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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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bacteria in space flight conditions, while we can preliminary say that the ripening process has taken place, at the same time , microorganisms remain on the nutrient media and microscope stages, firstly, this makes it possible, even in the distant future, for our cosmonauts to consume fermented milk product , which, firstly, has a pure fermented milk taste, and secondly contains the required amount of microorganisms. which ensures the maintenance of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract and the third is that these microorganisms are in the most active form, that is, they are only cooked. during his 12 days on the iss, our cosmonaut managed to accomplish everything that was in the scientific program. it was jointly developed by the national academy of sciences of belarus, roscosmos and the russian academy of sciences. meanwhile, we continue to introduce viewers to unique footage from the iss. for 12
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days, belarusian marina vasilevskaya was on the russian segment of the international space station, completed seven scientific works, absolutely all successfully, the entire mission took 14 days, including the road to the station, reliable support and marina’s assistant in space was our fellow native of cherven, oleg novitsky, for him this flight became the fourth in his career. today is the thirtieth day, the next session of the standard moon experiment is being conducted. marina vasilevskaya has already reached the discharge level of -25, which proves her good physical condition, she will work at this pace almost until the descent, she feels good, the doctors on the ground are happy, the right choice was made, today is april 3, 2024. i,
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the commander of the visiting expedition ship, oleg navissky, will film a video of how marina vasilevskaya conducts a proxybiotic experiment in the multi-purpose laboratory module of the russian segment, being its main executor, we do everything according to the radiogram. even more details in the film atn: the hard road to space. it is available on all atn internet platforms. 30 years old, through the eyes of the audience. observe the life of the belarusian army and they still occupy a leading position in the country in producing content in military style. military tv celebrates its thirtieth birthday today. this is the only television company in the country that has virtually unlimited access to work in military units and formations. on april 15 , 1994, the history of military television in independent belarus began. the first program about the army was released on the screens . how. then, as now, the main
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mission of the television company is to quickly, objectively and simply tell about the everyday life of our military and how the armed forces are developing. vntv, separate television production with a narrow topic, from covering exercises at training grounds to issues of national security and state defense policy. they are not afraid of attacks in the information field. relying only on reliable, verified sources, journalists present exclusively reliable information to viewers.
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now they are coming and a lot of young people are already there , we can talk about the age there starting from 15 plus, who watches, comes for the topic of weapons, who are interested in videos and so on, interest in military affairs has increased even among society, just those who are not interested and not was interested in military topics, he still comes and comes to us. from historical chronicles to modern videos, today unique footage, extreme reports of the television company gain hundreds, thousands, millions of views, their content is presented in... on our channel. what is it like, the work of a military journalist, what is its peculiarity in conditions when everything around is heating up, my colleagues will tell about this arsenal, the disposition in the form they are presented in the evening broadcast of the panorama. a thin trail of aroma and a soft pink hue of sakura, time flowering, a symbol of japanese culture, painted minsk with a riot of inflorescences and buds.
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there are also different pinkish and white flowers, but here they are even double, pink, which gives a special shine to this plant here, this is not the only one, so several more trees will bloom soon, young ones have been planted, at the same time as the botanical garden, pink clouds are hovering above. .. peoples' friendship park and sendai square in the capital. further economic news, let me remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application via qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you at 8:00.
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belarusians continue to increase their bank savings in the national currency; the amount of loans for native goods exceeded 114 million rubles. and world food prices began to rise again. we'll tell you about this and more in the next few minutes. you are watching economic news. in the studio alina lopot. good morning. the population of belarus continues to increase bank savings in the national currency. for march plus 2.3%. and for the year the growth is almost 20.8%, in rubles - this is 1.8 billion. at the same time, the regulator notes reduction in deposits in foreign currency by more than 4% since march 2023. in dollars, this is over 200 million. belarusians have already issued 22 thousand preferential loans for domestic
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goods. the total amount since the beginning of the year has exceeded 144 million rubles. march reports that loans for domestic goods have a positive effect on both producers and citizens. not long ago the government extended. programs until the end of 2025, and also expanded the list. now the list includes built-in hobs, carpets, house kits, wooden windows, doors and much more. the trade turnover of the mogilev region with russia has almost doubled in 3 years , as the governor said, mogilev cooperates with almost all russian regions, but most actively with the closest ones: smolensk, bryansk and kursk. mutual trade has grown to 230 billion russian rubles. anatoly sashchenko too. also notes the intensification of contacts in the social sphere. trading on the currency and stock exchange ended with the weakening of the american and chinese currencies. the russian ruble has risen in price. so, installed the following rates: a dollar costs 3 rubles 26 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.48. for 10 uani they give 4
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rubles. 50 kopecks. and 100 russian - 3.49 belarusian. entrepreneurs from ip countries and iran continue to cooperate within the framework of a free trade agreement. the ec council approved. events. now business communities from the trans-union five can carry out more in-depth cooperation. interaction will be carried out in promising areas, including proposals from business circles. all incoming initiatives business will be accumulated and worked out by a joint committee of the eac and iran. additionally, the parties will prepare an action plan to promote trade, these include business forums, exhibitions and business missions. by the way, russia and iran created an international union. special zones of the north-south route. the main goal is to remove barriers associated with differences in the laws of the countries developing this transport corridor, as well as to coordinate efforts in logistics and production cooperation. at the same time, cooperation within the framework of this union is not will be limited to interaction only
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between representatives of russia and iran. it is planned to involve other countries of the caspian region or a state interested in the development of an international transport corridor, north-south, into the project. and finally, world prices. food prices began to show growth again, for the first time in 7 months an increase in prices was recorded, the basic index of world food prices added a little more than a percent. mainly due to rising prices for vegetable oil, dairy and meat products. according to information un food and agriculture organization, grain prices, on the contrary , decreased by 2.6% in march compared to february, which is on average 20% lower than in march last year. thus: economic news, have a productive week and good mood, see you!
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the morning broadcast continues with the program "zone x". this is crime news in the studio. sokolovich. hello. ugruminskaya police officers uncovered a series of apartment crashes. a thirty-nine-year-old resident of the capital was detained. the man was identified as a suspect in five thefts. held. about his involvement in similar crimes. it is known that in the past he made his mark in the vitebsk region, where he was prosecuted for similar crimes. 2021, in the soviet and central districts of minsk, an unknown person emptied the houses of minsk residents, choosing, as a rule, apartments on the ground floor, working at night on weekends when no one was home. he squeezed out the double-glazed windows, got inside, took the money and jewelry. the suspect, a thirty-nine-year-old resident of the capital, was detained while preparing. to commit another theft, tools for pressing double-glazed windows were found in his possession.


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