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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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crossing the border with ukraine, where he planned to participate in hostilities against the armed forces of the state conducting a special military operation on the territory of the said country. in addition, to achieve his goal, the person involved was in contact with representatives of ukraine and expressed his readiness to commit a terrorist act on the territory of the republic of belarus, also to provide assistance in relocation. hostilities, the suspect contacted the diplomatic mission of the republic of poland. a preventive measure in the form of custody reports. the mercenary was detained by gubob employees. a criminal case has been initiated under the article of preparation for participation in an armed formation on the territory of a foreign state. in poland, passions around the extremist belsad channel do not subside. the publication fact came out with the headline: this is how they pulled money, tvp is investigating.
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lithuania has figured out how to protect itself from its neighbors, in particular from belarus and russia. the ministry of defense, together with the country's ministry of internal affairs, has prepared a plan to strengthen the border with heavy weapons, hedgehogs and horses. as stated by the minister of defense. quote: we are thinking about reinforced concrete hedgehogs, dragon teeth, spanish horses on the border, and the structures of the ministry of internal affairs will be...
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dedicated to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her an old dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. hello everyone, my name is kayla, i come from from venezuela to belarus to learn russian, i ended up staying here for 8 years because i fell in love, i love this country. kai, i came to
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belarus from china 4 years ago. i really like this country, it’s a completely new world for me, a different culture and such wonderful people, i can say that my new life has begun here, i have made many belarusian friends, i feel like i’m surrounded by a large and loving family, so ... kai, i don’t understand, the city is called deep, yes, but why is it personal here then? honestly, without understand, but when we were walking around the city, i noticed that there is an image of a cherry everywhere, then exactly, if there is something about this
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berry, just what? you know what i think we need to find, and there, probably, he will tell us everything, well, that’s it, i agree, let’s go, let’s go, will you come with us? the city of gluvokaya greeted us with very cloudy weather, our journey was in jeopardy, but as soon as we approached the museum, the sun came out, this is a good sign, our adventure begins, thank you, hello, my name is kayla, i am from venezuela, and my name is i from china. and we let's have fun traveling around belarus. hello, my name is vladimir, i am a researcher at the glubokoye historical and ethnographic museum, and i am glad to welcome you within the walls of our wonderful institution. it’s very nice, and the first question i wanted to ask was
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why there are so many pamenovka cherries in the city, why is there such loving respect for this berry? since 2013 the city.
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built in 1931 as an example of urban development in glubokoe, the history and ethnography of our region is presented here. we are now in the hall, which entirely devoted to the main craft of our hinterland, blacksmithing. this is the interior of an ancient forge, a place where an experienced blacksmith made a shapeless piece of iron. in a forge, the forge can be ignited, after which it is necessary for people, the heart of any person must be inflated with the help of such a device, which is called a bellows, with one finger you can pump air, pump the bellows, after which the fire flares up, the master
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takes the workpiece with tongs, heats it until red hot, and further on the anvil. hammers, yeah, give the desired shape to an object. and what the most interesting artifacts we can see today? this is a glubokoe treasure. by chance, during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot. the impact caused the pot to split and 299 coins spilled out. probably, someone saved money at that time and forgot, they found it only now, but this, as i understand it, is a valuable find, yes, this is a most valuable find, a rare case when a treasure found completely by accident ends up in a museum entirely, it’s like
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once again the same case, the exposure of this the hall tells about the history of religion in... the first half of the 20th century. during this period, gluboche residents mainly professed three religions: orthodoxy, uh-huh, catholicism, uh-huh, but more. some of the inhabitants of glubokoe, approximately 80% , before the second world war were not catholics or orthodox, but jews. glubokoe is a jewish belarusian town. according to various sources, there were from nine to 11 jewish gauze houses, which were called synagogues. here in the photograph we can see the central, main or choral synagogue of the city of glubokoe. have they been preserved at the moment?
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the ghetto where all the jewish residents of our city were relocated. in 1943, the ghetto and its inhabitants were destroyed. august 20 , 1943, this is the day when deep forever... began to be a jewish town, what a complex and at the same time interesting history this city has, and we also learned that very creative people lived in the kulupok, and this is already musical corner, and not just a musical corner, this section of the exhibition tells us about our famous fellow countryman, founder of the national belarusian theater ignat tartrinevich riotous. this man brought
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belarusian folk culture to the big stage, for the first time , thanks to him , the belarusian language was heard on the big stage, national belarusian songs were played, belarusian folk dances were shown, i wonder what kind of instrument is so unusual, the musician blew air here, and then like this kept it... and very often they bought musical instruments, even if they didn’t know
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how to play them, it was just fashionable to have a piano or violin at home, but if you really wanted to listen to music, no one would play knows how, then the miracle of technology of its time, the gramophone, came to the aid of people, but it still works, it works, it has a record on which two songs are recorded, of course this is not. modern mp3 players, not our smartphones, but this device has one advantage over modern gadgets, it does not require electricity, it does not need to be recharged for it to work, you just need to wind the spring, after which you need to release the brake so that our record starts moving , then you need to put a needle on the record.
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thank you for the interesting excursion, we really enjoyed it, but what else can you see in this city, well, you definitely just need to. walk along the streets of our old city and feel its spirit, i also advise you to visit the glubokoye house of crafts, where you can take a master class on making products from straw or wicker or clay using the technologies of our ancestors, a hundred years ago and even older, super, we love it, this is what we need, and also... it is in our city that there is a glubokoe milk canning plant, which
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produces the most delicious condensed milk, seriously, you can go there too, kai, it will be just an amazing trip, i'm for it, well, let's go, let's go, of course, thank you very much, yes, thank you very much, and we'll go, well, kayla, now where are we going, well , i think we should go to the artisans, well , traditionally we like to do things with our own hands, come on, i just chose the next daughter, okay, okay, i agree, that’s it, let’s go , let's go to. thanks to government support , several government programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our
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system. we received the most cutting-edge equipment, in all of them. the last ukrainian, now they will fight , they did all this, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until his terrorist attacks, well, because they are finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security, it makes them suicide bombers, lukashenko’s personal courage, his position, saved the state, and therefore
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saved millions of lives. project markov nothing personal, watch on tv channel.
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how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? usually, ordinary mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. project i’m from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. they used to meet here in the 20th century , they decorated huts in houses, and this served as such a relaxation for those who came home, and after work, the painting was hung near the bed when a person went to rest , he watched and relaxed, wow, i i couldn’t even imagine that this was such a stekanovo painting that people... then it weighs stenet, but in my opinion i saw it in china, because in venezuela we don’t have something like this, usually it’s like this, it’s been 10 years already this year, like painted carpets, this is a historical and cultural value of the republic of belarus, since 2014 this all happened, a significant event, and in general, painted
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carpets were in the 20th century, from the thirties to the sixties, to introduce as many people as possible... in china, by the way, in china there are my little ones, which is a turn, in there is no venezuela, it’s necessary, it will be soon, it’s necessary too, really, well, that’s it, so, let’s get down to business, take pencils, start with stripes, draw stripes and notes like cherries, and you know signora svetlana, how will cherries be? in spanish, no, i don’t know, serefa, serefa, yes, serefa, ceres, ceres, yes, ceres, and some call it zemiruku, zamiruku. yes, i like the first one better, it’s simpler, i agree, but the taste is different in appearance, now we’ll take the golden outline, yeah, that’s the paint, and you
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can make it for yourself, i’ll make it for you, yes, we will lead the line, one, two, quickly, one, well done, two, three, four, kai, why are you laughing, i’ll try, i want to look at you, it’s beautiful, and this is all because you write practically like this in china, here ah, b, d, uh, yes, all the letters of the alphabet are already here, that's why it works out well, well, i will say that chinese characters are much more complex than this, this is easier, right? much easier, since we are an international team, let's write in three languages, in yours - venezuela, in yours
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china in belarusian deep, we have an international festival, the cherry festival - what you wrote was profound, easy, easy, i think we succeeded. of the most beautiful souvenirs. we are happy to take them home so that they remind us of the hospitable residents of foolokov. and now we are going to the ancient temple. and the excursion will be given to us by a local resident, signor yuri, who knows its history very well. before we go inside, i’ll start telling you about the unique features of this temple and... and the first thing that greets us is a wooden door from the 17th century; the century-old master embodied not only the beauty of the belarusian
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baroque, it’s as if the kingdom will open, but the mysterious symbol in the form of two, if in chinese mythology the dragon embodies not...
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the creators of the interior of this temple in the 19th century tried to make sure that these images, these forms corresponded to the style of the baroque, but the high majestic iconostasis allows us to mentally and visually rise to the sky, when we raise our heads higher and higher, above us is a 27 m high vault, decorated with stars. it is very important to understand that when a person enters a temple, he finds himself not on earth, in heaven, in heaven, yes. i can say that this is not just like that, because when we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well with the sky, that is , any, white, it seems to be in the air, very
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beautiful, in fact, the symbolism of color is explained simply, the temple is dedicated to the mother of god and the blue color is the color of the mother of god, so it is the main one here and, like the icons of the mother of god, they predominate here. we have already learned that this temple is almost 400 years old, probably some interesting artifacts are still preserved here, the decoration of this temple - these are mostly icons brought in 1889, and this icon is loved and appreciated by local parishioners, and very often guests come to us with the question: where is that miraculous icon? well, i’ll tell you a secret, there are many miraculous icons, you can look for them, even at home, but this icon is special because it was given to us by greek monks.
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well, like a military parade, only peasant warriors of christ call it a procession of the cross, this is the moment of the procession when the icon moved without a case in their hands, and the participants in the first procession already realized that the icon special, there were miracles of healing, you can believe in these stories, you can not believe them, or you can just...
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the priest sprinkled him with water, when they noticed, looked closely, they were inside before our eyes, this is an amazing temple, in which, it turns out, many miracles happened, yuri showed us another amazing place, the bell tower, what a beauty, wow! how beautiful that as soon as the window opened, the catholic church immediately began to play, this is a wonderful seduction of a tour of the temple, from here there is a magnificent view of the deep, yes, but they are waiting for us in one more place, let's hurry.
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in belarus, there can be no threat in principle; we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours. any provocation on the border must be stopped by military means. they provoke us so that we at least somehow respond to them. belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions, our goods are especially expensive in the east. more than 300 belarusian elevators are already operating in the omsk region. we are working on developing an application for a mobile device. a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered and what floor he needs to go to. shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure-white, belamonmash and mass. drivers and passengers moved from buses to modern eco-cars. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries. one of them we finally flew into space. the main topics are on the main broadcast,
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, good cow, my vaquita, vaquita, in spanish it will be vaca, but kai, i really adore milk, oh, i’m stronger. i can not live without milk, this is unexpected, but you know that i want to know how i make condensed milk, have you ever seen it, no, but have you seen it, no, well then today we have uniqueness , it’s possible to see how they are produced, yes , and maybe there will also be cherry condensed milk, but i don’t know about pubbating that, let’s clarify, we’ll try. i love condensed milk,
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and it’s just a holiday that we managed to get to the local plant, you will see with your own eyes how this delicious product is produced and my dream, but first, sanitary processing, now you and i are going to production in the canning shop, and accordingly, we need to pre-process, once again go through the treatment of hands and shoe soles, here we have such a station. now we are processing and going through, now we have come to the canning shop, uh-huh, now we will look at all the main stages of the technological process for the production of condensed milk with sugar, let's go further, let's go look, now we are in the equipment section of the canning shop, primary processing of milk takes place here, this is particularly the purification of milk, heat treatment...


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