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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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the "source of life" organization was founded in germany. its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples. children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now there are ukrainian neo-nazis.
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that they have parents, the principal of the school was with them, so she knew that these children, they have a mother, they have a father, you understand that this is for illegals, the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to repel them, ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view of the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7. in our project you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and, of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on map. all this and more in the weekly project. broadcast 24:7, watch on our
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tv channel every friday evening. andrey gennady, what business brought you to minsk? these days i participated in the second russian-belarusian tourism congress, i believe that the belarusian tourism industry. a huge future, and
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this future is largely connected with russia with russian tourists. what decisions were made and will they be implemented in life? the professional community does not gather just to talk. what attracts russians so much? our country? no language barrier. the cordiality and hospitality that amazes me personally in belarus is cleanliness and neatness. over the past 10 years, the russian federation has invested more funds in crimea in its development. than ukraine for all the years while the peninsula was part of it. russia did enter the crimean peninsula with significant investments, and these were investments in people. in the current conditions, in your opinion, what needs to be done to preserve your state? the most important thing is that every person must remember where he came from, if you remember that you are russian, belarusian, that this is your homeland, before you look somewhere else. towards
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the distant shores, let’s call it, look, what can be done here? hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. in the studio svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina. and today we have a deputy visiting us.
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restrictions, events that are taking place now, domestic tourism is developing very dynamically, almost all regions are involved in... the topic, in my opinion, is just participation and belarusian regions is also significant and will be very useful. tas is the general information partner of this event, i hope that this congress will only expand every year, in fact, it will truly become such a serious platform for discussing issues of tourism development. well , in general , are you frequent guests in minsk and belarus? unfortunately no, it’s only the second time, but i really like it, i just feel like i need to come here for tourism purposes, otherwise i’m always at work, yes you went out, well, you had a rest at the exhibition, what caught your attention, what impressed you? in fact, a very interesting exposition; it is important that
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the russian regions also presented their tourism opportunities, but i looked with interest at what the belarusian regions offer. a very wide exposition of opportunities in the field of tourism, artisans, manufacturers of various equipment, including for recreation, the exhibition is wonderful, if we return to the congress, what decisions were made and will they be implemented in life, will they not just remain on paper? it is very important that the congress is still a platform for professional interaction between those who work in the field. tourism - these are tour operators, owners of hotels, restaurants, investors in this area, carriers, and this is precisely a guarantee that, as you said, decisions will not remain on paper, the professional community does not gather just to talk,
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the professional community discusses everything specific questions, makes specific decisions, and then goes on with them, but the news agency will somehow cover all these decisions and their implementation? absolutely yes, we in tas have accumulated vast experience in promoting russian regions in the field of tourism, in promoting other countries and regions of other countries, in the field of tourism for russians, i hope that belarus will also join their number, so i am convinced that we will definitely cover tourism topics, tourism agenda, including here...
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dagestan, altai, karelia, and of course sochi. i would like more information about other interesting places. tas has this big project dedicated to the northern caucasus, we use a very wide range of tools aimed at promoting this region specifically its tourism potential, its tourist attractiveness, so i.
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dagestan, many people travel around central russia with interest, so i think that we definitely need to completely master siberia, the urals, and the far east. these are truly unique regions, unique, interesting and natural and historical attractions, in my opinion, everyone, both belarusians and russians, should see this, should see the pacific ocean, should see all this natural beauty of these unique people, i really recommend everyone to go to the far east in siberia, unfortunately, we are still poorly promoting russian tourism products. here inside belarus using the capabilities of the belarusian media, but nevertheless i think that this
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mistake will be corrected in the near future, but nevertheless i urge all residents of belarus to actively use the russian media, including the information resources of our agency, and there we will definitely find the most detailed information, when is the best time to come, how to get there? therefore, well, you have already voiced quite a lot of information, thank you, you enlightened us a little, but there is also the issue of transport, that is , some particularly remote regions, you need to get there, at least from minsk, yes, it’s like we say, 3 days on reindeer, 2 days on dogs, that is, this is through some interchange transshipment points, i would like it, of course, we have some direct flights, but they are still not enough, as for me it seems like maybe i i’m wrong, but regular transport links are not only... tourism is also the economy, right? certainly yes, nevertheless, the network of air flights not only from minsk,
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but from other cities of belarus, is probably expanding not as quickly as we would like, but nevertheless this is happening, in fact, if we are talking about kamchatka and the far east in general, then, in principle, one connection, say, in moscow or st. petersburg, and a person can easily get to petropavlovsk-kamchatsky to the south. from sakhalinsk to vladivostok, khabarovsk, blagoveshchensk, yakutsk, anyone, i believe that it is worth visiting absolutely all regions, if just once a year a russian or belarusian spends his vacation in at least one region of the russian federation, we have 89 of them, and if we add six more to them belarusian regions, he will need 95 years, 95 years, the main thing is to live that long. friend, they can be completely different, in terms of
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tourist attractiveness, some natural features, historical regions that are located next to each other , it’s definitely worth it to do, well, if possible, now that there are no borders between russians and belarusians, in fact, and flights, buses. to take advantage of these opportunities, well , it’s just strange, i’ll say so, for a long time , russians were mainly aimed at leaving the country, and for recreation, like you , the railway, whatever, you don’t think, what is the reason for the fact that, well, besides the restrictions, that is, there are resorts that you can still fly to, but nevertheless, this turn towards domestic tourism, it brought awareness to russians their capabilities like this. let's say, absolutely , yes, firstly, the infrastructure has improved qualitatively,
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hotels, sanatoriums, holiday homes, restaurants, some entertainment opportunities have appeared in almost all regions, and the network of excursion routes has expanded significantly, a significant number of guides have appeared. short weekend trips, holidays, my family and i go regularly, and there are
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nearby regions, and on weekends there are excellent opportunities for adults and children to have a great rest. first deputy chairman of the committee state duma for education jaana lantratova proposes to consider the possibility of launching the federal family vacation program, it is aimed at ensuring the availability of domestic tourism for families with children, including large families. in your opinion, how much is this? it is clear that demand needs to be actively stimulated, and family vacations are precisely the direction that can become a flagship, can become a priority, and these initiatives, some other projects and programs, are certainly very useful for solving these problems, well, probably there was an awareness that our country is beautiful, there is no
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need to go anywhere, we have russia, belarus, and this?
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then every person can form their own impression about russia, about belarus, about where we live, what a wonderful country we have, what a wonderful culture and nature we have, and accordingly, it seems to me that tourism is one of the most important factors, including in the patriotic education of young people, and the promotion of patriotism already...
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regions, this special project is unknown including the various tourist potential , belarus really talks about the main attractions of belarus, what you can see here, belarusian cuisine, plus accommodation opportunities, pricing policy, that is, in principle, this is such a concentrated set of information for the tourist when... he considers and accepts decision for myself to go, well, in this case, to belarus, that is , this project is aimed specifically at tourists, this is a project that was made in a special way in order to illuminate the russians tourism opportunities of belarus, we did it together with the belarusian news agency belta, the national
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tourism agency of the republic of belarus, accordingly , for that i thank my colleagues very much and i hope that this project, perhaps other projects, will expand, because that now, i just talked about this, including at the tourism congress, there is domestic tourism and, well, not that there is a downside, but nevertheless a factor of very tough competition, regions compete with each other, russian regions and it is quite obvious that belarus and the belarusian regions also found themselves involved in this competitive struggle.
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yes, absolutely, there is a prospect, moreover, events in the field of business tourism are actively being held, uh, in particular here in minsk, here in the hotel where i stayed, and at the same time there were two or three quite large events going on, with a large number of participants, that is, these were people who came in a special way , some companies brought quite a significant the number of both its employees and some guests for some kind of event. therefore, i think that belarus has very good potential in the field of tourism, including business tourism, as we said,
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it is absolutely necessary to use the media opportunities of both belarusian media and russian media here. in the meantime, we’ll take a short break, i remind you, our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest us new interesting guests, we are connected! the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today we are visiting deputy general director of the tas news agency andrey sokolov. andrey gennadievich, you often visit russian regions, well, not only russian ones, yes, but you see how these regions are developing, what kind of experience belarus could borrow, firstly, it needs to invest much more actively.
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now, but again, we have already said this many times today, there are no limits to growth, the opportunities are enormous, including tourism opportunities and the development of infrastructure, which is largely degree was created during the soviet period, where its renovation is possible, where replacement with new, more modern infrastructure facilities is impossible.
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this largely ensures the occupancy of tourist sites and the hotel complex, and so on, and here in belarus there are all the opportunities for this , it’s definitely absolutely worth doing, the cultural sphere is very rich and a huge number of events are held in the regions, not in moscow, not in st. petersburg in some regions this is both sib and dalny east. the caucasus, whatever, and accordingly, here, it seems to me, belarus could also get involved, could host
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some sports, cultural and business events, they need to be invented, they need to be thought through, they need to be organized and promoted in the right way in the media space, so that a large number of spectators and fans come and participate in these events.
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well, i would say so, cleanliness, neatness, i don’t want to blame the russian regions in this case, but it’s with great pleasure that i even despite such bad weather there, i walked around minsk, a very clean, pleasant city, very well, again, you talked about roadside service, the roads are in very good condition, clean shoulders, well-groomed, this immediately creates a different impression of the region ,
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and even an element of, let’s say, stereotyping, perception regarding ideas of where to go, this is the project i mentioned in the north caucasus, in the first years since 2016 we are implementing it, in the first years the task was to really break the stereotype in attitude towards the north caucasus that this is such a dangerous region, and we coped with this task. and if earlier, back there , probably 10 years ago, the idea of ​​going on vacation to the same dagestan was perceived, well, not quite, but now we have a huge number of russians happy to go on vacation to dagestan, to the chechen republic, to other regions of the northern caucasus, what does this mean? this means that they feel that it is calm there, that it is safe there, no, some...
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problems, including those related to terrorism, and naturally they understand that it will be an interesting, eventful, high-quality vacation, absolutely safe, and indeed, it is belarus, it seems to me, that it is worth highlighting this component of tourism, safety, this is very important, well, what can’t be said about such a region as crimea, and the russian federation, where, in general, with the security...
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of the russian federation, they dealt with issues of regional development, and then after that they held the position of deputy minister of the russian federation specifically for crimean affairs. and so it was such, i have heard the opinion that residents of this region have expressed that over the past 10 years.
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the federal and regional authorities in crimea and sevastopol have made a truly colossal leap in the creation of such mainline key infrastructure facilities, and this is actually not only the crimean bridge, which is on everyone’s lips. if you compare the main highway, kerch, simferopol, before and after, before and after, the difference will be colossal, there will be a colossal difference. but at the same time, which is very important in my opinion, we invested, and it had its effect in the creation of social, transport, and energy, engineering infrastructure not only in large cities, but in remote settlements in the republic of crimea and sevastopol, medical and obstetric centers also came there, schools and hospitals were repaired or rebuilt.
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clinics and all these are really the things that now give opportunity to the crimeans of ... and other countries, where, so to speak, the colonial skating rink took place, where everything is squeezed out, the population is completely poor, there is no infrastructure, everyone cares about these people by and large i don’t care, russia has never done this, and does not
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do this, in fact, just everyone, absolutely everyone who doubts this, can come with their own eyes ... including with an eye on what they will think in kiev regarding the manifestations , and not even at the political level, at the everyday level, that’s how to put it, russian culture, the use of the russian language, demonstration of sympathy for the russian federation, well, this is serious psychological pressure, it’s very difficult, now this factor is gone, and it’s quite
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obvious that people sighed relief, people can freely express their thoughts in russian, show their commitment to the russian culture, so to speak.
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dishonest propaganda, absolutely, uh, if we are talking about new regions that became part of russia in 2022, the situation is the same as in crimea, that is , problems with infrastructure, with its underdevelopment, so to speak, with its obsolescence, but this is still intensified by... the factors of the military destruction that ukraine has carried out all these years in the donetsk people's republic and lugansk people's republic, that is, it is quite obvious that our task here is more complex than in crimea, we need not
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just to build or reconstruct, but we need to largely engage in restoration now, and this is being done, the successes here are absolutely obvious, and this restoration is already underway... taking into account modern technologies, modern design solutions and most importantly long-term planning, long-term development of these territories, this is exactly what ukraine has not done. we know how these regions will develop, what will be done there, and infrastructure is planned and built and restored taking into account this understanding, as for you, you mentioned vladivostok there, there were absolutely colossal investments in the development of the city, a new airport was built, the road network was reconstructed, i would even say that the geography of the city with the construction of two bridges on russky island and through the golden horn bay, it...
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what to develop there, how to develop it, what needs to be done to make the life of our citizens more and more comfortable. well, let's start from the regions and travel let's move on a little to journalism, in september the tas news agency turns 120 years old, you have been working as deputy general director since 2015, you are among the top 50 most effective managers, what is the agency's achievement? you would call the most important thing, you know, over the 120 years
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of existence of our agency, the st. petersburg telegraph agency and the telegraph agency of the soviet union, and tas, already in the post-soviet period, a lot was done, and projects were implemented, launched some initiatives in the field of media, but in my opinion, the most important achievement of our agency over the years is its reputation, this is something that takes a very long time to build, and the fact that today we are trusted by a multimillion-dollar readership and viewing audience, the fact that today the global journalistic community trusts us and recognizes our reputation; it trusts us for our strength. objectivity, reliability and comprehensiveness
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of coverage of various political, economic, sports, cultural events in the russian federation, abroad, trusts and recognizes, among other things, the journalistic community in now unfriendly, i hope, temporarily unfriendly countries, despite all the political, so to speak, cataclysms, no one questions it. that same reputation, in my opinion, this is the most important achievement of our agency, strength is in truth, yes, as they say, well, that’s the top 50 that you were included in, it was written that the top 50 directors for government relations , then share your tricks or how fashionable it is to say life hacks, how to build relationships with authorities in order to be an effective manager? well, i think that first of all, this is an understanding of how the system works, how - what decision-making mechanisms exist, in my opinion, the most important thing
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here is an open and honest conversation, a clear, understandable explanation of what you need, what you want, and what it will be the effect, what will be the benefit for the state and for society from the decisions that you propose to make. in my entire career here in tas , it has never happened that this approach would not work, in my opinion, this is the most main life hack.
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exclusive interview with athletes, i worked a lot, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work, i think that the game was not bad, just it almost wasn’t enough to complete everything, we also have to take into account that the transition of the field... what else, the bright moments are real emotions, these are the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was hard for everyone. the opponent plays like this, like this as far as you allow him, you allow him to take the initiative, you allow him to use his chances, he always plays like that. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. i received permission from the general staff to open
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a state security intelligence school in kiev. so what is my role in this? organization, leadership and control. you’re choosing people, this is war, what are you talking about, kostya, what kind of war will they give you assignments, we’ll go to a unit, you ’ll get a job as a teacher, we’ll make a bunch of people, comrade pyatko, what are you doing, people? look, let them look, what if they call the police, let them call, jacket, yes, of course , these are the candidates that i... komsomol members are one criminal, if now you give a sincere confession, you are found as an accomplice, you will go to jail, of course, i don’t promise you justice, i propose to benefit the homeland, if you agree, today i will enroll you in
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the intelligence service, in front of each of you there are three books, the first contains the insignia of wehrmacht personnel, in the life of the mistress of the right officer you can find out the plan of an entire army, this is not so. beautiful, but it works. watch the series scouts on the belarus 24 tv channel . 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. a hero. programs will have to open up to the audience, but what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original,
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and sometimes uncomfortable questions, every day you see illness and death, what helps you is to believe in the best in my eyes patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is again the program “tell me not to be silent” and today our guest is the deputy general director of the tas information agency andrei sokolov. andrey gennadyevich, recently studies have shown that the level of trust of belarusians in state media has recently increased. and we have repeatedly talked about this in our studio. in your opinion, is there a similar
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trend in russia? yes, of course, the level of trust in the russian state media is growing. and no matter what, so to speak, opposition figures say, there is objective data, which is good, in this case the internet, everything is objectively measured, who, how many, what sites go to, in fact , the story with the pandemic was very indicative, when people having read a lot of different telegram channels, there are some. social networks are simply tired of this, because from this hysteria and to understand what is really happening, how to act in a situation when you are sick, when your relatives are sick, what is the epidemic situation like, people went to government
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resources, the audience of government channels has grown many times over , and, accordingly , trust... in relation to business, in relation to education, and something else, you need a reliable basis for making these decisions, and just alternative media.
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business, receiving a decent income for it, and this is what they like to do; interesting income should be able to spend wisely the way a person wants, and this is exactly what we are constantly talking about today and what we return to, the tourism sector is exactly that possible mechanism when a person can see these very things, a person who lives in moscow, he is accustomed to the moscow level, infrastructure development and so on, and... coming to the regions, if he is faced with the fact that the infrastructure, relatively speaking, is falling apart, that’s what they said about crimea,
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the ukrainian period, he concludes that nothing is happening, but if he sees, construction is underway here, construction is being completed there, something new has opened here, and social facilities, it’s nice to walk around the city, the city is clean, there are no destroyed buildings, naturally, a person perceives it completely differently, he perceives it in a positive way.
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here in russia, he will not go anywhere, a person will solve all his issues here, he will be realized here, and it seems to me, yes, compare with switzerland, but it will be the right request, including to the authorities, including the right public initiative, how to do it even better, i often visited vilnius, and what i noticed was that for a long time i could not understand what, well, somehow i was not happy with the picture, there are no tower cranes there, that is, i ’m used to...
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the state that solves his issues, decides, helps him in realizing his needs and aspirations, takes care of him, he needs understanding that if something suddenly happens to him, god forbid health, or what awaits us all, one way or another, this is old age, yes,
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that he will not be abandoned, he will not be abandoned, what if... he is attacked there, he will be protected, this again comes to the issue of security, these are, in fact, all the components of power, and i assure you that absolutely any person, be it a russian, be it a belarusian, be it a lithuanian, they simply do not have such an opportunity, unlike us and the belarusians, they will gladly vote for the government that will work in the interests of the people, in the interests of each individual person, and so on. .. people born in the ussr had a hard time the collapse of a great country, but in the current conditions, in your opinion, what needs to be done to preserve your state? i believe that the most important thing is that every person should remember where he comes from, if you remember that you are a russian, a belarusian, that this is your homeland, and before you look somewhere
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towards the distant shores, let’s call it, yeah, look, what can you do here? in fact, a lot of this can be done through the personal initiative of the citizens themselves, the residents themselves. we have quite a lot, now there is more and more of this, this very well comes from public initiatives, including some kind of cleaning up of some territory, the creation of various small, easily constructed social facilities, and there are stadiums, well, small stadiums, some kind of sports grounds, playgrounds, when the residents themselves are they do everything, they hold subbotniks there, there may be some other forms, and i think that this is just very important, that people look around them and make a decision to make life better, sit down and wait, when they come from moscow
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or they will see from minsk what is in theirs. yes, it’s exciting with colleagues, why? because you are also journalists and could also ask us questions, but you didn’t, we’ll correct this situation next time, but for now we congratulate you, tatyana, on the upcoming anniversary of all of you employees of the agency, 120 years is a beautiful date, well of course , we wish you only good news, thank you very much, a very interesting conversation, very interesting questions, and i am sincerely glad that
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i was invited. on your show, i hope that this is not the last meeting, and accordingly, i want to personally invite all residents of belarus to russia, invite you to the russian regions, come, you don’t need to focus on exclusively moscow and st. petersburg, although there is definitely something to see there, our capitals are changing, go to kazan, go to dagestan, go to kamchatka, interesting, simply amazing, so come with pleasure, thank you for the invitation, tatyana cherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you, until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, now says andrei sokolov, i believe that the union state is a very interesting, certainly
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promising mechanism of coexistence between us indeed. there are no barriers, no borders, we have nothing to share, and let’s develop together, jointly implement projects, business initiatives, social initiatives. travel, i believe that it is better to create an impression based on your own information,
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your own perception, draw your own conclusions, analyze, then your life will be rich, vibrant and interesting. belarus enchanted them at first sight, the first in general, probably, when you get into...
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and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located, so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident used a wobbler, that is, a plastic
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decoy fish, to catch one weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable houseboard. ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations, landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness charm even the most fastidious travelers, see the program "


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