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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 3:10am-3:26am MSK

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certain basics of traumatology, because combined ones are often used, these are reconstructive stages, that is, all combustiologists are reconstructive surgeons, after them many go into plastic surgery, because it is very familiar to them, well, when we say that combustiologists are not so often they remember, but very often they remember when some, unfortunately , emergency happens and a person can live without a spleen with... unfortunately this happens there without a kidney, but he cannot live without skin. combustiology from the point of view of a military specialty, since, well, there is an explosion, for example, of the same tank or combat vehicle, and a person receives burns, burns such as fire burns, there are fire mixtures, accordingly there is a lot of damage to the skin and there is damage to the skin,
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regarding lethality, lethality in burns , it also exists, and here not only skin damage plays an important role, but the presence of thermal inhalation injury, since these are often fires, and sometimes the patient has 20% of the body area there, having thermal inhalation injury, of course, its severity is aggravated, and unfortunately he can die, thank god in the republic of belarus... a very high
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level and there is practically no child mortality, it also plays a very important role when our burns are circular, when a person received a burn, especially, for example , flame, it forms a tube, well, in another way, let’s say, a dense thick crust that will begin to compress the limb or torso, then in such cases it is necessary very quickly there within 6 hours,
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everyone, from doctors, ending with the same nurses, because there is a burn, a burn of discord, if it is a burn, let’s say up to 3 years old, of course, he is there with his parents, his mother is there looking after him, and sometimes children are 15 years old and 16 years old, sometimes we had a case when a girl
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received 70 % burn, the cylinder exploded, so during the course of the situation, four people, two girls with us, two in the city of minsk, two people were treated with us. thank god, everything went well, they were discharged, and we observed them in the long-term period and in terms of the properties of their skin, in terms of the timing of epithelialization, it all depends on the area and depth, well, first of all, from the depth, if it is a second degree burn, it is usually 10 days for children 9-8, 14 for adults, and if the third degree is a borderline burn, it heals on its own, but takes longer.
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that is, everything that is done for children is carried out here, and somehow i looked, took a closer look, well, i tolerated the dressings normally, that is, in principle, i was ready to work in this direction, the scientific supervisor also supported me, as did says, let's
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work in this direction, since 2010 i have traveled a lot, i looked, read a lot, many of the technologies that we came to hospitals, i didn’t see them, i... read them, resumed them, did them, it turned out that it is very effective, it is very correct, and this is how it should be done, because you understand , when you come to an institution young, just a student, and you look at some things, you look through the eyes of a student and it seems to you, well , you can come up with something new here, everything has been worked out here, there is an algorithm for when you begin to develop, you begin to understand, yeah, here you can...
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principles, sometimes it happens, it seems, that’s all, we ’re going to prepare a child for surgery, she survives, someone helps, yes, there are, there are many developments, i personally have patents, you know, there are developments in as new methods in...
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and i had to use imported ones somewhere, i had an idea: why not make my own and create such a normal import-substituting technology, and i came to the conclusion that it was necessary... to develop our belarusian wound dressings for treatment, initially it was like burns, but if you already if you heal a burn wound, then other wounds will also respond to treatment with these bandages. the first bandage that i started thinking about was a traumatic bandage, it’s the one that creates a layer between the bandages, like a bow, well, gauze, that is, it’s placed here, so i can. exactly when it gets closer to
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capitalization and then we put a bandage, not a bandage, a napkin, a bandage on top, we perform the subsequent dressing using a special impregnation, it does not stick and there is no damage, that is, i always love tell me that when in childhood everyone received sa. experience pain, we also went further, we applied
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silver ions to this bandage, which made it possible to create an antibacterial effect and, accordingly , prevent the wound from suppuration, this is an import-substituting technology, because there are american alternatives, but in our country there were more german ones, but we don’t see, even our bandage, it’s better, it has a wider mesh... through which air passes, more liquid passes through, which forms inside the wound. we created more two bandages, we have one bandage, this is a bandage consisting of a special material, when a person first comes in, let’s say with the same burn or his wound gets wet, and so that it doesn’t get too wet, this is a sorction bandage, you put it on it, it absorbs, it turns into a gel, at the same moment... maintain a little moisture and at the same moment it basically takes most of
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the moisture away from itself, the third bandage is our antimicrobial bandage, it is multi-layered, there is a special natural sorbent that has asorption higher it performs 100 times more than in activated carbon, they are also all silver, it performs both antibacterial and antimicrobial functions, especially with purulent wounds, when...
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we are now in the silicone certification center, where our students are already students nowadays they have such a great opportunity to develop practical skills. the room where the laparoscopic video simulators are located is precisely the opportunity, using instruments, as they say with sticks, to perform minimally invasive interventions in...
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by performing such manipulations, students acquire not only practical skills, but it also makes it possible to subsequently apply this in scientific practice, having already mastered the technologies, i think they can come up with some kind of their own, even their own operational method, well, everything happens, not in vain even the same...


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