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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 12:15am-12:46am MSK

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forging and pressing production, the line will be supplemented with robots, and this will allow for optimal redistribution of personnel to increase production volumes. my colleague ilona volynets asked plant director vitaly sheliga about technological safety and exports. vitaly vladimirovich, technological safety is a common task for all industries. are you keeping up with progress? at the moment, the shesteryon plant did not have the competence to manufacture and process body parts. at the moment this one is new the section that we are about to launch will receive a result and will receive life at our plant as a diversification of not only exports, not a diversification of sales there, but a diversification of our production, that is, we will receive a finished product not in the form of a component. and
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the finished product, whether it will be a gearbox, or whether it will be a gearbox, well, it will be very interesting, the question immediately arises, yes, is there anyone who can work on such high-tech equipment, because statistics tell us that in the country there are still not enough workers, what kind you don’t have enough specialists, we work with educational institutions, that is, we have already determined a program for ourselves on how we will interact with educational institutions for several years, so we have taken a five-year plan, right?
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we have a social elevator in our state, well, it just works, it just works, it really works, that is, i had nothing, i just wanted to have it, i had a great desire, i worked a little, i’ll understand that besides hands you can i still have to work with my head, so i started studying, studying and still i’m learning, to be honest, yes, it’s very interesting for me, and that’s right, when i meet young people, i always say by example that guys, everything depends only on you.
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it sucked in a very large number of companies there, no, there must be diversification , there are a lot of examples when a giant left for everything, from export diversification to production, so we make gears, yes, but they know us, for example, as consumers, they know us as a manufacturer, tillage. technology, if we turn around, we will see this models that are ready for shipment, plows, that is, we produce 11 models of plows, so this also brings us a certain profit and revenue, so this search, it should always be, we should not sit in one place, belgospishcheprom enterprises from the beginning of the year increased production by 6.5%, and exports by almost a quarter, the head of the concern olegkov spoke about this, so the strategy to enter new markets continues, as...
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which started in 2023, then we managed to gain a foothold in africa, deliveries to somalia, burkinofasso, ganna and equatorial guinea. our presence in china is growing, but the key task remains to saturate the domestic market. manufacturers are making great strides in promoting their products. this is a report by anton malyuta. this is the case when it is possible on the internet.
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what we have and what we don’t have, we are looking at what interesting products we can release. quite recently we released chewing marshmallows under the lovestory brand, this is an interesting product from the point of view of its presence on the market, it simply doesn’t exist, we have released it. the first ones are a combination of gelatin pectin, these are gelling agents that make marshmallows a little chewy, very pleasant in texture, plus we use natural dyes, we even have chewable marshmallows with vitamins, its consumption has increased significantly, because it is much healthier than its analogues, because that it contains the essential fatty acid omega-3, rapeseed is a source of omega-3, which is not produced in the body. and comes to us along with food: one tablespoon of rapeseed oil provides daily the norm of consumption of omega-3 in our body, and therefore it is not for nothing that rapeseed oil is called northern olive oil, because its beneficial properties are similar to olive oil.
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all export-oriented enterprises continue to open new markets for themselves, for example, the products of the minsk margarine plant have even reached portugal, and in general belgus... is now actively exploring the distant arc, although the main task is to saturate the domestic market and be able to properly present its products. promotion of products by the concern the belgus food industry devotes the bulk of working time, since this is the main element in the work of our enterprises, and as the president said at the last meeting today , it is not necessary to produce great intelligence and talent, but to sell today...
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china, cuba, africa, all of this exotic destinations are no longer exotic. along with product quality, we now need to improve the quality of marketing. many of our consumers, seeing a wide range of products on their table, have at least once wondered how it is produced, how the quality is maintained product, how it achieves such high quality indicators. therefore, of course, this project. will help our consumers to understand how much work, how much care and attention our enterprises put into obtaining such a high-quality product, and bring the consumer closer to the final product, see our care for our people, for the quality
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of the products produced, therefore, of course , this project should serve to integrate the final consumer and producer. the project "let's zrobim together" is designed for 2 months, it the results will be symbolically summed up by the largest agricultural exhibition in the country, bilagra. it will be held in the great stone industrial park from june 4 to june 9. anton malyuta and ilya maksimov, area of ​​interest. this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement, further in the program: results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange and food security. what is important to do today to be profitable tomorrow. results of the meeting on agriculture in the government. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that
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any city dweller could envy. u belovezhskaya pushcha is right here in the courtyard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that yes it is opposite the house. we today. let's walk through real swamps, so through a swamp, yes, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, an uninitiated, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like the birds, it seems to me that not even a fly has flown here, look, i don’t know who what kind of bird is this, but it turned out, well , okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? ordinary, ordinary mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking
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into account the fact that the business should work all year round. project i’m from a village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. russia elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has happened donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polls. plots, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagree the unity of russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate or understand this, but this is just different. the regions that do not stop terrorizing ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, have broken all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? end of the war. end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here that doesn't comply with
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generally accepted laws. in both russia and belarus , we hold elections primarily for the citizens of our countries; instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western props, we have another word - justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of the auction on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. so, the dollar and the chinese yuan have fallen in price, the russian ruble has risen in price. the following rates are established: american currency costs 3 rubles 28 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.50. 10 yuaniya costs 4 rubles 51 kopecks. and 100 russian. 3.48 belarusian. belarusian food is supplied to more than 107 countries around the world. and
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this year we are targeting exports of $9 billion. the main targets are also to collect 10 million tons of grain and produce agricultural products by 6-7% more than last year. the development strategy of the agro-industrial complex was discussed in the government, they talked about problems that are still dragging the indicators down and outlined the main points. which need to be worked hard. in a large agricultural season, a lot depends on each farm, in particular, the region and the region as a whole, because the overall picture is all regions, all organizations, both strong and weak. the prime minister will immediately say that the main task is to mobilize resources; no references to the weather will be accepted. this means that there are constant links for...
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a year - now we will take a close look at the inventory of these silo trenches in order to have a place to put to preserve high-quality forms, we analyzed all directions according to the case, and the main reason is that over the last 3 years it has been increasing, we will say this is an increase, we learned to grow corn and somehow relaxed in the preparation of synagogue mass, the ratio of the strength of the sowing mass must be the animal needs the cage. this is the moisture of the feed, and here the main reason is precisely the deaths.
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we are introducing our technologies into new dairy complexes. the prime minister insists that it is necessary to create one optimal, economical payback project, and then scale it across all farms. this is the main task, but for now we are planning to complete the construction of 60 complexes in different areas. roughly speaking, there are still 8 months left for construction and one month for... commissioning, well , next year we also plan to begin construction of the same number of sixty dairy complexes. the agrarian season is now in full swing and all the work, of course, is in the fields, but its effectiveness depends on many things, this is the quality of seeds, fertilizers, well-coordinated operation of equipment, because in a large mechanism every detail is important. in general, the level of equipment readiness is high, but at the same time, it is still in place. there are facts of technical malfunction, unavailability of individual units, as a rule, these problems
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are identified in low-efficient farms, but this also should not be an excuse: spring sowing must be carried out at the optimal time in compliance with all requirements, a systemic solution at the level of the head of state, government, etc. heard yesterday, uh adopted in advance, including the financing of these works. we will evaluate this sowing a little later, when we put the seeders together and calculate them in detail. everything in the fall, when every center and hectare will add to the total bed. that’s it for today , we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest next week. let me remind you that we... on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, mood to you and faith in your own strength.
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hello everyone, my name is kaylya, i came from venezuela to belarus to learn russian, in in the end, i was kept here for 8 years because i fell in love, i love this country, people, and also herring popshuba and kholodnik, and most importantly, i like to travel and shoot videos, my name is kai, i came to belarus from... 4 years ago, i i really like this country, it’s a completely new world for me, a different culture and such wonderful people, i can say that my new life began here, i have made many belarusian friends, i feel like i’m surrounded by a large and loving family. so kai, i don’t understand,
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the city is called deep, yes, but why then there is a cherry here, honestly, i have no idea, but when we were walking around the city, i noticed that there is an image of a cherry everywhere, yes , for sure, if there is something like this berry, just what kind, you know what i think we need to find, and there, he’ll probably tell us everything, well, that’s it, i agree, let’s go, will you come with us? the city of gluvokoe greeted us with very cloudy weather, our journey was in jeopardy, but as soon as we approached the museum, the sun came out, this is a good sign, our adventure begins, thank you,
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hello, my name is kaylya, i’m from venezuela, and my name is. i’m looking for you, and we’re having fun traveling around belarus. hello, my name is vladimir, i am a researcher at the glubokoye historical and ethnographic museum, and i am glad to welcome you within the walls of our wonderful institution. it’s very nice, and the first question i wanted to ask was why there are so many pamenovka cherries in the city, why is there such love and respect for this berry? since 2013. the city of glubokaya is the cherry capital of belarus and we annually hold a cherry festival in the third week of july, in every courtyard in our city has cherries, and this is a special variety called glubokaya cherry, and why the city is called
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not cherry, but deep, it was named after the lake. and your own settlement, a deep, actually deep lake, its maximum depth is 7 m, normal, deep, i would like to know what is interesting to see in your museum, how this museum differs from other museums in belarus, our museum is very small , but very interesting, full of exhibits, the museum building itself can be called historical value, because... this house was built in 1931 as an example of urban development in glubokoye. the history and ethnography of our region is presented here. we are now in a hall that is entirely dedicated to the main craft of our glubochina, blacksmithing. this is the interior
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of an ancient forge, a place where an experienced master blacksmith crafts a shapeless piece of iron. made made things necessary for people, the heart of any forge, the forge can be ignited, after which it must be inflated using this device called a bellows, with one finger you can pump air, pump the bellows, after which the fire flares up, the master takes the workpiece with tongs, heats it until red hot and then onto the anvil. with hammers, hammers, the desired shape is given to the object. what are the most interesting artifacts that we can see today? this is a glubokoe treasure, by chance, during construction work , an excavator was digging a small trench and with its bucket it picked up this cast iron pot,
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from the impact the pot split and 299 coins spilled out of it, probably someone was saving money at that time and forgot, they only found now, but as i understand it, this is a valuable find, yes, it is a most valuable find, and the worst case, when a treasure found completely by accident ends up in a museum in its entirety, is exactly that very case. the exposition of this hall tells about the history of religion in the lands of glubočina in the first half of the 20th century. during this period, gluboche residents mainly professed three religions: orthodoxy, uh-huh, catholicism, uh-huh. but most of the inhabitants of glubokoe, approximately 80%, before the second world war were neither catholics nor orthodox,
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but jews. glubokaya is a jewish belarusian place. according to various sources, there were from nine to eleven jewish morel houses, which were called synagogues. here in the photograph we can see the central, main or choral synagogue of the city of glubokoe. forever ceased to be a jewish town, what a complex and at the same time interesting history this city has, and we also
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learned that very creative people lived in the kulupok, and this is a musical corner, and not just a musical corner, this section of the exhibition tells us about our famous fellow countryman, the founder of the national belarusian ignat theater. for the first time on the big stage, thanks to him, the belarusian language was heard, national belarusian songs were played, belarusian folk dances were shown, i wonder what kind of instrument is so unusual, the musician blew air here, after which... how he held the musical instrument, squeezed the bag , air was coming out of it, coming out of both sides, on both sides, it’s a burdun,
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there are no holes here, it always sounds the same, yeah, but here is the pitiful thing, here are the frets that the musician was fingering created a melody with his fingers. by the way, wealthy people often bought musical instruments, even if they didn’t know how to play them, it was just fashionable to have a piano or violin at home, but if you really wanted to listen to music, no one knew how to play, then the miracle of technology came to the aid of people time, a gramophone, but it still works, it works, it has a record on which two songs are recorded. of course, these are not modern mp3 players, not our smartphones, but there is one advantage over modern ones this device has gadgets, it does not
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require electricity, it does not need to be recharged for it to work, you just need to wind the spring, after that you need to release the brake so that our record starts moving, then you need to put it on the record. a needle, thank you for the interesting excursion, we really liked it, but what else can you see in this city, well, without a doubt... you just need to walk along the streets of our old city and feel its spirit, i also advise you to visit the glubokoye house of crafts,
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where can you... take a master class on making products from straw or wicker or clay using the technologies of our ancestors, a hundred years ago and even older, super, we love it, this is what we need, and also in our in the city there is a glubokoe milk canning plant that produces the most delicious condensed milk, seriously? you can go there too, kai, it will be just an amazing trip, i’m for it, well, let’s go, let’s go, of course, thank you very much, yes, thank you very much, we’ll go, well, gaila, now where are we going, well, i think, what do we need it’s worth going to the artisans, well , traditionally we like to do things with our own hands, well, come on, i’ll just choose the next daughter, okay, okay, i agree, well...
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that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth in a row of the season's final stage of the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty, acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interview with athletes, i worked a lot, went towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work, i think the game was not bad, it just almost didn’t finish everything, you also have to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but...
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the geostatistics system allows form tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms, complex things in simple language, technical specifications usually - this is, if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used, that is , most often specifications in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, and also the most
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interesting facts - thus, in the second half of the 16th century, the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called state jurisdiction, well, alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court. look project science is nearby on our tv channel. we are looking for a place we found right away, it stands out against the background of other buildings, there are so many interesting things inside, products made of clay, wood, straw , very unusual cortinas, they are called malyavanki, today we will try to paint a plate with cherries, yes signora svetlana, i wanted to ask what is a little girl?
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malevanka is a hand-drawn carpet? they used to meet with us in the 20th century, they decorated huts in houses, and this served as such a relaxation for those who came home, and after work, the painting was hung near the bed, when the man lay down to rest, he looked and relaxed, wow, i couldn’t even imagine that this was the kind of stekanovo picture that people later... but in my opinion, i saw it in china, because in venezuela we have there is no such thing, usually just like that, it will be 10 years this year that painted carpets have been painted, this is the historical and cultural value of the republic of belarus, since 2014 this all happened, a significant event, but in general painted carpets were in the twentieth century, starting from thirties to sixties.


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