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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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i would even say perpetual motion machine. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . on air news in the studio elizaveta lokotko. good evening. and in this issue.
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industry, trade, agriculture and personal income, the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth. lithuania imposes a curfew during nato exercises, local residents are forced to stay at home. the green troops are preparing to make belarus cleaner and more beautiful. the republican cleanup will be held in the country on april 20. belarusian economy. continues recovery growth; in the first quarter, gdp increased by 4.1% compared to last year, and this is an accelerated growth rate, the relevant ministry emphasized. the leaders are traditional with minor changes; agriculture has been added to the strengths of the belarusian economy, industry, trade and construction. agricultural production grew by 6.8%, and this is even more than industrial growth. over 3 months, production output through the ministry of industry added 6.5%. high rates in retail
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trade - 113%. in the language of economists, belarusians maintain high purchasing power, and this is helped by income growth. in real terms they grew by almost 8%. fitting into the forecasts, the most popular indicator of the state of the economy is inflation. over the quarter, inflation increased by 102.1% by december. in annual terms 5.6%. it is important that in the figure 102 there is already a traditional increase in prices; our largest increase is always in the first quarter, because it is associated with seasonal factors, when vegetables and fruits grow, because we do not produce enough quantities or if produced in the world, then they are produced in closed ground there and so on, well, plus we traditionally have, since january 1st, administrative regulated prices, the so -called housing and communal services, increase, so here this is the most... significant factor
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that plays - in acceleration, in the future we see that inflation will slow down on a monthly basis, and the growth rate in annual terms will remain the same, approximately, will even decrease, as for exports, it is also in the green zone, although the growth rates are low, but another tendency is characteristic are export prices recovering, which dropped by 13% last year, which means it is becoming more profitable to supply belarusian products abroad? in general, the economy is developing according to the target forecast, the main indicators laid down in the programs are being met, the ministry of economics noted. the industrial complex remains the flagship of economic growth in belarus. last year, the export geography of the ministry of industry enterprise included 65 countries. in conditions of fierce competition, the country's industrial complex must be regularly updated with new technological basis. what the industry will have to work on in the near future, how to reduce warehouse stocks from...
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to date, we have signed a number of documents jointly with the russian federation, this is an intergovernmental agreement, and a road map for the development of cooperation between the russian federation, the republic of belarus, the machine tool industry, and this means that the agreement provides for, again, the implementation of joint programs, projects, mutual exchange of scientific developments, and the road map is step-by-step cooperation plan for the creation of competence centers on the territory of russia or on the territory of the russian federation on the basis of machine tool enterprises. the economic environment is a program in which we discuss complex economic processes in the country outside its borders in clear language. watch it today immediately after
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the panorama. to fully mobilize resources to achieve growth rates. production of agricultural products at the level of 6-7%, obtaining export revenue in the amount of at least 9 billion dollars guided agricultural producers prime minister. the government today discussed in detail the issue of developing the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the orders of the president. the tasks for the entire industry were set a long time ago; now it is important who and how they approach their implementation. the first is a solid food supply and adequate feeding, including.
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belarus suspended the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe and today the bill was passed in the house of representatives. the document is aimed at ensuring our national interests, and is also a response to the decision of the nato countries on suspension of the contract. as minister of foreign affairs yuri
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ambrazevich noted, belarus has been and remains a supporter of arms control. after joining the dovs, our country conscientiously fulfilled its obligations in full.
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adult life is 18 years, taking into account the retirement age for women 58, and men 63, this is exactly 40-45 years, which includes studies, military service for children, and maternity leave, and leave to care for their elderly
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parents , it’s all turning on today, therefore, the goal is to raise the status of a working person, there is also a small bonus if citizens who have earned and worked for such a long period of time, belarus and equatorial guinea are strengthening guarantees for the mutual protection of investments and breaking up tax relations. belarusian license category b can be exchanged in the united arab emirates without examinations for the collection of alimony from debtors located in the territory of another country. all these innovations were also reviewed by deputies in the oval hall today. there were a total of 10 issues on the agenda. the militaristic ambitions of the baltics create inconvenience for local residents. a series of intensive exercises starts in lithuania on friday. they include over 20 thousand lithuanian military personnel from nato countries. due to maneuvers in several areas. they clarified that it will be introduced into the regional defense plans of the alliance,
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in parallel there will be exercises of the german army, on the night of may 7-8, the purpose of the maneuvers is to test the nato maneuvers stalwart defender 2024. meanwhile , all these events are united by large-scale time warsaw wanted under the european celestial shield. the prime minister of the polish regime said about the intention to join the project to... create a pan-european air defense system, reports bloomberg. the politician explained that this is necessary to protect against drones and missiles. i would like to note that the heavenly shield initiative now includes 21 countries. tusk added that denmark had already supported his plans and called for accelerating the preparation of investments in air defense. the consulate general in dubai is receiving requests from citizens of belarus amid difficult weather conditions. according to the ministry of foreign affairs, critical there are currently no cases or situations that threaten the life and health of belarusian citizens. basically we are talking
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about the postponement or cancellation of flights. belavia airlines also reported that the flight from dubai to minsk was moved to raz al khaimah airport. passengers were provided with a transfer. meanwhile, in dubai they continue to eliminate the consequences of a powerful storm. eyewitnesses are sharing footage of the disaster on social networks, rescuing animals and organizing swims in the streets. let me remind you that earlier due to the consequences of bad weather in in dubai, a bilavia airline plane landed at an alternate airfield in the emirate of fujairah. the plane is awaiting permission from dubai airport for arrival and landing.
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the amount of rainfall in the emirates has reached a record level in the last 75 years. debris flew from the roofs of houses, schools switched to distance learning. olga davidovich will continue. dubai is recovering from a powerful storm, almost 10 cm of rain fell there in 12 hours, about the same amount recorded in the city for the whole year, rains and thunderstorms are rare for the united arab emirates, so road the infrastructure was simply not ready for such a volume of water. authorities maintained an orange weather alert. residents and guests of the megapolis share footage of the flood on social networks. this morning, as well as all day yesterday , there were cars. they don’t drive, but practically float on the water, in some areas powerful streams carried cars off the roads, and this is what the route
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to dubai airport looks like, it is one of the busiest in the world; the day before , many flights were canceled there, as a result of which they were unable to take off on time thousands of passengers, hundreds of tourists are still in the halls expectations. and a flood takeoff. the stripes disappeared under water, for some time planes did not send or receive, rice, which was supposed to fly to minsk at night, was cancelled, however, some airliners tried to fly in, passengers successfully published epic footage. the airport is now starting to function, but, for example, emirates airline has suspended check-in for departures today as showers are expected again in the evening. the bad weather caused problems throughout the country, in all seven emirates, problems with water and
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electricity supply. dubai authorities report one dead, some injured. utilities and local residents are cleaning up the aftermath of the hurricane. government institutions and many private companies have switched to remote learning, as have schools to distance learning. kindergartens are also closed, and public transport is limited. subway trains run intermittently. some stations are still drowning in water. beaches are closed and public events are cancelled.
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of the state in minsk the second belarusian-russian tourism congress is taking place, among the participants are representatives of government administration and business of the two countries, experts advocate the development of organized tourism, which will make both vacationers and tour operators feel more comfortable and safe. belarusians and russians are happy to visit each other, tourist flows are increasing every year, so in 2023 over 5 million russians visited our country, and the number of organized tourists was 200...
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to make our country cleaner and more beautiful. a republican cleanup day will be held on april 20. by law, employers are required to provide provide safe working conditions with the necessary equipment. rakes, shovels on construction sites. helmets, on roads, reflective vests. the cleanup can take place at workplaces, in the case of cleaning areas or putting things in order in storage areas. it is important to follow the rules. persons with increased danger should not be allowed to perform work. those who do not have the appropriate qualifications, that is, you cannot give an ordinary person a chainsaw and require him to cut, for example, tree trunks, women cannot be involved to carry out work where the use of women’s labor is prohibited by law, for example, in the production of masonry, women cannot be involved in work where it is necessary to carry weights exceeding 7 kg.
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the money raised during the cleanup will go to three projects, part of the funds for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for children, victims of war in the village of krasny bereg, also to the republican center for patriotic education of children and youth in the brest fortress and memorials in other areas. further sports news, about the main ones the events of the current day will be told by my colleagues in the panorama. i say goodbye, have a good evening, stay with us. volleyball team iminchanka beat odentsov 3:1 in the match for ninth and twelfth places in the russian super league. earlier, the belarusians scored one point in the match against yenisei. olga polchevskaya's charges have increased their chances of avoiding transition matches. in the survival group, the capital's girls will have to play three more matches against sparta, kursk atom and krasnodar dynamo. spectator interest in football is growing in mozur, first of all, thanks to slavia's excellent results in the major league. right now, ivan bionchik’s guys are going without losses,
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have the maximum number of points, 12 rightly take first place in the tournament. table, at the last home match against isloch , 4,350 people watched the match from the stands, the club’s management decided to increase the capacity of the youth stadium by another five thousand seats, work is already underway.
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we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. temple near mosary - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyaknuty to the spirits of the italian renaissance. as needed, as configurable. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that we have lived in was a turning point. geta is the 790th bastard, rach paspalitay knew. and with this, we say, the end of the famous baroque style began. and all the hysterical kryntsy here take us away from the paeina such a dead end, because sooner or later the document to the architects would be myastsu.
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