a huge food warehouse. it was supposed to store food supplies for 3 years in it. barrels of food were simply rolled down such stairs using special runners. the only thing they carried in their hands was carried with care. this is wine. do you hear what an echo, the room is huge and there are five such wine cellars in the world’s castle, wine, by the way, at that time was very expensive, it was brought from europe, and this is a special tasting table, the prince sat down here and chose a special wine for a special occasion. by the light of the bottle one could
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determine the quality and price of the wine. for example, in blue bottles, like these, the most expensive things were stored, in green bottles, a little cheaper, but in transparent radivilles they didn’t store wine at all, but they didn’t drink cheap ones. the cellars served as food storage and food was prepared elsewhere. the castle kitchen has not survived; it was a separate building in the courtyard. in the dining hut of the mir castle, heat was provided by as many as three stoves; aristocrats
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indulged in excess in comfort. oh, i have always been delighted by the exquisite dishes of your chefs, paw bears in cherry sauce, zdrelasya with almonds, beaver tails with caviar, and the most delicious were zhavorana kirepelka. nobody receives guests like we do. yes, we are, what quails, what quails, today is my cook, friedrich. will cook fried hedgehogs for us, and this is not a joke, the european elite actually ate hedgehogs, moreover, they the meat was considered healthy; in a 15th-century german cookbook, hedgehog intestines were recommended as a remedy for leprosy. nowadays, the mir castle restaurant does not serve such extreme dishes, perhaps in vain, but without them there is plenty of interesting food here. and i threw a feast for... the whole world, welcome, dear guests, in the atmosphere of chivalry, surrounded by brick vaults
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, i want to try something traditional and hearty, for example, pork knuckle. one can hardly call knuckle a princely dish, but do you know why? previously, many centuries ago, during the hunt, all the spoils went to the person who owned the territories, but the person who killed the animal received this... knuckle is a dangerous dish, there are several pitfalls, the main one being fat, there can be too much of it. but in this knuckle the fat without any problems became an advantage, it has a delicate, sweetish taste and a pleasant texture, by and large it can be eaten simply with bread, on its own. first, in a modern restaurant, this shank is marinated in beer for 24 hours, then it is boiled for 12 hours, a whole 12 hours using the suvit technology.
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temperature 85°. and only after that . the almost finished shank is coated with mustard-honey sauce and sent to the oven for baking, and literally half an hour later it appears on your table. knuckle meat sometimes has a specific taste. here it is beautiful pork, immaculate. these beautiful cuts on our shank are really not for beauty. they have a practical use, they are made to ensure that the knuckle cooks better. and soaked in mustard-honey sauce, and various spices. i can say with confidence that this dish definitely belonged at the place, no, at the table of medieval hunters. i can call this real men's cooking, it is very satisfying and very brutal.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, a high city, so, according to the chronicles, this place was called from the 15th century, and there are many attractions here, i will try to tell you about them all. high and we begin acquaintance and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, there used to be several units in the city, water ones, electric ones, and a little later they even appeared electric mills. and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during
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church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how unusually wonderful it is. our country. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to idviga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . in order to try the next dish, i first went to the kitchen. so, guys,
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we're confused, what's going on, why is there dirt, why is the sink dirty? what it is? so, what dish are we preparing? what are we cooking? why are we standing still? faster, faster, the restaurant is full of guests. so, seryoga, what happened, why potato pancakes, how do you cook them? have i told you 50 times that pancakes need to be cooked? although you cook it right, okay, who made these sandwiches? who did it? so, let's see, let's see, what is it? 1, 2, 3, how many sandwiches are there? 40, well done, good, okay, i won’t fire you today. so what’s in our refrigerator, everything is correct, well, honestly , well done, i have girls today, oh, this is exactly how a prince’s kitchen works, as it should, that’s how it works, well done! guys, the times when only men were chefs are over, the kitchen is in the world castle is run by victoria ambalova, she came up with a dish that i really want
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to try, pear in chicken. how are we going to prepare it? well, come on, first of all we need to peel the pear. will any pear work? well, let’s say we take a pear under the groin, you can smell it. yes, it is very juicy, just right for ours, it really has a very juicy smell, the pear for this dish must be hard, after peeling the core is taken out of it, this is unlikely to affect the taste, but it will be more pleasant to eat, vetch, and what can i help you in the kitchen? please take white wine and pour it into a saucepan, to be honest, i thought it was sunflower oil, no, but it’s really white wine, vetch, pour it all out or can you, no, millilitre it all. no, well, just for testing, no, it’s all for the sake of the dish, add ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and star anise to the wine, aka onist, then sugar and salt to taste, while the pear
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is boiled in this mixture, cook the chicken, take the breast and make a clean fillet, well, we ’ve cleaned the breast, now we’ll beat it, well, beating is not a woman’s job, i think so help me cover this, and i’ll... with powerful blows i’ll turn this chicken into a wonderful chop, so i would turn it over, no, don’t, no, then, that’s it, that’s enough , turn it over, no, i’m always used to the fact that you need a chop to beat off from both sides, why only from one, well, because that side will be a burden for us. salt the chopped side of the fillet and add a mixture of peppers, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, after which we return to the pear, well, you can take it out, of course, take out
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our wonderful marinade, where we put it we put it here side by side, yes, then it’s your turn, because i just don’t know what to do next, now we’ll make a cut and we’ll put the chicken on the pear. it's very important here that the two parts become one, right? yes, here, let me try to do it as gently as you did, well, everything, everything, the workpiece is ready, yes, then now we put it in a bag, vacuum it and sous vide it, in other words, then the real magic begins, carefully,
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that's it, our pear is vacuum sealed. vacuuming is an important element when cooking meat using the suvit technology, but some cooks do without it, simply. 10 minutes, the chicken breast is cooked, the dish is almost ready, you do it directly with your hands, yes, oh, i’m not ready for these feats yet, i would have already
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eaten it, put the frying pan, for what? and now it will need to be baked in the oven, it ’s still baked, yes, so that it literally greases the crust with honey sauce and for 5 minutes, it’s all about the crust before... another sauce is added to the dish on the table, here’s the pear in the chicken before me, that's what i can call an explosion of flavors, if i closed my eyes and would never know in my life what i was eating, this is a combination of sour sweet, something very tender, like very filling, like chicken meat. the mixture of peppers creates a spicy, hot base of taste, the sweetness of the spices is layered on top of it, the taste is good. you can feel the wine and, of course, the pear. the chef himself advised me to eat a piece of pear in the chicken, along with
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the beautiful one. creamy sauce, she makes this sauce very simply: butter, flour, cream, the sauce also turned out to be sweet, there is enough sugar in the dish for dessert, but it’s still meat, the chicken does not disappear anywhere, its taste is pleasant and clear, everything in general is very festive and completely unconventional for our cuisine, and i am proud to call this dish: a princely dish, recipe for stewed pear in chicken breast, simmer the pear in white wine with spices, add add ginger, cinnamon, cloves, star anise or just a mixture for mulled wine, marinate the chicken breast, add salt, pepper, chicken seasoning, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, wrap the pear in fillet, boil for
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50 minutes at 60°. warm up frying pan until crust forms, serve with cream sauce. the world is beautiful and amazing, especially to the taste. for me personally, this is a city with the taste of tender stewed duck, crispy fried plyatsik and rosy shanks. come, there is something to eat here!
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today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists, of course, the flow of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are mechanical engineering, food and light industry enterprises, there are enterprises that receive tourists in very large flows, for example, such enterprises as belas, which last year... were visited by 51,000 tourists, the minsk tractor plant - 21,000 tourists, uh, the kommunarka confectionery factory, also about 10,000 tourists visited this factory, well, all food industry enterprises sweets, such as grefir, condensed milk, etc., were visited by about 40,000 people, in general we estimate that the flow of tourists to
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the enterprise in... is in the range of about 200,000 people in 2023, for all enterprises there is an increase in flows. well, what are the most unusual excursions in your opinion today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises, the most unusual are not so much excursions, but additional offers that you can try as part of a visit to an enterprise, for example, here ... there is such a granite enterprise, and it is located in as part of the excursion in mikoshevichy you can dive to the bottom of one of the largest granite quarries in europe , see real waterfalls there, landscapes there very different from the typical belarus that we see, and this is the work of a person, also, for example, you can ride on bilaz if
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you really want to. at the tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, also enterprises now conduct various interactive activities, these are some board games as part of a visit to the enterprise, quests, all kinds of tastings, master classes, everyone will find something for themselves when visiting the enterprise, well, surely it’s enough for a belarusian to just get on one of these excursion, but how can a foreigner get in? how can i quickly book such an excursion from abroad? is it possible? yes, for belarusians, industrial tourism is rather a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool for building trust in our products, not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest to a foreigner, they are interested in those enterprises that glorify
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our country throughout the world. firms have already concluded agreements with these enterprises, their excursions are available on online booking sites, and there are package offers. industrial tourism is also used in may tourism when receiving delegations.
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this is an intellectual show, i know, for the sake of victory in which our participants are ready to re-read all the textbooks and encyclopedias, leaf through art albums, listen to all the classics in that... arina yaroshova - secondary school number one in the town named after bogramyan and history teacher viktor alekseevich black grouse. ilya andrienko, gymnasium number 46 of the city of gomel named after bles pascal, physics teacher veronika
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aleksandrovna dubovskaya. artyom vlasenko, elskaya regional gymnasium, deputy director for educational work at klyuchinskaya. gesgalovskaya secondary school deputy irina nikolaevna shumskaya. danilo rabbimov - educational director and history teacher , secondary school number 210 in minsk , primary school teacher elena nikolaevna tumanova. daniil vaitikhovsky, gymnasium number 39 in minsk.
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nikolai khalamov, mogilev state regional lyceum no. 3 and teacher-psychologist. i just have one more person to introduce, this is our scientific expert ekaterina duko. head of the department of methodological support for mathematical and natural science education of the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. hello guys, i wish you a good mood today, interesting questions and quick, accurate answers to all participants. good luck! good afternoon, guys, we are glad to welcome you here on our playground, right now, in the teachers’ room, at this very minute, my colleague, yulia pertsova, is already communicating with your teachers. julia, you have the floor. there are no coincidences.
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everything in this world is either a test, or a punishment, or a reward, or a harbinger. guys, let our game become a useful challenge and a pleasant reward for you. we wish everyone, everyone, good luck, vasya, start the first round. the first round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. eight players those with the most points advance to the second round. the first question of the first round: is it true that moskovskaya street is new bozhedom? was renamed chekhov street. time! daria, let's start with you, what do you think, how...


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