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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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so sized on all these boundaries, no matter how... all these steps, which means that we do not allow ourselves any volnasts here, and we are still working on the skin column in our own minds, collecting hairs, peradae, and then getaya well the calendar is factual, these elements of the life,
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it is supposed to hang over the edge of the pabudova, the dark shadows of the hell out of the water. the most important thing is not to simply lay the washcloth on the washcloth, but to lay the washcloth using thin pads of sticks, matted with wedges. atrymlivaetstsa simple and grandiloquent lightweight design, nothing superfluous, no jumping parts. the skin detail works well and the tsalkam understands how!
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the christian church is a book for the unwritten, i can read the skin of the vernik, it is independent from this, and i know the grammar. the skin element, the skin detail of the interior of the temple has its own hidden significance, because the scenes of the temple are tlumachazza as the law of god. our scenes are sympathizing. so, like the temple - geta madel to the light, then the skin yago scyana adpavyadae adnam za yago bakov. the final part of the temple symbolizes the area of ​​the holy and heavenly assalod, where the ancient paradise is known, when adam and eve were kicked out. and the kanstruktsyina, geta was scyana, then takiya. the hell of a square
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plan came from every corner, the russians called them such sluggish cavalchkas, well, such stars that then gave a circle, closed the circle, like the base of a drum, and then bathed everything, the whole parade what a nation we are on the facades of this budynka , darechy, yana velmi there is such an intrinsic transition in the interior, these are the very elements we see there, the same cornices, the same columns. what are the elements of this order, we are farming and assemblies of interior design, and a complete whole of architecture. if you go to the entrance door, then you can jump to the bottom of the roof. in front, the shchodra is lightened with the wide windows of the syaredzin drum, which allows for the passage of two sleeves, night and day. the upper part of the roof is adgarodjana ad posing. canastasam. it’s a pity that
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the pershachatkova internal assembly did not allow us to reach our zens. yes, at the moment of handing over the temple to the faithful, only the private parts were filled with clothes in the windows. the temple at gomlya has a laconic and simple form. we may the gallouny nav, which ends the altar section and crosses the transectar. cali zirnuts the beast, we may be simple. the shape of the roof, paraўnovuyuchysya with a stylіstikay tsarkoўnaya sіdarusskaga style tі masticovaya traditsynaya, this insanely demanded, but just gave and vytchanastsya characteristic of the classicism of that era. the altar is the center of the temple, the main shrine. the middle part symbolizes the light of the chalavcha, which is also illuminated and apraudana. thus... the slavic lands gety bar'er are
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already in the form of ikanast. how dachshunds look folded dumpsters. the interior of the temple was bathed in the symbolic role of the sky and stood static. at the same time, the bell bathed his looks with the illusion of a roc, which increased in popularity. getaya supyarechnasts mae svayo tlumachenne. the interior architecture of the church expresses the ideal of a temple in which god himself lives, and beyond which there is nothing. natural, what's here... bathed pavinen to show himself the final heavenly sphere, and even gaspodz himself. between external and internal images, there is a fundamental connection, since only with this religious guarantee, heaven comes to earth and right inside the temple, where there are
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baths. the council was published in the style of a gift order. what is a warrant? geta correct joints of the vertical and anthallic parts of the budynka. this is the meaning of aporic elements and elements, on which yana abapirajutstsa. behind this mathematical difference there is a certain fractional detail. such a detail in the future of the temple is the diameter of the column below. that's why the chalavek bachyts have the first chargu. budynak staіts stepped pastamentse, stareabatse. the upper dance, which is good for you kalons, called stylabat. yes, that's why the columns sound and the fires. the skin finish is pshashay, ekhіnam, on which is the square plate of the thigh - abacus. everything that is higher than the abacus is called entablatures, and is divided
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into three main parts. the future of the right-hand church is in the style of classicism, this was a complete task, because i got into trouble. and the carnivorous canons, and the racial tradition, both calanadas, ports, vezhas, and the round shape itself, which was not the great one of the right-slavic traditions, the worst was also the catalan, latvian temple, a long time ago, the era, when this tsarva was laid, gave the workers such freedom. yana was a great liberal, menavita bastards in the future, the wars of 812 - this hour, when there was no adzinaga zatsverdzhanaga plan, how the façade of the right-wing kingdom looked like. the lowest aporous part is the architra, composed of two or three garyzal beleks pasted onto the work. from the facades we
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only look at the outer edge. above are placed a large number of jumping elements, which are folded from the bas-relief and panels with vertical blades. this panel. glyphs. yany, i geta it’s important that the people know that they have to pay attention to the parents of the papyrus beleks, so they can get away with it. the empty page of triglyphs closes with other calculations, metopes. this is significant, the most sculptural reliefs. chargavanne mіtopaў i triglіfа utvara friz, seryednі sherag entablature. nareshtse, over the whole kanstruktsyy, abaranyayuchy ya hell dazhju, hanging the hood of the cornice. the massive entablature of the supernasal and vertical pairs of columns, as we remind you of the punctures of the triglyph, so that the paslukhmyan will go out at the triglyph. the geets of the right temple would be tied up campaign from the catalan taxa of the cathedrals, which
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are known from the other side of the square, between the other, from the point of view of the city of buda, the creation of eight of these two cathedrals, this was requested and garadzan... tsarkva taksama, catalic cascel, published a little bit of pain in the prajektse the englishman john clarke, unfortunately, does not care, but we know his plans, he would be very classy, ​​and if he does not go wrong with his plans,
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from now on, the st. paul's cathedral is empty and in ruins, since the 90th year there was no sign of change we will return tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. oops, removed. our daily task is to talk about belarus
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in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like, generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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show yourself what it might look like, in my opinion, the elm has grown, i am a daughter of yaska, and the people called us kapa, velmi vyalikaya and velma vyalikaya yushka, she said, first of all, don’t torture who you are torturing.
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and the dust will be the pride of one of the most shmatlik belarusian cities ab'yadnannya belarus. well, now let’s get to know the teams. good zen. good zen. my name is galina. i am a member of ab'yadnanny belaya rus. i work in the gomel kaledzh for culinary purposes. let's hurry up. we know both you and your brother. good zen. i know natalya. i am the viceroy of the elder of the gomel ablas arganization of the republic of belaya rus. may father is white russia. gomel region, i love belarusian language and i love your game, already
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tram once i walk the time ’, know the same kamandami with another kamanda, kind dzen, kind dzen, meana is a lbesty marya, i am piercing $ dzyarzhai, the audukatsya syarena numar 42 gorada gomel, my great -grandmother mova il litari. i am working in the chinese district of belarus. whenever i have a free time, i like to have a parade. shanouny udzelniki, behind the moves of our community, writer, scholar of literature, editor of belarusian language and literature, expert of our program, svyataslav krupenka. yago parades allow us to achieve greater value in our own words.
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daskanala. good zen! shanoўny ўdzelnіki our sunny gulni vіktaryny in your own words. we are glad to be with you, our dear tv presenters, amatars of the native word. to the gangsters, i want you to leave the gulni, tell them about the traps, i wish you a good mood, at least a little luck. think in your own way, in your own way , kazhytse, in the native words of darazhytse. and you know, i have skin care and balance. the one who is pleased with the expert's...
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kab paspyakhova will consult with the first task, the need to know iago ўmovy. let's get to know them. the teams relay the words, words translated from russian into belarusian. the command that was the first to be guessed signaled the fall. for correct skin the order is 10 points. respect, the first word for translation is bratsia. the first were ganna and marya. brothers, brothers. correct. adkaz malays, offensive words: cuckoo, malays, galina, natalya, zyazyulya, dakladna! dzyauchaty, hutka, zvyazda! kali laska, ganna, maryya, zorka! that's how it is! and all these words, pasprabuytse peraklastsi
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reshytselnast! i know hanna and maryya, rashymasts. prague! and the correct order is to respond to belarus. advance, no touch. galina, natalya, don’t wear a hat. malays. and all this is nice. i know, galina, natalya. i understood. dakladna. respect. malays, ganna, maryya. i am convinced, powerful. your truth. zdaetstsa, easy words with prinazoўnіkam, ale pasprabuytse yago peraklassi. kali weasel, ganna and marya. please, saba. tsudoўny adkaz. dzyauchaty, let’s now
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re-word the words of zluchenne. first question. kali weasel. natalya and galina. first torture. come on malays. and this was unexpected. kali the weasel, hanna and marya, showed up unexpectedly. you can do it, marya, do it. grab the paper. i know galina and natalya. grab a paper. that's how it is. thank you doctors, and i know galina and natalya. dzyakavac uracham. dakladna. granted, the hutka teams completed their first task and achieved their first points. 60-50. first stage passed by
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paspyakhov. we look at how the syabrovskaya padrymka is working on the adleglas. this hilarious episode features two super teams representing different teams. let's get started with the competition. saperniki tlumachats sens cunning belarusian layers, choose from four options, adzin are correct. adkazvae gulets, as he was the first to signal. for correct skin the order is 10 points. and i caught up with you, who is it?
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chakayce, know what it looks like and why it is made from metal, from wood, from fabric? zyauchyna vyaskovaya, and we all called kapa, geta, well, of the same kind of koudra, material, fabric, saprauda kapa split from fabric,
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geta yawning pike cover on a spoon, djauchaty, offensive words, words dziarkach, geta, lyalka, broom, leader, syaker, whoever is first, whoever is first, dziarkach - geta vennik, i know this good thing, and i'm sorry. mountains and washed the shredded padloga, sharavali dzirkach, it was like that with the vessya, so it is with the malay, the extraordinary geta of the old broom without a leaf, they crushed the yard, as marya said, and they washed the shredded padloga in the hatse, words touka, this package, letter, parcel post card, kali weasel, natalya, this card, which you can... pashto card with little ones without
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berries, which we send to our relatives, friends and people we know. geta was a great party, shameful marya, natalya, here’s applause for you, great-grandmother, kali laska, great-great-grandmother. shanounyya hanna and galina, respect, the first words for you, words bezard. do you know what he might look like and what is he afraid of? are you swimming, swimming, growing? kali laska, galina? i think that's why. geta rasslina. malaychyna. on the right is the same elm. what natalya and marya solved, and berast the dachshund - this tree is the same, this tree is a bush of the elm family, the malays,
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the correct adkaz, the words of the sharshatka, i am a dachshund of paradise, i am a slave and a padumite, why am i a muggle slave, from metal, from the school, from the tree , from the tree, from the knowledge of the village. words, uvaga garnushak, isto geta, geta garshchok, uzgorak, dalon tsi lapats, kali weasel, hanna, on my thought, geta garshok,
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correct adkaz, malaychyna, i stalosya, dzyauchaty, all hell of a word, pyachora - geta strava, zhivela, grotto, tsі... інў hanna, workman, what is it, wrong adkaz, pyachora - geta grotto, pa-ruska - pishchera, pa-belaruska - pyachora, empty prastora fallen in the earth near the mountain massif. ay, what are our sonny gulets, the most modern, shanoun hanna, galina, this applause for you, forefather, kali weasel. grooming another for the rakhunka competition galina and natalia 100 points maryya ganna 80.
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their skin begins to grow stronger every day, after visiting the forest you come out as a completely different person, charged with the energy of our forest, nature, a great, good mood, talented and beautiful.
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this is not the same as it is, there was a history of how i had previously lived and the very history of history , and for this i began to disseminate the fleshy populace, i studied in the libraries. glyadzitsa project palishuki on the tv channel belarus24. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. we're going there, dze yashche can dakranutsa yes svedaў u mіnuўshim. things will happen again and again in the past. palessya. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in the ruzhany brest region, at one of the largest palace complexes of 16-18 centuries: residents of the magnate sapega family. the tsarva of st. paraskeva pyatnitsa hung around here. a reminder of the architecture of the baroque town. either karavod or vayavod.
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traveling is not only about experiencing history and sights. the volkovyi river, which flows through volkovysk is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, volkovye in the slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, hence also wolves. a student of ivsey ovsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin, donated the work of et, which was painted by the artist in 1946, to the art gallery. travel is
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an opportunity to try something new, succession, motherwort, but here is lafand, this is the first time i have seen such a plant, but this too, this is a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant, so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's reading, and of course, to join the unique folk art, we lower the pedal, take it with two handles, and with two handles we knock it, strongly, i'm scared, there's nothing scary here, that's it, look in the project, the route is built on the tv channel belarus 24.
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traditional folk expressions are bright and imaginative, useful for the immediate need of the competition. respect, iago umov. the commands identify the correct phraseological expressions. adkazvayuts pa charze. kosht ​​pravilnaga adkazu - 10 points for adzin phrasealagism. at the same time, two envelopes appeared on the screen, each with phraseological units and their meanings . your task is to properly support them. the situation is that the dark things will appear all the time, and all phraseological units will appear all the time. in the case of galina and natalya, i immediately select the adzin from the envelope. what kind of byaratse? padumaytse, paraitsya i skazhytse, pershy, pershy. dzyauchaty, are you bachytse tlumachenne?


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