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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 23, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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[000:01:12;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan,
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kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia. turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel. and
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discover belarus. comrades, allow me, kostya, sit down, thank you, i received permission from the general staff to open a
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state security intelligence school in kiev, this is a school. appointments, read the papers, and it was approved at the top, yes, well, what is my role in this, organization, leadership and control, who will be involved in the selection of people, you, well, not alone, of course, for this you will need experienced instructors, but for now... look at this, i would like him to work with you, petrov, nikolai, senior lieutenant, sub-grarian troops, participant in combat events, participant in the finnish war, battle of presu musalni , here, here, here, a valuable shot, but with character, i hope you will work well together, there are questions, there are no questions,
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let me go. see you, kostya, goodbye. alexander nikolaevich, can you resolve the question? yes, this is war? yes, what are you saying, kostya,
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what kind of war? i understand. on the first kilometer we give our all, then let's keep up the pace, there is a comrade commander, arinka, volodka, for you, and you brought me exams, so i thought, maybe today, come on, when you get free, come on, that's it, i'm waiting, come on, come on, come on, arin, what? is this what you're
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planning to do? ninka, statement, we’ve decided to get married, arinka, attention, i want to talk to you, come on, we’ll get married, what’s next, i’ll be given appointments, we’ll go to the unit, you’ll get a job as a teacher,
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kids, we’ll make some people, something’s not right, kids, this of course it’s great, so, that’s just what’s the matter, here are the jaws, what does the jaws have to do with it, well, ordinary ones same people. and the country gets glory from them, right, well, yes, we can do that too, that’s what it’s about, well, maybe first we’ll do something so great, not for ourselves, for the country, and then the kids, they won’t let us into artik , there they need special education, so i’m talking about the chelyuskinites so for example, let’s write an application to the city committee, what form i don’t know yet, but in essence it’s like this, we are two young specialists, we want to benefit our homeland and... the party has us at your own discretion, oh, i don’t even know, youngster, just imagine, you’re a military specialist, that’s it five subjects, i have three languages, but we ’ll move mountains, but it’s geologists who move mountains, not teachers, well, volodya, i
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’ll think about it, we’ll go to the office for a break soon. oh, alexander, can you dance? load the girl, more wine? no, no, no, i’m already drunk, little girl, don’t hurt me, but if i fall under the table, what will you do then? hang it in your arms, but i’m heavy, and i have small arms, comrade five, what are you doing, people are watching, let them watch, what if they call the mill, let him call me, you know who’s
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the boss, who? myself, myself, my god, here now i will be embarrassed why i’m sitting with such a person, you’re sitting with an unhappy person, that’s why, i’m leaving tomorrow, where, and we... just to get acquainted, namely, i’ll return to leningrad, be friends, trace and no memories, sunny, but i
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'll send you a postcard. you can be frank, but of course, zonka, i have absolutely no time, well, go away, comrade pichko! i know a lovely place.
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pasha. we have news, we have such news, the guys have submitted an application, they are so great, congratulations, thank you, dad, why are you so pale, something is wrong with the pressure, so postiki, so when is the wedding on july 6th? yeah, now let’s see, so july 6, what wait, why is it customary to sit and celebrate on sunday and friday, pavel timofeevich, vera nikolaevna, we thought everything would be modest, we’ll sign and drink tea, as i answer, yes, but there’s a banquet then a photo in... in wedding dresses, it’s very beautiful, excess and mischief,
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what does mischief have to do with it, and what will you show your grandchildren, empty tea cans, photographs are needed, i think we can discuss this later, weddings happen once in a lifetime this day must be remembered. this is for you, young man, and this is for you, your grandparents made a single copy to order, you can open it, you can put photos of each other there, always carry it with you, dad, mom, thank you, thank you very much, but it’s very expensive, the most this is what is dear to me. i hope
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you will have the same, of course, you know, according to the charter it’s not allowed, i know, sell it, buy yourself something you need, this is our wedding gift, thank you, yes, go ahead,
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close the door, get the receipt, well, you brute , well, nothing, no will leave, we have nowhere to run anyway, come here! yes, hold on, i’ll go there, and you’ll go through everything here, if anything,
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bring it together, raven, why, let’s dump it, it didn’t go right away, but it’s not for the good of it, raerok, you! where? hush, hush, sunka, don’t do this, please, i beg you, i have children, please, please don’t, i have children, they really need me, please, can i go there? well, ancestor, have you been running around? i, i’ll give everything, right here, take it, please, but why did you immediately rush off like a hare, you know, i
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was worried about the money, it’s not mine, one comrade in our house in leningrad he collects gold jewelry, he found out that he has it in his hands in kiev. you from the last century asked me to go buy it, he himself can’t, you understand, so what do you have, and you have the stones, no, no, no, yourself, they turned out to be fake to me, well, i, i understand this, i’m my father to the jeweler, here, take the watch, please, and let's go our separate ways, take it, here. leben, yes, what, a jacket, yes,
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of course, we’ll go our separate ways, you say, well, you know, i have children, i really need, you know, really, yes, i understand, a man. children are important call me anything, this is mashenki, this is the eldest, and this is pavel, why? i saw taxis behind nad, then half a division will chase us, and this fraerog copied us, pasha, you always said that
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the family ring should remain in the family, then suddenly, sell family heirlooms, relics of the past. there is no option, they called me to the investigator, they recognized the oblarion, i haven’t seen him with a civilian, you don’t even know where he is, the kvd learned that he is in paris, he is a member of some kind of emigrant organization. perhaps collaborating with the germans, but it’s not your fault that he’s your brother,
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it’s not your fault. that's what he told the investigator, but what about him? he agreed. thank you, come in, they are waiting for you in the
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geography room on the second floor, okay. senior lieutenant petrov arrived for further service. you are an instructor in sabotage work, that’s right, i’m your colleague, matilda genrikhovna, for you it’s possible just matilda, nikolai, as i understand it, there are no cadets yet, the cadets at this facility are trained as women, something is confusing you, no. i thought intelligence was a man's business, not always for me
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i like it, here, but i ’d probably take portraits, yeah, oh, about the fact that reconnaissance is a purely male occupation, hello, state security major vorotynikov, konstantin efremovich, head of the facility. senior lieutenant petrov, ah, hold me, nikolai, so, nikolai, you are wrong, women are much more suitable for intelligence, nikolai denies gender equality, i do not deny, why? because any man loses his head in the presence of a beautiful woman. i think it depends on the man. where is your weapon, comrade instructor? what about the documents?
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hold on and don’t be offended by us, no offense, i understand everything, there are personal matters, there are girls that we may need, and select those who personally seem the most promising to you. we know exactly how to start the morning correctly, breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook in a pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure, together with the audience we’ll cook in.. . delicious breakfast, what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will cook with you, quiche with mussels, i hope that we
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will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion, and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, it was difficult to prepare it, honestly no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy, take this recipe, look in... katya, read , katya, i can’t hear you, read, mom, who is the lord of god alexander, what? you prayed for him last night, i heard he’s a friend of mine, you don’t know him, why?
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did you cry, did he die? what letter is this? so what did we wash? frames? give me the next sentence. mom, why do they read letters at school? will you also read at school? when? soon, i will have a satchel, because the october badge, of course, and you will have a satchel, a badge and a satchel, you will have everything, hurray, read, so, katyusha, let's go for a walk, that's it,
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well done! go, go, walk, my dear, come on, were you playing? played, so how? i didn’t fortify him, he lost everything like everyone else, we took so much money, it means it’s too bad, you
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promised not to play, we’ll be dumped behind the cordon naked, you mean? i’m not leaving, but you promised, well , you promised, you didn’t promise, it’s like, go for a walk in the park, the border, guards are like fleas on a cap, i said, my uncle is in brest, he ’ll bring us, but why, stupid, well, let’s leave, so what? , what's up with the lady, what's up here, we'll stand up as people, we'll start a new life, he's cute, katya is eight years old, it's time for her to go to school, what are you doing, are you making a fuss? who am i to you, a husband or your girlfriend from me, we’re not going anywhere, your kids don’t need school,
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i’ll assign it to the window vent, just like in the vent, that’s how it’s going to be... it’s not like you, neither fish nor meat, only you know how to spread your legs, wow, well, hit me, you’ll catch the froirs by the caps, you’re smart, without me the forest would have already been felled, and you ’re throwing it at me, once you blather, i’ll kill you, i caught up with you, imafet point the shit out of the pecker, he’s
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very dear, of course, it’s your family century, you can’t sell it, why? well, because we’ll show it to the children, let’s better hand it over to the state, why, what if they build an airplane or a tank with this money, again, it’s a plus for us, well , what’s a plus for us, well, what a plus, when will we go to the garkom, i already wrote a statement from you too, just sign, we won’t go to the garkom, why i will become an officer, i will defend my homeland, a useful job. of course, you will teach languages ​​to children, a useful job, yes, but, well, you see, we will be useful anyway, i’ll go to the city committee myself, well, how is it, like this, you serve, and i’ll send you where, yes, well, well for such a disposition, and you’re like from shoulder to och, statement, ring, some kind of maximalism, for
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the country and the party, is this bad, okay. “there’s still time for the wedding, let’s think carefully, brainstorm, with my parents let's consult, look, there's a pawn shop, yeah, let 's go in, just find out how much this ring costs"? what if you can really buy an airplane with it? this trinket is worth nothing, but well, i see that you really need money, i can give you rubles 20, okay, thank you, hello, hello, we would like to evaluate this ring, yes, yes, it’s an
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interesting thing, but i can offer 3,000 rubles for 3,000, and 3,500 maximum, bye, how’s it going? whatever, arin, it’s time for me to go to school tomorrow arrives, this evening they must appoint a meeting group, okay, maybe tomorrow, comrades, wait, forgive me for interfering, excuse me, my name is margarita davidenko, my uncle is a jeweler, i’ll sort it out. i thought i wanted to warm you up, this ring is expensive, you think, what’s there to think about, apparently, maybe you’ll look at what you are,
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take it, well, it’s better, the price is right, you want to know, yes, we want, okay, i’ll talk to uncle, where should you sleep, i’ll write you the address, right? we are leaving, and the raven, why should we go ourselves? yes, go, get ready, just be quiet, otherwise
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will wake up immediately. come on, go. i'll be right there.
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this isn’t what you’re looking for, so you’re getting ready to do the job without me? it’s time for katya to go to school, and you’ve wasted all your money, and you decided to cheat on me, you creature? kill me, please, katka will disappear without me. let's take paprikushka, for mercy, just don't kill
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anyone, please, let's go get ready. come in, comrade the head of the facility, he studied and selected the most. sit down, let's see, so, unmarried, bad, divorced badly, parents died, very bad, but they are komsomol members, excellent characteristics, except for ideals nothing, in your opinion this is bad, do you know how often our agents fail there? “i
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didn’t have access to this information, often, very often, although everything is fine with their ideals, that is, according to your ideal, it’s bad, but no, why are ideals great, but sometimes you need a compromise, with whom, with the enemy , with your conscience, it’s easier to negotiate with your conscience when you have not just ideals, but your own personal interest, sorry, down-to-earth, your family, husbands, wives, children, definitely loved ones, that is, if the intelligence officer gives, she doesn’t give. only myself, absolutely right, here are the candidates that i selected, komsomol members, one criminal, a criminal, even yana kovalchik, the owner of a phenomenal memory, for the last 5 years she has been using her gift for the benefit of the criminal world, she recently got caught for the first time, very... shot,
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relatives, brother, staskovalchik, weak-minded little boy, he needs to blow away the dust on us, everyone knows, yana loves his brother, if anyone offends him , he’ll get out of the ground, well, tomorrow we’ll talk with komsomol members, and then we’ll go to the isolation ward with this kovalchik, wow , apartment must be heaven. which floor? third. come on, come on, go. margarita. good evening. sorry, i didn't expect you so late. be silent and move. stand still, i'll shoot you. she
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seems to be. arina was with this purse, arina, here are some other trinkets, let’s go, wow, it’s a bourgeois hut, come here, give me the money, i’ll give you everything, just don’t shoot, there, there, go there, and you that she stood up like a log, combed through the hut. why are you pushing bullshit at me, but go where for natka?
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what kind of apartment is there? sixth, prozarovsky pavel timofeevich. is there a back door? come on, open it. let me said.
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i think i found it in the old days, well, boss, mom, what’s wrong with you? it’s okay, honey, my tummy hurts, it will go away soon. get ready, we're leaving,
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and raven, no more raven, come on. who are you, a follower of the ministry of internal affairs, nikolen, do you want some water , why don’t you remember me here? no, it was already late, i was going to bed when the doorbell
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rang, i went to open it, i remembered there was a girl there. margarita, it seems her uncle is a jeweler, she promised to help appraise the ring, yeah, well, how did she appraise, no, he jumped out from behind the door, what are you like? man? we were kidnapped, and dad and mom,
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father is alive, albeit unconscious, and mom, no, no, this can’t be, okay, okay, quiet, quiet, drink, drink, whoever you told, that means so, prizorovskaya, traces of a robbery on there really is an apartment, but how can i look for this margarita, it’s not clear, if of course she was, what does it mean, if she was, but you didn’t invent her, why, the task force came for your father, they were all killed. maybe you put it there? of course, they themselves received an answer, they couldn’t escape, so you’re trying to get out, but for nonsense, for dad, why for dad,
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your uncle ilorion, you know, no, no, no, that is, i know, i know that, that he exists, but i, i have never seen him, honestly, and dad i haven’t seen it, it’s been a long time since i was a civilian, it’s some kind of thing. there is no witness to the robbery, it means you are guilty, you resisted, your dad is definitely finished, that’s the question with you, if now you give a purely heartfelt confession, you go as an accomplice, you go to jail, of course, it’s still better than against the wall, completely sincerely, my dad is an honest man, we didn't... kill anyone, i'm sure you be sure to find out, find out, take
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the isolation ward, well done, now listen here carefully, something is not good for your mother, when we go, maybe i’ll go to a hospital somewhere. yes, to the hospital, i’m with you, no, my joy, you will go to brest without stopping, i
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will go with you to the hospital, here’s another thing i thought of, why do you need to go to the hospital, little children are not allowed there, you will go to brest, and uncle ivan will meet you there, i already gave him a telegram, volodya, we’ll meet the train, we’ll take the deputy to the school, karinkervanyush will come from there, our commander is a man understands, lets go, yeah, guys. you’ll give it to uncle ivan, he ’ll get you into school for this, understand? yes, and also, this bear is special, he has a ring sewn in his tummy, just don’t tell anyone, not even uncle ivan, why? people, katya, they are evil, they only think about themselves, so you think about yourself and keep your mouth shut, otherwise
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it will be bad, i understand, i understand, well done, when you finish school, you will cut the bear’s tummy, and then i decided that with make a ring, mom, just like you, hide it, put the brooches with the letter, that’s it, well done! let's go, uh-huh, oh, hello, comrade cadet, hello, i managed to talk to your uncle, of course, he will be happy to help you, i gave you your address and he will contact you soon, but it’s time for me to catch the train, excuse me, yeah,
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you’ll come with me to the department, of course. dimka, the police are coming now
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, let’s comb all the cars. zanka, do you remember that your mother told you that i need to go to the hospital, yes, so, i need it now, and you sit here, quietly, like a mouse, okay, here’s some money for you. as soon as the train arrives, you can buy yourself some sweets and tea in bristle uncle kavan will meet you, uh-huh, mom, i want to go with you, you can’t come with me, but i’ll come, i’ll come soon, uh-huh, hello! hey, cadet, you won’t have time to light a cigarette, it’s her,
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wait, wait, stop, hold her, let her in, eh! let her go , let her go, let her go, let her go, let her go, let her go, let her go, katya, no, let her go, no , let her go, no, let her go, katya, let her go,
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let her go, well, bastards, where is my child? , oh, where is my child, where is my child, where, tutenki, please, please, please, well, everything may not necessary, who is this girl, why was she detained, tell me where my daughter is, you must. where is she,
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where is mine, where is she, say, yes, diana, why did they go broke? urgent message
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from investigator mikulin.


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