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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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summed up, yes, let me remind you, we talked about the agro-industrial complex, we came up against discipline, or rather the lack thereof, here, but in my subjective opinion, we are talking about quality and sometimes its absence, this year we will repeat this word very often, at the beginning of the program kirill gave the numbers, so maybe it’s time for each of those included in this general list to think about quality, well, we, as readers, as viewers, ask for it, but i, as... a representative of the regional press, will say only one thing: the regional press gives an opportunity to speak out to the people who live in this city, who are responsible for some of their decisions in this city, so , strictly speaking, the local press is always about the people.
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honored artist of belarus stanislav trifonov is called baretone number one. an artist is a person who i don’t know, well , he cannot be satisfied, then it will be interesting to watch him, because even the desire to constantly, constantly win the attention of the public is a desire to do better and better, since no one has done, that is in fact, it was built on ambition, so to speak. profession, he is beautiful in every
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image, be it prince igor, tonio, the dutchman, rigaletta or with camillo, flowers, colleagues, applause, a full hall, everything sparkles, and you go into the dressing room, take off your suit, take off your makeup, come out , now, here you go, literally in two or three seconds this scene is cleared up, it’s empty again, the hall is empty, it’s already dark, and here you are, literally, here you were, prince igor. you ’re already leaving, and you’re stanislav trifonov. the hero of the program was awarded state belarusian prize. i thought, wow, what should we do next, everything is now, and i was very pleased that this work was, well, appreciated, that it reached, as they say, the public, so the state, so to speak, also paid attention attention to my work, very nice. watch it on friday on our channel.
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well, i'm free, let's go sit somewhere, it's better here, okay, you miss the coattails, yes, i often dream about him, this is normal, this is your life, as we know, there are no former athletes, sport is character, and you have it, what is it like, huh? yeah, i’m used to walking in a straight line, without turning anywhere, to tell only the truth, only who needs this truth, only problems, you know, the most difficult thing is to compromise
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with yourself, yes, you can’t fool yourself, unfortunately, yes, yes, what -you're sore before the wedding, huh? there won't be any wedding? wait, how can it not? you recently introduced me to your fiancé, did you have a fight? it happened? why aren't you so happy? yes? larisa vasilievna, you think everything is right. it's good that it happened this way. good for whom? for both of us. a i don't think you loved him. hm. i think no, it seems to me that you can’t forget dimka, this is already in the past, god, how stupid you are, don’t you both understand that you made a mistake, you should meet, talk, you
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know, sometimes it’s better to stop in time, if it doesn’t work out, it means it’s not time, or simply not destiny. well, you won’t regret it, no, life goes on, i just need to find a job, just jump into it head first, work, listen, but i have a neighbor in the country, the editor-in-chief of some very large publishing house, so come on with him i'll talk, thanks. well, i got acquainted with your work, tell me, have you published before? yes, several magazines published my stories, yes, but what did you bring me, reportage material, sit down, you know, i would like to try myself in this
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genre, well, okay, but you know, we have a reputable publishing house, just like that i can’t hire you for a probationary period, you know, in a month, then maybe... yes, that’s true. gevorg refused almost all publications. oh, a couple of years ago he took off a film that won several awards at festivals. yes. then he suddenly disappeared. but i heard that he has now returned to st. petersburg, although he leads a rather secluded lifestyle.
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you know, but i’ll still try. yeah, yeah. well, good luck then. thank you. yes, thank you, i'll be waiting, goodbye, thank you for the coffee for the invitation. well , firstly, a lion called me, and secondly, it’s not in my rules to remain in debt, i promised you an interview, it turns out i was lucky, and i also know your story, and i managed
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to read your publications, you read mine stories are professional, but i have to understand who i trust with my past. young lady, do you mind if we now finish our coffee and take a little walk, so to speak, breathe in the sea air, i’ll be happy to do so. in general, my head was spinning with success, i enjoyed life, wandered around the country, went to foreign festivals, and my family somehow quietly faded into the background, i just left money and went on another business trip, but as you know, for everything in life has to pay, i realized it too late, i was in europe filming, when my son died from a drug overdose. “i immediately flew here, but didn’t have time, after
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the tragedy, my wife and son didn’t want to live anymore, she jumped out of the window, i left everything and went to tibet, but i recently returned, but i couldn’t live at home, so i had to rent an apartment from a friend. ” i myself have said this many times, it would be better
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if i did, just don’t feel sorry for me, i had to go this way, although i understand that i’m unlikely to atone for my guilt, but maybe my sad experience will be useful to someone, thank you as soon as i write everything, i will send you you have an interview to sign." inga, have you thought about trying yourself on television? no, i haven’t even thought about it. but in vain, it seems to me that with such external data, competent speech and personal charm, you could do a good job career as a tv presenter. i still have some connections on television, i’ll talk to my friend. thank you, of course, but i’ll have to get rid of this. are you cold? let’s go into the house. sister
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naid sent some delicious tea. you should try it with pleasure. dmitry, tell me, are fans still perplexed why you decided to take up coaching and do not continue your sports career? well, why, i continue, with them, but seriously, but seriously, i’ll tell you a little secret, i’m preparing for the new season. this is already great news, can you introduce me to a colleague? yes, mash, can i see you for a minute? yes, meet maria zemina,
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the coach of our school, and a talented figure, so is this your new partner? inga, hi, britka, hi, good to see you, me too, how are you, nothing, maybe some coffee let's have a drink, well, let's go, thank you, yeah, i understand, i thought i'd never see you again, now i'm daydreaming, i should have gotten satisfaction, that means you're angry, i beg you, but when you called me,
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it sounds, but without love i’m happy, i don’t know how this is possible, happiness without love, i couldn’t do it, that’s the only way you can do it, don’t suffer, don’t lose. not to cry, but to receive, by the way, an excellent toast, i suggest you marry it, listen, let’s do it next time, i still need to run to the editor, okay, i’ll go and join hands, go ahead, thank you, please,
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the baby, okay, is growing slowly, so i didn’t understand, you’re going to go to work, but what about the child? no, what are you talking about, i came for a part-time job, but about a part-time job, now i understand, we’ll figure something out, thank you, by the way, how is it at home, is everything okay? yes, everything is fine, sasha cares very much about me, about my son, well, thank god, i was so afraid that you
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would stay with this maxim? yes, to be honest, he still doesn’t give me permission to pass, i’m afraid... sasha, they didn’t say anything, but how? how do you silence people? you there was such love with him, are you still in front of everyone? yes, i understand, do you think i don’t blame myself for this? oh, if sasha finds out that nikita is not his son, he will probably definitely leave me. i do not know what to do. i love him, you know? i understand. let's go have some coffee, talk, and you can tell me everything. well, vital, how are you? we need to come up with some creative title, you know? well , you see, the thing is, do you remember the last time when inga, yes, some man asked you? what kind of man? didn't introduce myself, but young, very handsome, he said he’ll be waiting for you at the cafe. go, go, go
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, go. excuse me, it was you who were looking for me, and you inga klimova? yes, it’s very nice, alexey, alexey berevoy, mutually, why were you looking for me, well, this is your story, mine, well, i want to write a script for my future film based on it, and are you the director, no , but yes. i’m graduating from a higher directing course this year, i’m looking for good material for my thesis, it’s great, i’ve never seen how a movie is made, it’s true, it’s true, but if you are tonight are free, then i would invite you to film with my classmate, i’ll be happy, it’s great, then i suggest we drink some coffee and go on your own, let’s, well, for now, that means you won’t
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stay, reed, here you go again, why can’t we have at least one spend the night together? you know, without good reasons i can’t help but come home to spend the night, and i have no good reason, but i didn’t hide anything from the very beginning, you know that i’m not free, you and i agreed without obligations, yes, but why sometimes you can’t break this agreement, but why, why, well, how for why, because you and i feel good together, we had a wonderful time with you, half a day was just wonderful, now you have your own life, and i have... but what is it really like, well, you yourself were the first to tell me , you don’t want any problems, without complications, but i acted like a fool, and i’m not refusing, i’m not pretending to anything, i just wanted to prolong this evening a little, the best, rit, the enemy of the good, that’s it, closed the topic, i’ll go , i
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actually forgot to come to my place in the evening... i was going to stop by, well, you see, a friend would have come, but we are there with you, yes, yes, yes, everything is correct, everything is correct, i won’t call myself, as soon as you are free, dial, you’re smart, bye, bye,
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he’s already been buzzing our ears about you, or rather about your stories. sergey, inga, it’s very nice, and i’m talking about your graduation film, i hope there was at least something good there, only good, okay, okay, listen, if i’m done exchanging compliments, maybe we can start working, guys, go repeat text, we'll come over now and we'll rehearse, okay, okay, let's go, alexey, karina never she arrived, her phone is turned off, i don’t know what we will film if she doesn’t arrive now, we can just roll up and get out of here, but i told you that there was no need to get involved with this karina, who is karina, she’s the only actress, ok, no, maybe something happened to her? yeah, it happened, most likely she either forgot about us or gave up on us, well, when will i get permission to film in this place, is there really nothing that can
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be done? what should we do without karina? seryoga, can i have a moment? sorry, here, listen, maybe we can try it? i’ll ruin everything for you, i’ve never acted in a movie, you don’t need to play anything, please, just imagine the situation, you need to confess your feelings to the person you’ve loved for a long time, and he’s dating someone else, it’s right about
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me, what will you help out, scene 7, frame, one, take one, we started, you know, it’s very difficult for me to start, but i’ll still try, i didn’t know how to tell you about this, i thought, i dreamed, i said this monologue to myself 100 thousand times, but i understood that i will never be able to tell you this in reality, and there is no need, because you are always with me, in my thoughts, in my dreams, and now it’s too late, too late to change anything, why did you decide that? seryoga is just happy, i’m very glad that i helped him, you did everything amazingly,
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and practically from the first take, well, of course it’s not for me to judge, but i didn’t play anything, it was a scene from my past life, well, it sounded like from the real one, but apparently she’s not completely sick yet, listen, let’s talk about your scenario, okay, we’ll talk, only tomorrow, it’s late, i ’ll take you home now, no, no, i’ll do it myself... see you tomorrow, dad, what happened, yes, i wanted to find out what happened to you, i called you for several hours, i can’t get through, i was with friends on a film shoot, i forgot to turn on the phone, don’t worry so much, everything is fine with me, go home , you see, i left home today, forever. well, come on, dad, i think you got carried away, but why did you have
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to leave right away, i got carried away, but she deceived me, because of the child i left your mother, and now it turns out that this is not my son, it’s her who is so mean to you she said, what difference does it make who told me, she or her ex, only svetka now, in my opinion, she’s having an affair with him behind my back, yes... it’s not true, it’s not true, that the child is not mine, yes, she regrets that she lied to you, and she doesn’t have any affair, she loves you, where are you from? you know, it doesn’t matter, what’s more important now is that you’re making another mistake, if of course you love your wife, she herself ruined everything. hello, hi, alexey, no, i didn’t wake you up.
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what time, of course, i can, until the evening, damn, i completely forgot, ritka, hello, you’re home, and you’ll be back in 2 hours, there’s work. "you and i had a great time today, i agree, well that, see you tomorrow, i will wait for you, i will miss you, see you, come on, hello, hello, one of your fans, and this is not one of them, it seems to me that i fell in love, so, but what about the theory of happiness without love, stupidity , this is all, right, a defensive reaction, from whom?"? from myself,
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oleg is married, okay, let's go, it's cold, let's go, i understand you perfectly, and i know what you will say, but i can't help myself, you you are going to destroy his family, but there is no family there and they don’t have children, and in general they don’t get divorced just out of commonality. business, and you believed him, well, of course, you just need to wait, and i’ll wait, i’m patient, by the way, i have good news, i was hired on television, great, congratulations, well, it’s true that it’s still an internship, but the main thing is that i’m there , that means, here is
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the address of the beauty salon, yeah. vera sergeevna's telephone number of her administrator and questions. well, i won’t do an interview? yes, i don’t even doubt you, but i just said something that needs to be asked about. is this an order? why can’t you do it yourself? yes, i can't, i have today meeting at the same time. yeah, they pay more there. they don't pay there at all. so, personal interest. i was offered to remake my story into a script for a student film. who suggested? one young director, well, everything is clear, run, okay, i’ll run, bye, good luck.
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this is the same bridge that was in the decoding, is this for the final scene? yes, you know, let our heroes meet on the bridge and kiss. why on the bridge? well , i think it's very symbolic. a bridge connects two banks, and a kiss between two lovers.
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agree. inga, now, excuse me, there is so much to do while he is sleeping, everything, but i don’t understand, to be honest, what you want
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to talk to me about. “your father left me, and you should be glad, but i didn’t come to gloat, but to help, to help, with what?” sasha will forgive me, i understand him perfectly, you probably loved him, very much, but now i love him, listen, let’s get on with it, it seems to me that it’s easier this way, in general, i can ask for your forgiveness for a long time, but i understand that it’s useless , this is usually not forgiven, i’m just doing it now i realized when i became a mother myself, then i was selfish, i didn’t understand that i was ruining someone else’s family, and now i have to pay for my mistakes, the real father of the child, he knows, max, yes, of course, he knows, oh, yes, i’m a fool,
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of course i was , he left me, i was worried for a very long time, then i met sasha, then suddenly max... appeared and for some reason i wanted to take revenge on him, why? i pretended that i had forgiven him, and then after intimacy, i said that he was now free, that i loved someone else, but i couldn’t even imagine that i would get pregnant when i understood, i was very afraid of losing sasha, so she said that the child was his, and max did not remain in debt, met with his father, told him everything. sasha didn’t believe it at first, but then did a test. and you, that is, did you try to talk to him? what can i tell him, that i love him very much, that
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i can’t live without him? you probably think i need his money, believe it or not, i immediately gave him a credit card and... immediately started looking for a part-time job, yes, i believe, that’s why i came, my father is also very worried, you’re a good father you are very good, but i don’t deserve this, oh, it seems nikitka woke up, i’m here now, sorry, hello, dad, hello, you urgently need to come to svetlana,
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hello, good afternoon, hello, hello, well, ready to see you to the cinema, is everything really that terrible, on the contrary, let's go, come through, thank you. it’s quite cozy here, but inga, let me introduce you, this is karina, karina, this is inga, karina was originally supposed to play this role, hello, hello, i hope i didn’t spoil anything, it’s normal, generally not bad for a non-professional actress, girls, sorry, yes, i’m listening, yes, i’ll be right there, okay, excuse me, girls, i need to step away for a couple of minutes, okay, of course, oh, well, let me come up to you now and we’ll discuss this, and you’re cinematic, you look simpler in real life, the cameraman was good, he successfully filmed, by the way,
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where he was lyosha, yes, so he went to his wife, to his wife, well, yes, at home, apparently something happened, so he lost his temper, but what? no, it’s okay, am i leaving now? yes, i have to go, i’m also an actress. hello, inga, where are you? i come, they tell me, you left, but that’s how it happened. well, tell me where, i’ll come now. no need, lesh, why? tell me, are you married? yes, but i 'll explain everything to you now. no, goodbye. inga.
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i asked you not to call me again. oops, i must have got the wrong number. oh. excuse me, who is this? secretary to the editor-in-chief, are you inga? yes. viktor petrovich handed over a task for you. i sent it to you by email, but i didn’t receive a confirmation. i’ll take a look now and answer you right away. fine. “sorry again, thank you, goodbye, thank you, it’s even strange that i ’m interested, because no one has come to her for a long time, although she has a husband, and friends, and relatives, at first everyone crowded here, and then less and less, now only parcels are left, how is this possible, perhaps not everyone is psychologically ready to communicate with a person, realizing that he will soon die. and what? no chance and nothing
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can be done to help? unfortunately no. the only thing that can please this woman is communication. she misses him very much. yes, unfortunately, illness does not make anyone look good. but there is a small plus. you don't have to worry about your face or figure. everything is fine with you, i can do anything now, you know how it is called? no, life is a pleasure, it’s a pity, it’s true, that there is so little of this life left, you talk about it so calmly, but do you know where you came from? from calmness, from absolute
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confidence or from inevitability, i am now a happy owner of both motivations, when you are absolutely sure that nothing depends on you, i have no other emotions except admiration, this is exactly what i will write about, about your wisdom and fortitude , i wouldn’t wish such wisdom on anyone, which comes when you can no longer do anything, nothing, well, just think, contemplate, in your relatives, why they don’t come, yes, well, for some... it’s hard to see me in this state, and
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i myself forbade others to come, why, why does everyone need unnecessary suffering, they come, sit, watch, cry, oh what do you regret now? about what? well, i probably won’t say anything new, like any person, i regret that i didn’t have enough time, put off a lot for tomorrow, for later, i need to take pictures of you, is this possible? please, i wouldn’t want
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anyone to see me like this, yes, of course, i understand everything, don’t worry, thank you very much and thank you, good luck. it’s just a shock, you know, i sat spellbound, what kind of preparations were there, all thoughts flew out of my head, it’s good that i managed to turn on the audio recorder, but the material turned out, it’s hard for me to call it material, i don’t know how i i’ll write about this, this is not an interview, this is just a confession, but the editorial is from you. they are waiting, they won’t wait, i
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can’t speculate on human tragedy, well, this is our profession, we must be impartial, you know, these rules were invented by those for whom it was convenient, i can’t work like a soulless robot with a cold mind, i can’t write when i don’t care about who or what i’m writing about, well, you’re probably right. what is this, my article, and where is the interview? i thought that it would be better if i, what would be better than klimov, here i decide where the photographs are, this is an isolated archive, i will need to scan and return it, klimov, what is it? wait, what does the archive have to do with it, where are the real, living, today’s photos,
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where are the photographs, where? she asked her not to take it off, klimova, you understand what you did, you failed. "your article is already is in the grid, what should i replace it with? why couldn’t i do it, i wrote down the thoughts of a dying person, an actress who was popular and loved, isn’t this worthy of publication, we have a commercial publication, not a charitable organization, you know, we need to earn money, not publish memoirs, so take it that’s all and bring me what is required of you, that’s it, go, go, go, go, i won’t do this, krimova.” if you leave now, you don’t have to come back, goodbye, krimova,
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menu please , thank you, let's go, let's go, comes in, i'll come right over, come on, come on, don't crowd, sit down over there , take off your clothes, take off, hello, good afternoon, do you have a complex for lunches, yes you do, but what interests you, well, some kind of soup, cabbage soup , there, borscht, buckwheat, as usual, uh-huh, yes, well, everything is fine, everything is great, we have several options, okay, i ordered everything, another dessert, well done, wonderful, wait,
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patarai. yes, dad, hi, no, everything is fine, it’s simple, the battery is just dead, you can’t hide anything from you, just give it everything tomorrow, i’ll come, and i kiss you, bye, and you didn’t want
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to talk to him, why, everything is clear. that is, you saw dima next to the girl and everything immediately became clear to you, you just realized that you don’t need to stir up the past, otherwise you can’t build the present, of course, it’s your life, it’s up to you to decide, but i’ll tell you what, without the past there is no present, just think, all i ’ve been doing lately is thinking, that’s why i left work, i fully support you on this, it’s blasphemy what they ’re doing now. i'm very proud of what i have such a wonderful daughter, unemployed, listen, i think i already told you that we are going to move to germany, maybe you’ll still come with us, dad, so what am i going to do there, my profession without knowledge of the language is nonsense, but i will miss you, i will miss you very much too,
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but i can’t refuse, it just so happened that svetlana’s parents have been living in germany for a long time, and our company decided to open there. branch, i understand everything, don’t worry, i will come to visit you, oh, hi, hi, hello, well, how is he, i think he’s fine, sleeping, yes, everything is fine, and i just met my friend, and he is an editor on television, he offered me a job, but since we are leaving, i recommended you, so the job turned up, yes, if you agree... on wednesday we need to come to to the editor, i wish i didn’t agree, thank you, light, no way, sorry, uh-huh, sleeping, hello, yeah, hi, like in the hospital, i’ll be right there, what happened, ritka is in the hospital, what’s wrong with her, i don’t i know, i
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'll call, bye, bye, sign here again, please, thank you, thank you, ritka, hello, well, how you scared me, yes, i scared myself, for no reason, for no reason i fainted, well, as you can see, yes, yes... but without blackmail, his wife has absolutely nothing to do with it, well, yes, yes, i understand, okay, i
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’ll have time to think about everything, oleg is still on a business trip, i also have news for you, i’m going to the television center on wednesday to get a job, we’ll soon work together, well, great, congratulations, thank you. it can’t be who i see, rita, i didn’t expect to meet you here, well, hello, hug we will, of course, what about your fate here, yes, i was invited to a program about children’s sports, and you work here, well , yes, i’m working, i have 10 minutes, 15 for you, let’s go have coffee, let’s go, well... “that means don’t be angry, i beg you, so much time has passed, as they say, we’ll remain friends,
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we agreed, well, how’s your personal life, great, i’m with my friend, you’re talking about inga, well, who else?” you wanted to ask about her, so she’s doing well, a new guy, a director, you introduce me, calls the editor-in-chief and offers to lead author's program, well, listen, excuse me, i have to go, see you again, come on, bye. hi, wait, what are you doing here, we agreed
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in an hour and not at my house, but i have very important news for you, so important that i couldn’t wait an hour, well, don’t be angry, please, it doesn’t suit you, so you either talk or i leave, now you need to be more patient because you are going to be a dad soon, that's all news. aren't you surprised? i expected to hear something like this. you should know that i will not divorce my wife. a what about the child? if this is my child, i don’t refuse, i’m ready to help. that's all. my wife is waiting at home, we’ll talk later, after, no,
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from a business trip, i’m damn tired, i won’t leave me like this, that means his wife is waiting for him, i’m actually expecting a child from him, rit, sit down, calm down, are you something- i expected something else from him, of course, he had to get a divorce, but he doesn’t owe anything, then i’ll have an abortion, don’t even think about it, then you’ll spend your whole life complaining that i’m the only one raising a child, or what? as far as i know, oleg does not refuse the child, why would he refuse, oh, what? something like that, oh, damn, i don’t know, sit down, oh, it hurts, i should have been nervous, i ’ll call an ambulance now, don’t, don’t, otherwise i ’ll save it, then put it down, now, that’s right, otherwise now you’ll do something stupid , then you'll regret it all your life, inga, hi, hi, you're at lunch, you seemed to want to tell me something, yes, what happened to you and alexey? listen, let's not touch this topic. no,
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let's do it, but i don't want my friends to separate because of some stupidity. because of stupidity? do you know that alexey is married? of course, he is officially married, but he and his wife are already 2 years after we broke up, she started an affair with some young actor and went to see him, in general , that’s another thing. finally we agreed to finalize the divorce. by the way, on the day you came, alexei just went with her to the zaksa. yes, if this is true, then i'm a complete idiot. well call him. have they started making a movie based on your script? okay, yeah, let's go, bye! stop, it's been filmed! inga, then, after all!
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the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite that we were able to preserve them; now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this. thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point when we should strive to comply with democratic ones...
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the team of the tv news agency continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now.


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