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tv   100  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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practical measures to comply with the current legislation by taxi drivers, this category will be under close attention in terms of compliance with the technical component of vehicles, their operation, compliance with traffic rules in terms of parking, driving through a prohibitory traffic light, compliance with the requirements of road markings, well, including the presence of all permitting documents, this violation of the rules is important.
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what drena ў vadze has become, the father of this warrior is often told to schoolchildren the correctness of thematic rescue workers, so you have left high school students from all areas in the area of ​​the past water crisis, learned the correct way to raise people from the water crisis. duties of ilga tsvyatkova. treat yourself like a fish and thus be able to demonstrate an effective approach that traps a real emergency situation and cannot stand on your own. schoolchildren from all parts of the minsk region. more than 50 young people from the central region of kutka will not be able to swim in the old age. the skin of the swimmers has already been engaged in the practice of several bastards, you know how vykarystouvatsya different styles on the wadze, but in the real war of the army - this is an admiral technique, which is used for special purposes. for three months, young
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people were struggling and at the stage of rescue for a long time, the most important thing was to demonstrate the sensitivity of the path and the removal of elements. the task of a mannequin is to find the maximum depth of the pool, remove the tank and deliver it to the shore.
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the weight of the person you are saving is bothering you; maybe he is resisting because that he will be in a state of suffocation, will drown, and most likely he will begin to panic, always when you come to the water, you must swim carefully, you must watch so that you do not get overwhelmed by water, be with adults, and not be afraid, you just need to maybe go to some then go to a sports school to learn how to swim a little, so that you have at least some skills, then this will help you.
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vybravatsya travalasst, faith in your strength, physical rest, the yuletide race of the abbayadna zhikara of frundzinsk district from the year 73 years ago. starting points the park is the center of the district administration, which has passed over thousands of minsk residents every 1 kilometer. the whole family of their schoolchildren and students, the partners of different organizations and enterprises, such a joint initiative of the frondzinsky districts of ladzia, is superior.
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since the beginning of the day, the administration of the frontsinsky district has supported the young daughter of gonara, on her 20 young people who have achieved high success in education, excellence, and the implementation of social projects for the career of the district. music, tops, mora kvetak і ўmeshak at the minsk praisha creative evening of the belarusian poetesy alena kharawets. and five completed collections, paet, melodyst, whose radks formed the basis of the most popular popular songs, collected the silver, dusters, talent for the anniversary. aўtar dzyasyatkaў hіtoў vydomyh belarusian vykanaўtsў. sennya alena kharavets is working on the creation of the new volume. yana was not well. my theme is chalavek, my experiences,
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philosophy, spirituality, daily light, my troubles and problems. the celebrant of the day fell in love with the viewers of the tv channel belarus 1. i have this poem: my god, i sincerely strive to follow to your almighty will, i repent and pray for my sins, i get rid of mental pain, lord, i thank you for life, for the shining of the stars, the dawn of sunrises, for my desire for good, for the wisdom of all your advice, and i can’t say much, just good, a lot warmth, a lot. love, a lot of kindness, a lot of creativity, everything, all this binds us together, very, for about 30 years, and in general thanks to her, when she appeared in my life, i got many, many songs, i’m simply amazed at how much there is in her - there really are souls in her poems, and i always
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it’s very nice to sing songs based on lena’s poems, because they are about something, not just a bunch of words, but they are about life. blessed is the bright concert of such so-called ancient classics and new creations of alena kharavets, according to the words of the stage , musicians, artists, fellow poets, and the union of writers of belarus received a high award with the maxim bagdanov medal icha. that's all, more on our site premnaga of the day.
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music, dj, hello everyone, join us in exactly a minute. a hero who will answer everything, are you ready to meet our heroine? jeanette, how are you feeling now? it seems like this is excitement, for example, before going on... and before going on stage i don’t worry, but now i feel nervous. do you agree that children should never be told lies? agree. well, you understand that children can sometimes ask very awkward questions. this is great. i love awkward questions. do you promise to tell only the truth? yes. well then, good luck. dear program participants, today we are visiting. honored artist of the republic of belarus. let's meet. "janet, i want
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warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse questions three times, and be careful about the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly tell you about yourself, time has passed, and i. i am an honored artist of the republic of belarus, i was born in a large family, there are eight of us mothers, i have two wonderful daughters laura and diana, i love my profession, we introduced ourselves in less than a minute, great, now let's move on to questions from our audience, we have 100 participants in the studio, each has their own question, let's see how much time you have to answer, are you ready? yes, then let's begin, raise your hand who is ready to ask the first question. zhanette, good afternoon, my name is nastya or anastasia, you have such an unusual name, i think your parents
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were very creative people, that’s true, well, my mother is a very creative person, she believed that whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will float, so this not only in my family, all my brothers and sisters have unusual names: jean, janet, ella, edward, herman, dean, diana, and liana. can you please share with us your most vivid memory from your childhood? probably, when i first came out to sing, it wasn’t a stage, it was first grade, i was very worried, i was wearing a velvet red dress with white ruffles, and there was this chain with a monkey hanging on it. i was so worried, but my mother told me, you sing so that i can hear you, when i sang, she moved further, further, further, we had such huge corridors, because the school was so old since from the times of the soviet union, and the further she walked away, i realized that i was singing so that... my mother heard me, and indeed this performance was very successful and successful for me. hello, janet, did your children
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force you to go to music school? and i entered the music school beyond the plan, because all the children were accepted, i really wanted to go there in order to sing, but to be honest, it was up to me to study, although i graduated with honors in music. she was doing great at school, but studying, especially solfege and so on, was hard when i i studied at the royal, everyone who studies at a music school knows that you need to study for at least 4 hours a day, 2 hours a day, i only studied not sitting, but standing, because it was difficult for me to sit in one place, i needed to move all the time , but nevertheless, first of all, of course, i went for the sake of the choir, in the choir i could sing and solo, so i finished school, i tried, but honestly i did everything just for the sake of singing, the following: hello, my name is dima, i would i wanted to ask you this question:
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how is popularity measured in belarus? artist? probably, when your songs are sung along with you at a concert, this seems to me the most important thing, because a person may have many subscribers on the internet, but his songs may not be known to him, he may even sometimes be recognized somewhere on street. but this does not speak specifically about the artist’s popularity in this case, but when the whole square sings your songs with you, this is probably an indicator that you are a truly famous artist. you are from lithuania, well, you were born there, they call you belarusian singer, who do you consider yourself to be? and of course, a belarusian singer, i was born in lithuania, in the city of siauliai, when i was one and a half years old, since my dad was in the military, we went to germany, my dad served in germany for 5 years. this is why we were sent to belarus, i went to school in belarus, got an education, here i first entered
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the professional stage, here are my fans, people who know and love me, here my daughters were born, here i got married, here are my friends and the closest people, so of course i’m belarusian, what’s this about? talk, and another question, do you think it matters where a person was born? and i believe that the place of birth is a place of strength, when some serious difficult moments occur in your life, you need to come. to my land, i’m happy that 10 years ago, when i was in lithuania, i collected soil in a jar, exactly in the place where i was lying under the apple tree as a little girl, where i was crawling, it... and mentally i return to exactly that the place where i was born, and it really helps, it's cool, so for today, of course, i have two homelands, my homeland is where i was born and my homeland is where i was born as an artist, jeanette, this is probably very important and valuable for me, hello, jeanette, everyone...
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girls in childhood dream of their prince, did you dream, did your dreams coincide with reality? here i am, when i got married, if anyone saw pictures on the internet, uh, well, come in and look, a five-meter carriage with huge wheels, and a couple of rotten horses, black, and i’m in such a fluffy dress with a pink one, in such a pink one fur coat because it was epiphany frosts, january 23, and if we go back to my childhood. i have exactly these pictures, i drew them, i imagined that i would look exactly like this, this is exactly how my prince would come to me, he came pavel soroka, the strongest, in 2007 he was recognized as the strongest weightlifter in our country , the strongest, he pulled tanks, planes, trains, he proposed to me, i realized that this
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was the same prince, it was just a matter of little things, a dress, a carriage, everything happened, everything happened, so, probably, my fairy tale... we always won as a couple, i invited him, he featured me in a video, then time passed and we began to meet a little, communicate, and a year later i married him and a year later my first daughter laura was born, and he i looked after you beautifully, very beautifully, i’ll start with what i dreamed about, i only told it to my best friend, i
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had a dream that i had a huge book in my hands, a big one just like pushkin’s, that is, the golden collected works of pushkin, i really love this author, you can imagine that he will give me a golden essay by pushkin for the new one, such a red velvet book, gold binding, i was shocked when he first gave me this gift, because i began to remember, i could tell someone, i remember, that it seems not, then i say how did you know that i wanted this particular book, he says, i don’t know, i just saw it and wanted to buy it, but where did he make you an offer, huh? it was in the forest, night, winter, snow, we arrived at a clearing, it was strewn with rose petals, at some point, the sounds of a violin were heard, and my boyfriend at that moment got down on his knee and asked me to become his wife. hello,
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my name is vika, i’m visiting you. my personal opinion, for his actions, and the external person can be different, and moreover, and i believe that you can love a person, he can tell you anything, but his actions always speak for a person, so i think that of course a person, for his actions, for his actions, for his...
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the belarusian economy in the green zone is experiencing gdp growth dynamics, drivers industry, trade, let me remind you that at the end of the twenty-third year, the growth of industrial production was generally the maximum in a decade, a third leader was added - this is agriculture. the export potential of belarus is presented in uzbekistan, the usfood exhibition in tashkent united. belarus is in the top five among foreign exhibitors; for comparison , this top five in terms of the number of companies represented at the forum also included germany and turkey. russia, china. the launch of a spaceship was, of course, a fantastic spectacle, it was hard to tear yourself away from the screens impossible, it seemed that at that moment the hearts of all belarusians were beating loudly. marina
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vasilevskaya was chosen for the main crew from several thousand applicants. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of the construction of the fence in belovezhskaya pushcha. what conclusion did the experts come to? experts have confirmed the negative impact on the reserve’s ecosystems. belarusian scientists are trying to minimize the environmental damage caused to belovezhskaya pushcha. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, see the events program thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and eventful.
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four. hello, janet,
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my question is this: it seems to me that all artists are afraid of getting fat, what do you do in order to remain slim and beautiful? i recently said this phrase, everyone was running around, something was happening around me, some people kept saying: or everything about diet, i say, you know, i should get fat, oh, i should lose weight, i say, but there’s no time to get fat, you know, i actually have a job with artists belarusian 24x, considering that i still have a second profession - this is the profession of a mother, and i have weekends quite rarely, that year, for example, from april, i remember, i noticed, but now i started tracking it, my first day off i was on august 20th, so... i don’t have time to eat sometimes, i don’t have time to sleep sometimes, when a person leads an active lifestyle, he probably doesn’t have time to get better either, and to be honest, i’m telling it like it is, i’ve never been on
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a diet in my life , never, that is, i try to lead a healthy lifestyle, listen to yourself, when you listen to your body, you hear it, it reciprocates, you are probably always in shape, i think this is so. hello, janet, my name is masha, i have a question for you, what is the bravest thing you have done in your life, oh, i have so many of them, i did a photo shoot with rats, stuck my head into the mouth of a wolf, when they told me i should have get on a horse, participate in a competition where you had to run, then the trainers told us that what you are doing now, people are preparing for this six months, that is, they are going towards this, but there was a shooting and there was just a project, a show project, i participated in it, and this is ice dancing, when i went on the ice i thought, god, why
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am i even here, but nevertheless i also took one of the prizes, but in general i’m such a person, only after the birth of my daughters i became more careful and attentive to some trick, i don’t know, some sentences where you understand that you can do something for yourself damage. physically, and before i agreed to everything. how to overcome stage fright? but everything is really very simple, it’s experience and practice. for me, my stage lasted something like this: first, when you go out on stage, as soon as you come out, you say, lord, when will this all end, so you sing and think when will i go back. the second stage was when i went out and thought, i’m singing the first verse, now everything is fine, now i’ll sing the second verse, just a little more. then the third one, i was directly in control, i was singing, i was still having some thoughts in parallel, and already the third stage, when i was leaving and i think, let this last forever, or i thought,
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the song is already over... but i would sing something else, now today, of course, i go out, i long to go on stage, but this all comes only with experience , what do you think, what benefits does singing bring to society, what do you feel, why do you go on stage, each person has his own purpose, everyone has his own mission, it is to serve people, when you go on stage, i will definitely i tell people something if there are any of my solo concerts, i always stay with... after the concert and my work continues for another hour and a half and it consists precisely in communicating with people, i answer all questions, i take photographs, because i understand that i am coming to some distant town, and people, let’s say, only saw me on stage on tv, and they won’t see me so quickly, let’s say again, i try to pay attention to this, but another very important point is writing songs and choosing songs, i always try to choose songs that somewhere they will be able to
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set someone up for something, somewhere... including, but i always want to go back to belarus, and mm, every, every performance of yours, i always tell people about this, i thank you for the applause, i thank you for the time they spent coming to my concert, after all, they spend part of their lives in order to buy a ticket, come and sit there for another hour and a half to two hours and don’t leave, you know, so i am eternally grateful to our belarusian audience, these are
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very sincere people. they are really real, they are true support for for everyone, for any artist, i just adore our audience, what do you think you would have become if you had not chosen the path of a musician? and i always wanted to be a singer-artist, fully consciously, but this year it happened to me. then i got very sick, i got so sick that i not only lost my voice, but i, well, i’m telling it like it is, there was a hemorrhage in the ligament, this means that there is a chance that you will not sing at all, this it was probably the hardest week of my life, and the first thing i thought about was suddenly i really will have to change my profession, i would probably go into, do you know what field? and
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an interior designer, because i caught myself doing this, all my life i caught myself doing this, well, girls go shopping, they have fun, and when i go to a hardware store, i hear this smell of wood, i see this wallpaper, curtains everywhere , i understand, i would do this here, i would put this vase, this would be, oh, what a mop, how good it would look, so i mean, i have these thoughts, and i thought, well... if this happens, i will anyway i’ll find myself somewhere to be useful again to people, and quite quickly i got back on my feet, recovered and started singing again, of course, i’m beyond grateful to my body for the fact that it recovered and allowed me to engage in my favorite profession again, thank you , we are moving to the red sector, to your left, they say that it is easier to advance in moscow, have you ever wanted
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to go abroad? let's just say, a huge number of projects took place in moscow, in particular, yes, such television shows and other things, i watched my colleagues go there, they achieve some success, but i was afraid to go somewhere, i had such fear, what if i didn’t succeed, what if i couldn’t handle it, then, as time passed, a project appeared, this is victor’s show business school drobysha, and i thought, i should try. you know, when i was studying, i understood more and more that i am here, in my place, and it’s better to be, probably, in the top five, ten of the best artists in belarus, than i don’t know, with the thousandth artist, where, where, where be that as it may, i realized that there was a little everything is different, not like ours, and i, i understood that i really don’t regret that at some point in time i didn’t plunge into
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some other world. because here i develop, here i do what i love, and here i can afford to take care of my children, my personal life, my family, including, the rhythm there is completely different, i love... going to perform in different countries, including to our friendly russia, this is of course great, but it’s even cooler when you have somewhere to return, you know, it’s always cool when there’s a place, which you return, that is, home, and my home is here in belarus, how do you manage to combine the family stage, for example, who do your children stay with during your tours, yes, i have two daughters in... i have never been a pilot day, but but all my free time that appears, free time from concerts, i naturally always devoted and still devote to my children, it is very important for me that the child understands and feels that his mother is with him at this moment, and i can
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sacrifice some concert, performance, show or anything else, if this concerns my family of my children, at the moment we have nianya, who is no longer with my children... has been helping me for many years, i have one more question for you: do you think you are a good mother, are you enough do you devote time to your children? and i think my daughters can easily answer this question now, they are in the studio, really, please show me, daughter janet, well, a good mother, my mother gives me very useful advice that always helps, and we are together we go shopping, she buys me everything i want, and also... together we learn lessons that i don’t understand, thanks to my mother, we go on vacation several times a year, and i’m very glad that my mother is this person, i’m very i love her, thank you for
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having me, the last tricky question, just answer honestly, your mother is strict , she punishes, no, this has never happened, she loves us very much and never punishes, i just don’t remember a single such case, when this happened, by the way, she buys us all sorts of things, braids me beautiful braids, all sorts of other hairstyles, she tells us all sorts of funny stories, in fact, i don’t punish children, it’s true, it’s not something that we prepared for, they just gave it away, yes, you see, for me a child is such a... person, i always explain why this is not possible or why i forbid it, and i love my children very much, and i believe that in any situation we must always come to an agreement, our dad is more strict, as it is, i say it as it is, dad is so strict,
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he is more demanding, but i tell him, pasha, there will still be so many people on their way, who will say that she is not doing something right, that she is not talented enough, that she is not beautiful enough, that she made a mistake somewhere. therefore, we, as parents, must praise them as much as possible, help them, that’s why what our daughters actually said is true, somewhere, of course, maybe i should have and could have, but no, i couldn’t, that’s all, i actually do what i can, and i sometimes think, today i flew somewhere there, i have no home there for 3 days, so that means i’m in touch with them, let’s say i’m preparing some things for them surprises, so i flew somewhere, i say, now you are going there, or i am there, for example, making a plan according to which they...
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hello janet, at the beginning of the program you said that you can’t lie to children, but can adults? for example, i received a bad grade and didn’t tell my mother about it so as not to upset her, so i tell the children even... i teach that no matter what happens, tell it like it is, because your soul will be calm, well, well in particular, in my case, my children know that grades are not as important to me as their health and happiness, there are, of course, cases well, they’re already serious, let’s say, when it comes to health, well, let’s say, for example, here we have eight of us at mom’s, we have a separate two chat rooms, one chat is called mom and family. the second chat is called sausage buterrus, you know why sausage,
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because our signature dish is family chocolate sausage, that’s why the group is called sausage buterus, at this moment, that’s when something happens to us, something else happens in life, we always write to each other in the chat, that is, mom doesn’t even know about it, she can say what happened, what happened, and we we’re not talking in order to deceive her, yes, but in order to simply not disturb her, not to upset her, because these are the problems that we have between brothers and sisters somewhere in their lives, we try to help each other help and decide like this, well, it’s mutual assistance that’s so internal, mom doesn’t know about it, and even when mom asks some question, what happened, we talk, we seem to be telling a lie at that moment, but only so so as not to upset her, because we understand that we already have this issue we’ll decide, one way or another, it all depends on the situation, you need to try not to lie, then life is easier, when was the last time you gathered in what situation, you can tell us, in general i always try to tell only the truth. only the truth, and even now it’s difficult for me
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to remember where i could, well, i don’t remember, if i remember now in the process, i will definitely say, okay, as a correction, you can refuse to answer the question three times, as i understand it, you’ll take this opportunity, i refuse , i just can't right now remember, but now i’ll sit and think, and i’ll remember, i’ll definitely say, okay, we’ve agreed, let’s move to the red sector, to your right. i have this question for you: would you have some event in your life when you didn’t even dream about it? oh, i had a lot of such events, in fact, but as i said at the beginning, i come from a large family, and many things, of course, were inaccessible to me, well, for example, when i was in the tenth grade, in the eleventh, and i i dreamed about, you know what? buy a jar of sprat
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eat it alone, think about it, or, for example, i dreamed of buying a pack of gum, putting it all in my mouth and squeezing it, and so that at this moment, most importantly, no one asks you, but you can give me one, you know, that is, what kind of food i have i had dreams, so when any event happened in my life, any, i saw it for the first time. and he spoke to me, for me it was simply unreal, he is a people’s artist, i remember walking, walking somewhere towards me... nikolai baskov and says: hello! and i’m just in shock, i started to turn around, maybe someone else was walking next to me me, it was me, and he greeted me, and there were actually a lot of such moments, and i am grateful to fate for each of these moments, i remember when
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the president of our country greeted me for the first time, he said: “hello, jeannette, well done, i know you come from a big family." and so holding my hand, i was in shock, because i understand that the most important person in our country, and he paid attention to me, greeted me and even said a few words to me , for me it was always a slight shock , because there was a moment when i often thought that probably this could never happen to me, maybe i’m not worthy of this, with me, it’s unlikely that this will ever happen to me, when i was watching some foreign artists, but i couldn’t imagine... what would happen, we would stand next to them , they would give me their cd and we would tour with them, and these are world-famous stars, every time i was sincerely grateful for this now and i thank them every day for everything that life gives me, because it happens to me every time there is always some kind of miracle, and at this
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moment i understand that this is really happening to me. hello, janet, my name is julia, you look so beautiful today, you probably spend a lot of money on your outfits, that’s true, but to be honest, 85% of my wardrobe is stage clothes and accessories, for me the main task is i there must be a stage to surprise people, there must be something unusual, i order some unusual handmade accessories, i have a dress from... i have a 20 km skirt, i have a transformable dress, of course, in basically all my expenses go towards this, there was a period when i walked in the same boots for probably three years already, in the spring, winter, autumn, winter in the spring, because
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well, there was simply no opportunity to buy something else, they were already they started to come off, they started to tear, i constantly sewed them up several times, i sewed them up, which means i went to the university. here i already have to go out on stage, i sewed it up again, tinted it, then i had, for example, these sneakers with such a wide sole, that means white sportswear, so i go to them for physical education university, then i take these from me, i glued on these blue sequins, i bought them with tape and there was a noise on the soles, one day i was asked such a tricky question, and probably 15 years ago, here are your outfits - some are not made from such fabrics, the most so chic, i i say, you know, when you come, it’s not because i don’t have taste, it’s just that at that moment i couldn’t afford it, believe me, i saw the fabrics that i would like, uh, from which i would like a dress or things that i would like to buy, but there was no opportunity, but no one can you blame me for the fact that my outfits were simple, they were always unusual and
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exclusive, oh, i noticed you have very nice shoes and... could you tell me how to walk in heels correctly? is it hard to teach her to walk in heels? yes easily! well, for this, let's start with the fact that there must be a heel, that is, because when any girl puts on a heel, she feels completely different, not like in ordinary shoes, the very first thing that can cause you to fall, this is when the socks start braid one after another, that is , accordingly, you must understand that the nose of the leg should look a little to the side, and so on, the shoulders.
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the concert begins, they announce me, so i come out there, that song you saw me at the reception in the embassad, it was me specifically for the text, i was like candy in... chocolate, at that moment, what happens, i come out beautifully, i turn to the audience, and at this moment i feel how my heels, well, socks,
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begin to cling to these spikes, i slowly slide down to my knees and the stage falls like that, the audience is in shock, i understand, i need to do something, what am i saying, friends, make a wish, a star has fallen, but the most important thing, after this, so that you understand, this is not 3 minutes of shame on... but for me there were two songs, but the most important thing was how the audience supported me, and it’s also important that at that moment, after it was all over and some more time had passed, i didn’t feel like: god, i fell, before everyone, i collapsed there, you know what i was thinking about, people will come home and say: listen, it was so funny at the concert today, that means janet came out, lay on stage like this...
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the other side of the coin, that is , in principle, you can take any profession, give it as an example, i will say that only about five years ago i began to be calm about the fact that they recognize me on the street, they recognize you, they come up to you, or the coolest thing is when you are walking, and some of your people are walking 5 meters from you, they hear everything, because our people are so very modest, they will pass by, and then they start, you saw, you saw, this she, it’s her, which means they’re still running after you, looking at what store you went to there, that you bought, that you put a basket there for yourself, and so on, before i couldn’t get used to it at all... literally about five years ago i became normal, calm, or rather, earlier, if they approached me, uh, i i immediately felt that a stream was starting
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to flow down my back, or i realized that i was starting, the hair on my head was moving, or my breathing was clearing, that is, i was awkward and uncomfortable, i felt uncomfortable when they recognized me , and so, when you perceive, you understand that it’s simple part of your profession is to be uh famous, to be popular, to answer people's questions, to say hello to strangers. when you take it calmly, then, in principle , popularity cannot play a cruel joke on you. we're moving to the yellow sector now. many stars tell various legends about themselves for the sake of pr. how about you, do you tell the truth about yourself in interviews? and i looked at you, i think, such a girl is already an adult, i think now she’ll ask me questions. "i don’t need to compose anything at all, i would like to tell you what it really happened to me, every day i
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have some kind of stories, all people are like people, but i always don’t know what, it’s not clear how, i say that i have such a path in my life that something constantly falls on my head , i have to somehow get out of this situation, so i don’t need to come up with anything at all, i recently said, by the way, maybe it’s time to write some kind of book, just to make people laugh and please them? so that they are somewhere they grabbed their heads and thought: god, i have a wonderful life, it turns out, if honor a person. you and i live in modernity, we believe that
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every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, in postmodernity everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings there, where they are not, it seems to me that there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow explain why? to the post of such a huge state they put a man, a grandfather, who doesn’t remember his name, but this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for such a life of prayer, you it will just be somehow uncomfortable, monastery life is not easy, it is a struggle, it is the front line, god speaks privately to every heart, every person is an individual, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel. 24. we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and styles. temple near mosary - geta dastatkova
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lakanichny. we are inspired by the spirits of the italian renaissance, so let’s summarize their history and some facts. the era in which it exists, was a turning point, this is exactly the 790th year that rach paspalitaya knew, and with this we seem to have come to the end of the famous style of baroka, and all the hysterical roofs here took us away... this is such a dead end, because after documenting the architects would myastsov admyslovets architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots in the past, then just at the 18th century we scored higher. we have gathered
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enough time to give out our own and aryginal things. on our tv channel. hello, janet, my name is anna, i would like to ask you one question: how did your parents punish you for pranks as a child? well, they punished me to the fullest, of course, all sorts of things happened, standing in the corner. i could get anything, but the time was probably a little different then, then for some reason education was used very often, well, that is, it was enough to just hang a belt on the door handle and everyone understood that everything had to be done correctly, well, that’s why there was such a thing, in short, but maybe
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that’s partly why i don’t punish my children, especially physically, god forbid. because it is precisely in this matter that it seems to me that everything should be a little different, in my specific case, of course, i understand that partly, because my mother still had eight of us, i think, lord, it would have been i have eight children, yes, for example, or six, well, i don’t know if i would have had enough nerves to be kind, so affectionate, flexible, just perfect, they put me in a corner, they put me, i stood in a corner... . in the corner, you know how many songs she composed, what kind do you still perform any of them? but i don’t want it, i don’t want it out of calculation, but out of love, out of love i want freedom, freedom, give me freedom, i ’ll fly into the heights like a bird, trump-pump-pum, let’s
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move on to the black sector, to your left, and where? you had eight children in your family, did you fight among yourself? yes, we fought, but a very important point is that when, let’s say, well, in the family in the house, anything could happen , yes, but the most important thing was, you know, that, god forbid, someone offended him or her , at that moment we forgot all differences, and we everyone left in order to protect and defend the interests of their brother or sister. but the main thing is not this, but the main thing, probably, is that when we grew up, now we are very friendly, that is, we have a family, namely my brothers and sisters, i say this absolutely sincerely, we are the best friends, and i know that in my life, in addition to my daughters, my husband, there are at least eight people who are always with me in body and soul. we move
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to the yellow sector to your left. what if you could change one thing... all over the world, what would it be? change one thing in the whole world. hmm, change one thing in the whole world. it's so difficult to answer this question now. the first thing that came to my mind was that i thought that we all spoke... a language, now, although you know, i would like for us all to speak the same language, regardless of what race we belong to, what country we live in, so that we understood each other, well, what did you want to change, i would like people to live in peace, look what we should share now, this concerns, of course, first of all you yourself, in your family, as i say, you always
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need to deal with yourself first, with those. who are next to you, you need to live peacefully with everyone. this is a difficult question, of course, i’ll be honest, because there are one thing, and many things i would like to change so that people can truly be. when they tell you that you know, besides you , there are others much better than you, not every person can cope with this, even if you are very talented, but i wish my children happiness, and i want them to have a
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better life, than mine, easier than mine, therefore i honestly put my hand on my heart, but i know one thing, one thing is absolutely certain, that i will support my children in any of their endeavors, no matter who they want to become, as far as talent is concerned, they are very talented, both of my daughters, they intonate perfectly . laura, from the age of 2.5 , basically performed with me, shone on stage. on september 1, our youngest daughter diana went to first grade , we had a trio, we sang a song. but i believe that let children do what they really like, the main thing is that they were healthy and happy. this is my main phrase at home. could you sing for us along with your daughters? daughters, let's sing, yes, come on,
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we are given a new day, for love, minadi. for good and for beauty, whenever the galas rang, to the songs of the bright dances, we are given skin peace, we are given further skin peace, if you love your friends, if you love your friends, if you give them a gift .
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this signal means that the time for questions to the heroine has expired, now you have to choose the best question of this program, so, well, guys, all the questions really. were cool well done, listen, but uh, let’s choose the question, what kind of mother am i, because what kind of artist i am, everyone already knows, you can probably read this anywhere, but what kind of
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mother am i, by the way, many people say absolutely exactly that you heard many for the first time from my children, what kind of mother i am, because as a rule, i talk about my family specifically about children, about my personal life, i talk extremely rarely, who is the author of this wonderful question, raise your hand. please, my name is dasha, i study at the osrashidsko-gorodok secondary school, in in eleventh grade, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift, go out onto the site, jeanette, and now you have the opportunity to ask. children have their own question, so, well, what question do i have for you, one that will just oh and ah, mm, how often do you talk to your parents
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and ask your parents what their childhood was like? yes, i really often asked my parents, for the most part, sometimes the three of us sat, my grandmother, me and my mother... we discussed all this together, because somehow sometimes it touched on the topics of our generation, so we somehow tried to find our common language, you know, when i asked my mother... about my childhood, you just understand, my mother grew up in a family where she was not treated well , and i just understand that when i watch how she takes care of me, how she almost blows away specks of dust from me, i just understand that you need to appreciate what your mother does for you, understand that she has reconsidered the behavior of her parents realized that it’s not necessary to do this... it’s not necessary to do what
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her parents did, she just understands that a child is the best thing a mother has, i applaud you, stop, everyone is applauding, good girl, jeanette, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience. so, honored artist of the republic of belarus, jeanette, today i’m visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. goodbye, thank you. you're super, here's zhanat, i'll ask you to stay. jeanette, what was the most difficult question you were asked today? the most difficult question was, what would i change in the whole world so that life would be better, more beautiful? now i’m leaving this studio and i understand that i will think about this question, because...
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i want to find the answer to it, what question were you waiting for, but you were never asked, i’m very happy that no one is asking me asked a question, janet is your real name, today you managed to answer 44 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come, during the program itself, at that moment i thought, i would really like to come here again and so that they ask me anything else, i am addressing our audience, do you think? you, that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today, whoever thinks so, raise your hands, i believe that she told the truth about everything, if only because the questions, as she herself said, were not very tricky and they were easy to answer answer, a very good mother, i think that her daughters are very lucky that she is exactly like that, but are there people who disagree that janet...
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told the truth, if anyone who thinks that she was cunning, i i would like to say that today the heroine of our show, janet, actually e spoke a lot of details about herself, which really shows her sincerity, but there was one moment when she was asked a question , she said that she would give an answer to it, later, she would come up with it, at some point the heroine forgot about it, apparently, you i rarely lie, i’m generally a person, by the way, i’m very straightforward, who knows me, i’d rather tell it like it is, sometimes they scold me for it, but then there won’t be any questions, janet, we have such a rule, the last word is always with the hero , sum up the conversation that took place, and today the children were sitting in front of me, explain how you can be insincere with children, how you can not be real with children? and


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