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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 6:25am-6:46am MSK

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we are confidently stepping into the new. and we do this to our music, the music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at the tips of our fingers, music inspires, makes us think and opens thousands of roads for us. music can change the world because
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it can change us, music is inside each of us. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating meeting with unusual people. hello, how wonderful it is that there are enough girls and boys, it’s such great value. secrets of a good mood. after such a dance, you simply had to marry her. it's true. what are dyvans? well, this is the soul of belarusians.
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everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals, walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main qualities of these people, however, i potted my agarod, dropped a hole in the foot and steamed it on the clay, the red one is so sculpted, i don’t have my hands, it’s plasticine, but i tried to mold something right away, 12 years ago. when we bought this house, it was very wild in a deplorable state, we restored it all with our own hands, planted fir trees, planted trees, look at the poleshuka project, the paleshuka is still left behind, yon budze will pass on to the getu spadchinu, what is left behind will be passed on to your own, on the tv channel belarus 24.
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sabor saints pyatra and paul in gomel, the first-class greece, remembered in the unaccented canon of ancient times. absolute centimeters of skin attack of your ancestral organization, increasing wisdom, prostates and greatness of the imperial style. sabor, as i wipe out all the blows from the forest. but you will have your unique pershapachatkovstsi, which secrets are hidden by the secrets of the svaygo adyeznaga bathed, the hets are wiped out from the memory of the ancient architecture, the architecture of belarus. the cathedral was discovered in
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1819 by the english architect john clark. we give money to the former ruler of gomel, mikalay rumyantsav, for pennies. the temple will remain open until the end of the project and the sanctification of the 16th year has passed, a great turbulence in the history of the race. the war of 1812 fueled the growth of self-righteousness among the racial elites. there, in the cultic happenings of that time, the ideas of classicism took precedence over the cultivated ranks of the royal princes. the architects were faced with a great task: to show the appearance of the cult of awakening, the ideals of the imperial gramadian culture. insane, in another style, he could not stand up to the blush of the gaspadars of the palace in
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the style of classicism. the program itself, the imperial program, began to work on the temples in a new way. distant teritoryakh. syam'ya rumyantsa, which was knitted with tsalkas petsyarburg, where you are the land of the land, such people have their own loyalism. in general, the style was unmistakable, which showed the enthusiasm of the gaspadars. asabliva geta will become a distributor at 19 stagodzi ўzho pachynayuchy z 830-horokavykh, kali pachnetsa gulnya sa stylі. cali count mikalai rumentsa conceived a future. paula in london and kazan near petsyarburg. it’s important to note that the right to seize the kazan cathedral from gomel was inconceivable. and on the right there are not so many
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relatives, such as rumyantsa himself, darechs, who would not be distinguished as ignorant people similar to the pabudovs and the non-volatile meat then, it was taken to russia. it is different from the architectural style. what do you need to do to build a temple in the style of classicism? find out the antiquity. first for everything, please, if the dark scene of the sabor was attacked by the closed gallery, dze is handy havazza hell sontsa. for this purpose, you need to separate the vertical slings. kalons - these are not of the correct cylindrical shape, if the supports were stable, but since they were changed so, they must be imported on the versa. at the top you can place a few garyzantal bells, tired of them for great tsverdastsi na rabro. the columns of the ports are their own peralik litar p, more than galloins canon of classical architecture,
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they are forced to dissolve their own budova. typical asablivastsi getag krama yavlyaetstsa eighth toordanna. well, it’s so serious, it’s such a way, which means that we don’t allow ourselves any freedom here, and we’re still working on the skin column in our minds, collecting the findings, transfer, and then this kalanada
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idze is factual and these elements of the life of racing pradal scenes look like pilasters pelasters such... columnar, motsny, you can look at them, guess the cantraforces in the old temple, the purpose of which was to extinguish the traffic, as we know at the scenes, there... sklyapenne, i mean, expand the scenes, pass them, and kanrafursy geta everything stop streaming. they are two-shaded, they are thick, they hang over the edge of the pabudov, the dark clouds of the hell of the world. the next step is not just laying a washcloth on a washcloth, but laying a bathtub using thin boards of sticks, matted with wedges. atrymlivaetstsa simple and galouna velmі lagіchnaya. kanstruktsyya, nothing superfluous, no jumping points, jumping parts,
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the skin detail is working and the treads understand how? “it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite, what name was given to the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia’s exit from the first world war? masha, what do you think? i chose the variant world, the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, here’s the tenth grade , just recently passed the exams, well done, smart
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on the spot, smart, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling, in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenku, who said: “medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine heals humanity.” “we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains
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specialists in this profile, we offer to spend one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. and our uniqueness is that we present more democratic genres, more understandable. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. we were pioneers, in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who take care of the health of animals every day, it is not for nothing that they say that artists should be like children, naive, to remain at this childhood age, oddly enough, the role of mri poppins, that gave me the impetus to think, am i too old?
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the christian church is a book for the unwritten, i can read the skin of the vernik, it is independent from this, and i know the grammar. leather element, leather detail of the interior of the temple, may... on the back of the scenes there were scenes of the earthly life of christ, bagarodzitsa, and the apostle. so, like the temple - geta madel to the light, then the skin yago stsyana adpavyadae adnam za yago bakov. the final part of the temple symbolizes the area of ​​the holy and heavenly assalods, where they are known as paradise. kicked out adam and eve, and the construction was destroyed, then such a hell of a square
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plan came from every corner, the russians called them such sluggish cavalchki, well, such stars, which then gave a circle, closed in a circle , which would be the basis of the drum, and then bathed ishoў, the whole paratnasts, which we see on the facades of this little house, darechy, yana... of the interior and the atmosphere , well, such a tselasnasts of architecture. if you go to the entrance door, then you can jump to the bottom of the roof. in front, the shchodra is lightened with the wide windows of the syaredzin drum, which allows for the passage of two sleeves: night and day. the upper part of the roof
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is adgarodjana ad poserku ikanastasam. it’s a pity that the feathered interior of the church didn’t let our zens pass, but the moment of handing over the temple to the faithful, navat shiby in the windows only the private soldiers were greedy. the temple at gomlya has a laconic and simple form. we may see the halls of the nave, which end the altar section and cross the roof, and cross the transeptar. cali grain the beast, we are making a simple form of a roof. paraўnovuyuchysya stylistikay tsarkonay there. the altar is the center of the temple, the main shrine. the middle part symbolizes the light of the chalavcha, which is also illuminated and apraudana. for such
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people, the barrier between the altar and the saryedzina is not harmful, but abhorrent. two parts of the cultivar. on slavic land this barrier is already in the form of ikanastas, as it corresponds to the folded symbols. the inside of the temple was bathed in the symbolic role of the sky and remained static, but the bell bathed its looks with the illusion of a ruin, which was rising up. geta supyarechnasst mae svayo tlumachenne. the interior architecture of the tsarka is striking. the ideal of a temple in which god himself lives, and beyond which there is nothing. it is natural that pavinen bathed here and showed himself the final heavenly sphere, and even gaspodz himself. between internal and internal images there is a fundamental connection, so only for this reason, the sky descends
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to the ground and right inside the temple, where the baths become. the council was published in the style of a gift order. what is a warrant? geta correct joints of the vertical and anthallic parts of the budynka. this is the meaning of aporic elements and elements, on which yana abapirajutstsa. behind this mathematical difference there is a certain fractional detail. this detail in the future of the temple is the diameter of the column at the bottom. the fact that the chalavek bachyts have the first chargu: budynak staіts stepped pastamentse, stereabatse. upper a dance, on which it is glazed and adorned with calons, called stylabat. yes, that's why the columns sound and the fires. the skin has closed the bowl, echinam, on which the thigh is a square plate, an abacus. everything that is higher than the abacus
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is called entablatures and divisions into three main parts. budaunitstva. this was a thoroughly complicated task, because i had drilled through both the meat canons and the racial tradition, because the calanades, ports, vezhas, and the round shape itself, i did not pass on the rightful traditions, but the hutche was and the catalan latvian temple, le epoch, epoch, when this tsarkva was laid and...
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jumping sherakh, which is composed of bas-reliefs and panels with vertical ridges. these panels are triglyphs. yana, and this is important, bytstsam z'yaulyajutstsa tartsami papyarochnye belek, what is going on at the rock. the empty page of triglyphs closes with other calculations, metopes. this is significant, the most sculptural reliefs. chargavanne mіtopaў i triglіfa utvara friz, seryednі sherag. the entablature is on top of all the cantilevered structures that hang from the roof of the cornice. massive entabliquement above the bed vertical pairs of columns, as we would like to remind you of the triglyph punctures, so that the paslukhmyanas will then go out at the triglyph. geta pravoslavna temple was for...


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