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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 7:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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on the tips of our fingers the music is soothing, full of thoughts and opens thousands of gifts for us. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music is inside our skin.
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hello, on belarus 1 and belarus 24, the club of editors, we will discuss the most important topics of the outgoing week, i will introduce the guests who are present in our studio today, by the way, the leaders of the two largest parties in our country, but i will introduce myself later, let’s start with alexandrovich zhuk, our good tradition, and we observe traditions in our club, head of the sb belarus holding today, director of the representative office of the world in...
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10-20, 100 people, well, okay, no, well , it was there for some holiday, i saw, there were probably hundreds, and maybe and there were a couple of thousand, but this is nothing, an insignificant figure compared to the fact that about 10 million people are citizens of the republic of belarus, which means that this is an iron rule, by the way, the president talks about this, it means we are doing everything right, i believe that in we will only strengthen our state. what is 30 years
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independence on a historical scale, this is how they will talk about these times 200 years later, how many pages will be devoted to this in textbooks for us, this is a whole huge, important life, in fact , the belarusian state is going through the stage of formation, thank god, so far without bloodshed, in my opinion, that’s enough. successfully, in general, i won’t talk for a long time on this topic, i would like to hear your opinion, it should not be confused with other bodies, with the functions that they have, after all, this is a strategic thing, a fundamental thing, in all-belarusian the people's assembly will decide, among other things , the future of our country, where we will move, and as for...
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there is no need to plan anything, life itself will show, it develops naturally, the market will decide, the market will decide, at the same time , the most successful countries at that time, and which maintain their success graying, i say, for example, the people's republic of china, about the so -called asian tigers, they have
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strategic plans until the fiftieth year, perhaps now they are already drawing up plans for more further, it’s as if there is no planning in the usa, of course, there is also strategic planning there and there are large corporations that... are doing this, for example, and a number of others, and so, our country did not follow the lead of these slogans, let’s cancel planning, from the very beginning of the presidency of alexander grigorievich lukashenko, we began to plan, we have five-year plans, we have a movement from one task to another, which the belarusian people's assembly and other significant bodies of our country set for themselves, so i see the task of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly. that we will again look into the future, and not into the short-term future, what will happen tomorrow, in a month, into the future for years, at least for five years, but a truly approved concept of national security, the military doctrine of our country, i am sure that the president’s report will also outline the most serious
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underlying trends in the development of belarusian society, this will be the foundation for years and decades to come, this is what i see as the main task of the all-belarusian people’s assembly, strategic planning, the moreover, that...
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they say more than once in russia and in belarus, throughout the union state, to protect the country from the new yeltsin, from the new gorbachev, from the fact that some populist or some political force could break the country and its foundations. moreover, if someone starts talking to our opponents about democracy, then all the countries that teach us something there are protected. whoever becomes president of the united states of america, we understand perfectly well that globally the system of the united states of america. same most importantly, poland, we remember the elections in poland, when no matter who became president, poland would never join nato and no radical change in its foreign policy would occur. we have much more democracy, people power, than they do. next, what
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does an all-belarusian people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all branches of power. and one more thing, when we talk about planning and strategic planning, then within the framework, if we take politics, don’t take the economy now, but if i talk purely about politics, then all absolutely political forces of the country, all political parties, all public organizations, civil society as a whole, which is provided for by law, which, by the way, is all in great detail described, they must act within the framework of the course that has determined the entire belarusian assembly. now democracy, this does not mean that there is no arguing, but there is a strategy, here’s how to arrive at this strategy, figuratively speaking, we must prevent the emergence of the one who came said: we are leaving the union of russia, we are completely changing the course of the country there to the west, there is no need for free health care,
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there is no need for education, that is, what we have achieved over these years, god forbid that we then start building again, the last thing i want to say on this topic, this is still not a guarantor, i remember very well... a meeting with the president dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution, he said about this that in general ideal mechanisms do not exist, and he himself answered later, so no do this he said to do. but we’ll see how it all works, this is in any case a completely new stage in the development of our country, yes there were all-belarusian people’s assemblies, but never as a constitutional body, they were not, and the powers are now absolutely new, more serious, why are we doing this we are doing it now, we can later correct something, time will tell how it will work, how the system of power will work, the main thing is not to destroy anything, but to go in this evolutionary way, everything is correct, you said even more, that’s it, that the all-belarusian people's assembly, the foundation on which it will be...
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decisions are made not by anyone in particular, not by any specific branch of government , are imposed on the majority, when after all it is
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a collegial body that develops a strategy for the further development of the country and builds belarus future, well, as far as democracy is concerned, our opponents, who are watching our program very carefully abroad, will probably say: where are we? well, i can answer this question from my bell tower, if you remember until 2020 they they were successful here and even now they boast about who financed them and how much they were financed. financing from abroad of certain structures or individuals with the aim of overthrowing
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the constitutional order in a non-constitutional way, it seems to me, should completely exclude the participation of such people in such events, if it were in the conditions, yes, in which we lived before, or in which people who have some contacts abroad behaved the same way as they do in the united states of america, in germany, yes, although... there it’s hard to imagine that any member of the german parliament would be caught being financed from moscow, can you imagine what a scandal, in general, they, they cut it all off for themselves, they shout from all the stands that we are co-aggressors, yes, that we are participants in the war together with the russian federation, i will tell them, since we are participants in the war, it means that according to the laws of war , no, well, i will say that in fact, the highest valor of those you were talking about is to make expensive british boots shine, yes here.
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for the population a lot will depend on perception of this body, but what can we talk about today, thanks to the president, we have passed this path of reforms without bloodshed, yeah.
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someone was driven, yes, what kind of persecution, we saw with our own eyes, and all the people saw, elections have now taken place - on a single voting day, deputies were elected, we saw what the turnout was, and people decided, so, gentlemen, there are western centers, we don’t care about your opinion on the elections, on the referendum, and even more so on what the people decide at the all-belarusian people’s assembly, it is the belarusian people who will decide the fate of this country, not you, so we will be ready for dialogue, please, but only equally.
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groups, based on the interests of the individual, who must be protected and supported, but at the same time relying on our traditions, some kind of communitarianism, and the understanding that the public good should be higher than the personal good, at some point individuals should moderate their personal appetites and tighten our belts a little, but we are forming our own, absolutely unlike anything else, belarusian model... legislative authorities, executive, judicial, plus the involvement of that very civil society, which we have been told for so long that we don’t have, but now it has appeared, political parties and
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at the same time public organizations, and we have a state, let’s not be shy, there is a corporatist model of building states, here is the western american model, it’s easy for them to do, they have divided their society into a large number of small groups, they work with them. these groups are represented by various ngos, ngos, and they are essentially manipulated, that is, the state there, more precisely, if we already say, there is not a state, but there are political-economic elites, rather even economic-political ones, who govern, who act based on their elite interests, and they manipulate this civil society, which is specially atomized, fragmented, they put forward only , others are pushed aside. on the contrary , there really is one big trade union, society, we have created a large representative office, the trade unions are pitting them against each other, we have taken
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a different path, we have consolidated the civil representing all workers, and how many 80 people do you have, women are represented on the supreme national assembly, they are not in the social party, there will be a party in the belarusian 173, so we have consolidated, there are 173.
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it is public, yes, these are indeed issues that are decided by society, strategies that are being built, strategies after in-depth discussion, remember, after the twentieth year we went to the constitutional referendum through a two-year period of dialogue platforms, where from the very bottom to the very top all issues were worked out, discussed many times, listened to the opinions of everyone who is allowed and who is not allowed,
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western diplomats have now been invited, but there will be representatives of friendly countries, not really, yes, but they will be, it will all be broadcast, the leaders of the largest media are sitting here, who will show everything,
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tell about everything, everyone’s word will be carried forward, it turns out that we are not hiding anything from anyone, it is the people who participate in the discussion, we have interaction both between the authorities and between civil society and all branches of government, it turns out to be an all-belarusian the people's assembly...
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its formation is that our citizens, in particular the delegates, are being pulled up, as if pulled to a higher level, or something of public awareness, 100% of the gnh is not about the quality of drinking water, roads there, or anything else - our everyday problems, for this there are local authorities, by the way, they are all the chairmen of the district executive committees there in the national assembly, yes, this moment makes the delegates think.
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it’s just such a direct movement, the state has decided, society must do it, any democratic, people-power society must have feedback, that is, through honest journalism, through expert opinion, through understanding the needs of people that are not expressed in one way or another, and these channels should be diverse, one of these channels is the all-belarusian people's assembly, people from all over the world come there different regions, they come with their ideas and
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requests. of course, not all of these ideas and requests will be voiced from a high podium, but by the way, no one has canceled such a phenomenon of political life as backstage communication, in in the good sense of the word, people will communicate, people will exchange their impressions with each other, of course, all this information will be, no one is hiding it, generalized, systematized, brought to the highest political leadership of our country, this is also important, here is ivan mikhailovich, you we started our question and somehow, maybe i got away from it a little, when i answered your first question, in what mood are people going, i share my observations of how we formed this pool of delegates from belaya russia (80 people), one of the most important dimensions of this mood, this public mood, which was expressed by almost everyone, this is pride and responsibility, i will not hide, many people would like to be included in these eighty delegates, but this time it was not possible, well, in the end there is a quota, there is a certain amount that was needed next alexey viktorovich, it’s okay, i was in the sixth, i believe that i
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was also in the historical one. b: we are creating a wide field of active people who will express their will, their ideas, not through comments in a telegram or semi-destructive ones, but through the direct expression of one’s will at the all-white people’s meeting, there is another human factor, since they started talking about the human fact, i didn’t interrupt a single person, that means if we talk, if we talk about the human factor, there is another important point, i will support that the selection was really... we
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looked at how the nomination of delegates went from public organizations and in other ways, it really was, the competition was huge, but this is not by chance, it’s in, that every person who will sit in the constitutional body that determines the country’s strategy, decides the fate of the country, and no matter what constitutions we adopt, no matter what laws we adopt, no matter how we model the political system, this human factor cannot be removed anywhere, i always have the ussr before my eyes. there was a bad constitution, there was an excellent constitution, the supreme council of the ussr, how they were elected, these people saved the country at a certain moment, aren’t they all ashamed now for what they did there, starting in 1985, ending in 1991, i’m sure and i know, they later admitted in an interview that many were ashamed of how they behaved in those years, so this human factor is extremely important, we were lucky in ’94, the first presidential elections were held, lukashenko was elected,
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and if it weren’t for him... ukraine already existed, we could have taken a different vector of development. russia is lucky with putin, lucky. the west was already sure that russia would not exist. raw appendage. yeltsin, now he ’ll put someone there, he’ll move on. will destroy russia, nothing there will be nothing left of it, you already remember how the governors had powers, more than anyone, they were lucky, so people, understanding this, it seems to me, took the public organizations so seriously, which belaya rus, the women's union, trade unions took so seriously to the choice of these delegates, because a lot will depend on this human factor, at a certain historical moment these people can either save the country or destroy it,
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they want - washington wants, they can want what they want, they want, yes, but we have our own interests, we we must proceed from them, we have our own geopolitical space, a historical space in which we lived and coexisted, we cannot lose it under any circumstances, therefore all these desires to reorient belarus towards the western vector, to begin to lure it with sweet carrots, as already for many years they have been beckoning to ukraine, european integration, nato integration and everything else, it needs to be very clear.
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i’m alex sergeevich, this is what i want, this
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is what i want to say, that there is a very good trend in the post-soviet space in terms of about the fact that many countries in georgia have had enough of western interference, you see what is happening, yes, but i really liked it, or rather i didn’t like it, but i liked it because it is extremely indicative when a representative of the collective west hits his opponent in the face, this i was reminded by the action of our so-called opposition in fact... did they really forget, when i said that
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i was pleased, this is a clear, not a reminder, but a prediction to the residents of the republic of belarus, what would happen if mikhailovich were, that’s about rally, i always look at such rallies, just imagine, the georgians came home, which means that a normal person is interested in peace, salary, pension, children, and he suddenly sits, listen, there is some kind of law on foreign agents, let’s go to a rally, because that it is clear that this is not a problem of the people, this is a problem of a political group.
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we just need to realize that you want to cast it in metal somewhere else in the eyes of the west, we are not partners, we are food supply for them, and that
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girl who looks great and speaks good english is that sheep, which they raised and which itself will go to slaughter, no one will carry out any struggle for free, so everything is built on money, that is, when we let ngo funds into the country, allow the party to be financed abroad, it’s all over for the country, it’s all as good as new co. just this story, another good news came from kyrgyzstan, on april 2 the law on foreign agents was signed, in connection with this, the soros foundation, which has been operating in the country since ninety-three, ceases its work, this is reported on the foundation’s website, quote, the message indicates that the activities of the soros foundation
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kyrgyzstan are being terminated due to the adoption of a new law that establishes disproportionate unnecessary restrictions; in general, it cannot work in these conditions.
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take into account our interests, and at the same time, someone says that they believe that the west wants good, some kind of, the only thing that needs to be reminded, let me remind our viewers and listeners that during the color riots, revolutions on the streets of bishkek people died people and blood was shed, including thanks to these ngos, the most egregious fact is the fact, and we talk about this all the time, that since 1938 the law
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has been in force since 1938 and seriously restricts the activities of a wide range of legal individuals who represent the interests of foreign structures and
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figures, fines, prison, deportation, restrictions on the rights of undesirable persons and organizations, the whole arsenal is at the ready and it is applied instantly, but this is considered quite normal, but we all know about it, and at the same time barel said a week ago, that the fact that there will be no elections in ukraine is an internal matter of ukraine and this is their democracy, that is, standards. who experienced the color revolution, what i want to say, we must not forget about the so-called civilizational identity, these are the countries of the east, kyrgyzstan,
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uzbekistan and so on, this is central asian, and georgia is an orthodox country, that is, religiously, it is closer maybe to europe, but not historically, geographically, look what happens, it turns out to be an explosive mixture, when these are all ideas, false ideas. which are already destructive in themselves, but also fall on this eastern soil, where the traditions of what are strong? regionalism, there is a certain hierarchy associated with your origin, the clan to which you belong, ethnic, maybe the group that now rules and which is on the periphery of power, this generally gives rise to completely ugly forms of political life, and one cannot talk about any progress, as for georgia and many... people who are now for this european vector, i would like to say about
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the deeply correct decision that was made in our country, again at a referendum: preserving historical memory, because when you remember your history, you can draw the right conclusions and make the right decisions today. let us remember lermont in amtsir, where he speaks in poetic form about how georgia once did the right thing by passing under the hand of the russian tsar, thereby getting rid of the excision. destruction, total destruction by islamic neighbors, such and such a king, in such and such a year handed over its people to russia, and god's grace descended on georgia, since then it has bloomed in the shadow of its gardens beyond, without fear of enemies, beyond friendly bayonets, once saved, once done, that the aggressive iranian state, the persian state, other countries that were nearby and were ready to cut out georgia, carry out its genocide, it was simply saved as part of it. russian empire, today many have forgotten everything, the european vector, we will be fine there, they will provide us with a civilized
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development, a civilized way of life, not understanding what is going on...
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again it will not stand, this is an eternal theme, this is a perpetual motion machine, it is beneficial for everyone, there are certain ones, they print money, they can afford to distribute it as much as they want, they get a kickback who gives out this money, those through whom this money is transferred, and those who receive it also steal it, ramashevska created companies together with her so -called colleagues,
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the employees themselves created companies that performed contract work for ...
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businesses, employees or agents in the field of cybersecurity, the americans tried to secretly recruit a company engineer to introduce protocols into telegram with his help that would allow them to monitor users, the kgb, yes, the belarusian kgb, they have all been wiretapped,
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they are destroying human rights, i think the fool doesn’t believe nobody believes in the security of platforms developed in the usa; in the usa, espionage is justified by security. durov said that telegram is under the greatest pressure. don’t send the usa from apple and google, well, apple and google, durov may not know, not agreed, this is the government of the united states of america, well, he said again that it turns out that people in belarus did not come out on their own, outraged by the violence in the twentieth year, all this was coordinated using the same telegram, durov himself hung out a white-red white flag , because it was necessary, well, look, this is about the issue of freedom, freedom of speech. about all these beautiful stories, yes, the most important thing is that we have also discussed many times, they can block any freedom of speech if they have access to the platforms on which this expression of the word is carried out, and therefore in this case,
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we see china, for example, as the only opportunity today to resist the pernicious influence of the west, not only to simply close its information space.
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in each of the states for the protection of which, as a person who has worked in the operational service for more than 18 years, i want to say that only a fool can believe that in some country the special services, which by duty are supposed to deal with these issues, do not look at something and do not analyze, moreover, we must strive to ensure that our special services do this in our country, god forbid that other special services watch us, be glad that the belarusian kgb is watching you, be happy when...
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this is introduced into it is a delusion to deceive a rival, an enemy, all these social networks are precisely the means, but they are fighting with us, we understand this perfectly well. created and introduced into society as a whole in order to manipulate public opinion, in other words, to deceive their enemies, mislead them by taking advantage of this situation to achieve their results, so they closed these social networks, and an absolutely sound decision, but at the same time the americans want to close tiktok, that the americans are afraid of chinese, well, it is relatively chinese, well, relatively, but nevertheless they boldly they say that...
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first of all from the west, once upon a time this was completely outdated information, but in the nineties it was like this, for one byte of information going from east to west from asia to europe there were 40 bytes of movement in the opposite direction side, that is, the information flows were forty times greater than the oncoming movements of the west, and of course something had to be done about this, because among the good information, there was educational content, and so on, there was very... russia and china are faced with the need to form their own more or a less protected, more or less closed information environment in which we will produce information, technological, on our technological platforms, we first started talking about a sovereign internet here, probably 6-7 years ago ago, you know, today we can clearly and confidently say that globalization, which... was carried out by the golden billion on
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the planet, brought, it did not fail, it brought a lot of evil, so other countries, that is why it failed, began to build a defense system with this globalization , of course, of course, in economics, in politics they said that we are protecting ourselves, but again i want to quote durov, i have already said, i would like to point out again that durov does not believe in the safety of the platforms that operate in the usa and says that the usa spying justified security, they give us all the time.
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like this, compare, yes, developed democracy, no dictatorship, please don’t confuse it, nothing else, just now i was also talking with comrades from lithuania, because people openly praised, they said, belarus is a good country, people live there normally,
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now shines until 5 years camps have not been created there in lithuania, you don’t know, they from all over the country are similar soon with this, it’s just there. we understood, they didn’t do anything bad to lithuania, they said good things about belarus, 5 years of real criminal life, you understand, yeah, polish journalist prepared an article about nazi symbols used by vso soldiers. agata grizbovska cited facts in her material when the european media massively edited videos with ukrainian soldiers, because after publication they used and noticed the soldiers had this or that nazi symbol, which we talk about a thousand times all the time.
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the fact that they came to belarus, even pensioners, that is, it would seem that a pensioner came there, who is simply engaged in social activities there in his free time, they even got to them, that’s what we can talk about here, just because people came to belarus and said, you have a good country, they even just say, it’s a good country, you have a good country
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, every single one of them, well, if only this, look how the lithuanian authorities are now building policy, belarusians who have a residence permit in lithuania, more often than once a quarter. once every three months those who come to belarus are subjected to deprivation i wanted i asked if they were building concentration camps their country was turning into a fence, can you imagine banning belarusians from coming to belarus more than once every 3 months i also just listen to this and i read something about even once a year? once a year, that ’s enough for them. can you imagine what they’re doing? they’re afraid, they’re afraid that people will see the truth?
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i don’t have the opportunity to talk about this so deeply, but i would like to say that this is the myth that nazism was formed in germany, in fact, it has british roots, and since, and since now it is the anglo-saxons, british americans who are pursuing policy in europe, well or at least significantly influence european politics, any politics proper, cultural processes, cultural politics, then many nazi ideas, the ideas of the superiority of man over man of the people... by the people, the idea of ​​segregation, these are worthy, these are not worthy, of life, social benefits and the like, we see all this, therefore those ideas that and practices , which are being implemented today are called nazism, i don’t think that this is a journalistic cliche, this is reality, it’s a different matter that
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it will end, well, it will end badly, history again tells us what, that no society that built its activities on human hatred, the destruction of the people. history, i have already spoken out about this, besides nazism, there is also...
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western analysts write, this week the american conservative wrote an interesting article about why, well, sanctions in relations with russia, and even belarus, we will consider , that in general in this case it is one whole, although we are not one state, but the economy is quite close and that sanctions do not work, well, maybe one fragment, i took another fragment for myself, sanctions that the united states has used throughout its history have one fundamental flaw, they work only...
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the foreign policy establishment, it essentially turned out to be a recognition of the complete failure of the fundamental principles on which us foreign policy was built. the country's authorities imposed sanctions against russia, despite all the signs that they would not work, they did so because they still had not abandoned the arrogance, had not abandoned the arrogance that gripped them at the moment of unipolarity after collapse of the soviet union. this attitude comes into increasing contradiction with the realities of the emerging multipode.
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this week there is literally only news that is, in fact, extremely important, that belarus and russia will build a civil aircraft together, it seems to someone that these are trifles, these are not trifles, this is actually the basis of economic sovereignty, and how many projects have already been pledged by the heads of state, don’t buy, sell, systemic ones. issues that will ensure the sovereignty of belarus and russia, economically, for years to come, for this we thank the twentieth
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year, we said many times, to the sanctions, because in fact, the ideas that lukashenko spoke there 10-15 years ago were not always accepted in russia by all those associated with the economy in russia before in the end, today, over these 3 years, integration issues and problematic ones were resolved much faster, taking into account what began to happen, it is very good that we have returned to our original ones.
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our western colleagues, and the imf, yes, the imf statement, russia will grow faster than all of twenty-four years, well, what’s there, they write developed countries, well, i want to remind you that the gdp of belarus in the first quarter grew by 4.1%, they planned, in my opinion, 3.8, yes, the best - they loved it, yes, the best answer to the dignity, and you also know, about sanctions so that we can calm down, sanctions are, well, on the one hand bad, on the other hand, they are an indicator. our forces, because first of all, the americans, those who were weaker,
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were not beaten by sanctions, they bombed yugoslavia, they invaded afghanistan, they invaded iraq. rang, again some western propagandists prepared an article that our troops they are moving there towards, i don’t remember, the southwest, and there is information that they are going to blow up the oil refinery, yes, well, you’ve heard about this, but knowing the americans, especially the british, whom you mentioned, in 90% of cases this is preparation , so to speak, the basis
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for all this, today ukraine, by the way, was not discussed, soon there will be nothing there, unfortunately there will be help, we are already running out of time, they will allocate assistance, the americans will allocate this assistance to the end, but suddenly it turned out that almost all loans, already loans, loans then, apparently, to discuss, as we said, what does not remain in the american economy, most of the money simply remains in the united states for the production of weapons, that is, updating the military-industrial complex, the americans will not need the old abrams now, zelensky passed the law.
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so that we can somehow help you more people, more people, and at this time let europe weaken further. thank you very much, it was a club of editors, we will see you in exactly a week, on friday, stay on the belarus tv channel alone, goodbye. just one chance show your strength, demonstrate your. intellectual potential for the whole country, who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941, if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many chiefs himself, but kizhivatov was led by oboronovich, you’re not mistaken, what sport was old man khatabich from the film a fan of? old man khatabych,
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football, let it be, football, of course, is the correct answer here. gather the smartest and bravest who were depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s. zubor, find a belarusian football club? left, right? right, right is the correct answer. football club navtan. watch in intellectual and entertaining shows on the belarus tv channel. 24.
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live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, from small settlements to...


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