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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 9:10am-10:46am MSK

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high-altitude emergency department officer . the competition brought together more than forty professionals. sergey ladesev watched every stage of the intense competition. from carrying out work to providing first aid, for the eleventh time this competition presented participants with complex challenges.
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here we see the guys hone it down to the second, they use it, if not daily, then constantly in our daily combat work. the competition program took place over 2 days: in the first, the participants alternately performed nine stages of exercises using a climbing equipment. we climbed through the window of the fourth floor of the training tower, rescued the suspended installer, lifted the load with the help of a pulley, then climbed the double rope and descended with the load. at the end we passed a canopy. indeed, this is not the first time that all of them have encountered such multitasking. in these competitions, we practice ways and means of rescuing people from hard-to-reach places with equipment, technology, industrial equipment, technology, industrial equipment, every rescuer can participate here, i can say so, every civilian, it’s probably difficult for him will apply ourselves in these competitions, this is our work, our activity directly, here we show what we are capable of. on the second day, wearing rescue
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equipment, you will have to climb to a height of more than 110 m. the participants’ task was complicated by personal respiratory protection equipment weighing more than 20 kg. this competition will test their physical fitness and ability to respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations. meanwhile, the participants went to the start. the best result is less than 2 minutes. svido is a simple competition, but such... knowledge is a colossal amount of work in preparation, without such training it is difficult to help people in trouble, the guys pass all stages 100%. the feeling is normal, before this we also had regional competitions, so well, we prepare regularly, for me this is as a result of my daily preparation, that’s why, well, this is our professional responsibility, i think that we beat ourselves by last year, all the guys improved their results in industrial mountaineering according... we will continue
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to prepare, draw conclusions, in any case not everything turned out as we wanted, a little differently than planned, but we will draw conclusions and continue to work. in the personal competition, the best high-altitude rescuer was evgeniy staroduk from the mogilev regional department of the ministry of emergency situations. in the group, the best was the grodno regional department of the ministry of emergency situations. all participants of the competition adequately overcame difficult distances and showed a high level of professionalism. sergey ladosev, alexey yunosh, ivan mozgo, agency. tv news and these are the main news of the tv news agency project available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch for developments on the air at noon. lucky day.
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, it’s new. foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians,
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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. territories of the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab republics emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the open. and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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this is the main broadcast, hello, as always, on sunday evening we are discussing the most important event of the outgoing week. making the world around us cleaner, better, greener is not a reason for everyone to support the good tradition of going to cleanup in mid-april. and yesterday we saw how belarusians got down to business together, of course, the president did not stand aside either; we will talk about this separately. we will also show how in some countries... the parliament is fighting for the purity of the information space against the army of foreigners in georgia. who will win? and this is not all that the main broadcast has prepared today. polena shuba and maxim uglyanitsa are with you. look in the program. from economics to national security. vns readiness number
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one. the task is to mobilize resources. the first time section has included the most important things for the week. and there will be results this year. the most severe repression. discipline is the master of everything, both technological and production. how else can we ask farmers about the future when food supply is running out? science and industry must work in tandem to achieve greater and better results. holim or leem for a reason. the belarusian land gives back threefold if you take care of it on time. his apples are better than any polish ones, but the main thing is that they are cleaner. saturday results.
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let us remind those who tore apart the lungs of europe in the 21st century, what is culture and creation? will the legendary creation melt stupidity? out of place ranks, time will tell. despite
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a very busy schedule, participation in the republican cleanup for the president. it is especially symbolic that this time the head of state worked in his small homeland in alexandria. there are many significant moments associated with these places; the future president studied here. of course, there is something to remember and tell, including using the example of these days, in the shklov region there is the famous presidential field, where alexander lukashenko, together with the peasants, began his agricultural experiments. about it the head of state told our film crew in detail, even more exclusive footage from the president’s small homeland and inside stories from the palace, watch right now. in our section first time,
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water on the tables, office supplies, sound quality in the room where the meeting is taking place or in the press center, computer lights, all this is on the presidential affairs management team, which is directly responsible for organizing all events.
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glubokoeskaya is really so delicious that it’s hard to choose. as in the case of the meeting on industry, some comrades wrote lukashenko again admitted to failure. we counted where and what we didn't get in terms of grain. but here it would be necessary to clarify the hardware. our country has long received grain from once unpromising and unpopular crops; criticism of the president is an integral part of working better. that's why it's all public. the fact that we have focused on the negative today is not.
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always updates the team, the process is running, but no matter where the vdels go, there is always one
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thing. you are a senator, what now? the president knows best for each of us. how he supervised agriculture, i remain committed to this difficult industry. the most pressing topic right now is the seeding company, so after the meeting, together with the senator in charge of the industry, we go to the fields to talk about one experimental country, it is often called that, the president’s field. varieties are being tested, the weather is not whispering, but tearing and rushing, opened up, but leonid konstantinovich assures that for the future harvest we will have what we need, with bread, no doubt, new varieties, original seeds, import substitution, work in...
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the initiator can tell about everything better than others, indeed, it’s always not easy to be the first, we came to the president’s homeland this saturday to see everything with our own eyes, you couldn’t imagine a better coincidence in the country and... republican cleanup worker, you you think you won’t spend it, somehow, we are always ready, here is my house and there, both in winter and in summer i went for firewood to prepare firewood, or in winter there was not enough firewood, i went into the forest in snow above my knees in order to to chop dead wood there, there was one here, second, third field, here in the middle field with
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my younger brother, cousin, we were processing potatoes, as i still remember. and you follow this plow, barely in the form of a nose because of the plow, you work it in order to earn 3 rubles a day to buy something for school, some clothes, so this field, one might say, is watered with my sweat, now the focus is on growing protein crops, why protein is the most important component for feeding livestock, then milk and meat, so if we take grain by grain, our corn is imported, they just gave me the data. scientific is different there are 3-4 centners out of 100 2-3-4 centners, this is not nothing, but if you compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported ones become unprofitable, these lands are generally rich in gifts, the harvest from the presidential fields is tasted annually and journalists: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beetroot, onions, garlic - everything
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is our own and, what is very important, natural, however, not only vegetables, watermelons too. what is needed, juices are made from local apples under the alexandria brand, as time passes there will be an opportunity to try the products from these apple trees, the president planted them together with a team that works alongside you every day. schoolchildren, well , they will work here as their personal plot, where they can dig around on the ground, walk around and touch with their hands, so that there is less foolishness in their heads. belarus has a special attitude towards the land and its gifts; our president shows by personal example how this is possible. subbotnik.
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igor abramchik, these are his seedlings, took root in alexandria. how much is 100 hectares for you today, well, it has grown a little, a little, no, we can give you a collective farm. by the way, i could have gone into it, a baguira graduate, but applied it technologies on earth, transfers experience to the whole party. could you see his products under your own brand on the shelves? we also do a little bit of vegetable crops , sweet corn, and you know, we really liked and started buying vacuum-packed sweet corn in the store, but when we saw that i was... being transported from india from china, we were very surprised, and i thought, really, we ca n’t do the same, but here, and we have been successfully, let’s say, implementing this project for 2 years already, the presidential example is very motivating, people who they work in a team, side by side, the level of competence is really on par with the technologists, to dig deeper so that the root is hidden is so good, georgievna
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is rather weak, eisman is catching up with you, she will now become a leader, so what?
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you have to handle it gently, take it with your hands boldly, cameraman roninman ivan martynovich, who was filming while his colleagues were planting trees, the turn, of course, happened unexpectedly, but his work also found him, then we’ll switch places, at least, hello? in general, you won’t relax with the first one, the president said, we haven’t finished our work, less talk, more action, guys, yes, here we are with the journalists, now we’re chopping wood, we need to finish loading. a pile of firewood at the suggestion of the president is already a hobby for many belarusians, there is also a championship, at the last one
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some people looking at everything through monitors were indignant, saying that lukashenko and co. are chopping with imported axes, on the other hand, it’s as if we were indignant that foreigners are eating ours cheese, but nothing. in the networks they criticized that we were imported. worked with axes, you read, read, after 2 days i i’m also reading and marking the axe, they brought me an axe, it was creepy to look at, so they have to put the axes on the table, ho-hum, yes, and such axes with a long handle, with a short one, so that they can produce it, so this needs to be shown to them that this is an import, indeed, we need our own, and the work started, not all of us succeeded the first time, but the president gave a master class, remember, into this crack, here you have to, you look there, you see, it’s not so
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simple, it’s gone wrong, it seems, yes, it seems, you took it, i thought, well, you need to be stronger, ok, well, stronger, oops, this is of course the best training, how it feels in the body today, we responsibly declare, the first one loaded it as it should, no, well, you can do it like that, you see, it’s getting stuck on the edge, you need to step back, put the ax where you want to hit, well, it’s possible, it’s possible, whoever works eats everything natural, local, bread, lard, vegetables, kvass, after physical work and in the fresh air, what you need, bread, this is vitebsk, this is always when the president comes to his small homeland . and the vitebsk governor hands over bread, which, well, to everyone i like it very much, everyone loves it very much, homemade, baked, here, and this is minsk, which they also bake for the president, so that there is something on the table for
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the table, and also the opportunity to calmly chop wood, work on the ground in your garden, or, as zoomers like, go shopping, there is a request for stability, the all-belarusian people's assembly was intended to be such a stabilizer, it received constitutional status and will make the most important decisions for the country before the meeting: there are a couple of days left, the program has been determined, as well as the number of delegates, the head of state is also scheduled to speak, but there is an open question, the composition of the presidium, many are very concerned about who these people are, they asked the head of the organizing committee , roman golovchenko, about this point: what are the nuances in this secret ballot? we assume that there will be people who will nominate certain candidates for these elective positions, let me remind you, these are the chairman of the supreme council, the deputy chairman of the supreme council. in general, to the presidium of the all-belarusian people's assembly, and of course these candidacies will be discussed delegates, a total of about nine voting stations will be organized, right in the lobby
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of the palace of the republic will be located, absolutely all participants will vote, ballots will be distributed to all those who are registered as a delegate, they will be printed right there in the palace of the republic in a special room ballots, everything like in serious elections, booths. everything is secret, but once again, if you want to place the cameras nearby, not in the booths, but nearby, we will be happy to provide it, next sunday we will tell you about the behind the scenes of the first vns in constitutional status, who, where, what the delegates were treated to, an exclusive interview, and also in the presidential schedule, besides a very interesting event is planned, everyone will have something to discuss, this is the time of the first, to realize the maximum potential. president, and it needs to be solved through joint efforts, what is important here is a thorough approach to the work of everyone who provides food for our agro-industrial complex, the most important task posed by
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the security of the country, working on the development of new varieties, working in the fields, responsible for the production of products in processing shops enterprises. farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell to hundreds of countries on the planet for almost 7.5 billion dollars, and this with... the harvest for the table begins long before the start of spring field work, before farmers begin to plow and sowing, science must work, and this is the foundation of successful plant growing; purchasing seeds is not cheap.
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therefore, efforts must be made to develop our own that can adequately compete with foreign analogues, and this is not a task with with an asterisk, real work that belarusian science can do. the introduction of science into production should always be in the first place, our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds of agricultural plants, and the most important thing that we can give from science to production is these new varieties that are highly productive and are resistant to more.
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our institute employs a large team of scientific specialists who are working on the development of the latest technologies for cultivating crops. science and production must work in tandem for bigger and better results. we set the altitude, speed, and application rate of the drug, and now we are ready for takeoff. well, did you fly? let's fly. modern gadgets are not some distant prospect, a reality of the belarusian fields and not just toys. an agrodron is an indispensable assistant where a wheeled vehicle cannot pass. in terms of performance, it is a competitor to a tractor, but still the task is not to compete, but to complement each other. used for non-contact processing of crops, as well as for monitoring with heights, this makes it easier to evaluate the picture and identify
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problem areas. here they conduct electronic. they know how to work, the industry is not easy and requires solving many problems, the introduction of innovative approaches, yet it will no longer be possible to work the old fashioned way, attracting promising personnel, they are able to breathe new life into the village, but for this it is important to solve their housing issues, create infrastructure in the outback, the tasks are strategic, there is something to be proud of, but it is important not to stop there, to make the agricultural industry work
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more sustainable, and its development...
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the chances of receiving an extra class, the buildings, as you see, have already been assembled, finishing work is underway, installation of milking equipment has begun, everything will be... convenient, convenient for everyone, both for workers and for cows. in the technological chain from field to counter , the processor has a particularly important role: it is necessary to produce more products without losing quality. before milk tankers enter the processing plant in grodno, they go through several cleaning systems, only after which specialists laboratories take samples of raw materials. this enterprise processes 1,600 tons of milk per day. 98% of raw materials come only of the highest grade and extra class, all thanks to many years of work with suppliers in the region’s farms, not only the condition of the animals, but also the quality of the feed is clearly monitored. all organizations, all laboratories,
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agricultural enterprises are provided with equipment that ensures quality control of this first stage. the second stage is naturally an enterprise. all the milk comes here. devices for determination of bacterial contamination of milk and somatic. this enterprise is one of the leading in the country in milk processing with a range of about 300 types of products, they are developing new markets, the quality management system is being improved, they have received a halal certificate, and these are great prospects. in the supply chain of our products , we are actively developing countries such as the united arab emirates, china, and supplying products there; singapore is one of these.
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russians, who care how our country will develop, because how we we treat our land, a lot depends on it, it feeds us, sings, warms us, lets us breathe , protects us. on this day, labor troops worked throughout the country, cleaning, painting, washing, putting things in order in parks, on the territories of social facilities, and improving memorials and places of national memory. 2.4000 people took part in the cleanup, about 14.5 million rubles were collected , which is... more than last year, all this money will go to the reconstruction of memorial complexes in centers for the patriotic education of youth, but also cleanup is the opportunity to get together and spend time usefully, this unites us, reporting by daria
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rachko. in the morning in the studio and in the afternoon in the fields, who else but journalists would know and predict where you might be, roughly in an hour, but on this day it’s already traditional, sportswear, comfortable shoes, armed with gloves. with a rake or a shovel, absolutely everyone , regardless of position, has changed their official style, now you can go to work, we already have water here, we are leveling it so that we have a beautiful aley along this line. and sprinkle with earth, everything is very simple, of course, you need to look after it, you will need to trim it a little, well, for the winter it is advisable that they do not get sunburned, it protects them from the sun, well , we do this all the time, so i think that everything will be very beautiful for us , because
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we do everything according to technology, i’m planting a thuja for the first time, in general it’s very wonderful, you can say my first tree, i gave birth to children, planted a tree, all i have to do is build a house, i looked at minsk, i think... why does minsk need it at all in the grand scheme of things ? subbotnik, because that i have visited many countries in my life, it seems to me that this is the cleanest, most well-groomed city of the dozens, if not hundreds, that i have seen, but nevertheless there is always something to do, and another reason for everyone to get together. we planted 52 thujas this year, 60 last year, so now we have an alley of even a little more than a hundred, which will not only delight us, but also the people who pass by. it’s a long-standing good tradition to get together, and even from the recent snowdrifts in vitebsk and the rainy morning on the main day , i was completely foreshadowed by the sun, but the weather seemed played along with us, the forest feeds, shelters, heals, this year the oak,
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a powerful tree, an eternal symbol of strength, perseverance, so for our country i think this is the most suitable tree at the moment, they put things in order in parks in... in social territories objects, in the courtyards of residential buildings, memorials and places of national memory were landscaped, this year, with special attention, almost 2.5 million belarusians worked. these 18 thujas are around a mass grave in the kupolsky district. at the end of the forty-second year, german troops launched a punitive expedition against the partisans of three districts in the minsk region. 700 fascists launched an offensive. it was an unequal battle. our defense held until the last. and how many such objects are there? a land pierced with blood, courage and perseverance. this. our memory, its protection in the draft national
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security concept, strategic interests of belarus. but most importantly, the secretary of state came with their families, with their children, so that the children could see how their parents treat such sacred things. apple orchard, empty classroom, paper ship, sculpture defenseless girl. they were all donors for german soldiers, those who miraculously survived, germany, these children will never grow up, never. together with the roots of these trees , our memory will be strengthened and 35% of all 14 million rubles collected will go to the memorial complex for children victims of war. we came to plant new seedlings so that the young garden would bloom in this place and continue to delight us. women have tears in their eyes, and men have a lump in their throat, just
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thinking about what happened here. more 35 creation of a center for patriotic education on the basis of the kobrin fortification in the brest fortress. the facility was declared an all-belarusian youth construction site. we visit it very often, as soon as he found out that we were coming here, he immediately agreed unconditionally, no matter what the weather would be like. to come here, love for your land, love for your homeland, begins with the simplest, most basic things, every person must understand that it is his personal participation in making our land more beautiful that is fundamentally important, the rest of the amount is for reconstruction restoration of memorial complexes of military and military glory in the regions and the capital.
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our history is also modern, it is being created
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here now, so what ink we will write it with and what it is about depends only on us. in vitebsk we worked on the territory of a kindergarten at an elementary school in the bilevo microdistrict; there are many young families there who are already waiting for the opening. a voluntary desire to help, because a day off is still something where we can get together and organize, together. do good a good job, they worked on the construction of a new building of the city emergency hospital in mogilev, carried out general cleaning, planted alleys throughout the country, after the cleanup there were many more of them, and all this was done by the belarusians, a tradition that has already taken deep roots into the ground. on the main broadcast are darochko, andrey ivanenko and the entire team of the television news agency.
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the history of tatyana karpinskaya lane, along which hundreds of residents and guests of mogilev pass every day, in a special project of the agency. news from the street of heroes. karpinskaya tatyana romanovna. participant of the underground movement in
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the mogilev region. during the patriotic war in the summer of 1941, together with her mother, she joined the anti-fascist struggle and participated in the rescue of wounded soviet soldiers who remained in hospitals. since the fall of 1941, she was a member of the mogilev underground group; in the spring of '42, she became part of the underground organization , the committee for assistance to the red army. she stored weapons and medicines collected by the underground and transported them to the partisans. with her active participation, 25 issues were prepared and published underground newspaper for the homeland. the karpinskys were arrested on march 8, 1943, according to danos. in front of her mother's eyes, tatyana was subjected to severe
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torture. the girl died without betraying any of her comrades. order of the patriotic war, first degree. tanya karpinskaya was awarded posthumously, her mother, with the order of lenin. and now about the main event of next week. the all-belarusian people's assembly has already proven its effectiveness in the modern history of the country. the evolution of the people's assembly is based on the centuries-old experience of state building of our predecessors. with in the ninety-sixth year, six vns were carried out, the current seventh and the first in a new status.
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each meeting made an important contribution to ensuring peace and stability in society, to the progressive and effective development of the belarusian economy. states. veronica buta looked into history. only the people have the right to decide their own destiny. the tactics of the young politician in the mid-nineties turned out to be more relevant than ever today. 1996. the country has a difficult political situation, hyperinflation, holes in the state budget, weak government uncertainty system. part. enterprises are completely stopped, thousands of people go to the square with one request, help them make money, there are queues in stores, the lack of basic bread mixture for children is worth its weight in gold. popular discontent is growing, alexander lukashenko is taking an unprecedented initiative. a fundamental moment for the fate of belarus is the first all-belarusian people's assembly. at
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the initiative of the president , almost 5.00 delegates will gather in the minsk sports palace, the most spacious hall of the republic at that time. we are faced with a choice, or belarus will remain a hostage in the hands of politicians eager for revenge for their defeats, or we will establish proper legal order and direct all our forces, the forces of the people, to solving urgent problems. these days, the fate of not president lukashenko, not the institution of the presidency, but... the entire belarusian people, the future of our children and grandchildren, is being decided. the composition of the first meeting is indicative - it is a reflection of belarusian society. elections of delegates were held in factories, on collective farms, in educational institutions, scientific institutions, military units, and at the place of residence of citizens. in total
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, over 2 million people took part in nominating delegates. it’s hard to argue that the all-belarusian people’s assembly was formed through free democratic elections. everything is broadcast live on television and radio. alexander lukashenko does not propose shock therapy, like some svidomo politicians, but a five-year strategy with an emphasis on a socially oriented economy. looking back over the decades, we can say with confidence that belarus has chosen the right course. with common efforts towards a new national nervous system, the country has coped with critical threats of the nineties. the motto of the second meeting already sounds for a strong , prosperous belarus. production growth indicators.
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business climate, high-tech development , emphasis on improving investment production, export growth. the will of the belarusian people is the only legitimate force that can and should choose the fate of the state; it does not need any external assessments. the key thesis not only of the fourth meeting is the course of construction. belarusian state. together for a strong, prosperous belarus, the fifth forum starts in a day that determined the fate of our country for a decade. the symbolic date is june 22. the people who defeated fascism can handle any difficulties. alexander lukashenko talks about why it is so important to be together. still relevant today. unity of the people. mobilization of all his forces is what is needed, not only in order to withstand the storm. time, but also in order to prevent its coming, to preserve peace in the country, to save
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the country itself. in this regard, we attach great importance to the defense capability and security of our state. of paramount importance. a focus on innovation and investment is the key to economic growth, a focus on exports - they see it as a source of income, employment is important, there is a job, which means there is an opportunity for everyone to provide for themselves and their families. and... i repeat, the most brutal attack from the outside, the close cry failed, we held our country, we were and
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are a monolith, this is our strength. intended priorities: stability in society, growth in the welfare of citizens, plans for the next five-year period to create large industrial clusters, expand the energy sector infrastructure. two significant projects are proposed to be implemented in the social sphere at once - enshrined in amendments to the constitution in 2022, in the light of global turbulence, for the first time , security issues come to the fore in a new status, the people's assembly will consider a new concept of national security and the military doctrine of belarus. the president is still at the beginning of his journey. took a principled position: all important decisions will be made together with the belarusian people; we have not deviated from this path for three decades. about history
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we told the all-belarus people's assembly without taking anything out of context. our democracy is our tradition, why the supreme national assembly can be considered a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved us. the country at key moments in its sovereign history, and what happens if the state is unbalanced, the new status of the gna and new functions, why the kept women of the west generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make together, we will tell you in a clear policy on monday after the panorama.
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an internal political conflict flared up in georgia after the country’s parliament approved the bill on foreign agents in the first reading; protest moods flared up. numerous grant organizations called their supporters to the action, because the low-ranking titles of foreign agents will be given to structures that are engaged in political activities with foreign money. the president of georgia immediately made a statement and promised to
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veto the document. as usual, he interfered in internal affairs. european union. the head of european diplomacy, barel, promised tbilisi serious problems if the law was adopted. let me remind you that in in april, the law on foreign representatives was signed by the president of kyrgyzstan. washington then expressed concern. and this is another example of double standards in action, because in the united states itself, the law on registration of foreign agents was adopted back in 1938. in july 2016, a law on transparency in the financing of nhris was adopted in israel. in australia, the foreign influence transparency framework act has been in effect since 2018. in the case of georgia, the crisis against the backdrop of the draft law is beneficial in order to organize a change of government to a more friendly one to the west. however, the georgian prime minister assured that the law would be adopted, no matter what the cost. irakli kabakhidze explained: the document is aimed at protecting georgia from ukrainization. since ngos
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have been trying in recent years to start a revolution in the country and open a second front. the overseas puppeteers, whose adherents so diligently oppose all forms of the law on foreign agents, have themselves perfectly learned to fight any dissent with outside influence. the creator of the telegram messenger pavel durov, in an interview with tucker carlson, explained what prompted him to leave the states. it's all about that the american authorities put all their might on the businessman, trying to gain access to the messenger data. according to him, both the democrats and the republicans promised him big problems. unless he reveals user information related to the 21st unrest. at the same time , durov noted that no matter what decision he made, he could easily be accused of violating the american constitution. the businessman also commented on the pressure that technology giants such as apple and google are putting on him, threatening to remove applications from stores for non-compliance with censorship policies. he emphasized despite the use of
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telegram as a platform for protests in hong kong, kazakhstan and belarus. the messenger remains an open and neutral tool for all users. however, you don’t have to go far to find an example of how the states know how to suppress freedom of speech. technology giant google has fired 28 employees for participating in a ten-hour strike at the company's offices against its cooperation with the israeli government and military. according to american media, the protesters demanded that the corporation terminate a contract worth more than a billion dollars to be provided to israel. government of artificial intelligence and cloud services, nine people were detained. commenting on the dismissal, a google representative said the behavior of the protesters was completely unacceptable, and obstructing the work of other employees is a violation of company policy. it is already known as the city of harsh metallurgists and the capital of soft toys; this
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week zhlobin zaman took aim at the title belarusian hockey capital. the metallurgical team won the president's cup for the third time. the zhilobensky district, a large industrial center, holds its position despite the sanctions, taking into account the reorientation of the market, they have found new consumers, and at the same time they are creating new types of products. salaries have increased in the area, and about 40,000 m2 of housing are introduced annually. about the residents of zhlobin with history in the section “place to live”. the crane cabin is my personal office. a very serious investment, the most difficult to remember, there were gazulka mopeds, especially for a sweet tooth like me, it’s very tasty. 7 km from zhlobin is the village of solonoe, but in reality this is a space of true sweetness. here is the honey, here is the brood, and here are the bees and the queen somewhere inside the hive. bees of the buckfast breed live in this territory, but before you go
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to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the hives, you must comply. two basic rules: this is a special protective mask and closed clothing. by the way, an interesting fact: insects live for about 35 days, during which time they can produce a teaspoon of honey. they organize excursions for visitors, for example, you can undergo a therapy session in the api house, as well as master classes on making candles and pumping out sweet, viscous gold, depending on the goals of the visitor, if these are children. schoolchildren, then we tell how honey is made, bangs, this is what they look like, we look at them through a microscope. and another obligatory component of the excursion is
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a tasting, where honey chewing gum, bee bread, kozinak, chocolate honey, in general, beekeeping products in different variations. this - hot forest honey, the bees collected during the flowering of buckwheat, yup, from cranberries. how do you like it? delicious. and the cherry on the cake of the zhlobin bakery is nina yakovchuk, master of confectionery. she worked as a salesperson for about 10 years, but for the last 15 she has been conquering the world of culinary science. i was on maternity leave, yes, and decided to make a cake for my son. my friends started ordering and i decided that, after maternity leave, i would no longer be a salesperson. i asked to go to the bread factory. there were competitions, studies, exhibitions. my favorite topic is floristry, i would probably make flowers every day and night. in general, the plant produces about 60 types of bakery and 70 confectionery products. since the beginning of the year, we have mastered amaranth bread, muffins, vanilla and chocolate.
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the formulation is already being approved, this is a grain product line. sesame and flax are included. healthy nutrition is in demand and it is winning over a certain number of buyers. belarusian craftsmanship helps the russian brand to conquer the market; the zhilobinsk garment factory cooperates with them on a toll basis. in addition, the company creates sketches, manufactures patterns, select materials and produce clothes for young belarusians, from 4 to 15 years old. in our production matrix, 25% is business casual clothing, and 25% is the production of clothing from...
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27 years old, i need to create a technological sequence for processing a product for production, i like to create what we do, create, turn ideas into reality, back in 2000, a sewing business in zhlobin... today, many continue to create a fairy-tale world, there are also those who have reformatted, for example, in the village rekta in the house of crafts creates unique dolls through which they reflect rural life. it takes us 3-4 months to make one of the dolls, usually involving a man who carves the body and a woman who finishes the arms and faces. from papier mache and cold porcelain, a tailoring master, and i, as an embroidery master, bring to the zest that is necessary, we make dolls, amulets, we make simply
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protected souvenir products, magnets from cold porcelain, this is also exclusive, we don’t have such handmade magnets who we haven’t seen, cold porcelain, it contains pvad glue, it comes with a plasticizer. for lyudmila, working at bmz was a dream: at first the woman got a job as a cleaner, and
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after a year and a half she received the profession of a crane operator. for example, i come home from work, i still have enthusiasm, i still have a desire to think through something, yeah, i have a cake to order for my neighbor, whose anniversary, yes, and he goes fishing, so i i want him. make a cake with fish, so that there is some kind of fishing line with a worm, and reeds. stanislav evgenievich is a long-lived employee, he has been working at the plant since its launch, for 40 years, young people are coming, it’s simple.
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i plan to travel in retirement, i’m also interested in fishing, i also like it, and sometimes i write poetry, cross-stitch, and draw, in short, i do a lot of things, and i don’t know if my life is enough to pay for all this, they ask me for something... either draw or cut, i love the profession, because there is creativity, where to throw out all the emotions, work at the belarusian metallurgical plant is really not easy, not easy in part ecology, labor safety, has become a certain tradition, taking into account the positive work of everything... the head of state, in order to attract new ones , pay the thirteenth salary, as young workers say, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, and this is what we are working on. last year , real wages increased by 20%, and this year we are also progressing with a growth rate of more than 20% and are already close to the average wage of 2,000 rubles. this is my city, everything is dear to me here. the city is clean, beautiful,
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i don’t like being in a redneck, all the conditions have been created, so that anyone can work, relax and develop. on the main broadcast are elizaveta sinyak, sergey korneev and dmitry chumak. this is the very case when work on earth enriches the inner world. gives inspiration to delve deeper into folk traditions. a young blogger-livestock breeder from the agricultural town of makhnovich and the mozar region creates ethno-content, captivates subscribers with the culture of the belarusian woodland with the unique mozar-turov dialect. the explore polesie project is gaining increasing popularity among connoisseurs of authenticity, collecting a huge amount likes and comments. our film crew met igor gaykevich to paint a portrait of an advanced resident of modern belarusian.
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historic stories and detailed scientific texts blogger peratvara ў are more accessible genre, with illustrations, distributing the rights of authentic structures and sacred senses , honoring the rights of creative works of classics, months and i love belarus in everyday culture. he and his wife are trying to find out the secrets of history. yana suaўtar zapatrabavanaga ethnapraekta.
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guess dachtse, kazha, kashtounastsi lays down the kingdom and grows through the bastards. i want my dacha to know the history, the culture of our people, where all i think is that just as you take away from matulina this match’s love and your life, so from the people, any people, don’t take away their culture, love and their culture, yes, pile your spadchyny. by the way, a graduate of mazyrsk. peniversity of this place will be carried out at saugas-kambinat zara. in the case of yago-knitted women, the health of their health is increased. why have you gone astray? gosci we're here, right? nice, good. the young specialist was given a rented zhyle, so let’s not waste our time here and open a new section: the everyday life of a zhyvelavod. look, and the youth of the boy is bound together. for the most part, young boys, young
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people, this all falls in such a condensed form, but everything is available and understood, there is magic and it would be useful and there is no such thing. patrabna nazіrat i... such chestnut, lumps and mots of your small razіma, the weight will be lifeless. natalya ignatsenka and alexander murashkin are on the air. the sacred song near belovezhskaya pushcha will soon fall silent, a catastrophe in the primeval european taiga. the poles put
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50 thousand steel frames into the lungs of europe. in march , a unesco mission visited belovezhskaya pushcha to assess the polish war on nature. zebras are dripping with blood, and...
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belovezhskaya pushcha has been looking for its performer for 4 years, here you have a seemingly unpopular recognition of the most pakhmotovo from the funds of the belarusian radio company, the premiere was not recorded. the light of the crystal dawn, the light rising above the world, but this symphonic version, even it would seem that in such a touching children's performance, it remained on film like the academicism of the bolshoi theater prima, people's
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artist of the ussr, bella rudenko. i understand your age-old sadness. belovezhskaya pushcha, belovezhskaya usha, bakhmutova for the first time did not guess with the choice of the performer, was there really no belarusian for the belarusian theme, let’s go to the seventy-third year, she heard the singer. pakhmutova was the chairman of the jury of the all-union soviet song competition, which was held in minsk, and the singers became winners. this competition, she's in it i saw this colossal potential, as a composer, as a musician, she was, in general, his patron, and thanks, in general, to her, this is a union of composers.
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as a fee from the judging, an excursion to khatyn, brest and, of course, belovezhskaya pushcha. such forest once covered almost the entire area of ​​europe from the ural ridge. pakhmutovo and dobronravov finally come to belovezhskaya pushcha at the personal invitation of the secretary of the central committee of the bssr party masherov, well , consider this a sabbatical where literally everything is included, they are met by himself the director of the reserve, everything is at their disposal and the best guide who... talks about majestic oaks, spruce trees and even secret lakes, but the belovezhye management of the seventies, of course, has their own selfish interest, they had a good rest, so now... and okay, work, give us the anthem. dobronravov, like a true diplomat, realizes the age-old sadness
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after 2 days and writes poetry. but love with a miraculous melody from her husband did not happen to alexandra nikolaevna at first. only six months later i read the lines and wrote music, 2 years later in 1976 it was heard by the pianist-songwriter anatoly gelevich. we lived in a dorm on kokhovskaya for 75 years, i watched his classes. from two notes of the anthem, he removed one verse about the extinction of bison and instead created the famous
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bridge. long before this song, when we started traveling around the union, we met a music master in kishinev , he met him, he gave me some piece of clay, i said, what is this? what's it called ocarina? well, he says, here lies the customer who didn’t take me, but they brought it to me.
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alas, a virtuoso with dramatic tempo i worked in the team for about a year, it’s all because of my travel ban, the father is the military representative at the kiev aviation plant, anton. mother, first secretary of the district committee. the period when they tour and travel a lot, including to
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capitalist countries, the day before a trip to the united states of america, 1976, it is simply not included in these lists. a little later , belovezhskaya pushcha will finally sing at a beautiful, but, as history will show in the nineties, treacherous, not only for the country, but also for mulyavin. already at that time, the hit song had not been performed for a long time and... not because under the collapse of the soviet union, they signed in the belovezhsky viskuly, there was simply no one to sing until valery skorozhonok came, while talking with him, they made their way into his personal belovezhsky zamozhia, hidden by the forests, i understand this from childhood, this is an age-old sadness, my father was born in this village, every path is here, everything is so familiar that it’s right here, so partly belovezhskaya pushcha, like a song, is especially dear to you.
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they helped preserve it , unlike the polish rulers who are killing right now world heritage. more than an exemplary act. among the empty verbal tinsel, our conversation is both simple and humane. we are all now fellow singers, going to meet our friends
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halfway, we have gone deep into belovezhskaya pushcha and we are ringing the pesner alarm bell in the main. this is all we managed to talk about today, maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba were with you, see you on the main broadcast, happily, the belarus 24 tv channel is broadcasting for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is she like? belarus? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant
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and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who
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live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can. to be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse. in an era, clear, which grows with its roots upward. approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted and using the method of exclusive planting, which even the radevils and napoleon’s family could not manage , we managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts with centuries of history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. this is namitka or
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namitka, in the place where we found it in this in this... area, it is called syrpanok, this is the headdress of a married woman. and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here. oh, this, this is decoration. number seven is not a decoration, it is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century. the task of our guides is to ignite your desire to touch the belarusian culture personally. and also, of course, when... they finished building a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, these are the four corners, they had already been put on them; i believed that everything good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house. travel with the belarus 24 tv channel, i received permission
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from the general staff to open a state security intelligence school in kiev, so what is my role? this is the organization, leadership and control, who will be involved in the selection of people, you, this is a war, and what are you, kostya, what kind of war will they give you an appointment, we’ll go to the unit, you ’ll get a job as a teacher, we’ll get a petish people, comrade pyatko, what are you doing, people same look, let them look, what if they call the police, i’ll call you, jacket, yes, of course, yes.
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so i remember, yesterday, march 22 , a fascist surrounded the village, shelled, killed 140. nine souls and my five family souls, four children and a fifth wife. this is the cry of the only surviving khatyn soul. the unconquered joseph kaminsky spoke here at the opening of the memorial in 1969. he remembered all the atrocities of the nazis minute by minute and found the strength to voice them. please, this didn't work anymore. how we lived a century, but this was no longer the case, the pashists destroyed 9,000
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trees, most were burned alive along with people, women, children, storage places on the territory of belarus today are 7,238, so, each district has its own khatyn, its own scar. in their place, memorials appeared, thanks to caring belarusians, and these are talking shields against genocide. in these days of great creation, let us look back
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and remember how just recently our sky was covered with the bitter smoke of conflagrations. the village of borki , kirov region, rose from the ashes, it was left behind by the punitive forces, destroying more than 2 thousand villagers in one dawn, that’s 12. kotyny at the same time. about 40 members of our family died on that fateful day, june 15 , 1942. in fact, an entire generation was destroyed 200 years in advance. for 22 years only the cross spoke of the tragedy; in 1964 a new monument appeared. a warrior and a girl bow their heads in memory of the village's victims. the ancestors did what they could at that time. it is impossible to take into account today.
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a thousand punishers killed everyone in a couple of hours, only in 1958 did a concrete soldier stand here on a plaster knee. in 2009, they began to lead
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the road here, because it was easier to get there it was practically impossible for the shaft. the builders took a pile of earth, and there turned out to be a whole pile of human bones; the village was left, so to speak, with a shadow, the structure of a memorial, it was historically predetermined. there was a street, there was a memory of the village, there was a place where people died. all this was rethought, warrior, who for 62 years stood guard over memory in... now at the most numerous mass grave in the svetlogorsk region, there are 3.00 soldiers of the red army, volunteer care, voluntary. we do this with a pure soul and love, because we understand what our belarusian people made a huge sacrifice. for children, there is no more eloquent place about the war than this empty classroom with a river
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of blood in the agricultural town of krasny bereg. the entire memorial is in memory of those kids who never saw a peaceful sky because of the nazis and because of the war. for the first time, krasny bereg told the world about the tragedy of a child during the war in belarus and this place is called children's khatyn. these are children who did not draw their sun, as leonid said. the architect himself chose the canvas in the form of a red bank. apple orchard here bloomed while the children withered and faded. vvores kozil pokletskiy late 19th century. there was a hospital here for the nazi invaders. they brought in all the children, passed them through this hospital, took blood tests so that the soldiers would recover faster. this is a place where we can come, think, realize and take the first step into the study of history.
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this is blagovshchina, part of the largest concentration camp in belarus and the most massive execution machine, more than 200,000 people were killed, civilians, deported from europe and jews. show the last path of interrupted destinies, so decides levin's team, walk 800 m from the square of life through carriages and a peaceful landscape to the buried
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pits of death. we owe them a memory, we made this place worthy of the memory of those people who could live. the first stories about the holocaust were not in the kitchen in the nineties, how 800 thousand belarusian jews were exterminated, but literally shown in the pit. an opportunity to touch and feel what it means to be. edge of the pit, what does it mean to go down into the pit, when you are humiliated, stripped naked, and you go with your family and strangers. let's go back to 1949, a time of complete famine, so
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named after the local collective farm. lenin digs up these lands and sows them with rye, but there is one nuance: agricultural land appeared on the site of 36 mass graves, the nazis threw the bodies of 26 thousand soviet prisoners of war, civilians, women, children into them, in total 40,000 citizens were buried in this place, until 1992 for a year there was no hint of tragedy; later it took a long time to determine the boundaries of the burial site. they put up a cross, landscaped the garden, but it didn’t take root. there was a problem collecting human bones that were blown out by sand upstairs, so that the children would not see all this, they would go out, collect them in the evenings, bury them, the task was to attract attention, and in 2014 this memorial complex was included in the state program for perpetuation.
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therefore, in the language of emotional architecture, a new complex. there is an engraving of the memories of surviving prisoners, there is an opportunity to go out to the platform that hangs over the swamp and we...
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it’s true, somewhere there was a leak, even just water appeared, somewhere else something else, we were very worried and worried at the same time, behind safety of objects. what was important to the memorial complex was not the zero kilometer, the symbols, that’s why the new address was winners avenue, facades, and fireworks. and if all this is truly embodied, it will be the greatest memory of all those who died in the fight against the nazi invaders. we are updating memory media so that in the future the truth will be closer, there is a new museum in khatyn, but the pain is still the same, it has not become less, to remember, you need to go, look and feel.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me.


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