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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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using such a sophisticated method, he was unable to avoid responsibility, the suspects were detained, they face up to 10 years in prison, and additional episodes of their criminal activities are currently being established. a resident of minsk wanted to please his wife with jewelry, but what was his disappointment when he realized that the gift was lost, he had to turn to detectives for help. in a conversation with them, the applicant will tell you that jewelry, the cost of which is 400 rubles. accidentally defended himself on the bus, when he came back for them, he didn’t found. based on recordings from a video surveillance camera , investigators found out that another passenger, an unemployed forty-eight-year-old man, had taken other people’s belongings. by the time the police arrived , he had managed to hand over the jewelry to a pawnshop, and spent the money he received on his own. a criminal case has been initiated into the theft. an accident involving a pedestrian happened the day before in the capital on sharongovicha street. at the moment of the collision, he was caught on a dvr camera. the entry was published in gi. according to preliminary information, the honda driver entered the intersection at a prohibitory traffic light and on foot. the entrance passage along which
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a forty-one-year-old woman was walking, the green light was already on for her, the victim with injuries was taken to the hospital for examination. a resident of the nesvezhsky district can celebrate her second birthday; rescuers rescued her from her burning house in time. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the fire in her home began to break out around noon the day before. while pursuing the call, information was received that a person might be inside, so upon arrival reconnaissance was carried out. installation of broken doors, doors were closed for lock, formed a gdz link, dense smoke was created inside the house, minimal visibility, a person was found in a room measuring 5x4, the owner was lying on a bed in a burning room, a rescuer pulled her out through the window and handed her over to a team of doctors, after their examination the woman was hospitalized. and in polotsk, emergencies ministry soldiers helped a child get out of a stool where his head was stuck. the rescuers did not need special tools, so far they used improvised means. they
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unscrewed the parts of the stool, the baby patiently sat in my mother's arms. the special operation was more than successful, the little hostage was not injured. this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day!
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good morning belarus, good morning belarus, good morning country, wake up. after all, today is april 16 - world voice day, yes, friends, we continue this wonderful day in the company of our beloved co-host, beloved, or rather co-host, alla komarovskaya, on the air in dobronitsa belarus, topical section, what will we talk about? certainly well, we’ll talk about the power of the voice , psychological nuances, why our voice changes from a psychological point of view, and how you can influence it, how to influence it?
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is that people with low voices are more attractive and impressive, yes, they are more attractive, because a low velvet voice is like a warm blanket in a cafe, it wraps you in such warmth, yes, you become more comfortable in the company of a person with a low velvet voice, but at one condition is that you add a smile to this low velvet voice, because without a smile it turns out it’s very harsh, and harsh in general. did you know that the timbre of a voice, it’s like fingerprints, doesn’t change, it’s unique, and intonation is artificial intelligence, yes, and intonation is older than the text, sometimes in some situations it’s not so important to us what a person says as much as how he says it says,
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yes, maybe that’s why some people don’t like text messages, it’s never possible to convey exactly, but what exactly did the author mean, you can say, thank you, right? but you can say, thank you, the message will be completely, yes, it will be completely different, generally unconscious level, people do not perceive high-pitched voices, they are so thin, they are perceived by people unconsciously, as unconfident voices, that a person with such a voice cannot be interesting, interest and say something serious, this is a psychological trick, that is, you work on your voice, above the lower classes,
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from my beloved childhood, well, excuse me, for example, this is a phrase from a parent that does not anticipate anything, before you say it, think, for example, well, the child said something, not what the parents wanted, yes, they punished him , they didn’t explain why this is not possible, and what
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this could do in the future, say, on the child, how it could affect the child, he thinks, i can’t say what i think, the attitude, i have triggeritis from childhood, so first of all in by working on our voice, we get rid of these psychological blocks, over self-doubt. on the other hand, the parents thought, how could we explain to the child, for example, yes, that after all , it would be really nice to think so as not to offend anyone, for example, or so
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you explain, but here, for example, there is little more keep quiet, or they didn’t ask for your opinion, here there is already a direct verbal message, just think before you speak.
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slowly, but it just adds color to your voice, you never speak monotonously, the same person will fall asleep in 30 seconds, well , after all, that’s it. it also depends on a person’s temperament, on his character, but there are people who will never speak,
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i immediately remembered, well, that is, they, they are actually such reserved people, for example, they speak calmly, give or take within the same we remember about balance and about appropriateness, if you are communicating with, well, you are having some kind of negotiations, but you will not wave your hands, well, this is the first acquaintance of any person with such a universal remedy.
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which can improve the quality of your life, and win over a person, you can even increase the check for your services, because you will convey self-confidence, and maybe you will meet the person of your dreams with whom you will unite in such a long union, and maybe you'll get your dream job, so in any case it's an investment, as it is now fashionable to say, in a personal brand, in pleasant communication in one’s health, that’s how important a voice is for us, right? it was even disarmingly interesting in some places alla, thank you
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very much, congratulations on our almost silver issue and twenty, we’ll probably have a twenty-sixth fiftieth and seventy5, because the topic of psychology seems to me inexhaustibly incredibly interesting. well, maryana vasilievna, we thank alla and continue our broadcast of your favorite section, a section about the profession, rubric. my name is ksenia shedlovskaya, i work at a household appliances factory, as a chemical technologist, my morning starts at about 6:00, starts with breakfast, and then gets ready for work. my working day starts at 8:00, i come here to the site and begin my control of production. technological production itself,
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now we will check the parameters of the surface preparation line, namely those compounds that are used to treat the body of the washing machine before applying the primer and the finishing coating, paint and varnish, to which we're all used to seeing him in the store. i 'm done. the site was not immediately assigned, i came here to work myself, and i have been working here for about 2 and a half years already. my work has always been distinguished by the fact that it is very interesting, because there is not only work with documents and papers, there is direct control, there are solutions, chemistry, this is very interesting. our team is quite friendly, everyone is very responsive, nice people, i
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was lucky to work here, no mistakes are forgiven here when you work with chemical compounds, this is all very serious, scrupulousness, i think, that is, such qualities will be welcomed in this position and in this place. my work is very important to the consumer because the end product of my work is something that makes life easier for housewives throughout their lives. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. we look for thoughts in empty pages, other people's deceptions and voices, empty
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numbers, empty faces lose themselves. their eyes are empty, we step to the left into someone else’s abyss, not distinguishing between the game and life, we change the essence to uselessness, and we sell ourselves for the right to be, for the right to be, turn on the sun, let the world warm, turn on the sun, if there is no heat, turn on the sun in our hearts quickly, turn on the sun in a world made of tech, we let go without regret, all that is holy and what is the essence,
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we forget the words of forgiveness, recklessly , and... look for a way, step from the left into someone else's abyss, not distinguishing between play and life, exchange the essence for uselessness, and sell ourselves for the right to be, for the right to be, for the right to be, for right to be, turn on the sun, let the world warm, turn it on. the sun, if there is no heat, turn on the sun in the hearts quickly, turn on the sun, turn on the sun, turn on the sun, let the world warm, turn on the sun, if there is no heat, turn on the sun in the hearts quickly, turn on the sun in
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the world has expired. turn on the sun, let the world warm, turn on the sun, if there is no heat, turn on the sun, in your hearts, quickly turn on the sun in the world from.
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hey, today we're going to do abs workout, let's go. the first exercise is the so -called book or fold, that is, you lie down, stretch out completely and at the same time we connect our arms and legs at the top, we will try so that the lower back does not come off the floor in order to reduce the load on the lower back. go. the second exercise we will also do is on the abs, the so-called scissors, we put our hands back, the body is slightly raised, yes you can on your elbows, we raise our legs and do scissors, the wider we spread our legs, and our legs are somewhere from the floors are raised 20-30 cm, we work for about 30 seconds, two or three approaches.
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and the third exercise - we raise the upper shoulder girdle, a little more here the upper part of the abs is involved and we bend to the right, left, right, left, due to the fact that our upper waist belt is raised, so we have a good load on the abs. so, lie down completely, stretch out, twist as much as possible, we also work for about 30 - 40 seconds, and two or three sets.
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i know that many people do not like to train their abdominal muscles, which is why it is necessary to teach them to train these muscles from childhood, well , at least from adolescence, train yourself, train together with your child, be athletic and healthy. so, to strengthen the abdominal muscles , use the exercise book and scissors, make sure that the child’s lower back does not come off the floor, in order to use all the abdominal muscles, supplement the exercises with twisting, the time to complete each exercise is 30-40 seconds, the optimal number of approaches is from two to four, the proposed exercises can be included in your child’s training twice a week. good morning belarus.
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good morning belarus. good morning country. we continue to wake up. today is april 16th, today is tuesday, do you think anyone has remembered this yet? well, there are those, today is world voice day, and we talk about it endlessly on our air. a life hack for you and, by the way, about the voice, but about the bird’s, yes, in england a bird copied the sound of a siren and confused the police officers who were nearby, the imitation of the sound was so accurate that the officers who were at the station at that moment decided that what something happened to their official cars, running out into the street, they saw that everything was in order with the cars, but the sound is made by a bird sitting on a tree, the local wildlife foundation explained that a similar sound could be made by a male blackbird, yes, in order to attract a female. it’s simple, online they suggest that it could be a squartz, known for its ability to imitate artificial noises, this bird is considered an excellent imitator and can copy not only the sounds of other birds, but also the roar
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of a motorcycle and even mechanical noises. no, i wouldn’t want to meet a starling that imitates the roar of a motorcycle, let’s listen to it again, come on, there’s a sound, i would coped with this task better, but it seems to me that he doesn’t imitate anything, this skvarts, rost, whoever he is, he just sings his song, that’s what it looks like, my friends, what can i tell you, and it reminds me of these very funny stories on tiktok, when a parrot copies the voice of its owner, for example, also confuses some household members, anything can happen, well, on this beautiful bird’s voice note, let’s move on to other, yes, serious news, electric female lovers? please stick to your tv screens now, because the next news, well, i’m sure, is just for you. the minsk city executive committee was told about the launch of a special chatbot, with which you can
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report improperly parked rental scooters and other violations related to this type of transport. yes, this innovation was introduced so that sharing companies could quickly respond to customer wishes. it is also reported that operators of sharing companies will soon be asked to improve the software and strengthen it. control over users who violate some rules, up to the introduction of penalties for blocking your account for the whole season, no scooter for you for the whole summer if you violated or parked in the wrong place or god forbid drove through a red light, just like that, in addition to the parking rules, it’s not worth it forget about the rules of movement and means of personal mobility, olesya boyarskikh will tell you more about this in her story. spring has arrived, which means it's in the city. more and more often you can see people who prefer personal equipment instead of a car. mobility, but do not forget about the rules of movement on them.
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electric scooters, hoverboards, sigwas, unicycles, all of these refer to personal mobility devices that are driven by an engine and are intended for individual or shared use by pedestrians. compliance under clause 17.4 of the road traffic regulations , when using a personal mobility device, it is allowed to move along a bicycle path, and in the absence of a sidewalk, pedestrian path or shoulder, without creating an obstacle to the movement of others pedestrians. when crossing the roadway onto a personal mobility device, you must wander along a bicycle crossing or a bicycle path; if there is no bicycle crossing or bicycle path, the places are intended for pedestrians. when using personal mobility devices, don’t forget about the speed limit. no more than 25 km/h, for example, the same unicycles or electric scooters can accelerate quickly in the event of a collision with an obstacle or other
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road users. in 2023 in minsk there were 12 accidents in which pedestrians using personal mobility devices were injured. three accidents occurred due to the fault of the spm users. most accidents are caused by drivers who did not notice a pedestrian when turning left or right, at a controlled pedestrian crossing, or when leaving a courtyard. as part of preventive raids , traffic police officers stop cyclists and text message operators. reminding them about the rules of the road, you know how it turned out, with such a device, yes, if not equipped a place for transportation, that is, you cannot go there, it doesn’t matter if it is not equipped with a place, the transportation has started, on a scooter you need to reduce the speed at the pedestrian crossing to the speed of a pedestrian, which is more protective.
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it is prohibited to ride on them, it is not necessary to ride on the sidewalk and you need specially taken cases when you are old enough. remember, before driving your vehicle outside, you need to check the condition of the brake system, light alarm, battery charge, and make sure the steering wheel and wheels are in good working order. also observe personal precautions security. to ensure personal safety during personal mobility, it is recommended to use protective equipment such as a helmet and elbow pads. be careful on the roads, follow the traffic rules, then you will protect yourself and others from unpleasant consequences. yes, and i suggest those who travel on such sharing scooters and bicycles to be extremely careful, not to rush around at incredible speed, how many cases we talk about this, it seems to me, is always in the past
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in the summer season too... they gave, asked, even sometimes demanded, please be careful, after all, there are pedestrians next to you, they can sometimes stop, they can slightly change the trajectory of the path, this is important, and we also tell pedestrians if you see a dedicated line special for bicycles, for scooters, please do not go there, well, let the people who have chosen transport calmly ride along this very dedicated path, but we continue to celebrate tuesday april 16th together, right now let's turn to our meteorological map and find out if it will be possible, for example, to ride a bicycle today? maryana vasilievna, what do you say? yes, if you didn’t disturb the peace today and wanted to ride a bike, then in principle, you can do it if you have a raincoat. look, today everywhere throughout the country there will be precipitation in the form of rain, up to +12 in the capital region in brest, +11 +13 to +12 in the vitebsk region, in gomel up to +16, it seems like a good temperature, but precipitation +10 +12 in gro. mogilev +11 +13,
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this is april, what can i say, take umbrellas with you, take umbrellas and smiles with you, friends, in fact there is so much positive news around us, you just have to look closely, for example, in the hundred-year-old zoo they announced the start of a large-scale world event, each participant of which will receive an invitation ticket to a free visit to the zoo, yes, it’s called ecology, creativity and children, this is the name that the festival itself actually bears, as we have already said, within the framework of which young creators are invited to transfer onto paper from our point of view amazing world. the festival will end on may 18, but before completing the creative task , we recommend that participants carefully read the terms of the competition on the minsk zoo website. therefore, take part , get acquainted, be sure to come, and also anna valerievna, you are like the mother of a child who needs to be sent to a children’s camp, what is the most important thing to know the day before? i hope that ulyana can’t hear me now, because she tearfully asked not to send her to the children’s camp anymore. well, there are
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children who enjoy it. prepared a special story for those parents who don’t know where to start to send their child to camp, how to choose what, why am i repeating after you, let’s watch, if you want to send your child to camp, hurry up, discounted vouchers are sold out instantly, they admit republican center for population health, today...
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will work in a five-shift mode, so there is still an opportunity to purchase vouchers for later shifts, many camps have already switched to electronic booking, please submit online application, they answer you if locally. if the required shift is not available, do not rush to get upset, often free tickets appear unexpectedly, you just need to remember to follow the current news. information about health camps in the city of minsk can be found on the website of the minsk city executive committee. here we go, the main page, the next transition is power, republican bodies and the representation of the minsk city administration of the republican center. chapter. useful information list of health camps owned by organization of an enterprise in minsk. on the website you can find any information about the desired camp, the number of available places, health regime, living conditions, as well as
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photos and reviews. the method of obtaining a voucher is influenced by the category of citizen. there are two options: obtaining a permit at the place of work and through an official representative office, the first for working citizens, as well as for those who have children. security, a document that confirms that the child has not yet been to the camp on a discounted voucher with a reduction in price, since according to the law, this can only be done once, if your family is small, if it is an individual entrepreneur, a notary, a lawyer, these citizens come
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to our specialists at their place of registration, write an application asking for a voucher, and provide a copy of the certificate. fortune gives everyone a chance once in their life, the roads you and i have are so different, we often fall, but we get up to move forward while our tired legs carry us through the emptiness. through the depths, do you hear, i will come, i will not deceive you, through time, through the universe, through spring
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sacred, through the memory of despair, through endless waiting. moments are important, bright, hot, hurricanes are raging in my head, there are doubts, the ghosts of time and confused thoughts are floating in caravans, there is only you, there is only me, i whisper to you. not loving through time, through the universe, through the sacred spring, through memory and despair, through endless
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waiting, a copy of the birth certificate. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. temple near mosary - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyaknuty to the spirits of the italian renaissance, to the spirit, to the canfiguration. let's embrace their history. and some facts. the era that it lived in
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was a turning point. geta is just the 790th reptiles , rach paspalitay knew, and since then, we seem to have been in the know, ending with the floating style of baroka, and all the city's crowns here are taking us away from the paeina so stupid and, after the document, the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovites, architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. in kali there were more european lynxes, then there were 18 once upon a time, we have gained height, we have gained strength for this, so as to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel. gomel region. hello to all fellow countrymen. that's great.
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oleg eliseenko, how did it happen that you have known each other for a very long time, the song appeared only now? probably, the time has come, everything happens for a reason, you can search for your song for years and contact the authors, ask them to write it specifically, but it may not work out, this song may not work, but i heard this song performed by the author himself, oleg ilisenkov and me, well, in general then i walked all over. oleg nikolaevich,
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asked permission to perform it, he was waiting for this call, irina, well, this is not the first to quickly authorize, and says with pleasure, i am a song, and this is not the first song, this is the first in the repertoire and your personal now, or it didn’t go exactly oleg ilisenko, oleg ilisenko is the first, but in general, in principle, reverence. song "white lilac". and for now we say goodbye.
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russia has elected a president for the eighth time. for the first time this was done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and attempts by the west to discredit election campaign, people went to the polls. thus, demonism. to all those who disagree, the cohesion of russia is the collective west, although this was not appreciated or understood, but this is just another region that does not stop.
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in my garden, there is a lilac bush, i will come to it, leave my sadness, i have been waiting for spring for many days, now there is light in my soul. white lilac, white lilac bloomed with a wonderful aroma in the spring, white lilac, i’ll sit with you, i know my happiness, somewhere nearby, white lilac, white lilac, bloomed in the spring with a winter aroma,
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white lilac, hang out with you, i know my happiness is somewhere nearby. the moon has set, and i’m not sleeping, alone again, i ask fate, come love in melancholy in return, let the lilac bloom again, white lilac, white lilac, white lilac has developed a wonderful aroma in the spring, i’ll sit. with you, known happiness, somewhere nearby, white lilac, white lilac, bloomed in the spring, with a wonderful aroma, white lilac, wider with you, i know my happiness, somewhere nearby.
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white lilac, white lilac has developed a wonderful aroma in the spring, white lilac, i will sit with you, i know, the goodness of the borders of belarus. live news on belarus 1 in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch in this issue.


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