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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 12:50am-2:36am MSK

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dear veronica, there was a trial or as long as possible, for life. how do you feel, what have you heard about pavel? nothing, i don’t know what cell you’re in, today he’s being transferred to a general cell, remember ours is 207.
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it’s been six months since i’ve been in prison, this month will be the hardest, somewhere, here, somewhere, kolya, someone, eh!
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someday you will tell your friends and they will not believe that you gave birth. in prison, you ’re not an important interlocutor yet, i want to talk, i like to talk, argue, but i’m sitting in solitary confinement, someday we’ll be released, and you ’ll quickly learn to walk, no, i’m getting you out of here i’ll send you, you’ll walk free.
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and koma kirashi, mladzhutki, venzhen, mladzhutki, vechen, the boss of the other, the molodzhutkiutki, the witch, the boss of the prosper, my boss, you are the guards.
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let me know you are calling. kohal all dzyauchyny freedoms on the tera sertsy boli
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trumny nesayuzh horse vedayuzh twist.
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how good it is that in prison you can see the sky, why do you squint, your eyes hurt, nothing, you need glasses, you don’t need glasses, i swore as a girl that i would never marry a bespectacled man. polya sent a letter: i ’ve been free for 3 years now, i see the sun, hear laughter, and i would like
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i can write you a cheerful letter, but i can’t, why? i can’t, how... are you living well, i saw my daughter, yes, she’s healthy, why are you crying, it’s hard for me, what are you grieving about, i’m to blame, i’m very guilty. in germany, hitler came to power, italy attacked abessinia, japan captured china, seventh year in prison, still free, you are
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free, set up by the brains. ksionc orzechowski. veronika korcheўska.
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thanks to government support , several government programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our systems.
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kiev, they don’t notice his terrorist attacks, well, because they did it all, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they are playing, leading a terrorist regime in which the finns, swedes, poles will fight, so joining nato is for sweden and finland not only does not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. project markov nothing personal, look at tv channel belarus 24.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program. you have to open up to the audience, but what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my the children followed this path. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible
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source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. there are no barriers, neither in the sea nor on the narrows. we are not afraid of ice or oblates, the flame of our soul, the banner of our country, we will carry it through worlds and centuries, whether we stand still, in our daring we are always right, our work is do. honor, without a feat of valor and a feat of glory, you bow down to the stanculi, cut yourself into the rock, a beautiful dream, not yet clear, is already calling you forward, the whirlwind of a new life has caught me, so many questions and
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at the same time so much joy that no words can convey all this, in our unprecedented days. hopes, and people, and feelings, everything new, unprecedented, mom, i have a bear, show me, wow, let’s play school, come on, the bear will be with... teacher, what’s wrong with his vision? yes, mom, whose glasses are these? is he in town? yes, both olga and olka. hello!
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well, olechka, pavlusha, how good!
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chemical alarm, chemical alarm, veronica, valka, damn, great! and you are still the same snub-nosed, and you are still
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the same, the queen from our street, you remember everything, i remember, tili-tili, dough, bride and groom, how many years have passed, i remember... how are you, val , you were going to become a budenovite with a saber in order to chop up all the boys from our street, but the bride did not love the groom, and he exchanged the saber for an eternal feather, became a clerical rat, no, i confess the purest souls, without a saber. i'm a teacher, veronica,
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you're completely wet, hell of a chemical alarm, clear of a chemical alarm. comrades, a member of the central committee of the communist party of western belarus will now speak, attention, quietly, quietly,
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in view of the fact that the comrade still has to work in poland, illegally, in underground conditions, please turn off the lights. to put out the fire, whoever lights matches will be considered a provocateur. i don’t see your faces, it’s hard for me to speak,
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comrades, after 10 years of struggle, i realized that i love my people, my power and freedom. it’s not easy, this love is often cruel, burning pain, torment of soul and body, but we are communists, we are fighting for great ideals, and we will never deviate from this road, and there is no such sacrifice before which any of us, veronika ivanovna, veronika ivanovna, would stop. quiet, what is it? is someone asking you there?
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valya, how did you get there, on foot, what happened? marry me, i can’t even explain anything to him, but just go ahead, go ahead. you're cold, warm yourself up. hold it, wait, groom,
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i’ll bring some water, because i, my comrades, live here in my house. in a few days we will go beyond the cordon to underground towards the struggle.
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help me get down, are you offended? well, what are you silent? what kind of boy are you?
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what are you doing, it’s inconvenient, i’ll go, where, let’s go, let’s go, take off your clothes, who is it, it’s you, lazybones.
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mommy, what’s going on, the whole house has been occupied by strangers, he’s here, he says he’s going to study, he’ll live for 6 months, two people are waiting in the kitchen, hello, hello. karchevskaya, korchevskaya, yes, they are calling you on webcom, who?
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what? what happened? mommy, i got married, prokopovich, you know this name, secretary of the vilna underground district committee, ex, dorchik. secretary of the central committee of the party of western belarus, former styba, secretary of the kobrin underground district committee, former, it was established that they were sent to the ussr on espionage, reconnaissance and terrorist missions, it is not true, unfortunately, it is true. uncle valyats, dad,
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don’t be offended, i’ll soon get used to it, what are you, funny grandma, why? there are mittens in the hospital, well, maybe she’s already feeling better, and she’s allowed to go for walks, so we’ll see her, but of course, it’s true, it’s very strict there, you know? it's not that simple, you wrote a note to mom, here do you want to eat, no, well, let's go, no, no,
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they don't take innocent people from us, but what about you? and if i worked with such provocateurs as prokopovich and dorchik and did not expose them, girl, they are honest people, shut up, they betrayed us, they betray us at every step, and we will be merciless, and you. they will condemn me,
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let it mean that you agree that you, the innocent one , must be destroyed if i remain alive. if i am sent to the camps, i will not give up there either, i will gnaw the throat of any enemy there too. karchevskaya, veronika ivanovna, having made her way into the leadership of the communist party of western belarus, handed over police underground printing house of the central committee, committed the murder of a prominent underground worker, comrade grigory. the investigation established that the defendant veronika ivanovna korchevskaya was sent to the territory of the ussr on espionage and terrorist missions. i categorically deny this. and please do not call me the defendant. i'm
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under investigation. come here. over you , the vast song is sung over the beautiful moscow, howling, mighty, you are mine, my country, my mask, you are the most beloved, the day is passing and the coolness is and you went against this. bastard, you are on behalf of the soviet government,
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calm down. bitch! sit down, well, veronica, you
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won’t leave here alive, the matter, of course, is not about him, he will also be arrested today, the order has already been signed. i was appointed to his place, i don’t know, for how long? i understand, this is difficult to explain, you will pity me when you die, someone will pity you when you die. the slogan is clear, the struggle is intensifying, capitalism is insidious, it has recruited many prisoners from its prisons, the masses believe in it, they tremble over the soviet government, as over their own creation, so that it lives, to any sacrifice they'll go. they won’t spare anyone, do you believe that i,
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no, i don’t, thank you, well, now, let me sign everything you need, you also have life, the road, no, no, veronica, we need to look for another way out. yes, if you knew, when you come home, you’ll be ashamed to take your son in your arms, i decided, i’ll leave, are you leaving the authorities?
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so you asked who needs our lives, i don’t know, tell me honestly, after all this, hasn’t our star, which shone for us in pelsudsky’s prisons, faded, but honestly, but i don’t... i don’t know anything, the charges brought against korchevskaya state security commissioner, latyshev, are refuted by the facts. the underground printing house, despite the arrest of its comrades, was not discovered by the secret police and continued to operate under the leadership of karchevskaya. the so-called underground worker grigory was executed as an agent provocateur by decision of the party central committee. due to the lack of evidence , release karchevskaya from custody.
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veronica, veronica, pavlusha, hello, veronica, hello to you, atoli, how is she in the maternity hospital, i’m waiting for my second son, congratulations. thank you, is ninochka healthy? it’s okay, it’s growing little by little, i came by, you’re mom did you pass it on? i'm lying, i didn't come in. was looking for you,
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bazylevich passed by, he is now instead of korzun, remember korzun, he was expelled from the party, for what? for communication with the enemy of the people, with you, veronica. why are you silent? i have been in the party for 15 years, i was at the front, in the underground, but i have two children. what do you want?
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i confirm that between me and pavel korchevsky, there was and is nothing in common in any political relationship. hurry up, you're drunk, pavlush, sign.
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will we introduce you to people who have found their calling? in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine heals humanity. we also train pharmacists; this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile.
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belarus 24. it was all about the form, only about it. “you’ve left before, for a long time, in uniform for the first time, i knew that i was seeing you off to summer training camp, for some 2 months, just think, 2 months, tili-tili, dough, bride and groom, so you became a budenovite with a saber." what are you doing, veronica? take care of the little one!
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oh thank you. i need to talk to you, so tell me,
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you deceived, cucumbers are good, absolutely kilogram. so, don’t put it with pimples, don’t put it in, they’re bitter, so it’s not enough for dill. “you deceived me, you weren’t in any hospital, you were in prison, you
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were expelled from the party as an enemy of the people, daughter, how do you talk to your mother?” detachments of spartak brave
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fighters moved forward, detachments of spartak brave fighters moved forward, among us was a young drummer, that’s how he walked ahead, with a cheerful friend... van with a larger fire in his chest, with a cheerful friend drummer with a bolshevik fire in his chest , one night on the prevala, he sings he sang cheerfully, but in the bullets of the brazheskaya reference machine. the rest are clear tamki, but if you need to quickly clean them, protruding, stubborn
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bayonets, and always, always, and if he says, for labor, you dress the exact enemies with your body, eastern tarpaulin, gives analysis, red, green, gives analysis, as soon as little valentin got a little stronger, i got ready to go. i'll rent a room nearby so i can see you at least once a
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our train was captured, we did not know then that women and children would be sent to camps, those who were found with party cards would be shot at place, they will shoot those whom the traitors point out, the jews will be shot, the soldiers will be taken prisoner. the wounded will be finished off, but we knew that the enemy is the enemy, valya, valya, what’s wrong with you, why
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are you here? well, here we are, motherfucker, i’m not a deserter. they came and bombs, shut up,
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i can’t hear anything, i’m deaf, now we’ll pass the warehouse, there are rotten boards there, i’ll try, he can’t hear, i understand you.
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klava, valya, where are you, be careful, be careful, be careful, my little one, now, now,
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like this, quickly! fertig, ein offizier, komm her, ein schönes
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kind, so ein murkel, was machen wir zum teufel, schau, wie er schreit, lass ihn. nein, there were 32 of us left, we picked up weapons in the forest and were now fighting our way, somewhere across the river there were ours.
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their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns. contrary to all stereotypes, bright
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and rich, here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals, walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main qualities of these people, adnoychy, kali i am proud of my agarod, drop a dimple, under the foot, ran into clay, the red one is so sculpted, i took my hands, it’s like plasticine, but i’m trying to sculpt something right away. 12 years ago, when we bought this house, it was in a very deplorable state, we restored it all with our own hands, planted christmas trees, planted trees, look at the paleshuk project, that is, poleshuk’s mentality will still survive, he will pass on this decline. what
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he has been left with for centuries will be passed on to his generation on the belarus 24 tv channel, no, no, and no, i don’t take nursing mothers, the conversation is over. i can’t, i don’t have the right, well, damn it, i can’t. i honestly
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can’t, because he’s very small, he needs to be fed, there’s enough valynians, will you take it or not? sit down on the way and feed me, i’m staying, how? klavochka, you will take valyushka to his mother, and you, and i am leaving for the army, you are abandoning the child,
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ich habe mich mit diesem mann verabredet, wie viel?
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hello, hello, today i’m going out on a mission, i’m expecting the radio operator at 22 o’clock, i need money, 10,000 marks, okay, we’ll give it to you. wer ist eine benachrichtigung bitte rein? all right, get settled, you must
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contact the command and direct the planes to the target at 22:30, let’s compare the clocks, you are local, no, from behind the front line. if you want to eat, no, then i’ll drink, here you go!
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danimunier 1838. how's pasha doing? there are no letters, yours,
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valya was killed, the children are with their mother, and i have to go, in the morning we will meet in the strawberry meadow near two stones. good luck, good luck!
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es wird befohlen dringliche maßnahmen zur aufsuchung und verhaftung der wirtin des bars. it is ordered to take measures to search for and arrest the bar owner frau heckel, real name korchevskaya, communist, dangerous partisan, active employee of the russian intelligence center, signs.
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i felt happy from the day when i found out why i live, since then there have been no doubts, no fear, i understood how you can
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love life, that’s why it’s so easy for me to talk to you, the living. we are going on an expedition in the corners of our country, we are going there, where it is possible to get the light and the light in the past, which happens many times before in the past, we are going to follow the story... we are jumping with you ruzhany brest region, in one of the largest palace complexes, there are 16-18 centuries, residents of the magnate
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sapega family. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. either karavod or vayavod. karago, karago, all the spectators are in full view, in front. one, two, three.
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few people remember the pop concerts of the first blessed decades, and in the meantime, i would have liked to know that the pop performances of the belarusian philharmonic hall e. not only from songs and dances numarov, as it is popularized in modern times, the so-called arygical genres, for example, illusion, jugglery, masterful whistling, psychological experiences, spartan acratics and others. he’s coming up with the most arrogant number, satir in the little ones, he’s in touch
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with other polish people, and he’s settling in minsk and the belarusian philharmonic, a small addition tsa. they said to the pit: you smoke, the wound is gone, the wound is gone, the wound is over, the belarusian stage was rich in first-class artists of aryginal genres, which our admyslovian numbers jumped on any concerts, dramas... looking at
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the limp joy of these forgotten, unfortunately, artists, their not extraordinary grace and outstanding e mastership, our sonny apovid. we serve estrada with you, we once said, hold on, having dived headlong forever, like into the sea into touring life, since then we have been constantly on the road, not caring about convenience, hotels, houses and homelands, carriages.
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in the past, in 1966 , in the bssr, vocal-instrumental firsts were created ensemble, melodies and songs, who
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play on the keyboards and guitars... being the king of the savetsky stage, yuriy anton, viktar sinayski himself, performs on the stage as a multi-stage performer, he performs the song taxes, filitons, and dancing, adding steps and performing rare aryginal genres have vocal parodies, which have no origins on the belarusian stage. today, in our program, we recognize the first celebrated artists of the artistic genre that performed at the belarusian
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philharmonic. hell of such... artystaў would georgiy scyapanavich ermalovich, i would say that i have an unusual genre, satire in little ones. yes, the wars of yeorgiy ermalovich are the death of the masked tsarkov school and perform for a long time like a jangler and an acrobat, and sometimes a weak aichyn wars, and he is a warrior, and a leader in battles and wars . tall wounded. his hands gave a hole to the bulges of several fingers and he could no longer perform as a juggler and more like an acrobat for an hour he seemed to be a successful master and he came up with the most arrogant numbers of satyr in the little ones the scene was carried out by malbert yon to the flamemasters there they paint some items there and tell about this they tell the text of some extraordinary things. krylova and
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carp, at the end there are fish and gars, heta malbert, and there are all other images. and the getas of the chalavek, which are small, are played in the oak, the pad halim are played in the enchanter, the drunken woman is in the decanter, and the public ragatala and ўsprayed the getas number of the good. together with his malberts, he abstains from the whole union, often speaks for the meat, and all the time he sums up the fall ... the tsirku, we got together with him, we had 20 bastards of difference, but i nadta pavazhau getaga chalavek, for yago dabratu, for yago high mastership, for yago high culture.
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from the first pastured bastards at the bel-dziarzh stage, the athlete akrabat, the master of sports of the ussr igar piguleevski, who performed for the couple, was issued. with your wife nadzeya ivanova, and at the same time we have a rare magical publication of their most innovative and complex acratic sketches.
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jangler anatoly dutkin is remembered kindly by the veterans of the belarusian philharmonic, this former sapraudny maystar, the maystar of the vyalikay litara, i would say navat.
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from dzyurka, on janglіrava, the pipe melted on my forehead, on janglіrava, five six times i had balls, this was folded up, then he threw them at this tray, i immediately put this dzyurka on this pipe , i smoke the pipe, and on his forehead there are four times five of these balls, and he is so neatly balancing the exits behind the scenes, and here is the garden. at novasibirsk, behind the scenes of the past, some academicians with such torture are visible , i work on this problem, two spheres of yashche can one another try, three, this is already indestructible, you have five, who are the people
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, who are smiling at me, and here dudkin reveals the secret, these five balls at the pipe overlapped, that is, what i will throw, the yans were higher, and the lower ones were these heels the balls that were on the other side, a skewer, some people were walking there, and they were shaking, and he was taking them backstage. well, the public, of course, didn’t know the getag, and released the geta number of the good stuff. napaevna, the most folded hands, like the one that anatol dutkin removed from the cold brew. of course, they are slaves without backbone, like meetings of a virtuoso and it's cool. ale menavіta gety truk... chestnut ўsyoya yago further stage career and of course ў the first charge of health. there was an unmade dance from a low table, with a bright rusty color. there are three daggers in the teeth
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, a sword is placed on the very top of the dagger, the sword is so big, there was a tray on top of the swords, and there is a glass of water, so long as it doesn’t spill, it’s... it’s just lucky that...
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this is a photograph , if anyone ever sees my posters again, some of the posters, it was he who came up with all the tricks with all sorts of there are unusual faces, and he actually came up with some examples of posters out of nothing, which then worked for me for many years, only for our... tv viewers, we choose the best routes. we
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also decided not to look at overseas countries and came to the belarusian city in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we go on exciting journeys. many centuries ago , the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted. here, not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish blende, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness even enchant. the most demanding travelers. watch the program cities
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of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. we let's prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. this taste is, in fact, familiar to me since childhood. if you have never tried skvarki, then you have essentially never been to belarus. if you hadn't said it was oatmeal, i would never have thought of it. oatmeal in its structure, it is also very similar to our pig ears in this pot. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we'll show you what they eat in different corners of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty. novice, having eaten a plate of such soup, you can then
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simply not eat all day, i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish, if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is, look at the project, the food is anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel. more than once i heard a little story about the fact that uladzimira mulyavin never came to the belarusian philharmonic from the very first step, only other times he stepped here for the first time. so, i declare that this is pure truth, the historical month of may 1961. then uladzimir mulyavin came to
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minsk with his friends from the tomsk abasic philharmonic, alexander van lee. and all this was shown to the master’s advice, van li understood that he was so tsikavy, karabatychny etsyud prademanstrava, and mulyavin was told that the guitarists are from minsk and without yapa. a flock of couples, alexander wang li, is working at the belarusian philharmonic, and when uladzimir... here, of course, yany new adnosins, yans, darechs, velmi-velmi until the end of the day, ivan li, in his meetings with the fees, said: “it’s the same i brought the mulyavin to minsk.” and this news was pure truth. alexander wang li, a chinese in his own country, i don’t know how he is born in the savetsky union, or even among the smallest people here, and the father of a certain chinese group. here. there he grew up and
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a great master, he was kauchuk, what is kauchuk, he’s a bended whole, he’s going, so he’s going. that the galava came out of the pavilion legs, and what's more tsikava, what's the moment they gave the sticks, such sticks on the ends of the table, and they turn, and here the public exploded, stand on their nakedness, the head there, and, well, of course, tsudoўny gety numar, yago the performance affected us a lot, and i also received an online review of the performance.
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they didn’t want to be filmed on camera and the atrocious hell of the systser ros. shachyra seeming, alexander van lee works with the same hands, with your face and the balance with the flower that he picks up in our minds, praying, the whole story is the same as it was on the screen. vykannі hella s syastser ros, brў ge'.


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