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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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for the most part, dear daughter, let me love you. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’ll talk about what the prices for medications in belarus consist of, will they decrease and how to save on medicines? go! during this period, we begin to get sick more and go to pharmacies more often, when our nose is clogged and our body aches from fever, we all need a magic pill that will cure the cold and its complications. unfortunately, such a pill is still not invented. that’s why every sick person carries a long, heavy bag of medicine from the pharmacy. and a check, often with three-digit numbers,
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and if the number of positions in a check depends on our immunity, then only the state can regulate the numbers in it, which is what it does. belarus has returned to reference pricing for medicines. referential means serving to correlate with something, to bind to something. in this case , reference pricing is setting a price for a product based on how much it stands in... with an economy, give or take, similar to ours. in the situation with medicines, the ministry of health compiled a list of drugs that belarusians most often use, and the council of ministers ordered: selling prices for these drugs cannot be set higher than the state allows. the list can be found in savmin resolution no. 444 of july 6 , 2023. it slightly changed the list of 776 resolutions from
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2000.18, you can google both of them, you will come up with the same list, there are 37 positions in it, for example, besoprolol and amplodipine, they lower blood pressure, acetylsalicylic acid bupuprofen are anti-inflammatory drugs, and there is an important nuance here: the list does not contain the names of the drugs, but the active ingredients on the basis of which the medications are made. there are about 900 drugs containing these active ingredients in belarus. suppliers can now buy them from manufacturers only at a price approved by our state. now about how prices for such medicines are formed so that the process is transparent and understandable, our ministry antimonopoly regulation, henceforth we will call it march, created instructions on the methodology for calculating manufacturers' maximum selling prices for medicines. it says that the price of the medicine is based on its average cost on the belarusian market in the last 6 months. and its
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prices in another 14 countries, 13 of them are the same countries with economic systems similar to ours, their list is permanent, it is approved along with instructions on the methodology for calculating prices for medicines, this is annex to instructions number four. in list: belgium, bulgaria, hungary, greece, kazakhstan, latvia, lithuania, poland, russia, romania, slovakia, france and the czech republic. a country is always a state. in which the drug is produced, in practice it all looks like this: the manufacturer or his representative decides to sell a medicine in belarus, for example, made in india, they look at what the active substance is in it and check whether it is on the list of the new version 776 of the savmin’s resolution, they find it there, then, you need to agree with the state on the price at which you can purchase it for belarus. if the drug has already been sold on our market before, they take it. the average purchase
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price in the last 6 months, for example, is 20 rubles. for 10 g, then they look at what price the manufacturer sells it to 13 countries from the approved list in india itself. add up these 14 indicators and divide by 14, get the average selling price of the drug in the reference countries, for example, it is 22 rubles per 10 g. then the average price of the drug on the belarusian market over the last six months is added with the average price reference markets, in our example it is 20 + 22 and the arithmetic mean is derived, that is , they divide the result by two, they get 21 rubles per 10 g of the drug. this figure becomes the price ceiling at which you can buy medicines from the manufacturer for the belarusian market. no, the fact is that drug manufacturers do not sell them directly in pharmacies, they work with wholesale companies... who have everything for
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receiving, transporting, storing and shipping drugs. the batch is purchased from a belarusian or foreign manufacturer. in belarus they bring the supplier's warehouse, and from there they sell it out, or simply. are delivered to pharmacies, while the supplier works as an intermediary, bears the costs, wants to recoup them and make a profit, so he adds wholesale and retail premiums to the price paid for the medicine to the manufacturer; they amount to about 35% of the cost of the drug; you can’t hold your ear, the process of setting prices for medicines, both from the list of especially in demand and all others, is strictly regulated by presidential decree no. 366, on the formation of: prices for medicines, medical products and medical equipment. it states that the maximum wholesale markup can be 9% of the price of the drug, the maximum retail markup can be 30%. at the same time, the more expensive the medicine, the lower the markup should be, and here pharmacy retailers need
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to put together the pricing puzzle in such a way that it is beneficial for their pharmacy clients. imported medicines are always more expensive, because the supplier includes in its costs not only the maintenance of warehouses with... transport specialists, but delivery costs due to borders and customs costs. there are wholesale companies for which this task is easier than for others, because they own their own pharmacy chain, for example, belpharmacy and medvax, and also interfarmax, uniform and vitvar. the maximum permissible prices for the purchase of medicines for the belarusian market are agreed not for the supplier, but for the manufacturer, who would not want to sell here. his medicines to the market of our country, he will be able to sell it only at the price agreed upon by march. if the manufacturer decides that it is time to increase the price, he or his representatives will have to go through the entire procedure for agreeing on the selling price for the drug again in march. the pharmaceutical
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market is a space where seemingly incompatible phenomena are intertwined in an unusual way in a 50x50 proportion: concern for people and the thirst for profit. many. the players in this market understand that people’s lives depend on their work, and no matter what happens in the world, they try to deliver medicines to consumers. in addition, for a chance to restore health, each of us at a critical moment is ready to give last thing. pharmaceutical companies know this; they did not spend millions of dollars creating and developing their production in order to lose profitable markets. therefore , as a rule, manufacturers and their representatives are also interested in agreeing on the selling price of drugs. they themselves apply to the march of belarus. in order to obtain the right to sell their products here, alexander lukashenko ordered to agree on maximum selling prices for medications for the belarusian market back in 2018. the president saw that this segment of trade depends
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the quality of life of belarusians and did not consider it possible to let pricing in it take its course. then the new scheme worked, drug prices dropped, the market became transparent, and competition on it was healthy. but 2020 came and coronavirus. entire countries went into deep quarantine. borders were closed and supply chains were broken. the supply of medicines was already under threat. it was impossible to delay them by agreeing on selling prices. thousands of people may not have received the necessary medications on time. that’s why the president canceled the mandatory approval prices for smart medicine. the priority became high speed rather than low delivery price. the storm has passed: we have emerged from the coronavirus. hell and straightened their shoulders under the onslaught of sanctions. in april of this year, the head of state ordered the return of reference pricing for medicines. manufacturers of medications and their representatives must agree on prices for their products from the savmin list by december 1. this move will again comb
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the market for medications and will allow, if not reduce, then stabilize prices for them. the cost of the same drug in different pharmacies in belarus can fluctuate within seventy. rub. the difference is huge, but most often there are no violations of the law here. it’s just that pharmacy chains could give away the drug at a discount, for example, for purchasing a large batch or because a fresh supply arrived in time, and the old one was sitting in warehouses. before buying an expensive medicine, you should find it on the websites tablet by or 103 by. there is information about the highest and lowest price for it in your locality and throughout the country. but from those for whom the cost of the drug it’s still confusing, march accepts the complaints and checks each case separately. saving on medicines begins in childhood, when no one smokes or drinks in the child’s home, and thus adults instill a behavior program in the child by their own example, when on weekends the family goes to the skating rink or to the pool,
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instead of drinking drinks in dubious company of dubious benefit, when a child is taught to chew a carrot and an apple no less often than a chocolate bar, all this is an investment in... without drugs. the best disease prevention for adults is moderate nutrition, adequate sleep, giving up bad habits and playing sports. people who are accustomed to solving all problems with a pill. they may argue that in the acute period everything is listed as grain for an elephant, in the acute period - yes, but for those who respect their body, the risks of catching this acute period are reduced tenfold. in belarus, respect for the health of citizens is supported at the state level. there are athletes on the billboards along our avenues. sports complexes are being built on the central streets of our cities. our president receives guests on the ski slopes and hockey fields, and gathers journalists at the championship. cutting wood, and not in the dusty sidelines. this approach is the best way to save our money on medicines;
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all we have to do is use it. i'm marina karaman and what to expect from drug prices in belarus? we figured it out. all clear. see you. you know, the first feeling you get in minsk is security, this calm feeling of security, and we are different countries, but we have a union state, and that’s exactly what this year opens... opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards that
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could exist between russian and belarusian tourism. belarus is very dynamic, dynamic in terms of the fact that your vertical management decisions are made quickly. what exactly do people see as the eiffel tower or some other object? yes, it matters, but it’s not essential. with us, all this can be no less interesting, certainly no worse. you are a very unique country. for a long time and set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago here
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there were the lower castle and the passad, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located. so the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted, definitely here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show. how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most demanding travelers. watch the program “cities of belarus on” on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are going on an expedition to the corners of our country. we are going there, where you can dakranutsa and inform the world. things will happen again and again
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at the past palesse. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in the ruzhany brest region, at one of the largest palace complexes of 16-18 centuries, residents of the magnate family of sapega. the tsarva of st. paraskeva pyatnitsa hung around here. pomnik of the architecture of poznyaga baroka. raza z projects on the broadcast channel belarus 244.
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we will touch on several interesting topics, for example, we will talk about who so wants to see belarus at war, but we will start with the main world news: first the world waited, how iran will answer, now the same question is addressed to israel. let me remind you, as confirmed by the israeli military, on the night of april 14, not a single one of the drones reached israeli territory, all of them were there. intercepted by israeli air defense systems and partner air defense systems jordan, usa, uk, all hypersonic missiles, according to iranian media reports, reached their target. iran announced the end of the operation and warned israel against further action. it sounds like this. our response will be much larger than today's military action if israel retaliates
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against iran. andrey petrovich, this is how it turns out that we have two positions. some say that what we... are now seeing is the rise of a new world war, others say that this was a very subtly planned and such a symbolic response iran, which on the one hand does not allow the region to cross the red line, but on the other hand sends a clear signal that we have something to answer, and if necessary, all our shells will reach their targets. so what are you leaning closer to? well, i am inclined to believe that this is not so much a military victory as a political victory for iran, a political reputational one. everyone reported that all tasks were completed, iran that the missiles all reached the target, at
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this time the tsakhal announced that 99% of them were allegedly shot down, but no one actually can't prove it. the united states wiped its hands and said: that’s it, we’re done with this, we’re stopping all activities, well, they showed us, of course, how the objects were hit, it should be noted that iran today has demonstrated its truly colossal military capabilities, given that these were everyone was warned, the israeli air defense system was again rebuilt in advance, the planes of israel's allies and israel itself were scrambled in advance, including jordan, and great britain, and the usa, and yet... iran reported, we expected, to say, a different result, that all this would be much more effective, well, today it’s clear, pr on the one hand, pr on the other, but nevertheless, the most important thing, the most important thing that rad showed, is that he is a significant player in the region and the united states by their actions, the fact that they negotiated, showed that iran must be taken into account, israel will respond to yours,
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israel, which means, look, israel received, well, the first thing that, in addition to the fact that it received a very serious reputational problems. myself, that is, the first time such a blow was dealt to israel, the second, but it avoided a stronger blow by and large, the third, he can agree, now, as they say, he can reconcile democrats and republicans, who will allocate the funds necessary for weapons systems to support military actions in the gas sector, but here it is important to understand one thing: israel received the opportunity of a delayed strike, well, nbc is really a continuation of what you...
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ukraine, but where will this help go? it will go to the american military-industrial complex, because before of this, starting in 2022, all american vbks received state support
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thanks to ukraine. ukraine, of course, the project failed, it needs to be closed, it is ineffective, something else is needed. the situation in the middle east is ideal. here stanislav, join us, but first a few opinions on this matter. permanent representative of china to the un. futzun said: "israel violated international law by attacking the iranian consulate, iran responded and exercised its legal right." now russia. post greetings vasily nebendya expressed regret that un secretary general guteres did not attend the meeting at which the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria was discussed. at the same time, he took part in a meeting on the attack on israel. people notice everything, now they notice everything. your assessment of what is happening. in fact, this is true. the hypocrisy that we observe, double standards, this is not the first time we have seen, yes, when, as they say, this is different, in fact, vasily nebenzya stated at the council
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that why didn’t you condemn, not one of you condemned treacherous attack on the consulate in damascus, the iranian consulate, but at the same time , literally every western leader came out with condemnation of the retaliatory strike on iran. you know, if we take it as a basis, yes, let's look at the foundation of everything that is happening, there is expansion, expansion of the west, points have flared up, they will support this conflict in each, in each of these points, weakening, diverting attention, ukraine, the ukrainian project, today, yes, it can already be said, it ended unsuccessfully for the west, this is obvious to everyone, due to a number of factors,
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they are turning ukraine into a black hole, which sucks in the entire security system of europe, besides this it does the worst thing for us, that is, one of the three
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key slavic states, well, it turns into an enemy and two close, closest peoples are at war with each other, in this sense, didn’t they win, or rather , is their project unsuccessful in this sense, let’s look from the other side, our geopolitical enemy and ideological enemy is the west. e is depleted today who is more? their military industry, their economy is depleting, isn’t it? in fact it turns out that today, well , let’s call a spade a spade: ukraine has turned into a testing ground where two forces came together, it’s clear to everyone that this is certainly not ukraine, but it’s the west and the east, russia in particular and the collective west that came together , both sides hone in there. ability to resist each other, study weapons, study methodology, study tactics, study the ability of their own soldiers, combat
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coordination is underway. on the russian side, this is definitely combat coordination, because the army is already many years later, 80 years later, she did not participate anywhere in such - thank god huge battles, but what we see today, so the situation came to the point that both sides collided today , testing each other's strength, while studying all those maneuvers , these are the ones that were listed. therefore, to say that they succeeded in something here, well, it’s quite difficult, i heard everything, heard it, yulia konstantinovna, remember, just like yours, when we discussed 2 years ago, and then watched the reaction, we said that this something like this happened watershed, divided the western world and the global south, aren’t we seeing the same thing now in the reaction to iran’s response to israel, well , we can even remember the event four years ago, when iran responded to the murder of one of its leaders soleimani, when
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they hit american bases, no one didn’t die, that trump wrote on twitter then everything was fine, yes, that is, in theory it’s the same thing we see today, well, call it choreography, yes staging, so that’s one of the things , as far as i’ve observed the opinions of experts, this the situation has led to the fact that attention is diverted to what is happening today in the gas sector, switching to another country, to iran, we must remember that iran is quite, well, let’s say, peaceful. they haven’t attacked anyone for 300 years, today they are under sanctions, they have it right, they have completely different interests, moreover, some of their neighbors took sides, including the united states and israel, so they have no interest in any war now, well, what kind of war can we talk about, so this is informational stuffing, on the one hand distract from some situation, on the other hand, how to find a new enemy who
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can be demonstrated and said that here he is... like a new personification of evil for today, well, we should probably give iran what they could answer , let’s say, it’s hot, and then it was, it was a completely different conversation, they answered sensibly, interestingly, in a modern way, sensibly, interestingly in a modern way, no one was hurt, yes, that is, they demonstrated that they can, and, as in in the opinion of many experts, this was not the newest weapon they had, yes, then it’s as if they shot off those weapons that had long required disposal, so to speak, there is such an opinion. therefore, in this case, iran was pursuing its interests, it had to respond in order to keep face, it carried out this response, how they would react to this and how events would develop in the future, this intrigue, how israel will now respond, how it will perceive the situation, will is this a delayed blow, or will it be some other event, well, whichever you are leaning closer to, i believe that this is staging, choreography, distraction, whatever, that is, is it an attempt or not an attempt, and will israel do the same thing, or could things
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be tougher there? history, and israel will take advantage of the situation at the moment when it needs to respond, it will respond exactly like that, that is, it doesn’t just have a trump card up its sleeve, yes, it now has a chip that, trump card, yes, here they are they will answer at the moment when they need it and how they need it, and they will say, sorry, we warned you, you can also add, let’s go to ukraine, which has already been touched upon, well look, the most important thing is that the result of this strike showed that the united states. ready for an escalation of the conflict in this region, this is the first thing. the second is that the united states and its western partners are not ready to fight a second major regional conflict. this is important to us, why? in all likelihood, the possibility of a large-scale conflict is being relegated to the background. third, western countries saw that, in principle, it was time for unpunished strikes to punish the guilty, whom they themselves determined according to some
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rules. passed, here are the countries of the third of the world, whom they think so, yes, they just saw that there is a possibility of striking a retaliatory blow in order, in order to defend their own interests. since we are talking about ukraine, let's continue, kiev will make an attempt to destroy the crimean bridge by mid-july, writes the british newspaper sun, citing ukrainian officials interviewed by the publication, experts suggested that ukraine could use it to hit the bridge's road surface.
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a new scenario for the destruction of the crimean bridge, this is the first time we’ve done it with a truck, it was like this a whole epic, the second is using underwater drones, surface drones, they blew it up, what are they... preparing for today, well, firstly, there are two two weak points that they talk about and which they see, the first is of course the fact that russia’s space reconnaissance group is insufficient for now, but it is growing, i think that this hole will soon be, as they say, the problem is closed, the second is the problems with the use of the a50, we saw these two, according to some estimates three, and 50 of them were shot down, that is, we do not cover with advanced regulatory detection aircraft the possibility of these missiles approaching. well, the third thing, of course, is the low efficiency of the use of the black sea fleet, we also see due to the reasons that, unfortunately, this is not only a problem of the russian fleet, it is a problem of almost all modern fleets, that they were not ready for this largely modern war using surface, underwater
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drones and everything else, here, but what is important to note is here the sbu or the gur, who will doing this, problems arise, and the first problem is connected precisely with the fact that it is not at all... iran-israel. where exactly the possibility of delivering this retaliatory strike followed the consequence of the fact that the blow was delivered by the opposite side, that is , today there is also a reason to think about this and the world community, if it was not ready for such a development of events a week ago, today it
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appears , why am i talking about this, what is important here, i think that today we will talk about ukraine, why very often the russian federation is still trying to help western countries get involved in the ukrainian conflict, but...
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this is what i’m getting at, why do they say that these attacks will be carried out around the month of july, but in the summer they will be carried out on the crimean bridge? everything is very simple, intelligence clearly understands and gives a signal that a large-scale russian offensive is ahead, and, in my opinion, they are talking about this everywhere, at the end of may, the beginning of june and so on than usual, they already assume that it will most likely end , of course, the success of the russian federation is today we already see how it is carried out practically at the tactical level, what successes in...
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the most ridiculous way they admitted that they did all this on russian territory, and most importantly, yes, that the term of the president’s legitimacy is expiring, and are they ready , and are they ready to influence the crimean bridge in this way and get
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such a small victory against the background of these fires that i’m talking about, this is a whole complex, yes, so this victory has absolutely nothing. let's continue, and alexey, here as you see, this, it would seem, is an external contradiction, on the one hand, they are planning strikes on the crimean bridge together, it is quite obvious that they are doing this together, on the other hand... there are no americans, between the ukrainian leadership, the british, the americans no, the ukrainians do everything under the sun, completely, they don’t even have the opportunity to resist them, that’s what they are trying to... at the political level to play and say:
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oh, you know, you’re doing bad, bad, that you’re hitting russian territory, according to russian mpz, the bad thing is probably that you will soon destroy the crimean bridge, but this is all just a game in order to distance yourself a little from the real state of affairs on the battlefield and at the same time win some political bonuses for yourself, it doesn’t matter there in the run-up to the president . campaigns or radio voters, but there is only one meaning here: they are focused on the further escalation of the conflict on the territory of ukraine, they do not stop, they understand that they have the strength and means to wage and conflict on in the middle east, and to wage a conflict on the territory of ukraine, they are drawing more and more resources there, primarily from countries. pro-union, how it will end for them,
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yes, that’s how they see it, they clearly see only one thing, the longer the conflict in ukraine, the better for them, they focus on 10 years, these are the guidelines that we are talking about, here tomorrow there will be a victorious russian offensive, it is clear that it will happen, but for them the conflict still provides for a 10-year regime, that is, this... will lead to only one thing, these strikes will be on the crimean bridge, the strikes will be on russian infrastructure, here the question is different, that this conflict must be resolved so that it does not exist at all, peace negotiations, which were discussed this week, last week they spoke actively about this strategy of yours, how invested they are then, peace negotiations are not beneficial for the west, those model of peace negotiations that they... are trying to impose through the swiss conference, this is understandable,
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it’s just a ploy to delay attention, ousting russia, belarus from this process, how in reality they will now generally relate to the peace negotiation regime, but in no way, they will undermine it, discredit it, try to try through such incidents there with the crimean bridge. escalate the situation further, why? yes, because everything is based on economics, they are doing great work in the military-industrial complex, the wall street journal writes: the growth rate of us industry for the first quarter of 2024 was 17.5%, president alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin in moscow also talked about peace negotiations, or rather, they were probably reacting to this swiss meeting, let’s listen, then we’ll continue.
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this does not depend on us, the ball, roughly speaking, is on the other side, i remember this process, which began in belarus, three rounds passed, the fourth round in istanbulbul and then you photocopied these documents to me and handed over the document, they showed it at first, i read it , then you gave it to me, what we agreed on, and the document that was initialed, there were serious progress, and the russians have moved and...
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a situation may arise when the same putin will say: guys, with whom should we sign an agreement, with whom should we sign the powers of the president of ukraine have expired, today we will sign with him, say, some kind of agreement, tomorrow you will come to power , if you become president, you
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won’t like it, but they know how to do it, like according to the minsk agreements, remember, they will throw it all away, they will say, yes, the illegitimate president signed it, and i... i don’t know this at all, the new president will say, maybe this happen, especially god forbid there peter poroshenko will come to power, excuse me , this will all be ruined by saying: “i don’t know this, i don’t want to know, he’s an illegitimate president, tomorrow they’ll put pressure on his pocket, but the americans are always squeezing billions, they’ll say continue the war, the war will continue, therefore, as he said the first president of russia is for a gogulenka, there is some kind of thing, well..."
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and how to give a picture for society, including the ukrainian one, so that those who are wicked, whose heels are sparkling today, for obvious reasons, objective, why should they die in order to in order to inspire them, you need to give a picture that they are really fighting against the aggressor for
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their independence, from there comes an ambiguous statement, yes, when they say, oh, don’t bomb the... fz, oh, crocus - this is isis, this it’s not ukraine, and at the same time, emphasizing its independence and independent decision-making, the same malyuk, sbushny, speaks and says, after all , it’s us, but officially it’s not us, that’s why these informational blurrings are made, that is, to the average person, our, our citizen it’s practically impossible to understand what it really is.
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during this period of time, there were a lot of bloody events in relation to civilians who are not related to any power bloc, but they need information explosions, they need information shocks, attracting attention to themselves, distracting them from any others and attracting them to themselves as much as possible more resources to continue, supposedly the west doesn’t want to give, but it is giving... a fire is being created that is constantly, constantly burning, and it will not be extinguished, rightly said alexey, that it will drag on as long as possible, as long as possible, that’s why it’s needed. belarus, we will definitely talk about this, in a couple of minutes, stay with us, and we continue,
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answering numerous questions from journalists, when the president was in moscow, he had to comment on one of the many of these falsehoods, which again and again appear, which means the president said there is no and will not be a need for belarus to enter hostilities. well i guess what we have around our state, you can literally say that this week , for example, the cyber system, as they call security, was completed, this cyber security system has completely surrounded, well, in essence, our union state, this is the most direct preparation for 2025 year, what the head of state spoke about, what we... talked about at the very beginning of the program that military development, in principle, was chosen correctly, and you saw the visit of the head of state at one time to the western
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operational command and the northwestern operational command, where the head of state pays special attention to the issues of defense of the western direction, that is, from our western neighbors, but the same thing, as we said, this is what was demonstrated today in iran, in many ways allows us to talk about that no one is ready for a global conflict yet, but this does not mean that the global conflict has remained a global conflict, but more and more often we hear proxies of power, proxies of power, we have more and more conversations about what - then the chase, the shelves kolinovsky everything else, here again the head of state said that it was precisely the three scenarios that he spoke about in february, and that it is the southern operational direction, exactly what borders us with ukraine, that represents for us the greatest danger is in the twenty-fifth year, so they are interested in negotiations in the first place.
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and olaf scholz and macron, they clearly received from the head of the chinese state a clear message: we are going only because there must be negotiations on equal terms, but taking into account, of course, what is happening today in terms of waging war on earth. you will continue andrey petrovich, you’re just talking about this, such an interesting pick happened the other day: the united states will hold china responsible if russia
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achieves success in ukraine, said us deputy secretary of state kurt kemble, but china is no longer in the status to do so calmly swallow such things, he answered through the mouth of the official representative of the prc foreign ministry maoning, she said: this cooperation should not be interfered with containment, the chinese side also does not accept condemnation and pressure. and then it’s interesting exactly what you’re talking about, if some countries really pay attention to peace in ukraine and hope for a speedy end to the crisis, they first of all should think about its origins and take real steps to restore peace, this is what it looks like today, well, we we understand perfectly well that kurtkemble has already played this purely for the public, this is a purely informational stuffing, because if you want to get some information, then diplomacy, all this is done in confidence, but here it is already put on public display, look and china is just as stupid.
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asked this question about the fact that, starting from the fact that the president is forced to answer again, he declares that there is no need to enter into hostilities in belarus and will not be, this, as you know, is a reaction to numerous falsehoods, and the role here is absolutely definite, there are those people who out of habit call themselves the opposition, but in fact in belarus they are called nothing more than just fugitives. i i will illustrate, unfortunately, this appears again again, in this case a special case that conveys the general mood, which means... one of the representatives of the so-called belarusian polydemigration spoke out on the ukrainian youtube channel. the presenter asked her: what are the legitimate military purposes of ukraine on the territory of belarus? i heard the following. she says: “i believe that in the current situation we still need to act preventively, strike military targets, the same oil refineries working today for the russian military-industrial complex, this is really legal, and ukraine has the right to do so." she answered and added that it is necessary
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to think about the preventive deployment of nato troops in belarus, who are we dealing with in the person of such people? firstly, these are criminals, and secondly , traitors, yes, this must be determined immediately, all their statements already fall under the criminal code. i think the investigative committee should already take measures, just like the russian investigative committee, to begin criminal prosecution of such personnel, yes, only for one. such thoughts moreover, if they...
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this information, perhaps due to inexperience, she simply leaked these plans on the air, yes, but in my opinion, this is a deliberate information pumping of society in order to achieve a certain state of fear, yes, that is these false rumors, please note, have probably intensified over the last month about the need to take some preventive measures against belarus.
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that the planned psychological information operation is special, this is all being carried out, how it was done we have already carried out a small analysis. in the end, our leaders take this as a basis, we know that there is such a sugar worker there today, yes, who is her, her assistant, yes, in
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the military sector, you can say so, and he takes information from these sources out loud with a serious look declares to the audience that they have that belarus is really going to attack , is about to almost launch a tactical nuclear weapon there... and that this is not, this is a classic special psychological operation in order to really create a source of tension in society, so that people’s emotions overwhelm the adequate mind, they begin to react to any further stuffing, that is, it works like a virus, but they infected a small channel and from there it started, people pass it on to each other, yeah.
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and it was 2020, so a couple of days ago in his program igor tur recalled a fragment of the speech of alexander lukashenko, who talks about the events of the twentieth year and what the essence of the events that took place then was, it was short. very important, let's remember, literally after a short period of time, everything you, standing in front of me, will understand that you saved the world on this piece of land, defended the sovereignty and independence of our country, understand, guys, not every belarusian, unfortunately, understands this today, but very soon...
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that we defended, that the security forces also stood up for us in 2020, what could we lose? these fugitives who are still muddying the waters, who by any means want to get on the agenda to show that they mean something, this is exactly the situation when belarusians once again need to, firstly, look at
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context, to the source of information, as you rightly say, to get to the bottom of it, to understand that the world we live in today is very expensive, we can lose it very quickly, i react until i figure it out, absolutely right, to the source, figure it out. emotions today, this is a manifestation of emotions, it is also very expensive emotionally, against the backdrop of this emotional explosion, you can do very terrible things if you screw things up, there will be no return calmly, we move forward, we understand , we look better at the information when we are told about how people come from western countries to belarus and find a second homeland, how happy they are to live, and not in big cities, in small towns, just recently...
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they studied how to resist riot police officers, who knew with an awl what place to stab, yes , knew how a molotov cocktail was assembled, and prepared caches on the roofs. heavy objects that were dropped on security forces, who made noise online, threatened families, wrote on doors, set fire to cars, and so on, these are different camps, but at the same time, they are controlled unitedly, when the security officer approaches the girl with flowers, the girl sincerely says, i’m peaceful, she was prepared according to a completely different program than the radicals, in this part we really...
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yes, this is what is happening around, but we need to have a head didn’t get dizzy, to do this , stand firmly and firmly on the ground, and do what you should, and what you should do in the spring, you need to sow, the day before there was a big, very important, complex, serious meeting with the president on agriculture, it looks like recently was with industry, but there were messages there not only for people from the agricultural sector, so we will listen now, you see what a catastrophic food situation is developing in the world. it is clear that the situation will only worsen due to population growth and the problems that surround population in a given region of the planet. i repeat once again, we need to forget about sanctions and other western horror stories, of course they exist, but they must be forgotten. andrey petrovich, well, our time is what it requires of us? well look what i think it's about
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the president is right when he says that now we are in peacetime, this is really worth a lot, i think our program as a whole is dedicated to this, that literally on the southern borders, on the western borders the situation is escalating, but we created exactly the prerequisite conditions so that , in principle, nothing threatens us at the moment, it is important to understand here, so we discussed with you the problem associated with ... what are our fugitives thinking about, but they only think about one thing, that there are more peaceful people there will be no protests, no one will come out with flowers anymore, they will already slaughter and kill, that is, by and large, extremism is the basis of the angle, and of course you need to approach all this wisely and think about how to resist it, i think that to resist we are quite capable of this, we have sufficiently strengthened our positions both on the internal and external circuits, look, this is joining the shanghai commonwealth organization, look, we are taking aim today and what we are planning somewhere... the most important thing is that
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in addition to these aspects, yes, we flew into space, that is, all people see that today everything is going towards creation, this is exactly what the president spoke about when setting the task for the agrarian-industrial complex, this says, this is the time, this the respite, perhaps, which was probably given between one and two electoral campaigns, needs to be used as efficiently as possible, and not only in the military sphere, and not only related to food security. and in all these nine areas that are accepted, will be adopted precisely in the concept of national security, i think this is the real key to the success of our state in the future, thank you, well, we see that the president, and holding a meeting on the topic of industry, on agriculture, focuses on problems that now there is just in the world economy, and it says that we, our country, are our belarusians. the people, in conditions when there is
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a major restructuring of the entire world system, must resist, yes, but resist first of all in the economic field, if we on the one hand, we will ensure the economy, the growth of exports, which means export earnings, and at the same time we will ensure our national food security, then we will survive this period, yes, a turbulent period, then it will be easier, right? the system will be rebuilt, in any case it will be rebuilt, there will be a new international security system, new international law, then it will be easier, but if we don’t resist now, we will simply be swept away. stanislav. your short conclusions, first of all, do not succumb to the manipulations of the west, what they are trying to do to us impose, we need to act exactly the opposite, if they are trying to pump us up emotionally, then we need to behave calmly and coolly, our emotions
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will not lead to anything good, on the contrary, concentrate on work, on adequacy, on the perception that we must be ready, this does not mean that we are going somewhere, like... some people think that we want someone there, we need some additional lands, there are these interesting fantasies, so we need to mobilize within society, use our heads , understand that the world really is not so rosy, yes, as they show in hollywood films, and that the good uncle there will not bring us anything good, they only sow destruction all over the world, they leave blood and poverty behind them, so the mobilization is internal.
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as a result, the strategy of intolerable sanctions failed, along with the cancel culture, but most importantly, the chaos that once sowed turned out to be not so manageable. and now bloomberg is not just hinting, but practically putting it in the headline: china, russia and iran are reviving the era of empire, destroying the neocolonial
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us order. what does it mean? well, even a cornered rat is dangerous in its despair, what can we say about a powerful power that is acutely experiencing the loss of its influence. washington. will scratch and bite, what does this mean for us? do not get lost among the giants, preserve the culture of tradition, develop the economy and new competencies, demonstrate reliability and stick to your own in spirit and vision of the future, and this is another pointer to the fact that in 2025 .


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