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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 11:15pm-11:50pm MSK

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don’t buy or sell projects, systemic issues that will ensure the sovereignty of belarus and russia, the economic one for the years to come, for this we thank the twentieth year many times , sanctions, because in fact those are the ideas that lukashenko spoke there 10-15 years ago , in russia they were not always accepted by all those who are connected with the economy in russia to the end, today, over these 3 years, integration issues and problematic ones were resolved much faster, taking into account what began to happen. very very good that we are back to to your primordial roots and to the understanding that no one will do your business for you, no one will raise your children for you and no one will defend your country for you, and that you must take care of yourself and not rely on some then uncle, especially sam, yes, this is very important, the fact that this has returned to our awareness, to our society, and this is very sensitive for the west, so it’s not crazy.
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comes off, i wouldn’t call what’s happening there a firestorm, but he’s not extremely nervous about our position, towards belarus in particular, so about these sanctions, yes, here is an article, remember, when they imposed such a tough package of sanctions against us, the president said, you will choke on these sanctions, this is the best answer to this, and we are coping so far, here are two headlines, spring of the twenty-second years, britain will achieve the complete destruction of the economy of the russian federation, russia will turn into a country of the 19th century, the russian economy. and the imf, yes, the imf statement, russia will grow faster than all developed countries, well, i want to remind you that belarus’ gdp in the first quarter increased by 4.1%. they planned, in my opinion, 3.8, yes, the best, that is, we outdid them, yes, the best response to sanctions, and also, you know, regarding sanctions, so that we would calm down, sanctions.
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how this will all end, again this week we did not touch upon, there were several materials in the western press about the fact that it finally dawned on them that johnson and the united states of america had put a stop to the istanbul agreements, the americans were not happy with one one of the points, it turns out, is that the united states is a guarantor, one word, they could stop this bloodshed, but why, listen, the whole military-industrial complex, i think they are deliberate, now they will have all sorts of versions there. put forward, that is, they have a strategy, they use it, the strategy is simple, this is a proxy war, at the expense of someone to fight their enemies, and so that the main damage, especially if it is the death of people, falls on those who are this weapon , everything is absolutely right, plus it turns out to be economic dividends, and they don’t hide the economic benefits from weakening geopolitical competitors, they say it’s a better investment, they are the first for a year and a half they talked about how much they love ukrainians.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, a high city, so, according to the chronicles, this place was called since the 15th century, and there are many attractions here,
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i will try to tell you about them all, this is a high city, and we begin to get acquainted and go on an exciting journey, by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills... you’re right, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that remains can be found inside wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear on the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklova is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park. this entry is from
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we are going there, where you can dakranutsa yes svedkaў minuўshyny. things will happen again and again at the past palesse. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in ruzhany brest region, in other the largest palace complexes are 16-18 centuries old, residents of the magnate of the sapieha family. the king of st. paraskeva pyatnitsa, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here.
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the project was aired in advance on the belarus 24 tv channel. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that it’s opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, like the swamp, yes, which is near the house. again, twenty meters away, no the initiate, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40
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minutes have already passed, not like birds , it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well , okay, it’s a brown-headed nut turning blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, but the uninitiated may experience the question is, how does this mill actually work? what is she chalking? the mill mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. the project i am from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this action.
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artifacts from centuries-old history, a real puzzle for us, as time travelers, is a name or marking, in the place where we found it in this in this... area, it is called cheesepanok, this is the headdress of a married woman, and the most valuable the exhibit, in my opinion, is presented right here, oh, this is... jewelry, number seven, this is not jewelry, this is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to experience belarusian culture personally. and it was also mandatory that when they built a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners,
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they were already placed on them, it was believed that everything good that was in the old one. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema and of course online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the
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belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. about removed. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country beyond abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello dear tv viewers on the belarus 24 tv channel, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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thanks to government support , several government programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system. well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions, everything that one could wish for. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of protecting the homeland? in 20 years additionally, thanks to scientific research, saved more than 100 thousand human lives, so this is part of the country’s national security. why do the cia and mi6, who finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev, not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first they used ukraine, they are literally
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waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns and swedes, we let's spend a short time in the new day and let's work on our music, music, what a thick inside of our skin we have. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands, at the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, full of thoughts and opens
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thousands of gifts to us. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music inside the skin is with us, trade and new projects in industry in moscow.
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together to develop space programs, assemble aircraft, strengthen industrial cooperation, after the president’s talks in moscow on the economy, import substitution, investments, the prime ministers already spoke. our columnist olesya vysotskaya will tell you about the main results. record trade turnover 2023 $53 billion could be hit this year. in january-february, growth was 2.8%; in addition to trade, the countries have close cooperation with a focus on import substitution. 20 out of 25.
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research, we jointly implement them in various sectors of the economy in the interests of the citizens of our state in the interests of the union
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state. new products require new lines, new production, and therefore investments. we are ready to share our competencies. an action plan was signed to stimulate investment activity in both russian and belarusian businesses. the priority is co-productions, large projects and smart localization. development of joint instruments, somewhere to look at each other, ours, we, belarusians, are very interested in the instruments of public private partnership, which are used today in the russian federation, special investment agreements, and so on, so we work together on all these instruments, i am sure , after signing we will promote, among the industries for capital investment minsk names tourism and mechanical engineering, aviation is also in the top, we supply components, components at the russian plant are under...
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well, we must begin to undergo testing, these are very tight deadlines for organization and technology, design developments and the acquisition of the necessary equipment to complete this task, microelectronics is expecting a breakthrough here, four new technologies are already in the piggy bank, scientific-technical ones are also being created technical center for crystal production. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader, a delegation arrived in minsk headed by the minister and
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on our part, on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs, the relevant work will be done in every possible way in order to implement the agreements that were reached during your historic visit to uzbekistan. among the key areas of cooperation are timber processing and mechanical engineering of the agro-industrial complex. particular interest in meat and dairy products among the population of uzbekistan is growing and is approaching 37 million.
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the demand for food products is increasing, among the important... imported items from this central asian countries, cotton yarn clothing. an assembly plant for belarusian equipment has been created in uzbekistan, and issues of localization of our belarusian trucks, tractors and elevators are being worked out. a number of joint projects are being implemented in the fields of pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and special vehicles. meanwhile, belarus is strengthening its position in central america and is working on the creation of equipment assembly plants in nicaragua. what is already known about this? so far, cooperation is at the beginning of its journey, but already with one trial supply deal with...
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at the exhibition you can, if not take a ride, then feel the comfort and convenience of belarusian elevators. the quality of the mogilev lift mash brand is not only known, but also in demand in russia. a joint venture has been created that produces allied elevators of various modifications, from freight and passenger elevators to hospital office elevators. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh is a business platform for managers of public and private companies, where they can become more familiar with the products of the belarusian regions. this is a good opportunity for business communication conclusion contracts. last year, 1.1 million people visited our pavilion. this year we expect 1.5 million people. russian regions have also begun to more actively use this platform for business meetings, meetings at the level of chambers of commerce and industry. they naturally produce results specifically for the segment of medium and small enterprises, which do not always have information about the
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opportunities they open up. in one or another russian region, so we have agreed with a number of regions that we will gather from 50 to 70 companies on the site our pavilion and hold joint cooperation meetings so that they can collaborate and get to know each other. the presented tourism potential of the mogilev region, for example, during the first world war the royal headquarters of the russian empire was located in the city. it is also known that he spent a year and a half in mogilev. emperor nicholas ii with his family, part of the court, officers, senior officials and embassies of european countries. also, part of the exhibition is dedicated to the defense of mogilev during the great patriotic war, in particular to the tank battle on the riotous field. except in addition, visitors to the pavilion can see a model of the restored bulgakov palace. this is an architectural monument of the 18th-19th centuries. the two millionth electronic digital signature key has been issued in belarus. for what purposes is this product used? the key allows you
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to commit. digital signature. the next stage is the introduction of a cloud digital signature, which will not require any additional devices; it is planned to be launched before the end of the twenty-fifth year. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news
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from the economic sphere and beyond on the website our tv channel bring order to the earth and get a valuable prize. the national championship cup of cleanliness of belarus starts on april 20.
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eco-volunteers who win the republican stage will take part in the international competition, which will also take place in 2024. are similar competitions held in other countries of the world? similar competitions from april 20 to 29
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will be held in azerbaijan, armenia, moldova, the russian federation and other countries. yes. well, we know that this year has been announced. the start of an interfaith charity event for the restoration of the shrines of belarus and , of course, such a charitable conclusion will be the competition that will take place on december 5 on volunteer day, volunteer of the year
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good heart, where we will reward all participants in our movement with a good heart. well, thank you. kristina soroka, secretary of the central committee, answered questions from the program. rsm. next in the program are events for the treatment of rare genetic diseases in belarus, filming of a film about the legendary partisan and belarusian fashion in paris. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes.


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