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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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your words and not pamasts, only once again our mother belarus died. morning news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello, that’s what we’ll talk about in the episode. resolve important issues
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of society through people's representatives, which will be voiced by the supreme council in its new status. a fake war to prevent the real one exposes the puppet masters of the conflict in the middle east , an american investigative journalist exposes. from labor issues to housing problems. right at the enterprises, workers are helped at trade union receptions. less than a week left before the all-belarusian people's assembly. an important political event will take place in a new status, it is enshrined in amendments to the constitution, and the interests of our citizens will be represented by 1,200 delegates. preparation of initiatives for issues that will be heard in the palace of the republic is now in full swing. the outlined priorities are stability in society and growth in the well-being of citizens. it is the very format of the all-belarus people's assembly from the point of view of the subject that forms this institution.
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about the belarusian people, and the belarusian itself the state is the political embodiment of our people. what kind of people's representatives are they, delegates of the supreme council, 1,200 people will take part, 690 delegates were subject to election, these are representatives of civil society and local councils. among the deputies, the choice was made in every region of the country, with the exception of the capital. the minsk city council in its entirety, and this is 60 people, entered the highest body of democracy. also, among the delegates of the supreme council, the president. both houses
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of parliament, the prime minister, his deputies, representatives of the constitutional and supreme courts, local power vertical. local councils will be represented by 350 delegates, among them more than 325 have higher education. the maximum age of a delegate is 71 years, the minimum is 18. the all-belarusian people's assembly is a good community for society, this is also evidenced by the professions of the participants, experts in the field of industry, agro-industrial complex, education, healthcare, representatives. 400 delegates of the snc were elected from civil society, with more men than women, more than 350 with higher education. many of the delegates for certain merits were awarded state awards, and more than 130 were representatives of parties.
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the pentagon planned a fake war to prevent the real next investigation of the american journalist hersh. according to his information, us representatives gave the green light to the iranian leadership to attack israel, and the pentagon helped tel aviv repel the attack. as a result, the operation was successful, tehran was allowed to carry out a large-scale retaliatory strike, and western leaders immediately began to urge tel aviv not to respond. however, israel still has not... divided, despite requests, they continue to discuss the military operation. against the backdrop of the existing threat, iran is evacuating part of its military from syria. at the same time, according to abc tv channel, israel is unlikely to strike back before the end of the jewish holiday of passover, which begins on the evening of april 22 and will last until april 30. the leader of the white house himself says that the united states is overseeing the showdown between tel aviv and tehran. his mind is either completely clouded or subconscious. reveals
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military secrets, confused in the words of his testimony, biden said that he banned israel from bombing haifa's own city. i made it clear to the israelis.
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commission, in order to then become operational, and this is against the backdrop of serious shortages in neighboring countries, so in lithuania just last year the military registration and enlistment offices issued about 14 thousand fines for evading service, and latvians and poles do not want to join the army, as they serve in nato countries in belarus we compare in the section by form. you just saw footage of the detention and beating of 34 ukrainian men who tried to evade mobilization. who are these young people, do they have diseases or we don’t know other reasons not to go to the front.
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only one thing is obvious: everyone into the meat grinder. an unimportant answer to the question: do they have military service behind them or at least some kind of representation? about military affairs, all you need is a body, one more living unit, i quote the question to the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. what disability group can you serve in the army? his answer: with anyone. if a person can tie a grenade to himself and jump into a dugout, then he is fit. not so long ago, many western countries, following each other’s example, abandoned conscription.
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its essence is that anyone can get knowledge about the army, weapons, defense of the country and methods of civil resistance on the internet, as a gift, a certificate, almost a military id. further, latvia also changed its shoes,
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abolished the deadline in 2007, and reintroduced it in 2024. this was done solely to ensure defense capability in case of an attack by russia. how. they are selecting for service - this is a separate form of art, since it was not possible to recruit the required number of conscripts, a draw was held for the first time in the country, in random order. using a computer program, young people were selected who would soon stand up to defend their homeland. who they are, whether they are healthy, is no longer important. we are thinking about returning compulsory military service in warsaw, although it was abolished not so long ago, in 2009. however, the poles themselves do not want to join the army. only 27% voted in favor. but the country's leadership is unlikely to take this opinion into account. population, to service the equipment purchased in such volumes, because someone
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needs it. the other day i started talking about emergency service the german minister of defense ordered the development of models for compulsory military service. by the way, in february, the latvian foreign minister at the munich security conference called on all nato countries to think about returning the deadline. we are waiting for a reaction. meanwhile, belarus continues to do its maximum to strengthen its defense. abilities of her state, and conscription service twice a year , retained professional...


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