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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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we are belarusians, peaceful people, blessed and beloved land, we are joyful, we give strength, we are great, hail the land. our
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bright name was exalted to the peoples of the protyrsky union, our beloved mother, give birth, our lords belarus, our beloved. imamesh to the future of belarus, beauty from birth, courageous flesh, we are barons, waters of the people, your thoughts stand above the slaughter .
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our beloved mother, homeland, forever living belarus, friendship of the people, strength of the people, our package, solichny way, mountain. prashutsіў
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clear thoughts fear beliefs and joys connected hail the land, our bright name, hail the people of the krapen union, our beloved.
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good evening, live panorama, in the studio of ekaterina tikhomirova and let's sum up this thursday. a week before the national assembly, we are entering the home stretch of preparations to ensure the functioning of the people’s assembly. the main issues of the organization were discussed at a meeting with the president. help for victims of the most powerful flood in the last 100 years, 10 tons of humanitarian aid to orenburg. the region was sent by the belarusian women's union. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. the country is preparing for seventh all-belarus people's assembly. all orc moments were discussed with the president.
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we will tell you today about the people's delegate who was entrusted to represent the interests of the region at the all-belarus people's assembly. in the case of sabotage of the foreign influence transparency bill in georgia, the evidence was ironically laid bare. his presence, who brought crowds of protesters into the streets? details in the periodic table. more than 3.00 violations have been identified by trade unions since the start of the project. details from the raid with specialists in the material. industry gives impetus to growth society, but the global market is now fiercely competitive. i, alexey ovdonin, will tell you how to promote your product and make money. simple economics in panorama. belarusians are getting ready. for the cleanliness marathon, the funds raised at the republican cleanup will be used for the reconstruction of the memorial complex to child victims of war for the creation of a center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress. high readiness,
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less than a week remains until the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. all orc points were discussed today at the presidential level. as you know, this time the meeting will be held under the new constitution. the supreme national assembly is entrusted with the important mission of determining the strategic directions for the development of society and the state, ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional system, continuity of generations, and civil harmony. holding such a large-scale political event requires considerable effort. this includes inviting delegates, transport logistics, setting the agenda, preparing documents necessary for the work, arrangement of places for secret voting, which will come...
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the organizing committee was created, as they report to me, they constantly met, worked, developed basic documents, but there are a number of issues that relate to the permanent presidium, deputy chairmen, it would be necessary to consult how we will propose to the belarusian people's assembly to form them, in a word, to ensure a normal, controlled work process of the supreme national assembly. starting from the design of the city, without any overkill, so that we do not spend extra money on nothing, before the meeting room, i spoke with many who are directly involved in this, today i would like to hear your
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proposals in this group, especially in those areas in which we did not work out a fundamental decision last time, i would like to ask again that...
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have been resolved, technical issues have been resolved, congress delegates have been identified, all election procedures have been carried out in strict accordance with the law, and the capital is preparing to accept it. the most important political event for our country, the people invited, by the way, there will also be quite a few, about 700 people, this was also done specifically so that regional delegations could see with their own eyes what will happen these days, and then actually convey this to the residents of their regions and cities. the event is primarily for the belarusian people, so we focused on this, but taking into account the fact that this is... status, and on the second day it is planned that the agenda will discuss a number of things
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like i already said, the first meeting in new important conceptual documents concerning and international issues, then of course we invited foreign guests to it, these are, first of all, leaders of integration interstate associations, which include the republic of belarus, and ambassadors of foreign countries accredited in the republic of belarus, representatives of the west, well, there is an embassy, ​​they will want to...
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they know which path the belarusian people want to take, which means jointly solving much more strategic tasks on a state-wide scale. yulia alferova met with a delegate from the lagoi region. specifically on i’ve been in the village since 2018, not so much, it’s more than 5 years, that is, well, it’ll even be six.
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water, this is a shortage of personnel, for example, in schools, in kindergartens, the delay of these personnel, young specialists in the field, the availability of medical care in remote areas, that is, we already have, of course, mobile complexes, but we also want to improve all this , i have three children, that is , important, interesting bills that relate to large families were important to me. students, because the eldest son is already a student, finishing his profession, in fact,
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it obliges you to communicate with people in general, to somehow delve into their problems, this prompted you to join the ranks of deputies, yes, i think so, because there are many issues that you cannot solve alone, a lot has been done for village, a lot has been done, but not everything yet, i still want to add something here that was for... for my everyday life, for the state, for medicine, well, in general, that is, in everything, because it’s a little lacking us, we need to increase this responsibility, and security, in our time, is probably just a scourge, so we, thank god, have peace in the sky above our heads, we want it to be safe, as it is now, this is the most important thing, we want our children
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to develop, we are doing very well, that is , we understand this when we see... ukraine, when we see other countries, it really is, that is, it seems to be very good for us, we must work honestly, we must always strive for the best, respect old age, if we value our parents, then we will value everything else, that is, this is the foundation.
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in the form of a custody report. the would-be mercenary was detained by gubop employees. a criminal case has been opened under the article of preparation for participation in an armed formation on the territory of a foreign state. several hundred people
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continue to protest near the georgian parliament building, but in general the protests are against the law. western states. prime minister irakli kabakhidze clearly formulated the purpose of adopting the bill on foreign agents; the document is aimed at protecting georgia from ukrainization, since ngos have been trying in recent years to organize a revolution in the country and open a second front. who benefits from internal political conflict in georgia, who brought crowds
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of protesters into the street. details in the author's section periodic table. a fight in parliament, an attempt to approve the draft law on foreign agents number two. in georgia , an internal political conflict, double standards, open discontent with eu officials and crowds of protesters on the streets are flaring up. who is the screenwriter and who is the director? let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. hello. georgia's foreign influence transparency bill ironically reveals evidence his presence. the ruling georgian dream party reintroduced the controversial draft law to parliament, after all , it had already been withdrawn in march last year amid criticism from the west and protests in tbilisi.
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therefore, there is a new attempt to regulate the activities of structures that are involved in politics. the executive secretary of the georgian dream was accused by russian agents of his answer that similar laws apply not only in russia, but in other countries; representatives of the opposition did not find any arguments other than fists. after parliamentary approval bill of the obinagent. in the first reading , protest sentiments became heated. pro-western media brought people into the streets, and provocateurs staged clashes with the police, but the security forces methodically did their job. european politicians strongly advised against adopting legislation; the head of the european council hinted in no uncertain terms about possible difficulties that
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tbilisi might encounter on its way to the eu. the georgian people chose the european path; in response , the european council granted georgia candidate status in december last year. allow me to be clear, the draft law does not correspond to georgia’s aspirations to join the eu and will not bring georgia closer, but will move it further away from the european union. the law obliges the financed. non-governmental organizations and the media register in a special register and fill out annual declarations. this means that it will become more difficult to manipulate georgian minds. and that’s why the west got nervous that they would touch the agents who had been lured to it. but the georgian president, who is also a former french citizen, said she would veto the bill. but to overcome it in the country you need simple majority of parliament. the prime minister assured that tbilisi will not refuse to adopt the law. the georgian authorities have failed
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to combine the preservation of national traditions, orthodoxy, the institution of family, independence with the demands of the west; over the past year, we have more than once... come into conflict with european structures and the united states of america. for reference, in the united states, the foreign agents registration act was passed back in 1938. in july 2016, a law was passed on the transparency of ngo funding in israel. australia has a transparency system law foreign influence has been in effect since 2018. from march 27, 2024 lower house of the french parliament. passed a bill to prevent foreign interference. in the case of georgia, for some reason a similar law suddenly contradicts values. the circle is closed, the rubber definition of european postulates
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is bursting at the seams. the crisis against the backdrop of the bill is beneficial in order to organize a change of government to a regime more friendly to the west. provocations will continue until the authorities use force, this will also be used by the west against the incumbent. power, or the government will revoke the law and lose, clearly lose the elections, or it will firmly maintain its positions and prove for the first time that georgia is a state and not a colony. the scenarios of color revolutions are always identical, be it syria, moldova, ukraine or georgia. then it turns out that the fruits of constructive chaos, sown by an outside hand, are a rapid decline in the standard of living and security. and... the tasks of the protesters are not justified, the understanding comes that they were needed only for cries about freedom and democracy, which the path to total submission is paved.
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an alarming message from turkey, an earthquake of magnitude 5.6 occurred in the takat province, in the central part of the country. the outbreak was located near the city. several houses were destroyed, the earthquake caused panic among the local population, the tragedy of february last year was not forgotten here, when two powerful magnitude 7 earthquakes destroyed thousands of buildings in the south-east of turkey, killing more than n thousand people. the eleventh day began with the breakthrough of the city dam in orenburgskaya. the beginning of the worst flood in recent memory for 100 years, despite some decline, the water level in the ural river near orenburg remains critical, the dangerous mark
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has been exceeded by 130 cm, a storm warning and a federal emergency regime are in effect in the region. in the kurgan region , the tabol level is rapidly rising, people are being evacuated, and dams are being strengthened. the airport switched to round-the-clock operation to accommodate emergency vehicles. the total number of flooded residential buildings in russia has increased to 18,000. in the orenburg region alone , more than 16,500 residents were evacuated. in 14,000 people left their homes in kurganskaya. there is also a state of emergency there. the belarusian women's union today sent humanitarian aid to those affected by the flood in orenburg. these are cots, mattresses, mattresses, pillows, blankets, as well as hygiene items and clothing. total 10 tons amount 45.00 rub. women of belteleradiocompany also took part in raising funds for the purchase of necessary items.
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enterprises also joined the action. and private business, they called out to the belarusian women’s union, our women always respond themselves, we don’t, don’t no plans are being made on how much aid, some kind of humanitarian aid needs to be collected, all the united organizations of the ministry of emergency situations, all regions , without exception, joined in, as much as they could, someone donated the equivalent of money, something was bought for him here, someone i handed over the goods and now the help has been collected, it will be sent soon, today i want to say that our ministry of emergency situations is also ready to get involved and...
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the regions of orenburg, ozhsk and villages between cities. polish farmers have resumed protests on the border with ukraine. let me remind you, the reason for the discord was cheap ukrainian grain, which is pushing polish farmers out of the market. the poles are again closing the checkpoints in medyka, doroguska, greben, zosen and korczowa. bus passage protests.
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this blockade will last two days, the organizers call it only a precautionary action; the nationwide protest of farmers started on february 9. there is fierce competition in the world for a simple product. belarus knows these laws of economics and is developing national industry. alexey avdonin will decompose hidden relationships between politics and economics. author's column "simple economics" right now. hello, this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. modern processes in the global economy can be described by pushkin’s lines from evgeny negin, how the state is getting rich, and how it lives, why it doesn’t need gold when it has a simple product. now the usa
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is doing it. everything for the return of a simple product, global industrial production, to its territory; you have your own goods, which means you have a strong economy and finances, and the latter are bursting at the seams in the united states, external debt already at the level of 125% of gdp. in the conditions of an imbalance between finance and goods, official washington is trying to be cunning and is pursuing a policy of strangling competitors of industrialists, primarily the european union and china. at the beginning of april , the head of the celestial empire visited. us treasury janet helen, long-time head of the us federal reserve system, a private corporation with the right to print dollars. elen was indignant at the excessive dominance of the chinese automobile industry in the world and demanded that beijing slow down china’s global export expansion. she said: china's growing exports of government-subsidized electric vehicles, solar panels and batteries threaten american jobs and businesses, and are
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needed. curb. overproduction in china has growing negative side effects not only for the united states, but for the entire world. in other words, the united states got scared, they realized that they would no longer be able to catch up and overtake china in the automobile industry. and they went the beaten path and announced the resumption of the era of protectionism. let us recall that the ideas of strictly closing markets come from: times from the united states. but illusions about a free market are purely tools for capturing competitors. so, in 1791, the first us secretary of the treasury , hamilton, you can see him on ten dollar bills, presented a famous report on manufacturing to congress. from this moment on, the main idea of ​​the united states is to produce everything ourselves, protect its market through tariffs , and subsidize producers. in the mid-20th century, american corporations became infected with the idea.
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globalization began to move production outside the country for the sake of maximizing arrived, destroyed their industrial zones, just look at the apocalyptic pictures of detroit, the former... notorious capital of the auto industry of america, now the usa is trying to restore everything, but time is lost, but not lost for us. belarus and russia have a significant domestic market, preserved and developed production and technological scientific potential, and qualified personnel. the president, holding a large meeting on april 9 on the state of industrial development tasks, focused on issues of global market. you see, there is a fierce struggle for... corporations, for their product, for their markets. we belarusians, thanks to the visionary vision of the head of state, now have our own preserved industrial enterprises, universities, scientific and technological centers. our country produces unique
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goods, components, mechanisms, and components, which are now in great demand in russia and among our partners. but competition is growing, the battle for your product in the global world is just beginning. it was simple economics. with alexey avdonin. as they say, a spring day feeds the year. this year’s goals are ambitious; discipline, technological and production, is important here. farmers work long hours during a hard day. monitoring, compliance with rules and regulations. labor protection takes place in all regions of the country; since the beginning of the campaign, representatives of trade unions have already visited over a thousand organizations and identified more than 3.00 violations. my colleague victoria sharkova also joined the raid.
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unfortunately, we already have a situation with injuries this year too. there was an accident at work, two workers died, they were actually doing repair work, so i would like to draw special attention. serviceability of equipment, availability of funds. personal protection compliance with discipline rules, all this is under special control of the labor conditions inspector dmitry gorovenko. the first point of a sudden inspection of the mechanical yard of one of the agricultural enterprises in the ostrovets district. there are not so many examples here without housekeeping, but there are some. when repairing equipment, it was revealed that the use of not special equipment, but improvised devices. in general, there are many more such examples in the region. monitoring has already been carried out in 122 organizations in the grodno region. based on their results , 85 recommendations were issued to employers to eliminate over 400 violations, but the main violations, of course, are identified during the repair and preparation of equipment, we have violations that relate to the provision of workers
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with sanitary facilities, conditions, inspection results, and at the same time recommendations immediately sent to local authorities, also special attention to compliance fire and sanitary. drivers are examined daily for signs of alcohol intoxication, if drivers are found to be intoxicated, they are suspended from work, records are also kept in the logs of suspended drivers and records are also recorded in the logs of drivers who have passed the inspection, some of the cars are already in the fields, a small part is still under repair, here it will be in operation, what is important is that the agricultural machinery is fully equipped with fire extinguishers and cut-off devices. there are also emergency signs, everything is on time, lunch and overalls, everything we have, well, in principle it’s not bad, i wouldn’t say it’s bad, everything is fine, tell us what they feed you, soup, cutlets, a good
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worker, a well-fed worker, today the farmers’ menu includes kharcho soup, selts under a fur coat, potatoes cutlet, special containers, thermoses are used to transport dishes, food stays hot in them for a long time, belarus without bread is... without smart agriculture, so the tasks for the twenty-fourth year are much more ambitious than yesterday's results, it is necessary to produce about 10 million tons of grain , 5 million tons of sugar beets and more than
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a million tons of rapeseed per year. readiness number one sounds just right, given the difficult situation in the world, which is already affecting food, strict adherence to technology and discipline - something that will allow farmers to already... count on tangible results: the construction of a dairy complex with a capacity of 777 heads has begun, this this year it is planned to enter it in the month of december. which will entail an increase in our milk yield, and so it is not small and we will partially close small farms, then the head of state set the task to move away from small-scale production. there is much to be proud of as an agrarian, but if problematic issues are not resolved, then all successes will very quickly come to naught. it is easier to foresee risks in advance than to pay dearly for your own inattention later. checks will continue over the weekend in different regions. those who have not yet visited the mobile group still have
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time to take a picky look at the property and eliminate all the shortcomings, because even a basic, timely briefing safety precautions can save a person's life. victoria sharkova, anatoli dolotovsky, tv news agency. a large-scale scam in the construction industry in minsk, 10 private companies did not pay more than 5 million rubles to the budget. to artificially increase costs. means to reduce taxes, the heads of the companies turned to other companies for help, they performed various works on paper, in fact drew up fictitious documents, cashed out the money and gave it to the customer, who paid the employees part of the salary in an envelope. also the detained organizers of the criminal scheme, they created over sixty companies for illegal operations over several years. vladimir korolev will tell you the details. i asked. introduced people, introduced them, said that
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everything would be fine, well, in fact, all this collapsed in one moment, that an attempt to save on taxes would lead to thousands of fines, the heads of construction companies probably guessed, but did not believe in such an outcome of events, happiness was given to people's salaries, some bonuses somewhere, since february. they offered services for withdrawing money, well, understating the tax base, i simply cashed it out, that is, some amount of money that was left over from my salary.
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we walk with our backs turned, our backs
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are turned, we go, we go, we go, left to the wall, left to the wall, this is the detention of one of the key defendants, a large amount of cash is found in the man’s apartment, that this is personal income from a money business or money that he cashed it out, but didn’t have time to give it to the customer, we still have to figure it out, we had to talk about the criminal scheme, they advised, word of mouth worked, well , business entities knew that... i was offered to cash out
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funds, but at the same time i needed to find people with whom i could do it, relatively speaking, false structures, a company that supposedly did something he sells it there, does something there, performs it, money was transferred to them, and later i cashed them out from these structures and handed them over to the people who, let’s say, drove them there, that’s all. everything, what amounts are we talking about, how much did you cash out? once a week, three once a week for 50 thousand, when there were 70, create a company for a front man, make fictitious documents, help cash out tens of thousands of rubles, and after liquidating the company, start all over again, but after
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a few years the secret financial circle turned into a circle of problems, according to department of financial investigations, turnover of shell companies for several years. raised 50 million rubles. due to the execution of effective transactions, business entities, and these are 10 private construction organizations, did not pay extra to the budget of the republic of belarus taxes amounting to more than 5 million belarusian rubles. in addition, facts were established of theft of funds from a state-owned enterprise in the amount of 175,000 belarusian rubles, through the accounts of the odnevok firm. the group's criminal activities were carefully kept under wraps. secret chats in instant messengers were used at conventional meeting places, an encrypted database for storing information, during urgent investigative actions, seals were seized, keys for managing current accounts of a shell company, 500,000 us dollars. the organizer of the large-scale scheme was taken into custody, five criminal cases were opened, the financial police are now dealing with
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all participants in the secret scheme, which was carried out several years ago. in addition to damages, the defendants face up to 12 years. deprivation of liberty. construction inspections are ongoing. however, it is already obvious that other commercial construction companies also worked with similar gray schemes. this means that arrests will continue. vladimir korolev and nikolai lashkevich, telenews agency. belarus is preparing for general cleaning, republican cleanup. volunteers will work on construction sites. monuments and military graves will be put in order at the facilities, parks and recreation areas will be improved. the proceeds will be used for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for children victims of the war in the red bank and the creation of a center for the patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress.
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details in the report by anna buikevich. they died, but did not give up, and the exploits of the defenders of the fortress are reminiscent here, it seems that's it. today. specialists are restoring the facades of the barracks of the 125th infantry regiment. the historical appearance of the building will be preserved, including traces of the lead linden of the nazis. at dawn on june 22, 1941 , germany attacked the soviet union. a powerful artillery bombardment fell on all four fortress islands. now we are on kobrinsky, on the northern fortification of the brest fortress. here, on the eve of the great patriotic war , various units were located.
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quietly towards the end of the month, maybe the beginning next month we will begin finishing work, we are engaged in landscaping, we are working on utility networks, student teams from all over the country have been working at the all-belarusian youth construction site since november last year, teams from enterprises and organizations are coming, for example, today
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representatives of the bresse regional executive committee made their contribution to the common cause , ministry of defense and media. it is a great honor for us to be present at this construction site and to contribute with our own labor. in the construction of this very important for all country of the object, because by building this center, we are building our future, we are making a great contribution to our future, the future of our children in general, the future of our country. on april 20, it will be crowded again; the territory of the center for patriotic education of youth will become the main location of the labor marathon in the brest region. 35% of the funds earned from the republican cleanup will be sent here. another 35% of the collected amount will go towards reconstruction. memorial complex to children victims of war in the agricultural town of krasny bereg, a place that was forty in may the fourth became a storage and transit point for children from all over the area, from here some were sent to hard labor in...
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the museum itself, it is unique, because there is no such museum on the territory of the republic of belarus at the moment, it is dedicated only to children who went through the horrors of all war, of course, we will fill museums with modern technologies, including multimedia, information touch panels, where it will be possible to get acquainted with all the information about this museum in more detail. the remaining amount collected for republican cleanup will go towards the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes, places of military and military glory located in the regions and the capital. anna buikevich, ruslan selyuk, television news agency.
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russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people marched. polling stations, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagree the unity of russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate this and
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i don’t understand, but this is just different. the regions that do not stop terrorizing ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, have broken all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? the end of the war, the end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here that doesn't comply with generally accepted laws. in both russia and belarus, we hold elections primarily for the citizens of our countries, instead of discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western props, we have another word: justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has
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meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity , everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically, somehow explain why such a huge post...
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gotka. for our company, this is an opportunity to express ourselves even louder by demonstrating high-quality products. my career at this enterprise began in 2009 by a happy coincidence, and i am very glad that i connected my activities with this enterprise, it became a mentor for me not only as a means of realizing some of my professional qualities, but also gave me some hardening life, i am pleased to represent the large-size tire plant, which is part of the structure of our enterprise, especially this year. 2024 in our country has been declared the year of quality; our entire team works every day to achieve high-quality indicators of the products we produce. spring has finally burst into the hearts of our belarusians, but this time is closely connected with preparatory and
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passive work on rural land. of our country, in every corner beyond its borders, therefore we understand and appreciate the significance of the contribution of each farmer to this work and try together with them to preserve the fertile layer our soil, which is why the development of an innovative line of wide-profile agricultural tires is our priority today, so we try to be relevant.
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a quality mark in general as a form of reward for the painstaking, productive and efficient work of such a huge, large-scale and numerous enterprise. on the air sports day, studio anna eismond, good evening, let's start with volleyball. the minsk resident lost by nizhny novgorod sparta 0:3. the most stubborn fight was in the second set, which the belarusians lost 21:29. next, olga polchevskoe’s club has atom kursk and krasnodar dynamo as its rivals. let us remind you that the team that takes fourteenth place will leave the elite division, and the thirteenth place will be
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forced to challenge its presence next year in the championship with the second number of russia. the spanish tennis player was unable to complete the match due to injury and today her opponent in the quarterfinals, the second racket, was determined world will meet with the czech marketta vandrusheva tomorrow, the score in personal meetings for the girls is so far 4:2 in favor of sabalenka. the capital's dynamo started the cup semi-finals with a victory. belarus football. the menchan team beat grodno neman 1:0 on their home field. let me note that already in the fourteenth minute of the meeting, the white and blue were in the minority after the removal of team captain roman biganov. but in the second half of the match, vadim skribchenko’s team was still able to take the lead. midfielder pavel setko scored. a very difficult game, we gave a lot of effort today, they showed such a character, well, very difficult.


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