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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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the fund has revised down its forecast for economic growth in the eurozone this year, estimating gdp growth at 0.8%. experts expect the numbers to recover slowly from last year's slow pace. the state of the european economy will be influenced by geopolitical tensions and climate problems. from the estimates it follows that the main driving force will be the growth of household consumption. this was the economic news, have a nice day and see you later. morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i yuri shevchuk. hello. husband and wife.
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a married couple from novopolotsk was detained under one article for drug trafficking. they worked for an online drug store for more than a month. on the eve of the arrest , young people aged 24 and 28 arrived in vitebsk, where they had to complete the next task; for this they even rented an apartment. the next morning, a curator contacted them and provided the coordinates of a forest area in the vitebsk region where they needed to pick up the goods. the married couple took 50 g'. tropic substance, after which it was packaged into small batches. subsequently, the man and woman went to the forested area of ​​vitebsk, where they placed drug stashes in hiding places. investigators found packaging material and scales in the rented apartment. the suspects were detained and face up to 15 years in prison. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. it was prepared by alexander kanovich. a group
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of drug pawnbrokers was detained in the brest region. four residents of the region were engaged in wholesale shipments, took defendants on the m1 highway in the zhabinkovsky district. it was established that three residents of brest and a resident of kobrin, aged from 28 to 31 years old , had picked up a large batch of psychotropic drugs in brest the day before and went to the baranovichi district, where they laid out about 100 bookmarks. a psychotropic substance (4 sms) was found and seized in their containers. the defendants admitted that they responded. to an offer to make money from crime in messenger. the employer promised complete safety and avoidance of criminal liability during arrest. they worked at the drug market for less than two weeks without even receiving the first payment. for illegal drug sales, pawnbrokers face up to 15 years in prison. in the grodno region, a drunk driver tried to escape from the traffic police, first in a car, then on his own two feet. the incident happened on monday. the footage was published the day before. so near the village of shchechinovo. the mazda driver,
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seeing guy's employees, turned sharply and tried to leave. the inspectors decided to check the driver and went after him. the car, in turn, only increased its speed. at some point the car failed stopped, and the forty-two-year-old driver tried to escape, but was detained by inspectors. a medical examination showed that the permissible alcohol limit was exceeded by more than five times. the man said that he drank a bottle of vodka the day before and got behind the wheel in the morning. the menchan resident thought he was drunk. tried to get through the barrier. now he is involved in a criminal case. line 102 received a message that an unknown person had damaged the fence of a capital organization. investigators established and detained the twenty-seven-year-old culprit. the guy admitted that he was drunk and, without realizing his actions, tried to run through the barrier, but it did not give in. the damage was estimated at 250 rubles. and the act is like hooliganism. forensic experts helped solve the crime based on shoe marks, and more. the police received a report from
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a resident of the city of khoiniki about theft from a house. he lost components of his gas boiler and other things. an unknown person climbed inside through the window, damaging the frame. experts found traces of boot tread on the floor. this evidence helped identify the thief. the suspect was detained by officers police. during wire rope examinations, it was established that the traces found in the house matched the soles of the shoes seized from the suspect. the man confessed to the crime. heavy rains have turned dubai into a water world; entire floors of residential buildings are flooded, tables and chairs are carried away from hotel balconies by planes, and they almost float around the airport. since the evening of april 15, downpours hit the city, roads were flooded, transport was intermittent, and in the first 6 hours of the cataclysm alone , up to 5 cm of rain fell on the united arab emirates, this almost half of the annual norm. the footage published by locals and guests of the city is reminiscent of a disaster movie: lightning strikes skyscrapers, streets and... and subways are flooded,
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pipes have burst in one of the largest shopping centers on the planet and goods are drowning in streams of water. at dubai airport, 17 flights have been diverted or delayed and the government is urging people not to leave. their homes, this was a project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram, have a nice day, stay on the bright side, and we will tell you about the dark side and news from the world of crime in our evening program.
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in the very center of the night, in the city. here, i’ll find a steely, old telephone, he will stretch out his hand, like an acquaintance of mine, and a midnight call
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will break your sleep, in the very center of the night, in the city. is huge, we are looking for dreams that have come true, and no one in this sleepy world will interfere with us or say no, our beloved, beloved, beloved region is ready as always, we are ready to listen, on the basis of secondary school number 32 of the city of komel opened its doors police museum, which was closed for reconstruction in 2017, at the ceremonial
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at the opening, they presented retro equipment, modern transport of the state traffic inspectorate, a special police detachment of the department of internal affairs, as well as an exhibition of weapons, the idea of ​​a museum to show children... what other news will there be? next, be sure to come to this museum. sasha, bird news. more than 200 stork nesting platforms will be installed on power line towers. the work is carried out in areas with high habitat density of these birds, mainly in the brest and gomel regions. this is done
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not only to protect lines from short circuits, but to save birds from electric shocks. power line supports are the favorite place of the white stork. there are birds on them. their nests and this is a completely familiar picture for any belarusian village, but dampness and mold under such housing is always a big problem that few people know about. bird nesting platforms are placed directly on... the support at a height of 0.7 m, which prevents the stork from getting on the wires and being electrocuted. this a wonderful initiative, especially since the weight of a stork’s nest, it’s so voluminous, this nest, is 200-250 kg, of course, if, of course, it falls down, then there can be disastrous consequences, so it’s wonderful that such structures appear, by the way, not only in gomel and the gomel region, but throughout our country. well, i would like to believe that the stork family would not mind moving into such a house, created by hand. a person, and not the bird itself, by the way, this, this is only the foundation, yes, ice, the bird is smart, it grasps everything literally
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in flight, by the way, if anything, this is one of the few birds in the world that can sleep on the fly, well, if anything, google it, sasha, what other news, they say a talented person, talented in everything, so, in the gomel region a regional festival-competition was held among healthcare workers, doctors of different categories of specialties demonstrated their talents, students and teachers from educational and medical institutions, pharmacists and pharmacists, vocals, choreography, theater, healthcare workers demonstrated their talents to the jury in seven categories. the biggest competition was from vocalists who wanted to get first place over forty. they performed not only the famous belarusian and russian repertoire, but also their own original works. the winners, by the way, will be announced this week, well, in june they will be expected at a holoconcert dedicated to medical day. employee, that’s how to understand that the doctor is really the best, the most talented, it seems to me that the doctor
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who, for example, heals with words, yes, that’s really songs, as we just saw, really, or you know, knows how to give injections so that you feel pleasant and not painful, in general, i hope that this kind of doctor will eventually be called the best. sash, in my opinion, a wonderful selection of news, on what topic have you prepared a story for us today? arts in the gomel region. the other day the chairman regional executive committee ivan krubko presented awards to the twenty best representatives of talented youth. about creative success and incentive, further in the story that my colleagues and i prepared. sash, we thank you for the good news and wish you a wonderful continuation of the day, in particular, a good business trip. well, right now we are watching a story from our gomel correspondents. nikita gerasimov is a young musician,
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he has been playing the piano masterfully for more than 8 years and has already managed to take part in dozens of competitions. the most significant success was the republican one, where the musician was able to become a first degree laureate among pianists throughout the country. music occupies a special place in his life, the guy admits, so it’s especially nice to receive an award from the regional governor for his creativity. when i play, i enjoy it; i can sit and play something for a very long time. to select, this is a very big motivation on the part of the leadership of our region, in part even financially, among the laureates is valeria tsikunenko, who has found herself on the stage, for more than 3 years she has been shining in gomel youth theater, the girl says that her journey is just beginning, and such attention from the leadership of the region is very important support for her, well, of course it is certainly very pleasant, because such encouragement from the leadership and from the region is certainly very... pleasant, a very responsible and very important event for me. more than twenty representatives from all over the gomel region received
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awards. the laureates are regular winners and prize-winners of creative competitions. our region is rich in gifted younger generations. as the head noted region ivan krubko, last year alone the stars of the region won more than 3,000 diplomas at festivals of various levels, now one of the main tasks is to support the creative potential of young people. find a talented child and unleash his creative potential. to support in a timely manner, to show how the country values ​​and values ​​its gifted, young citizens, this is a task of national importance, because it is you who will have to preserve and increase our cultural and historical heritage. also, the governor in his address to youth emphasized that they are already winners, it is important to continue to improve, set ambitious goals for themselves, and constantly raise the bar they have already achieved to new heights.
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i wake up lonely, this cell is silent. this is truly a colossal problem, it all starts in childhood, the metabolism is formed in a child under the age of 3 years, so dear dear mothers, remember that food is very important, but
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the health of your child is not shaped by any food, you don’t need to look at how old is the child? eats it at all, but how does the child grow? and develops with the amount of food that is offered to it. very often, when parents say that a child does not eat well and eats little, the child eats enough, but he eats less than the parents would like. therefore, the problem of excess body weight in children is, as a rule, a problem of wandering. starting from the moment of birth, you need to track. proportionality between the child’s height and the child’s body weight, if they are in the correct relationship, a pediatrician will always help you assess the child’s physical development, there is no need to push the child hard food if he refuses it. so,
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the first is nutrition, the second is heredity. if the parents, osteiniks, are thin, sonorous, transparent. then most likely their child will be the same, if the hypersthenic parents are small in stature, broad-shouldered, broad-shouldered, then most likely their child will be like this. the next point that you need to pay attention to is food preferences and eating habits in the family. if your family eats hamburgers three times a day, don't be surprised if your child is overweight. the next point is various hormonal changes associated with hereditary and acquired diseases. a topic for a separate discussion: any serious excess body weight requires consultation with an endocrinologist. and the last thing is physical activity. the fact is that our
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energy metabolism in the body consists of two elements. first. this is the intake of energy, the second is the expenditure of energy, it is this balance that leads to the fact that for some , body weight accumulates, and for others it decreases, if the energy intake prevails, exceeds energy consumption, then this energy will accumulate in the form of some kind of deposits, if energy consumption exceeds intake, then the person will lose weight, this is... very simple mathematics, but what would i like to say, what, what to focus on , without consulting a doctor, the use of diets in children is not permissible. in order to carry out nutritional correction, you need to find out the reason, sometimes it
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is not as obvious as it seems to parents, so be careful. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, not switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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lavish, picturesque and monumental, sporting and team, we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to... the morning of wednesday april 17 continues, we welcome everyone who has just joined us, and if you are already going to. .. from home on my business, then the weather forecast will be just right for you, by the way, my colleague olga venskaya already has all the detailed information, olya, tell me, yes, right now i’ll tell you about the fact that when leaving home, be sure to take
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something warmer with you, because today there will be a little bit of a cool breath, either spring or winter, decide for yourself, well, look, very low readings in the morning, +2 +4 in minsk, we are already accustomed to some warmer weather, +1 +3 s early in the morning in brest, +2 +4 so much today. gomel is warmer in total from regional centers up to +7 now, in grodno - 1:3 is modestly enough, in mogilev 3:5 with a plus sign, while in some regional centers it has already been raining since the morning. how will the situation change during the day? let's look at our weather map again. this is what belhydromed promises us: in minsk, brest + 10, 12, well , modestly, to be honest, we are already accustomed to some kind of warmth. in vitebsk +113, in gomel - 12:14. by the way, in grodno it’s 8:10 with a plus sign, and we won’t just watch the rain, but apparently, even wet snow is possible, in vagelev 12:14 above zero, well, these are, you know, or very
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modest indicators, not so much reminiscent of spring as of some kind of off-season, tanya, what do you say, how do you like the weather, this is how it is now, off-season, mid-spring, and what do we want, last week the temperature indicators were more like july, but for now the month is april, the seventeenth day on the calendar, you know, of course, no matter how much we would like, but for now this is a rehearsal for summer , let’s call it that, it’s over, it’s a shame, it’s a pity, i really thought that it was time to write down april as the first month of summer, it started snowing here, no, they promise us snow, and even a slight minus at night, oh, well, in general the prospect is so-so, take out your down jackets if you suddenly they have already been hidden, but nevertheless we remind you, oddly enough, spring is still in full swing and this is the ideal time to add new comfort to our homes, here you are...
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study, i don’t even doubt it , because well, it’s really such an authentic , original instrument, that’s why our the belarusian pipe is not...
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the talent of a restorer also showed itself early. even during his school years, he could skillfully repair any musical instrument. over the 30 years of his work, marjan skrombleich became
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the people's master of belarus; he made more than 200 live instruments, including the dudu. belarusian friends 300 flew from different materials, improvised materials, used horns, cows, wood. they took what could be baked holes, they took fur from the body, then they took fats, urinary inflates air , inserted tubes, these whistles. magic the instrument, which was originally created to raise the spirit of warriors of the victorian era, has been known in our lands since the 16th century. back then they called him the percussionist. dudari was on the list of city professions, paid taxes, i’ve been playing it for about 15 years, every 15 years i still improve it, looking for sounds, looking for
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colors. the technology for creating this woodwind instrument is not simple, it requires a certain approach and material, i bought this one already dressed, i came up with the approximate shape myself, calculated it so that the type of head of the body alien, this is the filler to make up, here it is, the bell, this is the setting of the scale, the holes, and there tros, this is a tube with a valve that holds air in the middle of the pipe, this is a bourdon, it can be longer from the key, the longer it will sound lower. if we compare our pipe with world analogues, then the design and principle of sound production are similar, but there is also something that makes it different. satan's little voice plays a high note, and mine plays a low note, it doesn't hurt the ear,
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but a burdock. personal contribution to the revival of the traditions of making musical instruments the national master was awarded a special presidential prize for spiritual revival. well , we wish maryan skromblevich further creative success.
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hello everyone, the wow news program is on air, here i am, nastya rudskaya, sharing with you a digest of positive news. spoiler: many of them will make you smile, others will completely shock you. make yourself comfortable in your chair, let's start. in the next 5 minutes i will tell you and show you. what is the name of the lucky person who received a prize by becoming an anniversary tourist of the belas plant? where you can make a photo card with a mountain of sugar beets in the background. and in what country in the world do people and whales now have equal rights? the 25th anniversary tourist visited belas. lucky. timofey
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rozhkov, a fourth grade student at the sixth secondary school in the city of mytishchi. as a reward , timofey was given memorable gifts and a personal certificate of the anniversary visitor to belaz. on a tour of the enterprise, the lucky tourist came with his whole family, dad, mom, brother and sister. timofey said that for him it was not just an exciting trip, but something more, because on this day his dream of seeing a real mining dump truck up close also came true. the zhabinka sugar factory has developed a new tourist service. now sugar producers can not only offer their products, but also watch the sugar production process, as well as take unusual photographs with city beets in the background. during a 2 -hour excursion, tourists will learn about the rich history of the plant and the range of products.
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next they will follow the route to the central one. point to the raw materials laboratory, after which it will end up in the main production building, where root crops go through numerous stages grinding, boiling and evaporation turn into sweet syrup, from which sugar is obtained. not an excursion, but 2 hours of truly sweet life. maana, which means ocean protection, speaks to the need to recognize whales as legal entities with inherent rights, and not just part of natural resources. now, as members of the maori people, whales have the rights to freedom of movement, the ability to develop natural behaviours, express their unique culture, thrive
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in... in the uk, neuroscientists discovered that some people see... the world faster than others. a group of scientists studied the difference in the perception of flickering light and found that there is a significant difference in the way people look at the world. in other words, some people see more images per second than others. the speed at which we perceive the world is comparable to the refresh rate of a computer monitor. the experiment by british scientists involved 88 people aged 18 to 35 years. it turns out that people have significant differences in temporal resolution. some participants in the experiment reported that they perceived the flickering light as constant, although in fact the light was blinking at a speed of about 35 times per second, while some people could see it blinking at a speed of more than 60
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times per second. with this, i, nastya rutskaya, say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow in the wow news program, bye-bye! a! just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost at the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 ? if i'm not mistaken, andrey kizhevatov, well there were many bosses himself, but kizhivatov was in charge. what sport was old man khatabych a fan of from the film old man khatabych football let it be football of course this is the correct answer, the
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smartest and bravest gather here. who was depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s. zubar? yes, find a belarusian football club. left, right, right, right - this is the correct answer, naftan football club, watch the intellectual and entertainment shows on tv channel belarus 24. their every day begins with natkhnennya, after visiting the forest you come out as a completely different person, charged with the energy of our forest.
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let’s say, it was a very clear end to the baroque style, and all the historical wings here lead us to such a dead end, because in the past the documentaries of the architects would have been the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich, who he is, is unknown. glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. when there were more european lynxes, there were more than 18 stagodzi. we have reached a height, we i have accumulated enough money to give out my own and aryginal things. on our tv channel.
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we’ll stay in touch with you, after the news we’ll meet masha khrustaleva in the studio and discuss it with her. oleynik together with the young
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performer ekaterina lobkovskaya. dear friends, we will pause for a moment to say good morning to you again. belarus. see you. you will be my sincere one. you are my joy, you are chosen for me, you will be my affectionate, you will be my sincere, you are for me, my joy, you are chosen for me on your own light. this is a lighthouse, how i lived, not knowing,
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my happiness, that for me, you are the only one , no more words are needed, our song sounds, there is a life ahead for two, a whole life together. you will be my affectionate, you will be my sincere, you are my joy for me, you are chosen for me, you will be my affectionate, you will be my sincere, you are joyful for me. you are the chosen one for me,
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no more words are needed, our song sounds. there is a life ahead for two, a whole life together, you will be my affectionate one, you will be my sincere one, you are my joy for me, you are my my chosen one, you will be my affectionate one, you will be...
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morning broadcast on belarus one and belarus 20.


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