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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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we produce the equipment they need and we are the main suppliers of this equipment, and it is not dangerous to get tied down to one partner. today belaz is doing well, but tomorrow it may not be so good, and this will immediately affect your team. no, today we , together with almost all major companies, are working on long-term programs to replace crane equipment, lifting equipment, while the need, if you look at data from state industrial supervision, which of those registered more...
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in the main one and in china, if we talk about the process production, then 75-80% of the crane is of its own production. we believe that it is necessary to reduce costs, deal with production costs and, most importantly, modernize production. what plans does the enterprise have, maybe you are going to open or launch something there, tell us. in the near future, but we are finishing the restoration of all production from the point. for replacement in
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the mechanical section in order to attract young people to control, these will no longer be simple lathes, they will be with numerical program controlled, with semi-automatic machines, which will allow you to provide both quality and quantity, and accordingly reduce the cost of production. now a short advertisement, then we will talk about exchange rates and electronic document management, business is connecting to the processes, but not yet as actively as we would like.
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it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. what was the name of the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's exit from the first world war? masha, what do you think? i chose option a: treaty of brest-litovsk? the culture of belarus is close to you, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva, with an elongated body and lumpy skin, resembles a tiny alligator. call it it.
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please become my wife, i love someone else, i myself have been living with this feeling since the day you fell on the ice through my fault. watch the series it will be day again! on the tv channel belarus 24. this is an area of ​​interest and we continue to exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian ruble and weakened against the dollar, euro and yuan. so, current. according to the national bank, for a dollar they give 3 rubles 28 kopecks, the euro has added a little, its exchange rate is 3.48, 10 yuan costs 4.50 belarusian, for 100 russian they ask for 3 rubles and 48 kopecks. the state is creating all the conditions for the development of electronic document management, as
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stated by the minister of taxes. the relevant department expects more active participation of businesses in the digitalization of processes. in this direction, joint work is being carried out and... in the eurasian space in a number of aspects, belarus has gone far ahead: this year’s digital innovations were discussed at fields of the forum for the development of electronic document circulation in the republic of belarus. it brought together more than 400 participants from different sectors of the economy. report by anton malyuta. development of an electronic turnover document in the republic of belarus. such a forum has never been held in the country before. new mechanism for product labeling. has been in effect for more than one year, but it is clear that businesses still have questions, although the advantages are obvious: the development of an electronic document of turnover in the territory of the republic of belarus is associated with several trends, including government programs for labeling of goods, according to the traceability of goods, already today
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cheeses, ice cream, dairy products, shoes, light shoes, industrial tires, traceability of tires, tires, refrigerators, freezers, bicycles, cycling products are subject to labeling. and we understand that the groups of goods will not stop there; new groups of goods will be introduced in the republic of belarus, which will be subject to labeling and traceability. for many areas of activity, connecting to electronic document management is mandatory, those who choose the digital path voluntarily are, unfortunately, a minority, but there are already clear flagships, they themselves move forward and set trends. we have been using electronic documents for a very long time, in particular electronic invoices.
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we had a project to introduce labeling of dairy products, it has been successfully implemented on all our lines since the twenty-first year, and this allowed us to introduce a digital product passport, we can already communicate with the consumer through these labeling codes, we clearly know at what time this was produced product, that it is actually ours, there have already been a couple of cases in the russian federation in which we used labeling to prove that this product was falsified, it is not our product, so this is also a huge plus, and nothing like this in the world, well, except... russia and belarus, well, milk is not labeled anywhere, this is a huge plus, this is how we differ from everyone else. so, all the conditions have already been created by the state, now it’s up to business, and the regulator’s task is to build the most convenient services for payers to ensure preliminary filling out of the declaration. for therefore, the ministry of taxation proposes to expand the list
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of goods that will be traced. work in this direction is being carried out within the eac. we interact very closely with the russian federation, with kazakhstan, with armenia, this year also marked innovations , changes have come into force that relate to electronic invoices, trade with residents of other countries, as well as the correct reflection
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of electronic documents in tax accounting . the main goals remain the same: benefit and convenience for users. anton malyuta and ilya maksimov, sphere interests. and that’s all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon . for our company, the quality code is an opportunity to express ourselves even more loudly by demonstrating high-quality products. my career began at this enterprise. since 2009, by a happy coincidence, yes, i am very glad that
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i connected my activities with this company, it became a mentor for me not only as a way to realize some of my professional qualities, but also gave some kind of life hardening, i am glad to represent the large-size tire plant, which is part of the structure of our enterprise, especially this year, 2024 in our country has been declared the year of quality in our team works every day to achieve high-quality performance of the products we produce. spring has finally burst into the hearts of our belarusians, but this time is closely connected with preparatory and passive work in the agricultural lands of our country, in every corner beyond its borders. therefore, we understand and appreciate the importance of everyone’s contribution farmers are involved in this work and we try together with them... to preserve the fertile layer of our soil, which is why the development of an innovative line of wide-profile
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agricultural tires is our priority today. in this way, we try to be relevant in the global market and meet any requirements of our consumers. specifically for me, my work, if you imagine your whole life at 100%, takes up 70 percent. without undue modesty, it turns out that all your friends, loved ones, relatives, many people who go with you in life, they, like you, are the same tire manufacturers. i am absolutely convinced that our company is worthy of a quality mark, in general, as a form of reward for painstaking, productive and efficient work of such a huge scale.
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hello viewer, my name is takartur, this is my propaganda, let's begin. last week we had a space week, and then a kremlin week, where , however, they also mostly talked about space with an important caveat. the kremlin, where, by the way, it turned out that due to the peculiarities of the protocol, the belarusian journalists see putin almost more often than thursday, friday, i also worked in russia, which is also a certain reason for certain thoughts, but even on the plane to moscow, my colleagues and i discussed that this space visit of alexander lukashenko will probably happen too. .. marked by impromptu press conferences, because our president, he always causes
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increased excitement among russian colleagues, why is the head of state, to begin with, he does not mince his words, moreover, he is ready to answer slightly provocative questions, like: how do you assess the likelihood of belarus entering the war? i dare to suggest that part of the audience of the union state, which another part of the audience already consistently calls cheers patriot. by this question he means approximately the following: why didn’t belarus enter the war with its army, since we are allies. further from the russian part of the audience, which is not very well versed. not in military affairs, much less in politics, sometimes it sounds like moscow is doing so many things for minsk, and minsk is supposedly trying sit on two chairs and be friends and not fight. to begin with, i will remind you of alexander lukashenko’s answer, which in itself is more than self-sufficient, but then i will try to supplement it. these are the calls: belarus in the war against ukraine, this is in favor of nato. it is they
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who want and are doing everything to drag us into war. can we do this? we can’t, we want problems for ourselves, we don’t want it, this is secondly, and firstly, maybe ukraine, just like today russia, will need such a belarus, so, you know, this is the simplest solution, tomorrow iskander put in the position, shoved it there
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a rocket, flew to kiev, this is the simplest thing, you need to understand the consequences, so with regards to... supposedly two chairs, that’s what, and minsk never had this, this chair was stable all the time under alexander lukashenko, and these are allied and fraternal relations with russia. this was also the case under the first president of the russian federation, whose era, by the way, was marked by squiggles towards the collective west. this was at the beginning of the putin era, when russia was just beginning to get rid of its squiggled predecessors in order to become that proud russia, which exists now, and so on. not. this attitude of alexander grigorievich has always found full understanding in the kremlin, this does not mean president putin, but the kremlin as a symbol of power in russia, which is nevertheless diverse and multifaceted, a lot has already been said about this, even more has been said in response, so i won’t to repeat myself, but as for the calls of jingoistic patriots, who are sincerely convinced that we need to throw all our strength at the front, regardless of the consequences,
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the whole world is in ruins, or at least ukraine is in ruins for everyone who joins it. there is one an unpleasant detail, this has consequences, no matter how strange it may sound, but this is very similar to the radical calls of the pandemic era, which also sounded, plus or minus , also zealously, to close everything, to wear masks for everyone, to get vaccinated for everyone, and so on. lukashenko then emotionally said that we would eat later, and in this case we were talking about the consequences. victory at any cost sounds beautiful, only in feature films, in real life there are victories, the price of which is too high, so much so that... it’s more likely not a victory, but a defeat. here i pun with the words of "tura about the feast." this was the name of the king and commander, who, after the victory over the romans at the cost of the death of thousands of his soldiers, is credited with the phrase one more such victory, and i will be left without an army. in common parlance this was called the “feast victory.” tactical gain leading to strategic loss. do the highest echelons
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of power in the kremlin understand this? oh yes, more than that. and here is the most striking example, an insider from the president of belarus, because he is a journalist. generally happens in the state, because security in general is not accepted to be allowed there , the most secret conversation is invited, which no one at all, so with regards to the role of belarus in a military conflict, whether it is necessary to enter or not, this is all discussed and openly directly, since without television cameras it is so high that it is possible to consider or even think that minsk is not playing into the hands of russia exactly as
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russia needs, this is almost high treason, about a week and a half ago in the public field... it was announced that moscow is in contact with kiev through minsk’s diplomatic channels, and this is categorically important, first of all for kiev, secondly for moscow, only thirdly for minsk, because any war ends sooner or later, ends with the signing of a peace document. this could be an agreement on mutually acceptable terms, or it could be an act of unconditional surrender. in this case, it does not matter, the essence of both documents is peace. and that’s the thing, it’s just the collective west that chose to be.


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