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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program zone x. i'm karina pashkova, hello. transferred money to a safe account and lost his savings, lost more than 10 thousand rubles. a resident of the capital contacted the police after becoming a victim of cyber fraudsters. he received a call in the messenger, the person introduced himself as an employee of the financial security department and said that other people were using his accounts. the victim was explained that it was necessary to transfer all his funds to safe accounts. menchanin did everything recommendations and transferred all of his money to the scammers...
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lagoisky district , 1 kg of mephidrone and more than a kilogram of hashish were found in his car. the drugs were hidden in a music speaker. during a further check at his place of residence, a thirty-eight-year-old man from mensk was detained. about 500 paper stamps containing a prohibited substance were found in his apartment. according to the information available to investigators, the goods were intended for illegal sale. for drug trafficking, their movement across the state border. gozit up to 15 years in prison, as reported in the state grammar committee, a border guard found a suspicious music speaker at the brest checkpoint, a service dog helped, as it turned out, those transporting the speaker cache of breshchan were fulfilling the order of a twenty-nine-year-old menchan resident who had repeatedly purchased prohibited substances via the internet in poland. the channel's organizer's accomplices in a neighboring country packaged drugs and hid them in household appliances or food. in subsequent menche. received a parcel together with
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an accomplice, made bookmarks, the dealer was engaged in the sale of hashish, lsd, ecstasy, amphetamine and other dangerous substances. this time they planned to distribute drugs in the minsk region through the darknet site. border guards detained the organizers of the criminal activities ; criminal cases were initiated against them for the illegal movement of drugs across the border and their illegal trafficking. the criminal scheme for selling cars was uncovered by belarusian customs officers. license plates and fake certificates of russian criminals ordered registrations via the internet from the importer; the criminals installed them on cars temporarily imported from lithuania; they declared them when moving across the belarusian-lithuanian border; the next step was to sell the car in belarus for an order of magnitude cheaper than the same models. when the cars were sold, the owners who fell for the price were left both without money and without cars. those vehicles that were.
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were already in the ownership of new owners throughout the territory of the republic of belarus, were established employees of law enforcement departments and customs as a result of operational and transport activities. in total, the damage caused to the budget of the eurasian economic union amounted to over 620 thousand belarusian fish. a poacher was detained for drinking juice in fishing boots in the slonim region. the fact of illegal fishing was established by animal protection inspectors. and the flora back on april 2, in the forest they found nets of the illegal catch itself, almost 38 kg of fish. a sixty-five-year-old man and his car came under suspicion found near a pond, the suspect denied his involvement in poaching and said that he came to the forest in fishing boots, supposedly to collect birch sap. having established the defendant’s social circle, the investigator found out the address of the suspect’s parental home by conducting a search in the specified household.
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the officers found an inflatable boat with oars, boots and items of clothing in which the man was at the site of illegal fishing, as well as a rope and a bag similar to those found by the pond. in addition, in illegal fishing gear, a lifting net, and net traps were found in the home. the total amount of damage was almost 6,000 rubles. the slonyamsky district department of the investigative committee has opened a criminal case against a sixty-five-year-old resident of the district. residents of slutsk tried to steal more than 3 tons of corpses from their enterprises. to do this, they drove a minibus and even loaded nine ferrous metal pipes into it. but in plans. operatives intervened, they caught employees of the organization, which is called sleeping, as they said in police, the men planned to sell the iron for scrap and earn a little more than 700 rubles. as a result, a criminal case was opened against the defendants, who are 42, 45 and 52 years old, for theft
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by abuse of official powers. law enforcement officers seized more than 3 tons of metal in the slides; the truck was stopped for inspection while inspecting the body. discovered 3500 kg of scrap ferrous metals. it turned out that the cargo had been collected by a thirty-five-year-old local resident for several months. he planned to hand over the scrap to the second collection point. behind illegal business activity , a protocol on administrative offense was drawn up. it was project zone x. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15. take care and have a nice day.
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good morning belarus and good morning country, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova greet you, on the calendar april 18, and this is thursday, let's tell you a little about
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what we have prepared for you in terms of guests, for example, after 8:00 am we are waiting for the sports columnist of the television news agency andrei kozlov, the fact is that the other day he returned from sports murmansk. believe me, he has a lot of interesting information. yes, by the way, andrey will not be our only guest today. look, april 18 is world juggler's day, april 20 is world circus day. and since these two holidays are very close to each other, we decided to combine everything and invited the artist of the belarusian state circus, clown daniil minkevich, to visit. and just a small spoiler: what awaits you is not only an interesting conversation, there will probably be some circus acts.
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about interesting events in our region, well, let’s start with the beautiful, the fact is that a new era of beauty was opened at mogilov state university, under this slogan they elected the queen of students. nine beautiful students competed for the most graceful title; what surprised the participants? these were oratorical performances, where the girls shared their idea of ​​beauty, there were creative performances, the participants revealed their talents in every possible way, and of course, a fashion show, just like in the evening dresses, belarusian outfits and even tracksuits. throughout the show , the girls appeared in absolutely different images, with different characters, moods, of course, the girls prepared for the university stage for a very long time. we thought out business cards, honed creative tricks, and, of course, learned to confidently walk
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in heels. so, ulyana varankova, a student of the faculty of economics and law, became the queen of the msu student competition 2024. we congratulate her on this. but at the regional stage the girl will not represent the university alone, there will be more three. together with ulyana, the honor of the university will be defended by the second vice-queen of the student body, ulyana tagai. she is a student of the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, and the first vice-queen of the 20-24 student body, valeria. successful journey further along this beautiful path, but where there is beauty, there is certainly creativity, and we want to tell you about a new unique japanese-belarusian technique: patchwork without a needle. new decorative art techniques are being mastered at the chausy children's craft school. all you need to create paintings is a piece of foam plastic. new technique - a rebranding of delicate sewing, which our ancestors have long been engaged in,
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inusaiga or patchwork without a needle, this is a japanese technique, but the chauz masters have introduced a belarusian flavor into it, together with the children they are trying to use belarusian motifs and landscapes of our country in compositions. the idea to master a new direction appeared after a trip to the museum; the children immediately liked working with this technique and decided to introduce it to the children's craft school. by the way, they teach there today. wool and straw inlay. in hand embroidery they specialize in belarusian ornament, they try to burn wood and develop pottery. currently , 170 future artists are studying at the chaov children's school of crafts. together with teachers, they create unique and sometimes exclusive things from natural materials at hand. these works have more than once become winners of various competitions, both canadian and international, well, it’s beautiful and you ’ve seen it yourself, yes, but i propose to continue the theme
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of creativity, the fact is that the participants in the nationwide action, at the same time with mastery, youth pop theater artists have recently visited partisan soil. the gluz and klichev districts were the first to take up the cultural marathon. this year the event was dedicated to the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, and of course, it was loud, fun, and solemn. we invite you to watch, konstantin, katerina, thank you very much for the news, big greetings to magilev, pass it on and let’s watch the story, the underground regional party committee has given us the task of defeating a major german police garrison in the urban village of belynichi. on the site in front of the district house of culture in klichev there is an exhibition of the partisan camp, there is a military post office, a printing house, a sanitary unit, and of course, a kitchen, everything how the partisan camp was set up.
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regions of belarus and the first guests from the youth pop theater were welcomed in the glusk district, i would like to say that a special spirit reigns here, the spirit of love. to history to the native land, and most importantly, the spirit is the one that has lived from time immemorial in the partisan lands, this is the memory of those heroes who liberated our republic of belarus. the theme of the heroic defense of the homeland in memory of the dead continues in the fayera of the cultural center. the authors of these models were able to restore the villages of the klichev region that were burned by the nazis. the topic is the importance of the world of memory of the heroic under...
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in place, that is, many people recognize us, in principle we are proud of it. we continued the meeting with an open dialogue, in this format the artists of the variety youth theater not only performed creative compositions, they spoke. one of the monuments of the usakin memorial complex, this model will be transferred to the museum of the history of the great patriotic war. roof repaired the wood for chopping. food is not necessarily
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harmful, quick food can and should be healthy and nutritious, just take the right ingredients: lean meat, for example, turkey fillet, fresh vegetables, plenty of greens, aromatic cheese, yogurt for sauce, thin lavage and cook them correctly. let's start with turkey fillet, cut it into small pieces, chop shallots, tomatoes and add vegetables to the meat. a little pepper, salt, vegetable oil, mix and fry the future filling roll in a frying pan while the turkey and vegetables are fried, finely grate
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the parmesan cheese, and transfer the finished stuffing hot straight from the frying pan into the grated cheese. add unsweetened yogurt, parsley leaves and mix gently, spread the filling on a sheet of thin pita bread, add arugula and roll it into an envelope or roll, tightly closing the edges, brown the resulting roll on both sides in a dry grill pan, turn on the light. fresh basil and cherry tomatoes, or just take it with you as a quick snack. this fast food perfectly satisfies hunger and brings health benefits. bon appetit!
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good morning belarus, good morning everyone,
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together we continue to greet you. thursday and april 18 on the calendar, today weather forecasters promise us rain, strong winds and up to +13 in the republic, katya will tell you a little more about the weather, but she’s ready to tell you, and let’s start in order, early morning hours right now in the capital +1 + 3 cloudy with clearings, dry this morning and in brest there until five with a plus sign in vitebsk also no precipitation yet +2 +4, this morning in gomel up to 7 with a plus sign, also cloudy with clearings, that's where it rains, so in grodno, already in the morning it started raining +3 + five there in mogilev this morning +2 +4 and cloudy with clearings, but now let's turn to the daily indicators and you you will see that we will have precipitation almost throughout the country, and the only thing is that in the capital it will be dry +10-12, in brest it will already be rainy + 8:10, in vitebsk until 11 with a plus sign it is also rainy, in gomel there will also be precipitation +7.9, in grodno
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up to 10° warm, rainy, in mogilev is no exception, this city will become, but they will go. rains +9 +1 are expected during the day, but you know, no matter what, spring is the ideal time to add some comfort to your home, vitebsk people will help you with this, we change addresses, we change numbers, sometimes they change even us, with other names, with other voices, with... other people, they change us, only the same you and me, the sky above your head, the
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same as always, what do you say with your soul in this big room, there is no one just you and me, even if. and the whole world will go crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything is here will cry, unchanged, only we will be, tell me how many stars fell for this but... we just didn’t sleep until the morning, how many payments to tears, how many broke us,
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it’s time to start everything again, we changed cities, we changed everything around, while the earth rotates. you are always my sister, you are my most faithful friend, i know that he always has you, i, even if the whole world goes crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything here bursts into tears, we will not... be unchanged just us,
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even! if the whole world goes crazy, i have you, you have me, even if everything is finished here burn, unchanged, only we will remain unchanged. only we will be new, thank you, oksana kozlova
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, and she is waiting for us with a delicious breakfast. my name is oksana kozlova, i work as a fifth-class cook in the cold kitchen. suck, i wake up at 5:00 in the morning, my morning starts very early, because the working day starts at 6:20, but i live nearby, i walk to work, i wake up, feed my beloved cat , drink a cup of coffee, go to work , my working day starts at 6:20, uh, i read the menu that the production manager prepares for us menu i start preparing my dishes, in particular cold appetizers and salads. at the moment i am making preparations for breakfast, spreading the filling on the loaf, weighing it,
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because each sandwich has its own weight, i have loved cooking since childhood, there was not even a doubt about getting another profession, i really love cooking and can cook for a long time. a lot, and i get some pleasure from it, my task is to feed a person deliciously, so that he eats with pleasure , gains strength and goes on to work, it is also important for me that the dish looks beautiful, aesthetically decorated with something, i always like to decorate like this, our team is very friendly and diverse. age, the older generation will always help with advice. my work
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is important for society because... people come to our canteen during their lunch break, and relax, gain strength, and then they have more strength, energy and continue their working day. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. in a penny for... honored artist of belarus stanislav trifonov is called bareton number one. an artist is a person who i don’t know, well,
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he can’t be happy.
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helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source , you see diseases, death, every day, what energy do you need, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . friends, our morning broadcast continues this saturday, april 20, international it's circus day, and what's a circus without a clown? is this the question we ask ourselves? therefore, today, on the eve of this holiday, we are pleased to welcome our morning studio of the artist of the belarusian state circus clown daniil minkevich, good morning, good morning, hello, your stage name yes
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yes. this whole image, please tell me how you come up with this? uh, spontaneously, sometimes all sorts of images are invented, you know, you’re walking down the street, you see some funny incident or something like that, and from here reprises, and images, and so on are born, but the clown image itself, it comes from you, exactly from you, it takes a very long time to find it time, some clowns search for themselves, try different costumes, different makeup, but there are different clown roles, i understand correctly, of course. there are carpet workers who work on the program, but mostly carpet workers are called clowns in the circus, this is our slang, we work during the program cleaning, disassembling props, there is only one question, where is your nose, because we grew up just on these
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clowns. we come to the circus in the arena and see such a cheerful, bright clown, a clown in life what is he like? in different ways, in different ways, just like ordinary people, we can be cheerful, we can also be sad, but basically this is how we are in the playpen, this is how we are in life, because if you play and pretend in the playpen, the public will feel it and will not perceive you as one of their own, and this is very important, well, i think that you feel the audience very well, you can probably answer the question, who is easier to amuse now, adults or children? which audience is more difficult to work with, well, it was always easy to amuse children, because they are like adults, they come with their own problems, with some kind of burden of their own, and they need to be freed from this for this time, they need to be immersed in childhood, because adults came to become a child for this time, that is
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, we are trying to return them to childhood this is successful, but in general you often come across stereotypes, like make them laugh, tell a joke, show them outside the circus, constantly, when you especially meet some new people, you ask, where do you work? i say: in the circus, but by whom? clowns? oh well, oh well, yes, that is this is some kind of reaction, well , basically, today we honestly also expected that you would come to our barn and it would all start right away with some kind of joke, you see what stereotypes exist and how very established they are. let's talk about your routines, what's your favorite thing you do? oh, i have a reprise with cubes from my repertoire, it’s an eccentric, jangle. uh, where i do an incredible trick, it's a tower of cubes, i put a cube on a cube, and so 10 cubes and put it all on my chin, keeping balance, at the same time, plus i take off my jacket, that is, the audience is simply delighted, the trick is probably unique, this is my favorite, that’s what
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eccentric means, you have already said this word several times, this is when a clown uses some kind of acrobatic or trick skills in his work in their reprises, reprises are clown acts between acts in the circus, but are there any? there are numbers, but for example, i have a reprise with water, it consists in the fact that i have my flower, it flies up, and i need to get it, and i basically fix the stepladder, i put a big stepladder, i fall off the stepladder, i 'll get stuck there, well, plus this is still emphasized by the fact that water is constantly being poured on me, in general, you're not afraid of difficult numbers, no, no, no, i'm always for extreme sports, okay, then i have a question, why when you chose the circus, did you still?
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now ask a question, i won’t confuse you, we’re just checking now whether you know how to juggle and talk at the same time, so they, we know how to do everything, you have to somehow surprise the audience, but in general juggling is a difficult skill, how long have you been did you study him?
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yes, juggling is a rather complex element in the circus, because basically all jugglers, they rehearse for 7, 8 hours, every day, they stand, because they need to hone their skills so much. and this is how you should pay attention, i don’t know, or whether your hands should work as they should, and of course, both your hands, and concentration, attention, in fact, for me, juggling is a way of meditation, when it works for me the rehearsal process, i rehearse my reprises, i rehearse my character, image, but then i always have an hour or two, i’m either in the dressing room or in the arena, i’m standing, just juggling, for me it’s meditation, i’m working out all my reprises in my head, all my small details that need to be emphasized and done. ok, but if we try to do this now, i put it off altogether, let me, can you juggle two, no, of course, of course, that is, that is, there are only two, well , like two - it’s simple, yes, i’m just moving from hand in the hand, okay, how can i add a third one, this is the basic level, a third one
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can be added if you throw the ball higher, that is, let me show you one, yes, if you take the same technique, everything is the same, we just throw it a little higher and faster, since well... you can learn to do this today on juggler’s day, you know, when it doesn’t start today, it’s so difficult number, live broadcast, i'm holding them correctly at a minimum, absolutely right. happy holiday, happy juggler's day, happy world circus day, thank you for the emotions
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you give us, thank you very much, well, i'll remind you that today we are talking about what life is like for belarusians, for others may seem truly exotic, here is lewis.
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as far as you allow him, you allow him to take the initiative, you allow him to use his moments, he always plays like this, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. morning news on belarus 1, in the vladislav bundar studio. hello. spring sowing is necessary.


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