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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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modern eco-tires. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries. one of them we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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the place of final preparation before going on stage, you know, as they say, prayed for, but not conjured up, like a sacred place in terms of wasted nerve cells, when the last 10-15 minutes before going on stage, people’s sparks are thrown here, honored, kings, princes, beggars, opera heroes, in the opera at the theater the day begins, we begin to warm up.
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you see, the rehearsal hall we have here is very good, it’s convenient, you know, it was built for us, otherwise not every theater, i must say, has a rehearsal stage like this, which well, repeats the stage, the stage of ours, the large, main stage, and even the slope, which is present on our stage is also repeated here, that is, we have a full-fledged platform for rehearsing, very cool, of course, well, the orchestra pit sits here when... rehearsals take place, now we are preparing for rehearsals of yalanta, which we are preparing, preparing, literally, here, now, here is a big theater, yes, what is the meaning, well, like a big theater, it seems to me that these combination of these two words already, in general, defines , because really, well, this is the central cultural institution of our country, of course, you see the rehearsal rooms, we talked about what they are, well, from a technical point of view it’s simple, but if we talk in general about the meaning, well, this is a cultural center, well.. .what is this place,
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where people strive to get to as a spectator, as a performer, this is very important, it is very important to have such a serious point, and to support, you know, the big theater, these are such things ... well, serious art, which does not bring such income, but tangible ones , material, these are spiritual incomes, so to speak, for the population, there is space, all possible such serious research, not every country can afford, and maintaining a large theater such as this is serious, that is also the case, but this is a certain one, firstly, sign from the state where it is so to speak, even the location is invested, you see in whom it is located near... together with the wonderful city of minsk, in this park, which blooms in summer, is also beautiful in winter, you know, when in the evening, especially now it’s snowing, these lanterns are illuminated , and we go out in the evening after the petition, it’s very beautiful, very cool, it’s located, ending with how many people visit from the regions, from
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the periphery, so to speak, of our country, this is a theater, a large number of buses, excursions, they come just to see , how is he the way this serious, large production works, so let’s say, this is a performance. fun, good, but for it to be fun, good, whether it’s sad or sad, it’s a little sad, but a huge number of people work, sewing workshops, i don’t know, there are scenery, props, well, about the artists, that is, they can be seen on stage, that’s it, how many people are still not visible, how many people still take part in the activities of this huge institution, this is serious.
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this profession, so to speak, is built on ambition,
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well, so much the better, i won’t let you watch it more powerful, if this is not the case, then it is very difficult to work with this material, well, that is, you can train it somehow, but it will be very difficult to make a person-person who does not attract attention, with such partners, here i am, well, here we have guys, there are nina sharubina, seryozha frankovsky, well, i can’t name everyone and i don’t want to offend who i didn’t name, well, that’s who we worked with the most - very, very good emotional andryushka is also a good partner, because emotionally i know, you know, how it’s like good tennis when you go there transferring back, that is, sending emotions and returning emotions, and threw it there in the wrong way, nothing from there, it’s so difficult to work, so difficult to work, when interaction occurs,
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then it’s easier, oh, we have the eighth scene, we need a scene. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intelligence.
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the smartest and bravest who were depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s. tubar yes, find the belarusian football club, left, right, right, right is the correct answer, football club naftan, watch in intellectual and entertaining shows on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, a high city, as, according to the chronicles , this place was called from the 15th century, and attractions. there’s a lot here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we’re starting to get acquainted and setting off on
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an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water, power, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists they claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear on the chapel to... show how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sinu and shklov is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski. consider you not have you visited sinoy if you haven’t tried the spring water? people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. they believe it has healing powers. watch the program “cities
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of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel. became a student.
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love of music and some things in life, some firsts, well, i still left
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my family, you know, that is, 17-18 years old, a completely young person, and it’s important to have a good example, a good older man nearby , who is still just like a resident, will say so, somehow advise, give advice, having drunk in these corridors while studying competitions, having passed a certain one, that is, well, i made the right decision by choosing odessa, because already, in general, in my third year i won. competition in karlovy vary and received an offer when i was already a fourth-year student, in my opinion, to come to prague and perform the role of anegin. so, in general , my debut took place, i was still a student, but i was no longer a soloist of the odessa theater, but i was already invited to perform the main role of evgeniy vopiri, well, such a good start, as they say. well that happened later the reason for inviting me to the corpses of the odessa
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theater, in general, this is where my professional development began, because if we talk about the years of training, then of course you go through a lot, a lot, a lot in a class with a teacher, but you only become a truly professional already leaving the theater stage, here, of course, then we move on to this decade of my work as a soloist of the odessa opera house and there , of course, i was formed as a soloist, probably because the repertoire there was not so extensive, when you are in minsk, four or five times a month i... went on stage, in general, this was the key to this, that is , regular, regular singing, and gradually what the teachers invested in me crystallized, now it became mine, and already i began gain confidence on stage. i actually came here for the first year , i actually came straight to the school choir,
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i really liked it, i’m in the gobilene hall, i’ve already heard everything, i’ve already come running, i’ve already sat down bass there and let’s sing too, the teacher says to me: "well, we're doing solo vocals, you need to drive the choir out of yourself, you need to get the timbre, there you level it to the part, you need to look for some kind of solo, and here i am fighting a lesson with you, and then you run again, this is not good, you scolded me, in short, for this cause, but i still loved it very much, i mostly went to choir concerts, that is, i imagined more there, well, this happened, that is, when from class to class i suddenly heard some notes in my voice, what do i i liked some of the works, then i got into it. here finally to this theater, because the first year i actually didn’t go here, i actually went to choral concerts, i disappeared back and forth to the philharmonic, this is what i listened to, but opera was for me, well, somehow, yes, yes , well, this is somewhere far away, so when i came here i remember, it was the royal bride, i remember this absolutely precisely, because this really took me, because i already had some kind of interest in
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solo my performance and interest in my voice, it suddenly vibrated with me from lesson to lesson. some things started to work out, you know, when you take a piece, you get 10% of it, but 90% don’t work out, well, you don’t really like it, you’re sweating all the time, coping, overcoming, something like that, well, no, when all of a sudden you look here it’s already good and here it’s even beautiful, a note vibrated somewhere, well, these were some childhood experiences, but nevertheless , interest appeared - in this singing already to the solo, to some kind of timbre of my own, i suddenly became interested in listening to him in recording, how it sounds, how... it changes, because we don’t recognize ourselves on the recording, we’re all, well, this is a well-known effect now that it seems to us that our voice is ours, our voice is not ours i’m familiar with it, but in the recording, it’s the same with vocalists, that is, when i sing, i imagine it a little differently when i listen, i can only control it from the outside, then probably
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then it’s natural after college, when i’ve graduated already, well, i already felt that i was interested in... namely a solo career, solo singing, then, when i was already studying at the conservatory, that is, my voice also developed, that is, as did my physiology, and then i realized that he was quite a great material, that is, suitable for opera singing, because opera , after all, in the beginning too, not every person can, a priori some kind of material is given, it can be developed, embellished, brought to some kind of quality, but it is very difficult to increase its size, that is, well, you can add a little wearability to it, but it’s all anyway... this is how it is, this is how it will be, this is how it is there are such concepts as chamber voice, chamber singing, that is, well, not for large spaces, so to speak, performances, entering the theater, already searching, then competitions, this played a big role, i have been preparing since the third year for competitions, we had an emphasis on this, i think this is very correct, because when a student prepares for a competition, he mobilizes,
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of course, this is very true in my student life, so to speak, from the third year. i was already preparing for one competition, but the second, by the third, i won a few of them, that is, well, it was just these steps, steps, steps, actually, that’s why opera singing, because that’s how i somehow rowed there all the way consciously, you know, when here ’s the news that the order was signed, that i became the people’s artist of belarus, it’s interesting that it came from the chat for me about our opera, because my colleagues immediately, someone, someone saw it. i didn’t know the truth of this , all of a sudden all of a sudden, yay-yy-yy , the phone started ringing, in short, so i saw a bunch of congratulations, a lot of people have already started writing, well , when they published this on the website, that the title was awarded, the order was signed, you know, of course, it’s very nice, firstly, it’s nice, because such a reaction
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was warm, i don’t even know how for myself, well , well, i thought, wow, what should i do next? everyone now everyone will start asking now, come on, well, you already have to do everything now, i don’t know what else there is above all to sing or something, that is, well, some kind of feeling is a little not very clever, but it was pleasant very much of course from the number of congratulations from colleagues , first of all, because i also say that this is very important when you feel in good balance with your team, with your friends, with your creative colleagues, and i would be very pleased to hear warm words. not well, sincerely, you know, that is , not just some people on duty, but somehow with warmth from the orchestra, guys, from the choir artists. well, all the services, so i went for 3-4 days, it just turned out so very interesting, that is, at different moments, it was just when we were preparing for the concert on july 3,
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here the whole theater was buzzing, a lot of people and a lot of calls, invitations from tv channels, it was very nice, very, well, of course, it’s nice when you want your work, i mean, in general well, by and large , i’ve been working in minsk not so long ago, that is, 16 seasons, well , that’s... a lot, but 30 people work 40 people in one theater, and in our theater there are such singers, so i was very pleased, of course, such a fairly short period of time, i was like that, well, i received medals for one title and second, well, that is, it’s such a nice attention to your person, as they say, but of course i didn’t sit on the sofa, as they say , for the sake of it, that is, in order for this to happen, i worked, and i was very pleased that this happened. .. the work was well appreciated, that it reached, as they say, the public, so the state, so to speak, also paid attention to my work, it’s very nice.
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just like that, right in meters to? yes, it's opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, like the swamp that is near domat, which is again . this is a mill, leading from the capital of life,
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he has to experience all the delights of the countryside guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it worked out , well, it’s okay, it’s a burgal nut to turn blue.
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the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 244 tv channel
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. well, i was born in the distant siberian small town, but very famous in the city of tobolsk, known for the fact that the decembrists served their free settlements there, they left a large cultural mark there, so to speak, well, the city is really interesting, i don’t remember it at all, i went there from there. at the behest of their parents, so to speak, who decided to move to belarus, to make such a radical change , from siberia straight to the western part of our country, then a huge
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soviet union, and then... a very musical family, well, i’m into music i ran away not far away, although in my childhood, so to speak, they tried to instill me somehow in music, well, i survived the first two years, but then tears, tears, demands for some kind of freedom, well, i gave up, in short , my parents let me go free, and of course to music, that is , i did not study music professionally as a child, there was no music school.
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finished, but now remembering how it was formed, yes, my, my childhood, really thanks to my mother, probably because she was a very big fan theater in general, at that time i remember, just in the eighties, a wonderful stage opened, a new edition, a new stage of the grodno drama theater, which is now shown very often, everyone got used to it, but i still remember those times when it was just like that - these are the hills, when these walls were just beginning and these walls were being built, my mother bought them.
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what i like already, i already recognized the artists, when i already knew that i wanted to go to the theater, i already recognized them, so to speak, that is, this , too, of course, probably played a huge role in my future, then this was the basis for me, so let’s say, my dad is also a musician, naturally a ballet dancer, conductor of a folk orchestra, i also remember, of course , how, well, probably, all children have this in their lives, when they attend their parents’ work, you know,
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i love them very much and i come when i always walk there, i remember my youth, my childhood, i grew up regardless of whether you want it or not, i’m still a brother, a professional musician, father, mother, of course, the whole environment, friends, acquaintances, that is, well, everywhere i still heard music, academic, classical, and apparently it sank very deeply into the subconscious, well then - when i came to the theater, came to the music school, then to the conservatory, i already felt that, as they say, you can’t put a finger on the gene , as they say, yes, that is, for me some things were completely natural, they opened up there, i don’t know, to hear music, some kind of harmonies, that is, well, this is what was inherited, what is called, i i learned easily, easily entered into some, i don’t know, there, the games were given to me, i didn’t have to sit there for a long time, gouge it out, it all quickly fell on my ears, it was all
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quite fun and easy for me to do, that is, i didn’t have to overcome anything, i felt good in in this matter, my wife, she ’s a single girl, she’s also my, i don’t know, friend, comrade, colleague, well, we met on one of the first days of the entrance exams to the odessa conservatory, and from then on, in general, we started studying and. .. together with the zaparta, then together all the excerpts from the opera studio, well, from morning to night, so to speak, well, probably this is how you need to check, probably the person with whom you are going to live your life, then, you need to do something for a long, long, long time, we really were together so much at the conservatory, that when we suddenly one fine day in our third year announced that we had signed up, that we, well, the students were very poor then, of course we didn’t have any weddings, well, we signed up for the course. course
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they said, guys, we'll get together tomorrow, we'll sit there, because they say ugh, this trifonov signed there with romanenko, it’s not even interesting, we were waiting for some kind of something like that, otherwise, well, it’s all just like that, so where, where is this ? i don’t know, some kind of passion or what , no, nothing happened, everything was fine, we really, well, i felt that this was my person, that i would be comfortable, so how logical is it, completely from what was happening, i did proposal, we decided to get married, all this happened, and then here are the children, my children, and they are also part of this theater, because my eldest jumped, lord, it seems like it was just yesterday , just like this, she’s been running now for 19 years. the big girl, well, also popped up to the papagenchiks in the opera studio and evgenia wants to say evgenia negina was working on a performance, well, our children's opera studio,
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well, this is the youngest one too, pinocchio pops up here, i have a scene in the love potion busy, well, also theater children, theater children they also grew up here behind the scenes, well, the eldest daughter, she was here a lot at one time. then she had a break when she came after 3-4 years, almost no one here recognizes her, she’s already such a young lady, she’s just like i’m little, i need it, where am i, where is all this, all these reactions, well, everything is there oh how you grew up, how you grew up, yes, so that’s what we can say about my family, that this is an absolutely theatrical family, as they say, well, i’m different in the family, it happens, it happens and... this if suddenly m - some prince has not completely left me, or some terrible baron, then i can and oh, something like that, well, it’s me i’m in in general, an easygoing, kind person , by and large, well, emotional like anyone,
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probably an artist, it happens that sometimes something like that at home, well, children, children are children, you shout at someone, you shout something, and then you go in and suffer for 2 days, which somehow wasn’t worth it, probably, well... i, i, i want to be a strict, disciplining dad, but it doesn’t work out, because i’m by nature, probably not that kind of person, so for a long time, like cult-leopold, remember, i can’t be evil for a long time, kind, i’m terrible, something like this everything happens, well, success in this, you know , like success, it seems to me that this is the state when, because if we talk about the local, that is...
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allegorical, but this is also the price of success, these are the flowers, there are colleagues, applause, there is also such a moment, it’s also a full hall, everything is sparkling, and you go into the dressing room, take off your suit, take it off. this moment is pleasant, but it’s so fleeting, so i don’t know if laziness, in our world, is not only success, well, the public loves it today, tomorrow i forgot what to do, what to do, such is life
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, but the relationships here in the workshop inside, this is valuable, it warms every day, it helps every day, or makes you think every day, so when this is there, when you feel , that you, well... enjoy the respect of your colleagues in the workshop - this is a big deal for me, at least, it means, i think, for any artist, because you know, we always pass the first exam not well to the public, among our own, we have a lot, we have an orchestra, let’s say 670 people, they are all musicians, from 5 years, 6 years everyone has been playing the pipes there, everyone is deeply immersed, so to speak, they know the theme of the opera very well, they have heard many, here is the choir, the choir artists. with a colleague on stage, you can always feel how they relate to the one who works on stage, and well, when the relationship is respectful, when the relationship is with interest in your work, this, it seems to me, is success.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24x7 , watch on our tv channel every friday evening. we introduce you to
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the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. umosary temple, geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyakony to the spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsy. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it was today was a turning point. geta just knew the 790th bastards. rys then just at the 18th century we gained
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a higher level, we gained strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel. the news is on the air now, lyudmila kazak is with you, hello, to make the world cleaner and more comfortable, a large-scale campaign to restore order after winter will unfold in belarus tomorrow, traditionally. the american subbotnik will unite labor collectives.


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