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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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the words are laconic, almost infused with the spirits of the italian renaissance, as if they were canfigurable. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta is just the 790th reptile , rach paspalitay knew, and since then we seem to have been in the know, the end of the well-known style of baroka, and all the royal wings are here... they are so stupid to take us away well, after the document, the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovites , architect chakhovich. who he is is unknown. glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots in the past, then just at the 18th century we scored higher. we have gathered enough time to give out our own and aryginal things. on our tv channel, for
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our company, a year of quality is another incentive and another step for improvement in order to move up. i came to... our enterprise in 1999, to come to work on the mogilev elevator, it was then and now, in principle, prestigious, in our city it is the largest enterprise, if the history of the plant began with one model elevators, at the moment there are already more than 180 models, the needs of our consumer have grown, and certain requirements have grown accordingly. one of the areas is
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our latest developments at our scientific and technical center - these are parking systems, they are independent or dependent on a certain number of parking spaces, about more than 80% of our products are exported, accordingly, we must compete in the sales market, improve quality manufactured products is one of the criteria that...
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very unpleasant, because knowing how many people do this, how much work is put into it all, at our enterprise we have a closed production cycle, well, one might say, from zero to 100%, we produce all the parts, assemblies , subassemblies from which subsequently , an elevator or lifting mechanism of one kind or another is assembled; we produce everything in our own enterprise. one hundred percent, well, i feel proud, we do not stand still, we strive, we must strive, improve in order to satisfy all the wishes, all the requirements of our consumers, respectively citizens of our country, well, in principle, all the residents of the countries we supply, we are obliged to provide comfort, safety, reliability of our equipment, i believe that our enterprise...
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the state security committee of belarus together with the television news agency bel tv and radio companies represent.
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here began the most terrible opening of the graves, a terrible smell, people were throwing up, memory, which cannot be silent, was shrinking. on the windows, on the door handles, this feeling, you can believe, of human flesh, when you order everything cooler, a film from a cycle without a statute of limitations, operation 1005, on the air on belarus 1 and belarus 24, watch it right now. top secret, an operation of nazi germany that became a state secret of the third reich. participants in the process signed a non-disclosure agreement. we are talking about action 1005. this is how it is designated in german documents. it was kept secret by
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the german command of those ansas groups that operated here in the occupied territory. 1005 is a trivial matter produced by the imperial security service. exactly. under this number , a case was opened about an operation to liquidate places of mass extermination of people in the occupied territories; a few documents related to the action were filed in folder number 1005. the same number was assigned to the special unit zondar-comde, which was entrusted with responsibility for the implementation of the action. the scale of operation 1005 was enormous, and the work ahead was colossal. operation 1005 is a product of the ss special forces of the imperial service security. already after the defeat near moscow. the leadership of nazi germany realized that in the occupied territories of eastern europe it was necessary to eliminate traces of their crimes, mostly
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committed against civilians. the forty- second year becomes decisive in terms of the development of this operation. the purpose of the action is to eliminate traces of nazi crimes in the territory. eastern europe, and this means literally digging up mass graves and destroying the corpses of people so that no trace remains. trial or initial the preparatory stage of this action took place on the territory of concentration camps that were located on the territory of poland, this is auschwitz, this is belzhytsy and this is sabebor. in the death camps, various practices of exhumation and destruction of large numbers of corpses were tested, such as incendiary bombs and flammable mixtures.
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bluebell was directly subordinate to gestapo chief heinrich müller, himler's benefactor. courses were organized there, courses for sd officers , ss officers who were involved in the implementation of these actions, this action 1005, where about 10 disciplines were taught, which were how to equip places of residence, how to recruit a team of suicide bombers or a work team, which was then liquidated, how... to carry out burning, how to arrange security for the place where the exhumation was carried out. one of the main conditions for the nazi leadership in carrying out the operation to hide traces of mass murder was secrecy. according to himler's order, filming and photography were prohibited.
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directive signed by heedrich, head of the main directorate of reich security, recording of the process was allowed, but with a reservation. permission for photography and filming is possible. issued only by the superiors of the einzet and sondar commands, as well as the commanders of the rots. such materials belonged to the secrets of the reich. negatives were required to be handed over to the gestapa. the status of special secrecy forced the nazis to practically not use belarusian, russian, and ukrainian policemen to carry out the operation. this happened extremely rarely; as a rule, they were only allowed to be in the first ring of security. directly at the places where corpses were removed and burned there were germans as a last resort. from deutschi. after the operation, the slavic policemen were liquidated. an exception to the rule was the action held near bobruisk. here the nazis in full force used the local unit of the russian gestapo. ziva. in babruisk, ziv's staff consisted of approximately 90 people. it had three departments -
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criminal, political intelligence. they planted agents in partisan units to find out their locations. actively communicated with the local population to study their relationships. to the occupation authorities, among ziva’s employees were also police officers, former soviet police, one of the leaders of the regional affairs department, let’s say.
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this excavation of mass graves of prisoners of war and civilians
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is becoming widespread. the main conductor of nazi policy to conceal traces of nazi crimes on the territory of belarus was the 1005 center unit. it was formed on the basis of einsatz group b, which, immediately after the occupation of our country , advanced behind the army group center and cleared the territory, that is, destroyed communists, commissars, party. asset and jews. in forty-one and forty-two , the ainsatz teams of group b created places of mass destruction, in 43 these same people begin to eliminate them. a specially created unit 1005 mitte center, it included about 75 performers, these included at least thirty policemen of the fourth platoon of the ninth police tank rue under the command of otto goldap. administrative functions were entrusted to otto drews.
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there were also several drivers and six interpreters. one of the first operations the elimination of traces of nazi crimes in belarus took place in the mogilev region. a so-called master class, a demonstration event, was held here. almost the entire leadership of the occupation authorities arrived in the area of ​​the village of pashkovo. they were shown the technology for destroying corpses. more than 2,000 people were buried in the ditches behind the settlement; several hundred bodies were burned as a demonstration. and a few days later , the so-called work team arrived in the pashkovo area, which was to dig ditches, remove corpses and turn them into ashes. the most terrible opening of mass graves began here. the corpses were not decomposed, the smell was terrible. people vomited completely, those who were very sick,
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who could not stand the smell of corpses, the occupiers laid their faces on the corpses, forced them to inhale this stench, this mucus, this liquid for 5-10 minutes, covering up the traces of one crime, the nazis immediately committed something new, in the criminal case guarded in the central archive of the state security committee of belarus there are several witness statements: levsky district is located about five kilometers from the regional center, a man was born and lived here, thanks to whom
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today we know about the technology of conducting a top-secret operation to destroy traces of nazi crimes. stepan pelunov, he was arrested by the gestapa, was in the mogilev prison, in october 1943 he was included in the work team for the exhumation and burning of corpses, and miraculously survived . from the statement of stepan pelunov, chief. belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement to pyotr kalinin. i'm with one of the prisoners was placing a corpse on top of the stove, at which time the germans gave commands to the other four prisoners. also climb up, everyone understood why this was being done, and i shouted: death to the german occupiers, the translator shot at me, but hit my neighbor, i pretended to be dead, fell, along with my neighbor, the germans opened fire from machine guns, i was wounded in the head, but did not lose consciousness, the stack was
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doused with gasoline and set on fire in three places, i felt that the fire was approaching... and gave more specific and detailed testimony. today this is practically the only document from which one can find out how the ovens were constructed and how the process of removing corpses and burning them took place. from a statement by stepan pelunov to the chief of the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement, pyotr kalinin. having started work on excavating a ditch at a depth
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of half a meter, we discovered buried corpses, so decomposed that... many of us started vomiting, the corpses in the ditch were stacked in 6-8, in some places in 12 rows, one corpse feet first , the next head forward and so on in the same order. in the first day we worked until nightfall and recovered at least 4,000 corpses. the corpses were removed by hand, placed on these structures, which means a series...
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for the complete, yes, so to speak, destruction of those remains that were not destroyed by fire, they were ground at some burial sites; this was discovered already when the commission worked extremely hard up to a forty-centimeter layer ashes and ground bones, then the mogilev work team was sent to the gomel region, they dug up corpses in the forest near gomel,
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letter signatures, abavyazkov’s signature, and the fact that we will not disclose this information to our family, friends, employees,
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absolutely no one. this whole team of smyarotniks, as they are not greedy, this is a lot of people, but they are documentary on this day, it is clear that the team of smyarotniks, which completed the work of blagaushchyna. a tract near the settlement of bronnaya gora, here during the years of occupation jews from brest, kobrin, bereza, dragichin were exterminated, 186 carloads of people were brought here, 55 thousand people
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were buried in eight pit graves on territory of 1700 km, we had 21 people in the house, so there was a whisper, they brought the noise. they were shooting, and the place of execution was somehow in the lowlands and tah-tah-tah, tah-tah-tah, tah-tah-tah, and at that time we people became numb, silence, not a sound, not a word, before us children it didn’t reach, the holes were very deep.
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then they used lime and a chemical liquid so that the corpses decomposed faster, in order to compact as much as possible into the pit. in the spring of forty-four , a team of thirty people, 20 guards, one translator, and the rest arrived in the area of ​​​​the armored mountain. ss and sd employees. the job of exhuming and planting the corpses was left to the death row team, consisting of 100 concentration camp prisoners. these people are resettled on the territory of warehouses; there were 48 warehouses there. they were guarded, as it were, day and night, then it was ordered to dismantle these warehouses and dig out these pits , stacks were stacked, a row of rupes, a row of logs, for
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14 days, 14-15 days there was an unbearable stench over the armored mountain, a black cloud hung, then what happened in 1944, it will stay here forever, these clouds of black smoke highly, highly calling. first, single and group, more than 4,500 people during the entire period of occupation. shortly before the liberation, the nazis began to dig up
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graves near the walls of the ancient carthusian monastery in bereza. here, starting in 1941, political communists, part of the city’s jewish population, were shot. 24 graves. the corpses were burned for several days, the ashes were sifted, and gold items were removed. and several decades later... several aluminum crosses were found at this place, all that is left of people. detachments of sonderkommando 1005 worked throughout the territory of belarus; even the team employees did not know which areas they were sent to. as a rule, orders were given orally, only a few people from the senior command were initiated, and the conventional name of the operation said little about the work ahead, the secret nature, pacification, leveling, this is the whole name of the act. even in internal documents , the nazis encrypted the operation, describing the height of the clouds and the amount of precipitation that fell, which it was more like a weather forecast for...
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you could read on everyone’s face that he was more likely to go without going on vacation for 10 years than to do this work. we had to form a large circle, the so-called barrier, so that not a single soldier or local resident would observe this work. the weather report was carried out literally a month before
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the release of rogachev. in january 1944, at the end of may, sondarcommand 1005 worked in the area of ​​grodno, kolbasin, lososno folush, the site of former prisoner of war camps, where about 10,000 people. today there is urban development here. another place is fort number two, a fortification structure from the first world war. during the years of occupation, it became a place of mass destruction, and a little later - an operation to eliminate these crimes. the crushing process was still underway.
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there, by the way, the nazis planted potatoes; the beds were up to 50 m long. now non-invasive methods of archeology and research would come to the rescue, but even in places like ours here in the underground or in some other places, because large a fire where about 300 bodies are burning, 3.0 corpses, traces in the ground they will remain, they will remain. during the second world war, belarus became one of the main sites for the 1005 action, such a number of places of mass extermination of people. was not the case in any other country in the world, concealing traces of massacres, according to german documents, was supposed to save the leadership of nazi germany from unnecessary publicity for criticism, but it did not work out. on july 3, 1944 , minsk was liberated; 200 km from the capital , the nazis continued to eliminate traces of their crimes. the last belarusian city where operation 1005 was carried out became an elephant, there, back on july 5, 1944...
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he worked as a clerk, had access to secret documents. yachny, too, who is a former commander of the red army, he also served in the red army near bobruisk, in the village of kiselevich. during the process of the babrui department, 120 agents and accomplices of ziva were identified, and a trial took place in the forty-sixth. ulybin was sentenced to capital punishment, belyavsky yachny to twenty litas of hard labor, and kokhanovsky. by age 15
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vtl conclusions. the trials of the nazis who participated in operation 1005 took place in germany, in comblenz and hamburg, but only decades later. for crimes for which there is no statute of limitations, they responded with short prison terms. editors club, this is my first time in minsk, i ’ve been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come, and what do i understand, all the shops are open, you’re welcome, you want it, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i’ll tell you more, such a conveyor belt, as i saw here at the car factory with ointment like this i have never seen an organized conveyor belt
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so clearly and so many young people. worked when a small state, pursuing its policy, developing its own belarusian economic model, this actually makes us a desirable goal, we need to be ready. tv channel belarus 24, you and he are partners in sports, and i hope we will be partners in life, emotions, feelings in dancing are wonderful, but, in my opinion, you
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have a love triangle there, i want to know what happened with my father, who is so much time he lived a double life and deceived me and my mother, you see, if i make a mistake in sports terminology, it will immediately become clear that i concocted the interview myself. “help me out, please, i just have to hand it over tomorrow, okay, tell me the address, i really need to talk to you, but i’m sorry, i can’t right now, i’m not alone, you ruined my girl, listen, stop it, you see, that the guy himself is stressed, it’s just an accident, but there’s no need, i can do it myself, i’m sorry, it’s just a necessity, ritka, you came after all, and not alone, inga, i love you very much and ask you to become my wife, i love someone else, i myself live with '.
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i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i have still been living in belarus for 25 years, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus, it was 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my friends.
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about removed. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like,
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch.


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