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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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olympics. unsanitary conditions are rampant. in addition to the bugs, rats and the relocation of homeless people outside the capital, a dangerous disease has been added. since the beginning of the year, a record number of cases of importation of dengue fever into the european part of france has been identified. local media warn that in 2024 over one and a half thousand episodes of this disease have already been recorded. more than 10 times higher than last year. people's health is one of the belarusian priorities. politics in the capital , the medical forum of health care of belarus continues to work. on the football arena site more than 160 exhibitors from eight countries. all developments with an emphasis on relevance. the republican scientific and practical center for transfusiology and medical biotechnology presented its line of medicines made from blood plasma, as well as a hemostatic drug, which they plan to produce in the form of napkins. the unique work of the only one of its kind in the country was presented at the stand of the republican scientific and practical center for mental health. the stimulator
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is designed to improve the communication skills of doctors, high-tech and modern developments of the umettechnocenter. our know-how, they concern in first of all, the practice of every day, i was very pleased that our intensive care beds, which today, now we have come to the point of their import substitution, yes, have all the functionality that is necessary for daily monitoring. and facilitating labor, including weighing. in this part, i want to say that the tasks set by our practicing doctors should be analyzed, combined and turned into results by the ministry of health. today many experts note that our technologies are not inferior to world standards, including in medicine. and here is how our healthcare sector has developed, the opinion of the delegate of the first all-belarusian people's assembly in 1996, viktor.
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of course, medicine has changed, those meetings, the first, second, third, set the task of creating republican scientific centers, now these republican centers have been created, they have shown their effectiveness, these were tasks to strengthen the material and technical base, clinics, hospitals, this has also been accomplished that's it, we have one of the most modern equipment, highly qualified personnel who...
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diseases that previously could have been considered almost a death sentence are now being successfully treated, those operations that we have only seen are performed somewhere in foreign clinics, in magazines , now we are successfully implementing, our ophthalmological service of the tenth hospital corresponds, without exaggeration, to any medical world standards, we have more than 80 ophthalmologists working together with the staff of the department, this is... golden fund
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medicine, highly qualified doctors performing unique and most complex operations in the republic, more than 60% of complex operations. and quality of medical care. the internal affairs bodies are ready to provide safe and calm conditions for holding the all-belarusian people's assembly. additional measures have been taken.
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more than 3.00 police officers will protect public order, and operational and situational headquarters have been organized. the places of residence of the forum participants, as well as other objects related to vns. employees of the capital's traffic police will ensure the safety of the delegates' movement and monitor the traffic situation. in the capital , short-term restrictions on movement on some streets are possible. we draw the attention of drivers to adhere to traffic rules and select the speed limit. control over the city's infrastructure will be strengthened, riot police and rvd squads, sapper-pyrotechnic groups, and unmanned aerial counteraction groups will be involved.
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unfriendliness, all-belarusian folk the meeting plays the role of a powerful, reliable shield that will close our country from those who want to cause chaos and unrest in our country. the melodies that united the nation will sound today in the sports palace, a concert of masters of art, the culmination of the first day of the national assembly. the dress rehearsal took place the day before. 100 minutes of songs, the words of which are known to every person in love with belarus, arrangements written specifically for the holoconcert will be performed by the presidential orchestra, affirming the beloved
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is not given away, accompanied by an ancient belarusian pipe and famous quotes from the first about the main thing for the country, accompanied by the tricks of aerial acrobats, for the first time the viewer will see on the same stage the trio of winners of the loudest popular show in belarus, factor bai, dedicated to mothers. they will also remember the legendary return of our first cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya. the greatest honor for me, besides the fact that i am already taking part in this wonderful concert, is to perform in the block dedicated to space and dedicated to our marina vasilevskaya. only marina knows this when you are somewhere very, very far away.
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with the belarusians, so it turned out, what kind of aposhnia bastards, such creations have appeared to me, as every home often needs three times, it is true, for the camper it is important that people not only hear your creations, but also very often. but also a holiday, we are waiting for inclusions from the palace of the republic, and we will also talk with the guests of our on-site studio near the palace of officers.
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we will begin broadcasting the opening of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly at 2:00 pm on belarus 1 and belarus 24, and will continue the information channel at 9:00. the government has limited dividend payments to persons from unfriendly countries. belarus holds a high bar for the export of medical services; our terminal in the port of murmansk will be operational in 2028 . to belarus 1 and belarus24. economic news in the studio olga onishchenko. good morning. belarus has introduced restrictions on the payment of dividends to citizens and organizations of unfriendly countries. the resolution was adopted by the council of ministers. we are talking about the owners of interests and shares of belarusian
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companies with the citizenship of some foreign countries who commit unfriendly actions towards belarus. in this list several dozen countries are the european union, australia, canada, norway, iceland, albania, the usa and great britain, switzerland and some other countries. restrictions for foreigners will apply if the amount of profits or dividends paid during a calendar year exceeds. in total, for all foreign participants in the ownership of the company’s property , 80,000 basic units - this is over 3 million belarusian rubles. the resolution will be in force until the end of the twenty-fifth year. the belarusian terminal in the port of murmansk should to earn money in 2028, the construction agreement has already been signed. it is expected that with the help of an ice-free russian port, our country will be able to additionally transship tens of millions of tons of cargo for export. the governor of the murmansk region clarified that we are talking about '. in year. the belarusian country noted that the new terminal will allow increasing cargo transshipment and expanding
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exports, thanks to access to the ocean through the northern sea route. it is planned that this will be a multimodal complex that will allow servicing various cargoes and place containers. tight deadlines have been set for developing the project and launching the first facilities into operation. it is expected that the first cargo will begin to arrive within 4 years. belarus continues to maintain a high level of medical exports. according to the results of last year, it amounted to more than $40 million, while the export of educational services in the field of medicine exceeded thirty. over the past year , 134,000 foreigners were treated in our country; the top five countries from which patients most often come to us included russia, kazakhstan, latvia, bosnia and herzegovina and china. traditionally, there is high demand among medical tourists in the fields of transplantology, oncology, neurology and neurosurgery, dentistry and cardiology. uzbekistan is interested in the belarusian experience in constructing nuclear power plants, the ambassador
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of uzbekistan to our country stated this at a meeting with the head of the ministry of energy. the parties discussed the possibilities of cooperation between the two countries in the energy sector. uzbekistan is planning to build its own nuclear power plant, our experience is of interest to partners minsk and tashkent expect to develop interaction in this direction. our belas is already bringing a tangible effect to the country’s economy. the station gave impetus to the development of those related to nuclear power. cop. sales of electric vehicles and hybrids by the end of the year may grow by more than 20% and
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amount to about 17 million units, this is the forecast given by experts from the international energy agency. moreover, they believe that by the thirty-fifth year this market will account for 2/3 of global car sales, and by the thirtieth year in china almost every third will be electric car, in the united states and the eu every fifth. this is despite the problems of individual markets, but these difficulties. capable of slowing down the growth of electric vehicles on the planet's roads, according to the organization's annual report. the forecast, however, differs from official data from leading electric car manufacturers. so, for tesla on an annualized basis. sales fell by almost 9%, and those of the chinese bit, although they grew by 13%, are significantly less than the increase compared to last year. and finally, the largest stock exchange in the world, new york, can switch to 24/7 stock trading. a survey for traders on their attitude to non-stop trading of shares on the stock exchange demonstrated the growing interest of investors in the possibility of trading at night from 20:00 to 4 in the morning.
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classic exchanges no longer keep up with modern trends, they say. experts us treasury bonds and futures for leading stock indices in budna have long been traded around the clock, and crypto exchanges do not have breaks even on weekends, and the new york stock exchange is still open only 16 hours a day, with a break until 4 a.m. new york time. by the way, the moscow exchange is also considering the possibility of conducting round-the-clock trading, since there are 11 time zones in russia and for traders in khabarovsk, for example, the main session begins too late, only at 17:00. local time, and that’s all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business and see you,
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morning broadcast on belarus tv channels. and belarus 24 continues the program zone x, i am yuri shevchuk, hello, two cases of poaching have been identified in the minsk region. in the first, a forty-three-year-old village resident korachuny, derzhinsky district, decided to go fishing at the yasyutevichi reservoir. having reached the reservoir, the man immersed the net in the water almost 60 m away and headed home. the next day, together with his wife, he came to this place with a fish trap, while his wife admired nature... he took a good catch from the reservoir. on the way home, the poacher was detained. a similar incident occurred in the myadzelsky district on lake batorino. the attention of state inspectors was drawn to a wooden boat without license plates, hidden in the reeds. environmental workers installed camera trap, the very next day they received a message with a picture of a man in
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a fishing suit heading towards the boat. in total, more than rur 9,000 worth of damage was caused to the environment. both " according to preliminary information, it was established that on the eve of the tragedy the deceased had a verbal conflict with his partner due to jealousy, during which the woman, angry at the statements of her gentleman , grabbed a knife and inflicted at least five blows with the weapon in the chest area.
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the pensioner died from the injuries received on the scene of the incident. the villagers heard the neighbor's screams and... called their closest relatives. when my nephew came and saw the horrific picture, he immediately called an ambulance. the arriving medical team only confirmed the death of the elderly man. a large batch of counterfeit alcohol was seized near mogilev. beb's fighters carried out operational work on the highway and stopped a truck driven by a resident of the regional center. according to information from the mogilev police, the semi-trailer contained 10,000 liters of alcohol-containing liquid, which the driver hid under bales of alcohol. polystyrene foam the man was unable to provide documents for the cargo; currently, alcohol worth about 80 thousand rubles has been confiscated, and the driver faces a fine and confiscation of the goods. carriers' latest fraud with documents at the border has failed. we are talking about saving on customs duties, in the latter case on customs clearance of luxury cars produced in the twenty-second and twenty-third years. bmw,
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audi, mercedes and lexus were brought from poland. each of the cars was reduced in price by one and a half times. especially with the audi crossover priced at around $160,000. cars the cars were imported through the brest checkpoint by carriers registered in poland and the countries of the eurasian economic union. in each case, the documents indicated a cost on average one and a half times lower than the real one, thereby intending to reduce the amount of customs duties paid by 100,000 belarusian rubles. the total stated value of the vehicle. experts
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pay customs clearance in full. hence the legal proceedings and the machinations in the documents, so as not to vitebsk, dispelled the myth and confirmed guy’s doubts. authenticity of identification numbers two cars that they tried to deregister the owner raised questions. guessing employees. where, how and under what circumstances the cars fell into the hands of car owners is not specified,
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it is possible that the investigation will now look into this issue, and in order to avoid unpleasant surprises when buying a car, forensic experts advise looking not only at the technical condition of the car, but also checking the vehicle identification number facilities. a ninth-grader from borisov again became a defendant. the daring boy is registered with the inspectorate for affairs minors here again ended up in police reports. a new incident took place on april 17 near one of the houses on chipaeva street in the regional center. this was recorded by surveillance cameras. a schoolboy had a conflict with two 13-year-old teenagers. afterwards , one of the injured guys came to the duty station and said that an unknown guy attacked them and started beating and kicking them. unknown. bigan did not stay long, not far from the scene of the attack; he was detained by the police. this was the project zone x, our news
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available on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and we will tell you about the dark and news from the world of crime in our evening program.
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belarus, good morning, country, i hope you not only woke up, but got to work, while there are a couple of minutes before the start of the working day, let’s set up a section, my favorite, armchair experts who give everyone a hard time, in in general, we have something to discuss today, i am sure that masha khrustaleva will suggest a topic, as always , she will throw some fuel into this, so to speak fireplace, mash, good morning, definitely, good morning, well, maybe the last couple of days weren’t exactly like spring, yes, they didn’t please us with spring weather, we’d better... warm ourselves up with news from the world of media, they oh, how peppery, the debate about the possible replacement of the permanent
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presenter of the fac is not going away. alexandra moslyakova. the other day information spread that dmitry khrustalev will become the new presenter. it was noted that valdis pelsh, mikhail glustyan, vadim galygin auditioned for the role of presenter at different times, but the choice was still stopped on khrustalev. however, moslyakov jr. refuted the message about the new host of kvn, although they previously wrote that dmitry had already played all the games of the first and eighth seasons. let me remind you that he has held the post of leading myslyakov older since 1964 and now he is 82. do you think khrustalev will take on a new role, of course, it is difficult to replace muslyakov senior, because , after all, his status and his kind of simple greatness, it’s hard to even imagine who could have it, look, it’s a good photograph, here it is, here’s the answer, it’s all on the face written in the sense of crystals, but what about me, in fact, modern people easily live up to 100 years old, and this is not a problem, they remain active at the same time, that’s why we remain active, of course, we will be glad if the older moslyakov stays on this post. but
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one way or another, in general, it’s interesting that more and more often they say that kvn has become not as funny as it used to be, that it’s changing, that’s life, as they say, yes, everything is changing, it’s just that life has become not funny, yes, and our news also circulates something like this, so let's go to the next news from the world of cinema: leonardo dicaprio will play frank senator in the film by martin scarcez, and the number of joint projects between the director and the actor is already difficult to count, but in the new project dikabru will play the main role. the second wife of the senator and actress ava gardner will be played by jennifer lawrence, but what is curious is that despite such a star cast, the film has not yet received the green light, there are some difficulties in obtaining the rights, the daughter of the legendary singer tina senatra controls her father’s property and has not yet given blessings on the project. by the way, it was gardner who left nancy barbata, tina’s mother, so there are some ethical difficulties with the transfer of rights, there are questions, as they say, and despite this,
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large studios and various others are already eyeing the film. well, it seems to me that in this case, yes, if there we were determined between moslyakov and khrustalev, then it seems to me that here in the case of leo dicaprio, just hitting the bull’s eye, even some, it seems to me, physiognomic similarity between them , think, colleague, i’m looking, i think that what dicaprio lacks is that somewhat mafia-like look that frank senator had, look at what a cool hat he has, what a look from under the dick, you understand that the man is serious, and december is a little too cute, but it seems to me , that's all he needs. nature didn’t give it, i mean leu december, it will do it , his artistic talent will do it, he can play everything, we know, guys, he’s apparently haunted by the thought that he hasn’t won all the oscars yet, he has to work, maybe maybe leonard needs to shape up a little before in the meantime, franco told the senator that we are waiting for the premiere, but for now we are moving on to the next news, meanwhile , a pensioner from slovenia managed to become a star at the age of 77, a man named grams copies the images of hollywood stars and
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publishes photos on social networks. it seems that internet users really liked his idea, with only positive comments in the comments under the publications. it's celebrities who dress up and impersonate him, in some pictures he looks even better than the stars, and he even does it better than themselves stars, that’s what the followers of the newly minted celebrity think. it seems to me that this is some kind of new type of cosplay, you know, and it’s very, very cute, very stylish, moreover, i subscribed to grams, i must say, i found him on instagram, and he... is also involved in advertising, promoting different shoes absolutely brands, whoever cooperates with him, brands do it with pleasure, he advertises giant shoes, some kind of super mega inconvenient, but it’s amazing, it seems to me that trascher is his middle name, and i think that’s some kind of... that's very it’s just an expensive hobby, because cosplaying stars is expensive, imagine, we understand that justy bieber probably wears heavy luxury, konya west also wears heavy luxury, i was thinking, of course, copy, for example, konya west, well,
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honestly speaking, it’s so difficult, to copy his wife, bianca censori, who practically walks around this world naked, that would be a point, here the problem is more complicated, a cool story about how you can find yourself at 77 years old, but the most interesting thing is that there might be a crash and became a star, but many are increasingly saying that oh no, this is not a pensioner from slovenia, he is from germany, his name is different, no one can understand who it is, but whoever he is, in my opinion, he is beautiful, that’s for sure, girls, on the other hand, this inspiring example tells us that everything is still ahead of us, and even the fact that nina decided to subscribe to him, yes, suggests that really a man, a man is catchy, this is masha, you also touch us, thank you for this cool collection news, thank you, i wish you a wonderful day, see you, dear friends, well, our broadcast continues, see you after a short break.
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volleyball, first of all, is a very beautiful sport, the most popular sport, the international volleyball federation is the most popular, therefore. volleyball can be played anywhere, in the hall, on the street, on the playground, on the beach, that is, minimum costs and maximum coverage, it was invented more than 100 years ago, the sport, it came to us, uh, yes, it exists - in children's leading, such as pioner ball, there is a ball above the net, and what we see is the end result, this is an olympic sport, beach volleyball is also an olympic sport. volleyball is
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a game of chance, it is non-contact, that is, there is no contact with the opponent, everything depends only on team actions, if the team played, the team got the result. this is years of work. a close-knit team, when they are gathered in one place, they live together, communicate every day in training together, well, a good healthy team, the atmosphere in the team, the soul of volleyball is a ball without a ball. volleyball as such there will not be, that is, there is a ball, you can play with it on the street, in the hall, on the beach, on the lawn at the dacha, that is, as such, it is round, it is like our earthly ball, it
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unites us all. also, of course, useful and interesting news, right now i propose to move to china, yes, we usually say good morning, we can say nehal, that is, we welcome our chinese one. every year it attracts thousands of participants and spectators from all over the world. in the sky these days you can see thousands of kites
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of various shapes and sizes. participants compete in making, flying and fighting between snakes. weipan city is known as the capital of kite flying. it houses the headquarters of the international association of air fans. some records say that the first kite was invented in this city, this attention happened more than 2 thousand years ago, wow, wifang also boasts a thriving kite industry that employs more than 80 thousand people, imagine that, that is this is people's work what, to create kites and then fly them, it seems to me that this is some kind of amazing success story, you know, it’s precisely such stories that dreams should come true, and in general the very name of the city. mentions wi-fi, yes word, when we literally catch our dream by the tail and connect to it via wi-fi, but in general, if someone calls you a snake, don’t be upset, just go to this beautiful chinese city and launch your airship there zveya, do not forget to make a wish,
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especially on such and such a mirror date, like today 04/24/2024, the wish will definitely come true, that’s for sure, dear friends, we really have a lot of useful and interesting things ahead, for example, a meeting with our beautiful young guest, performer angelina volkova. and, by the way, the occasion is also wonderful, she has released a new song clip. we will find out the details, be sure to wait for this moment. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? last december by user. our geostatistics information and analytical system is available. the system allows you to form tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple terms. technical conditions, usually - this is if the composition
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of the product changes, some new raw materials are used. that is, most often specifications in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, as well as with... the most interesting facts: this is how the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany in the second half of the 16th century, it was then called state statistics.
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we'll give you a video for the song "we can do anything."
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it seems to me that when from the lips of a young man generations, yes such words come, it is very significant. plus, today the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly opens. is it a coincidence that your premiere just like that, yes, happened on this day, or is it still a calculation on your part? this is not an accident at all, it is a great honor for us to present our video today, well, to make this event even more colorful and bright. well , of course, this is a very bright event, large-scale, i would say, the video, we have already seen, also turned out to be very large-scale, not only angelina volkova takes part there, and who else, tell me, there are many, many stars, there are a lot of artists, let’s start with the members of factorby, the famous artists nikita belko and nastya kravchenko, the duet of lera and artyom, the group, brandby were, yes, i say, groups of beautiful girls, and of course
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, people's artist of the republic of belarus, anatoly ivanovich ermolenko. in general, it seems to me that it’s a great blessing to be such a big deal on one set, at least. please tell us how this process went, how did you shoot the video? at all, it went very easily, brightly, i don’t want to say that quickly, because these moments will be remembered for a long time, it’s a great honor for me to work with such... creative people, yeah, but in general everything went very cool, atmospheric, because we showed ourselves real, we were just having fun, young people were gathering on the same set, it seems to me that this energy cannot be stopped, cannot be subdued, i can imagine how much humor, how much laughter there was on this set, but tell me your impression of anatoly ivanovich yarmolenko, yes, such a value , that's how person in life, you liked him, of course, he is actually very kind. a very good person, for me it’s just a huge
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honor, and i was very worried when we met, because meeting such a figure, of course, it’s exciting, it’s very exciting, in fact, everything went very well, we met him, joked, talked, he is a very kind and good person, and as often happens, big stars actually turn out to be very simple, good, kind people in life, but let’s remember a very important point, who wrote this composition, authors? yes, this song, these are evgenia lenik and yulia bykova, honored artist of the republic of belarus, yes evgenia lenik, yulia bykova, talented authors, how was it for you to collaborate with them, that’s how much you felt the lyrics of the song, did your beloved respond to you, we we we have already written many songs, all the songs have become hits, they are heard on the radio, on television, at concerts, and of course this song is also very bright, one might say: it’s patriotic, and we can do anything if we are together, i think,
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with these words everything is immediately clear, together we are strong , together we will overcome any obstacles in our way. i think when such phrases, straight souls with a sparkle in their eyes, are uttered by so many young people in our show business, it seems to me that no one doubts, because it is sincere, these are souls, all together, truly a beloved country, beloved belarus, we really can do absolutely anything. friends, thank you very much, thank you angelina, thank you, thank you to all the creators of the composition, we will be happy to watch this video material now, but we, olga venskaya, nina mazeika, we summarize the results of this third hour of the live broadcast of the dobrolyus program. we wish you a good and productive day, and let’s also wish good luck to all participants of the seventh all-belarusian people’s assembly, may everything work out for you today, this is truly a very significant day and a significant event for the history of our country. well , right now, friends, we’re watching the clip, once again, angelina volkova can say, and the company is big, yes, we can do everything, everything, we can do everything,
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if we are together, if we are together. just look around, how much light there is, the first ray, yes, the dawn protected and illuminated the hearts, on the dnieper over the day it is for us and over the burn, together we can do a lot, the main thing is to believe in the dream to the end. we can do anything if you are together, we can’t be broken if we are together, brother will stand up for brother, friend will stand up for friend, we can do anything
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if we are together. if we are together, you know, it’s you and me, we are responsible for everything, we live in our children, and we must convey love, teach us to value our own and be proud of the fact that we were born here, to live and create. work to protect, we can do anything, if we are together, we cannot be broken, if we are together, brother will stand up for brother, friend
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stand up for each other, we... can do anything, if we are together, if we are together, we can do anything, if we exist. if we are together, we cannot be broken, if we are together, we travel together, reserve, a brother will stand up, a friend, stand for a friend, we can do anything, if we are together, we know
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together. good morning belarus. a high-profile political event in the country through the voices of our residents, let's start the reverse.


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