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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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natural gas liquefaction plants are plants for liquefying hydrogen; we provide a range of services in order to switch to alternative energy sources. much attention today is paid to the 130-ton hydrogen fuel dump truck, for now it is a prototype, but by the end of the year the know-how will be made into a prototype for work primarily for russian quarries. a large investment project is being implemented at the osipovichi automotive components plant. robots will now cast aluminum. a new automated complex that arrived from china not only will allow you to get away from manual labor, but will ensure high casting accuracy, improve product quality and ultimately expand sales markets. the new complex is being set up by chinese specialists, while simultaneously training plant workers. this is just the beginning of a major modernization of the aluminum casting shop. the investment project will have seven stages. the belavtomaz branch is one of the largest manufacturers in belarus of car parts and products. the republican action for
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forest restoration continues in belarus on the territory of the dalva memorial complex, employees of the security department, members of the military-patriotic club fillin, in memory of the victims, planted 44 trees, symbolizing the number of inhabitants of this village, which was burned a few days before the liberation of belarus. 29 children, 13 women and two men died in the fire. the eldest of the dead was 80 years old, and the youngest. around two , three crosses of different heights were placed at the site of the tragedy, symbolizing three generations of dead residents. participants of the action laid flowers, honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, visited the house-museum, telling about the history of the village.
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hello, so where is this all going? today we have the right lineup to talk about this, we’ll start with a conversation with sergei kurginyan, who has connections with the studio, sergei irvanovich, hello, hello, well, let’s face it, these are the times when choosing from dramatic events, you realize how many there are, and even somewhere you are lost where to start, here you are...
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depending on them, geopolitics is built one way or another, but if we talk simply about geopolitics itself, then there is nothing comparable to that some anthropological, what is happening now on the russian side of this chessboard, multidimensional, apparently, yes, this is such an unusual chess, and already some, so to speak, five-six-dimensional ones, so, what is happening on this very russian one. chessboard, standing apart from all the others, nothing else can compare, firstly, because russia is really the second, first, no matter in importance, nuclear country, secondly, because russia is huge territorially, and thirdly, because it is russia, in some sense challenged the west, and, as it were, all this together, and this is the obvious inability of the west to agree with... russian proposals, this
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escalation, russophobia and so on, says that the main direction of a certain process, the main point of application, is: russia, because the americans they are absolutely not going to, i don’t know, maybe there are crazy people, but somehow i don’t see them on the political olympus - the united states, the modern ones - to collide head-on with china, exchange major nuclear strikes and either destroy china there and declare their hegemony, or this china will destroy them, there are no such people willing, there have never been any in the united states, there is a desire. is doing something completely different, there is a desire from different sides to somehow delineate this china, yes, and one of the main sides is russian, because the border is very long, because russia is able to greatly help china with raw materials and
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at the same time with military high technologies or the highest technologies, such an opportunity, despite everything regrettable that was happening in russia, still with... what, yes, but also the border, this russian holiday of disobedience, they say that first you need to eat russia, and then start working with china, at the same time you need to try after russia, or before it - this is a complex question, eat iran, block china with sides of afghanistan, iran, iraq, from there, try to come to an agreement with india, strengthen. japan, come to an agreement with china's competitors in southeast asia, create this ring around china, destabilize china by all possible means, there are uighurs, radical islam in general, everything tibet, everything the rest, after that he undermined it all
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by organizing something like the notorious continental blockade, then somehow tore himself up from within in one way or another to return to...
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fell, perhaps not the worst american politician, but drawn into this criminal adventure, drawn into it hey, yes, this is the famous test tube that was shaken, that we all know, it doesn’t matter, all this later seemed like a bluff, but that’s not what i want to say, iran categorically does not want war, but some crazy people who don’t know what they’re thinking about, they probably hope that if something... goes, then he will be able to drag america into a war with iran, which is extremely doubtful, these crazy people want iran to be forced to strike israel, and iran is doing everything imaginable and unthinkable, even losing part of
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its authority in the islamic world, just to prevent this, in this is the situation now, ukraine is now closer to us. then we continue this allegory, we say that there is another board, but this time we feel it, as they say, most acutely. here again in the west they started talking about the fact that ukraine will definitely fall. in nato usa blinkin on meeting with kuleba he said: ukraine will become a member of nato. our goal is to help build a bridge to this. but we remember that one of the reasons for the is is precisely the movement of kiev into the alliance in the sense of a threat; does it matter to russia what configuration ukraine will join nato in? obviously, it does not. it turns out that the united states is simply condemning the ukrainians by behaving in this way and promising them some kind of nato membership. what we want to discuss with you now. has two levels, one is very obvious, and the other, well, sort of like
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a hypothetical game, that’s the most obvious level, the following happens: first, everyone starts talking in chorus about the fact that russia will fight with the west, in particular with europe, everyone starts saying this in chorus, there is no one who hasn’t... noted this, i mean the media, politicians , ideologists do the rest. i will never believe that there could be a choir that is being conducted by me. a choir can only exist when it is conducted. and this does not mean that the russians want to fight with europe. president putin said a lot about this, and he’s not the only one, everyone and... it’s clear that he’s not they want, but it’s clear to the naked eye that they’re not going to do it at all, yes, they could cope with
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ukraine, yes, and this is still a problem for 50 years, even if they enter the entire territory there, which is not at all as easy as someone thought , then we need to get rid of this territory, yes, but it wasn’t enough, now we still have to get into the baltic states somewhere, yes, that will be great pleasure,
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they want to know how, and these are completely different forces that clash with ukrainian nazism, everywhere, you should be most interested in how this happens in the baltic states and poland, which means they will be mobilized at the same time, right? then a simple question arises: we move on to the playing field, and they are already talking about reservists, that there are 40,000 reservists there, so many of them need to be activated, that is , some kind of three-million-strong european army is being prepared, then it is constantly discussed, what
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if trump comes , won't he leave europe alone, won't he destroy nato? nato is a disgusting structure, aggressive and monstrous, but it is better than its absence for russia and for us, believe me, because nato, when it tramples, it will trample straight into a nuclear war. and there are few people willing, this is the fifth article , everything else, and if there is no fifth article, europe can do it separately, yes, then europe will also be forced to do this, like russia, then there will be an exchange of nuclear strikes, and this is the coveted american plan, the americans, when everyone says whether they want to deal with russia or china, they want to deal with europe first of all. will deal, most of all in the world they are afraid of the russian-european, specifically
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german-russian, union, because it puts them into the most vulnerable position in terms of hegemony. and we will continue with the guests in this studio, what the enemy is preparing for us, about this and more in a couple of minutes. we continue with us. i welcome you, dear guests, on monday at the palace of independence they talked about the information war, the reason for the appointment of a new deputy head of the presidential administration, now vladimir is in this position...
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and on this wave they will of course try to gain a foothold, but i would look at one more very small nuance , because the west has not yet worked out the topic of warning, which it dispersed in russian federation, we warned you, you did not react, i think that exactly the same scenario will be realized in belarus, probably these statements that are now coming are exactly the same beginning, this is
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the tail of this wave that we will see, you have in mind that these attempts are now being thrown into foreign media, including what is happening in belarus. administration department and igor lutsky was elected to the council of the republic and i think he will take a worthy place there, vladimir borisovich headed the ministry all these years information, our most ideological ministry, which was in charge of this very information war, the fact that now he is being appointed with a promotion is the recognition by the president of the success of our actions, so we should not forget this, i think this is an analysis
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of the actions of the head of state, personnel appointments, now i think there will be a sufficient number of them.
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that this is now a common element of war against us, taking into account the fact that other elements have failed, although the west will not give up on them, what i mean is the sanctions that failed, these are attempts to intervene.
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we are doing this, we could have done it earlier, we could have done it in europe, i have a question, why now earlier, but this is a very correct legal assessment of the events that are taking place in our region, this agreement has lost its force altogether. it consisted in the conditions of the end of the cold war, when there arose, well, i remember the words, you all remember, such an atmosphere arose, as they said, trust, even the word détente was no longer used, but escalation, a single space from lisbon to vladivostok, now none of this exists , well look, what is the point of this treaty, it limits the number of weapons, belarus specifically falls under it, seriously limits our actions, in principle, this gives our opponents a diplomat.
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direction, we now have a multiple superiority of the potential enemy there, excuse me for such a term, but i have to mention it, the president is leaving in the naashmyany direction, two brigades, the nineteenth
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mechanization, the twentieth anti-aircraft missile system, in total there are up to 5.00 people there somewhere, yes, well just to understand, the poles have one division, they are now deploying additionally, one division, it is larger than this number, why did they make such a fuss about our normal limited exercises, what is 500 people? we keep our troops in combat readiness, but what should we do? we have a war going on south of the border, we are developing an offensively aggressive infrastructure, they are telling us about some kind of suwałki corridor, but why are they talking about it? look at how they work, what information warfare is from the point of view of extremism, this is also extremism, why the president talks about this, appointing not the chief of the general staff, not the chairman of the kgb, but the deputy head of the administration for information ideological work, because information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss in... the germans are entering lithuania as occupiers .
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unusual weapons in europe and the exit from it aimed at one target, so that there is no war. let me explain: we have always religiously observed international agreements, we have always not threatened our neighbors, we have always, by the way, been the first to initiate some kind of peaceful initiatives, this has been the case throughout the existence of our country throughout the entire time, but we understand perfectly well that all this will not help, the west will attack us, under what condition, if it sees that it can win if western analysts
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sit. consider, look, so belarus will not respond, if we send in troops, nothing will happen, if we hit belarus tomorrow, nothing will happen, that means there was an attack tomorrow, the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong, everything else there is no way, so we are not threatening anyone, by suspending now, i want to emphasize that we are not withdrawing yet, but are suspending the operation of this agreement, moreover, if someone carefully looked at the ministry’s commentary...
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from the big war with its competent, independent politics, independent, if today we did not have sovereignty, tomorrow belarus, belarus would already be drawn into this war, which the west is talking about, it wants to drag us, but most of all they want to drag us into a big war in ukraine, the united states of america , it is their dream to drag belarus into this conflict, meanwhile the situation is extremely tense, macron’s plans to send nato troops to ukraine turned out to be. more than just a fantasy of the french president, and although the head of the alliance, stoltenberg, claims that there are no plans, the political consultant of the us state department and the pentagon, edward lutwak, says this: “nato countries will have to send soldiers to ukraine.” the british and french, along with the nordic countries, are already slowly preparing to send troops, both small elite units and logistical support personnel. the latter could play an important
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role by releasing their ukrainians. colleagues for retraining for combat duties, nato units could also take over the training of new recruits. the words coincide with the fact that france agreed on a quota of 1,500 soldiers to be sent to ukraine. new information is emerging about the preparation of a military contingent in paris to be sent to ukraine. for these purposes, the command of the french foreign legion in early march approved the composition of a battalion tactical group of about 1,500 people. expected. that in april the group will be put in a state of full combat readiness for an operational rush to the ukrainian theater of military operations. what is olga igorevna’s goal? i think that this group was ready a long time ago in april - it’s just a date, which is like a month that is called. i don’t see why they should n’t enter there, especially since they have already created
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a mission, a united mission in us. this was stated by sikorski, that is, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, that there is such a mission, here all the experts paid attention to why it is called a mission, well, they would call it a brigade, an operational group, well, so far they are approaching this way, i think that this is precisely the moment of an information war, including, the west has not yet decided to do this, because he needs legal grounds, but it is not yet possible to come up with them, and what is holding them back is the global south, a third country.
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war, and money, they love counting and love eyes, so i think that the mission, in addition to the fact that it creates information like this hype, she will still be involved in monitoring that.
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naturally, this is done with the participation of the french, they will legalize it, because it is no longer possible to hide their presence against the backdrop of the losses they are suffering, well, listen, the attack on the hotel in kharkov no longer doubts that the french were there, the russians said it was mercenaries, the french they said, we don’t have mercenaries in ukraine, what does that mean, these are their career officers, yes, they have units in other regions, what is the nato mission, again, this is legalization, we we know for sure that at the stage, for example, i will not take that far, the counter-offensive, in fact, at the headquarters of zaluzhny, in the southern direction, there were nato officers who coordinated all this, there are many publications on this subject, polish generals received ukrainian military awards, this is
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the legalization of the presence, what is 1500, this is intelligence, there will be some units with a high degree of probability a foreign legion, it numbers from eight to 9.00 in general, there are such specific units, most likely in total it will be some kind of regiment or on the base of the floor.
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one more important aspect can be influenced, which means, firstly, the truth cannot be hidden, we open the european press, every day in europe and the usa cemeteries are growing where those who died in ukraine are buried, that is, they are already there, vadim franzovich i’m right, the poles,
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the french, and the germans, they had the same scheme, it irritates public opinion, now i want to say this, they quit, they become mercenaries, the second point, all serious operations in the ssu, control carried out by nato officers, this is no secret. all the special operations, why do we say that the west is planning terrorist attacks and extremism? without western money, without western consultations, without the preparation of intelligence services from great britain and the united states, not a single terrorist attack would have been carried out, there is no potential, france is the same, but there is a very important political aspect, first, there is no independence for europe, sending european troops to ukraine - this is also us pressure on the european elites; every day they demand that they help ukraine. why is europe afraid of a full-scale war, yes, europe itself is bursting into sludge, if today macron or scholz, i , like vadim franzovich, are very actively communicating with european deputies and politicians who say, if today scholz macron, figuratively
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speaking, with some diplomatic phrases declares direct war on russia , he will say, let’s mobilize, send the army, they can carry him out with pitchforks, they have a million of their own problems, tens of millions of migrants, but what about the muslims? they will go to war against russia , it’s a fairy tale, they hate them all there, they hate them, they despise them, that’s why europe, it’s in such a squeezed position, by the way, this is very risky for us, what?
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about 15 - this is a big question, sociological surveys were recently conducted in the uk, 38% of britons under 40 are not going to categorically participate in hostilities if a full-scale war breaks out, and 30% are not going to participate even if there is an attack on great britain, and categorically, but two countries have already been appointed that exactly correspond, this is finland, 80% is ready to participate in hostilities and... estonia 66%. for some reason, poland has not yet
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entered into this parade of questions: every day, that means every day an iphone, every day a cafe, every day a siesta in italy, what war? if we take it globally, europeans, i mean the indigenous population of europe, they are not ready for a real war, for mobilization, but i do not simplify these risks, which means that for our region now there is a huge amount, a little earlier olga igorevna said that ... these 15 are a search for legalizing nato’s presence on the territory of ukraine, that’s when blinken, us secretary of state, meeting with kuleba, he says: ukraine will become a member of nato, our goal is to help build a bridge to this, this is about this, he is lying, that means he is lying, that means that ukraine will become a member of nato, he is deceiving ukraine, which means also, i support vadim frantsivich about the fact that this is intelligence, but this is also a division of ukraine, which means that in fact ukraine is already being divided, it is already...
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russia will never stop, so these statements and actions are a continuation of the war, there will be no peace, which means they are putting russia in the conditions under which it forced. will act even tougher, i here agree with vladim frantsich on another important idea, these are red lines, which means that this game of the west with russia goes to these red lines, but this is a very subtle question, russia is constantly being provoked into very tough actions, for example, a terrorist attack that occurred, which we discussed in great detail, why it was done, to provoke russia into more stringent actions and delay.
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i translate, they built, they built the country, yes, they
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said, ukraine will be free, in the end, if you don’t have money, go and die for other people’s interests, and if you have money, live in peace and fill your pockets further in this war. returning to the question you raised, olga igoryevna said that it would be problematic to send 15,000 people there, public opinion will be ignored, look at what anna lena berbock said last year or even the year before, we sometimes. we analyze their statement, then we forget what they said, we analyze the next one, it’s an endless stream, we need to look at what they said, she said: we we will support ukraine, even if our voters are against it. foreign secretary . in germany, one of the leaders of the green party, once the most pacifist party. the next moment, there is an icon there, nato appears in your picture. what is nato? so they say: why are you afraid of nato’s expansion to the east, look at them, we have neither shells nor weapons, so the point is not in shells in weapons, but in the creation of a military-political mechanism of dependence on the united states, when the ruling
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elites , generals, are forced to undertake actions contrary to their national interests. here we give slovakia as an example. look, the prime minister is against the war, the current president will be, he starts in june, in my opinion, now zuzana, chaputova is still there, which means she’s so interesting, but she, by the way, also said that everything, we are all frozen and so on, is against , but they vote everywhere and support actions, like hungary together, why, but they can’t do it any other way, their political dependence is real, even these strong politicians, orbán, fitso, others, it is like this, that they cannot act otherwise, marine lepin, the russians are here. recently they were taken aback, in france they call her pro-russian, she criticized russia in support of the country, why? she cannot make other statements in the current conditions of this rabid, well, actually ideological totalitarianism. in fact, she opposed sending troops to france, but through to ukraine, french troops to ukraine, but
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her rhetoric was sort of anti-russian, that is, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize again, are against interests. their citizens against the interests of their national ones, but they cannot ignore this indefinitely, because you understand, yes, the technologies of manipulative western democracy are such that they can even channel public discontent as it suits them, but the higher this dissatisfaction with their policies, the more political technologies are costly, this also needs to be understood, and of course, this dissatisfaction with the policies they are pursuing can reach a level... where they cannot contain it, here they are now they control why the united states, by the way, to end the moment, sort of pulled back a little for the time being, when the primaries are going on, they don’t seem to allocate any money, it’s not because they don’t want to be there, but they want to, they we are ready to give everything, because the primaries are underway, candidates are being nominated, an unpopular war, rhetoric
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that blames russia for everything in the united states does not work, so for the time being they overloaded it all on ukraine, i assure you, here... some say, well, russia is specifically waiting for trump’s election, so if he will win, but if someone in the russian leadership or among americanists thinks so, this is a deep mistake, as soon as the elections are over, politics, regardless of who wins, may become even more agreeable, moreover, now the us main topic is not even ukraine, and the middle east, palestine, israel, they are now having the main discussion on this, but i will still return to belarus, that’s right, we have now discussed the situation in europe, what they have. there is no democracy, that is, a politician who opposes the foundations of the country, he is in does not allow politics, so i return to our elections, friends, it’s enough to let those who oppose the foundations of the country into the presidential campaign, this should be a rule, we received immunity in 2020, we now had parliamentary elections, there were no such parties, no
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public organizations, no politicians, forget about it during the presidential campaign, there shouldn’t be a single one who wants to break the country. we heard a special date this week, april 14 ninety-nine, 25 years ago, the bombing of yugoslavia, burning under the bombs the country is publicly supported by its only leader, alexander lukashenko, his plane departed for belgrade, despite the fact that no one guaranteed safety during the flight. returning to minsk, the president said then, this is not only their war, we are absolutely convinced that today they are waging a war not only for themselves, not only for their land. if used. historical parallels , history lessons are a test of strength, it, unfortunately, begins again in the balkans. well, a quarter of a century has passed again, the independence of serbia for some, president vučić is warning about a threat to his country, talking about the most serious challenges. we are talking about the upcoming adoption in april of the un general assembly resolution on the genocide in
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srebrenica and the expected admission of kosovo to the council of europe in may. our chances are minimal, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight, he says. why are they so unhappy with serbia? and this is the same president who said everything, this is the same sample of the feast, that is, look, i also thought, i was once studying to write a thesis on balkan topics, i thought, what is theirs, what is theirs i didn’t like yugoslavia, yugoslavia was an absolutely pro-western country, tito was friends with hollywood actors, at the same time western intelligence agencies sponsored the ustasha, these are croatian fascists. destroy, support separatist movements, which was not necessary, in principle they
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don’t need such large countries that can pursue independent policies, they wanted to create a situation in the balkans in which they would consolidate their political influence, and there, by the way , not only the usa, plays an active role there great britain, germany, germany became, specifically, helmut kohl, the unifier of germany, genscher, the vice-chancellor, yes, they... became the gravediggers of yugoslavia then, in the nineties, of course, this is the policy of the united states, which wanted to establish its control everywhere , but i would like to go back, we can criticize them endlessly, of course, these are the imperialists, they have their own vision, their own geopolitics, they write this, follow these strategies, sometimes they violate them, a question for us, ninety- nine, i remember this time, turning point in public sentiment, a young, energetic belarusian leader, mega-popular in russia, where the government comes to power.
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national conflict, religious conflict, this is always worse than politics, remember, lukashenko always says: “god forbid belarus”, the language issue, they wanted
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to play us off on the language issue, now they want to, in 2020 they wanted to, in 1994, in 1996 the supreme advice, this treacherous, and so, today the americans have kosovo-serbia - this is a wonderful situation, a smoldering conflict, when necessary - they put out the fire when europe needs to be brought to its knees a little, again, that means let it burn, the same thing in the middle east, how many times have they said that the palestinian-israeli conflict can be solved by international instruments, it was a long time ago, who wanted, who wanted to actually sit down and decide, why decide, when it is necessary, when necessary, we will make a war, then we will make money there, the same thing here, and today i want to warn our post-soviet republics, let them also remember, we do not interfere, but they must remember how only they have a peacemaker... in the form of the west, which suddenly decided to reconcile armenia-azerbaijan, see what is there in other asian republics with which we
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want to build normal relations, remember, they need one thing, a smoldering conflict for a decade, this is the formula management, approved by the united states , they will never give up on it, they are very good, but have not worked for many decades, it is effective, but since we returned to europe, i would still oppose vadim frantsevich a little, you said: that they cannot, but i would talk about that sometimes they don’t want to, because national interests are such a very complex, multi-component thing, and today we see on the one hand vučić’s statement about the threat, that the balkans could again become a hotbed of gunpowder for europe, this is a phrase, it appeared not out of nowhere, but on the other hand, these are arms purchases in france, the hand is changing, what we are talking about, they are now buying rafalie, new fighters. national interests,
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they are also connected with their world and they will also defend their world, their world is not our world, despite the fact that we are slavs, despite the fact that we have a common platform, i think that we should not forget about this, and slovakia, hungary and other countries that today declare their position against war, this is not ours understanding against war, this is their understanding in their world, i would remember this, a very important thought, it is important not to lose it today, there is not much time, but we will dwell on it ahead of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the time of consolidation, although we we understand perfectly well that it is not for the congress necessary, in principle, permanent for us, this is the most important task, this was discussed today, recently at a meeting with representatives of the vertical power, important words were spoken and they are worth recalling right now, guys, everything is concentrated on finding a way
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to overthrow us, no matter what we... have a relationship with you, i scolded you there, fired you from work and so on, you should be state people, not me, not you personally mean nothing compared to what a sovereign, independent belarus means to us, we they must protect it with their labor, blood, sweat and with your life. so, year twenty-four, what are our goals and objectives? i think that the president... spoke about the hour of truth, such a climactic moment that is coming for us, and it begins today in the twenty -fourth year, and not well, not in the twenty- fifth, our country is at stake today, our the future, and therefore our children, we , unlike many very countries in the region , have preserved all the monuments of the great patriotic
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war, we can probably be proud of this, and we are proud of the fact that... they argue, there is little discussion there, i will answer, means that we argue and discuss normally, but we understand perfectly well everything that they want to do with our country, they want to destroy it, and we will put our own political programs above unity in the country and work for the good of the cause, no, but i also remember yesterday’s meeting of the president dedicated to industry, and i understand one thing, now at this time i work carelessly,
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approach my official duties in such a way that i put on a tie and a suit, “i came to work and made a report, just so that they would leave me alone, it is impossible, neither the suit is important with a tie, not a beautiful picture, but the result, the efficiency of the work, so that you can really see what is happening, and this concerns everyone in the country, but unity, for me this is obvious, no one will think about us except us, the belarusians, only ourselves , i always remember this thought, and i will never forget it, there is an external threat, there was, there will be, but no one except ourselves will destroy their country, this is 100%, they can help destroy it, so the most important thing is what we are and how we defend our homeland. in our country, probably, if we are talking about tasks for a year like no other, you know, like a school year, it goes through a line, we have 24-25, this is the general meaning of political election campaigns, even geopolitical ones, including regarding the military operations in ukraine, but what is required of us now are the key points , this is the consolidation of internal
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cohesion, which oleg sergeevich spoke about, since it is the highest military art. a tremendous amount of work on entering new markets, of course this is a breakthrough, the president has done now, responsibility is required from the government to stimulate our domestic consumer market, why did they open the same first national one? we have something to sell, we have something to buy, we must stimulate the consumer activity of our citizens ideologically.
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the positive aspects that have unfolded for us in recent years must be implemented to the fullest, we have everything for this, thank you for participating in this conversation and finally, the planet is on fire, entire nations are losing their home. from our homeland, we help everyone who asks for help and do everything to preserve the fragile peace on this god-given land, and we believe that we will preserve it, therefore we are building kindergartens, schools, clinics, hospitals, new industries, cultural, sports, shopping and entertainment centers, this is the text, messages from the capsule for posterity, which was laid last week at the construction site of the city clinical hospital grodno, as for me, this is not so much an appeal to descendants, to us today, why is it for us, well, we seem to see everything ourselves, for focusing, for concentrating attention on the main mission in an era when the old world itself sentenced, and a new one is just
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being born, what is the mission, maybe in this formula, we didn’t just inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants, but the fact that times are difficult, well , it means time has chosen us, that’s all for today, happy, how is the life of foreign guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university, i. i work here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations, from 2014 to this day. this is a coffee shop, first coffee and pastry shop, eastern in belarus. as always, we work here in lebanese,
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we always talk to people about how to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how right it should be that they give this taste. i love syria subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me. watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you.


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