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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 1:45am-2:01am MSK

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we are now in the silion certification center, where our students now have such a great opportunity to work out. already practical skills, a room where laparoscopic video simulators are located, precisely the ability, with the help of instruments, as they say sticks, to perform minimally invasive intervention in the intended abdominal cavity, but not only the abdominal cavity, that is, this is the development of such skills, but it is no secret to everyone what lies ahead now minimally invasive surgery, specifically laparoscopic surgery, thoracoscopic, but they have a basic
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composition, that is, this is knitting, sewing, and of course, the student, already starting there from the second, third year, they must master this technique step by step, so that later in real practice, when they encounter such problem, they will be able to correctly perform this manipulation, thanks to this opportunity to learn and perform such... manipulations, students acquire not only practical skills, but this also makes it possible to subsequently apply this in scientific practice, having already mastered technologies, i think they can come up with some kind of their own, some kind of even operational method, well, everything happens, it’s not for nothing that even the same endoscopic one, we all know the umbrella, the ordinary umbrella that they make, it was invented by a schoolboy, of course, thanks to his development. ..
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civic position, this is the person who is engaged in educational work, this is a multifaceted person, we are proud that our university became the first medical university to create a school for young scientists, we give them the basic knowledge for writing scientific papers, how to file a patent, how to participate in simulation competitions, this year we set our sights on a new project, namely the creation of a belarusian-uzbek one. schools for young scientists,
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today it’s all free, this is very important, because well, you don’t have to pay anything for it, and i hope that the most motivated people will come to the current school, both from our side and from our partners, and we will be able to achieve great, great results, and at this stage we even have a request from clinical institutions, from the republican scientific and practical center, from a university clinic, they are ready to accept also participation in this school, she will be... i am often asked the question, where do ideas come from? an idea is not something that you sit over some textbook on articles and think, think, think, think, so you have questions that everything should be done exactly this way. for example, one of my developments is the cream emalent, gluderm - this is a development that... was recognized at the republican
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competition as the best innovative development, which today has been introduced into practical healthcare, which is in the real sector economy, which is commercialized, which is not just development for the sake of development, i came to it very simply, you won’t believe it, i was cleaning houses, so i started thinking, we made bandages, well, okay, what to do next, so we prescribe patients, recommend, i had a lot of experience, i used different different creams, whichever i used, and i won’t say that there was the cream that i applied, it was very suitable for everyone, i realized that i needed to create a product that would allow me to avoid those shortcomings that had the same imported, imported creams, i made my own, the most important thing, as they say in our science , is that you can’t let it cool down, because if you cool down, you have to cool down again. to warm up in order to move
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forward, for a very long time we have had problems in belarus, this is compression hosiery, that when a person gets a burn, especially which shows. there is no such thing, our patients order from russia, we plan to produce such underwear on the basis of the technopark of the city of grodno, and we will not only cover the social level with this development, let’s say, it will allow economically, the state will benefit, but the most important thing is that the doctors who treat these patients, they will be able to get the reverse medical effectiveness of their treatment, because when you have treated, it is very important to see what will happen in 6 months, in
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a year, you need to move forward, we need to try, if we don’t try, we will never know, someday, well, they say the phrase that initiative is punishable. but you know, there is another side, that initiative is not as punishable as lack of initiative, therefore it is better to be proactive than to be without initiative, because lack of initiative kills completely and completely. i was born in the city of mosty, the city is located in the grodno region, it is a city famous for its suspension bridge that runs across the nemon river, my parents are ordinary people, not civil servants, namely my father, just
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general workers in electricity related matters at an enterprise in the city of mosty, my mother , she is a primary school teacher, later. works and worked and works in the education department, how i got into medicine, well, as always, she says, it’s a philosophical question, what can a person in the tenth, tenth, eleventh grade solve, well , practically nothing, i was good at chemistry, biology, i have an older brother, he is now the dean - ours at our university are the faculty of medical diagnostics, and he was the first to achieve us into medicine, namely... as a student, i always wanted to be a prosecutor, i don’t know why, but i wanted to, maybe it’s just some kind of children’s games, that there are robbers, and there are good police officers, we look for them, we find them , we identify, maybe some illusions, on
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today, i say that we know nothing more than to provide assistance, to treat, so it’s very... i have to do something, as a student, i played very often for the university as part of, well , basically all of my i have a young life, although i’m probably still young, i played football, so one of
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my hobbies is playing football, of course, now it’s more difficult given the pace of work, one of these hobbies is i like to travel, to travel. why travel? i love going to conferences, everyone, it’s funny it seems like a hobby to go to conferences, to travel there, but these are the turns, the turns of some kind of development, when you go, watch how people themselves develop, how others live, this is culture, at conferences you learn contacts, exchange contacts, you learn some new technologies, so you can come and implement something. here, that is, this is such a good educational stage, not even to say that this is scientific tourism, this is the stage of education, this is the stage of development, this is the stage of life, what is happiness? happiness is of course, a philosophical point, well, for me, what
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is happiness, it’s probably when my whole family is nearby and they’re healthy, i’m a doctor, a scientist, a pediatric surgeon, they ask. often the question is, how do you live with this, how do you sleep? uh, you know, everything is different, it all depends on the situation, but i can say for sure that we all... sometimes live longer than the parents of these patients, because the parents only know what they are told, the condition, and we know more , sometimes i fall asleep, turning over in my head what to do tomorrow for surgery, how to do it, you get up earlier, to look at the book, how best to move it, what to do there, this is a certain life, this is a certain stage of life, and i will say that many say and...
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- this is just one of the things, their parents should say one thing that medicine is what we do, but they must believe in god, believe in a miracle, because sometimes medicine from the outside seems that it cannot... help anymore, but then sometimes a miracle comes, so believe, believe in god, and he , of course,
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will be with you. the song of herodim is heard. can everything change, anyway? the yanas are untouched, the smoke of spring is not known,
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the rain is clear, only this life will not be for hours, life will be eternal, as in life, the bright folk saying, a monthly strain on the grass, and no matter the great sand, kamu aichy.
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hello, so where is this all going? today we have the right lineup to talk about this; we’ll start by talking with sergei kurginyan, who is in contact with the studio. sergei ivanovich, hello, hello, well, let’s face it, these are the times when choosing from dramatic events, you understand how... a lot and even somewhere you are lost where to start, so what process on the geopolitical map today do you consider decisive in terms of influence on the rest of the world? well, i just think that the geopolitical map in itself does not dictate anything, cultural processes dictate, social processes dictate, certain megatrends in the development of technology dictate. science and man, some anthropological main trends,
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depending on them, geopolitics is built one way or another, but if we talk simply about geopolitics itself, then there is nothing comparable to what what is happening now on the russian side of this chessboard, multidimensional, apparently, yes, this is such an unusual chess, and there are already some, so to speak, five-six-dimensional ones, so well... what is happening on this very russian chess board a board that stands apart from all the others, nothing else can compare, firstly, because russia. this is really the second, first, no matter what, nuclear country, secondly, because russia is huge territorially, thirdly, because it is russia in some sense challenged the west, and, as it were, all this together, and this is the clear inability of the west to agree with russian proposals,


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