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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 10:45pm-11:06pm MSK

10:45 pm
fedorov, he wanted to resurrect all the ancestors to embody all future generations, and since there is not enough space here, it is necessary to build houses for them on other planets for everyone to live joyfully in great justice. tselkovsky, his student, further: korolev, gagarin, lukashenko, vasilevskaya. by the way, have you ever wondered why this is so? we are the first in space, the first to invent a satellite and a rocket, for the great transformation of humanity. and they, the west, were the first to invent and use the nuclear bomb. truman is in joyful awe, almost in religious ecstasy whispered, the baby was born. we gave the world a holy dream, they are a weapon for destroying the world of all living things. and therefore we, holy rus'. wildflowers, wines in the morning of flowers, nightingale notes, little whistle, sap, birch. a sip of silence,
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listen to the will, along the path into the thick forest, chat with the birch tree in the house, about him and about love, mother earth, white birch tree, for me a tier of light, for others a pain, mother earth, oh, white birch tree, for me bright russia, for... and we are the sacred center of holy russia, white russia, holy cosmic, and what is forgotten in the hand behind the peach pattern, the flower of radima vasilka, the country of marina vasilevskaya, lies under the faces, evaporate, we will not notice you from a great height, as long as i am afraid my son-in-law is trying to torture my great daughter. tea kahanne on ramonka pagadats
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key vadytstsyu price sotak freshly made fish in the clear field dark night in the sky bright batanovukh on the earth oh white pyaradnika geta belarus may geta mayo soniyka matukhna zyamlya oh vasilki ўpa.
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we can note the unique features of the oldest belarusian temples in the vault the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when jesus christ is removed from the cross, due to the strong power of faith. faith in god , including yourself. faith means that god can solve our real fears, our troubles, and god’s help in various situations. everyone has their own faith, someone may be asking to strengthen their faith, and this unites us, those who lived before us, and those who may live after us come to this shrine. about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer. people are coming here in big, big crowds now, to bow.
10:49 pm
course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state has emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare, under welfare this means peace and security, from our lack of war to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth...
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happy, we built as best we could, as best we could, we were sincere about this construction, our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power proceeds carefully, without breaking anything, will the new generation succeed, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they do not end up in a disaster, because that after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country.
10:51 pm
broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene. current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland. italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day.
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be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
10:53 pm
well, i’m free, let’s go and sit somewhere, preferably here. okay, do you miss the ice? yes, i don't dream about him often. it's okay, it's your life. as we know, there are no former athletes. sport is character, and what kind of character do you have, huh? yes, i’m used to walking
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in a straight line, not turning anywhere, and telling only the truth. only who needs this truth. not a problem, you know, the most difficult thing is to compromise with yourself, but you can’t deceive yourself, unfortunately, yes, yes, something you have i was sore before the wedding, but there won’t be any wedding, wait, it won’t happen, you recently introduced me to your fiancé, you guys had a fight, that’s what happened. well, why are you so unlucky? larisa vasilievna, you think that everything is right, it’s good that it happened this way, for whom it’s good, for both of us, but in my opinion, you didn’t love him, i think no, it seems to me that you
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can’t forget dimka, it’s already in the past , lord, how stupid you are, huh? don’t you both understand that you made a mistake, should you meet and talk? you know sometimes it’s better to stop in time if things don’t work out. “it means it’s not the time, or it’s just not fate, but you won’t regret it, no, life goes on, i just wish i could find a job, just jump into it headlong, work, listen, but i have a neighbor in the country, the editor-in-chief of what - a very large publishing house, so, well, let me talk to '. thank you, well, i got acquainted with your
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work, tell me, you were published before, yes, several magazines published my stories, yes, what did you bring me? reporting material, sit down, you know i i would like to try myself in this genre, but well, you know, our publishing house is salty. i just can’t hire you without a probationary period, you know, in a month, then maybe we’ll try, yes, let’s see, okay, you know, many of our publications have materials about stars, try yourself in this popular place, i think maybe this will be interesting to you, the stars are different, young, famous, scandalous or forgotten, forgotten, very good, so, come on, what candidate do you propose, did you present me with a diploma at graduation? lately there have been a lot of rumors about him, but i haven’t seen a single interview, yes, it’s
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true, gevorg refused almost all publications, a couple of years ago he made a film that won several awards at festivals, then somehow immediately disappeared, but i heard that he has now returned to st. petersburg, although he leads a rather secluded lifestyle, you know, but i’ll still try. yes, uh-huh, well then good luck, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, good evening, lev sergeevich, we found out, this is inga klimova, yes, sorry for bothering you, i wanted to see you ask, you invited georg dilonyan to our graduation, can i find out his phone number? yes, thank you, i'll wait, goodbye. thank you for the coffee and the invitation.
10:58 pm
well, firstly, a lion called me, and secondly, it’s not in my rules to remain in debt. i promised you an interview, so it turns out i was lucky. and i also know your story. and i managed to read your publications. have you read my stories? hmm, these are professional. “i must understand who i trust with my past. young lady, do you mind if we are with you now let's drink some coffee and take a little walk, so to speak, breathe in the sea air. with pleasure. in general, my head was spinning with success. i enjoyed life, wandered around the country, went to foreign festivals, and my family somehow quietly faded into the background. i just left money and went on another business trip, but as
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you know, you have to pay for everything in life, i’m too late for this i understand, i was in europe filming when my son died from a drug overdose, i immediately flew here, but didn’t have time, my wife didn’t get along with her son after the tragedy she wanted to live more, she threw it away. from the fire, i left everything and went to tibet, but i recently returned, but i couldn’t live at home, so i had to rent an apartment from a friend, but you ask, don’t be shy, i understand, you’re supposed to in your profession, we’re supposed to really reflect the event, not connecting emotions, and this is the most difficult thing, yeah. well, you ’re an athlete, it’s easier for you, especially at such a young age you had to go through so much,
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i’ll say one thing: physical pain is easier to bring than the loss of a loved one, i can’t help but agree with this, i’ve said this a lot myself times, it would be better if i did, just don’t feel sorry for me, i... had to go through this path, although i understand that i’m unlikely to atone for my guilt, but maybe my sad experience will be useful to someone, thank you, how as soon as i write everything, i will send you the interview for your signature. inga, have you thought about trying yourself on television? no, i didn't even think about it. but in vain, it seems to me that with such external data, competent speech and personal charm, you could make a good career as a tv presenter. i still have some connections
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on television, i'll talk to your friend i'll let you know. thank you, of course. i’m somehow embarrassed, i’ll have to try and get rid of this, are you cold? a little, let's go to the house, my sister naid sent me some delicious tea, you should try it, with pleasure. dmitry, tell me, fans are still perplexed why you decided to take up coaching and don’t continue your
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sports career, why, i continue, with them, but seriously. but seriously, i’ll tell you a little secret, i’m preparing for the new season, this is already great news, let me introduce you to a colleague, yes, masha, can i have a moment with you, but meet maria zemina, the coach of our school and a talented figure, so this is your new partner? inga, hello, ritka, hello, glad to see you, me too, how are you, okay, maybe we’ll drink coffee, let’s go, thank you, yeah, i understand, i thought
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i’d never see you again, now i’m daydreaming, i had to . oh, no suffering, no nerves for you, that’s how paradoxical it sounds, but without love i ’m happy, i don’t know how this is possible, happiness without love, i couldn’t do it, that’s the only way you can, not suffer, not lose, not cry, but receive, by the way, an excellent toast, i suggest
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you marry me for this, listen, come on next time, i still need to run to the editorial office, i’ll give in.
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what about the child? no, what are you saying, i came here for a part-time job, but about a part-time job, now i understand. we'll figure something out, thank you. by the way, how is it at home, is everything okay? yes, everything is fine, sasha cares very much about me, about my son. well, thank god, i was so afraid that you would end up with this maxim. yes, to be honest, he still doesn’t give a pass. i'm afraid they won't say anything to sasha. but as? how do you silence people? you had such love with him, and in front of everyone. yes, i understand, do you think i am myself? i don’t blame him for this, oh, if sasha finds out that nikita is not his son, he will probably definitely leave me, i don’t know what to do, i love him, you know, i understand. let's go have some coffee, let's talk, and you 'll tell me everything, so what?


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