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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 24, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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looked back at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian city, in which alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago, the lower castle and posad were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city magistrate was located. so the kobrin princes of their squads stopped and feasted, definitely here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident on wobbler, that is. i caught a fish blende myself, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how our country is unusual and wonderful. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. see the program "
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we are in a new day and we are working on this music, the music that is thick inside.
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the skin of us, i love you, in the sun, in the timid hands, on the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, luscious thoughts and revealing hell to us thousands of gifts, music can change light. pakolki yana zdolnaya zmyanit us. music is inside our skin.
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a woman must find that moment when she will always hear, yes, to any of her questions, to any of her requests. the strength of a woman is that she is the weaker sex, well, i believe that even when capricious, we are well aware of our responsibility, we know that we have children behind us, we have parents behind us, we have a team behind us, if this woman is supervisor. i love working with those who love to work, and i always select the team to suit me so that i feel comfortable working with them and they with me. it was comfortable to work.
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the head of state has not named 2024 as the year of quality, but i believe that you need to do your work efficiently, always, and produce a quality product - this is the main principle of our enterprise. we control product release at every stage. we have about nine control points from the input raw materials to the exit of the finished product to the floor. my first education is as a process engineer for bakery, confectionery, pasta production and... concentrates, at the moment i already have three higher educations, in addition to process engineer i'm also studying at the moment.
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i came to the company in 2014, the chief technologist, the team was new, i had worked for 8 years before that.
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not only at work, but on some personal topics, we have a tandem, so to speak, i saw her angry and upset, but many people used to be somehow afraid of her in such a mood, but somehow our personalities are more or less agreed, anything can happen, sometimes we get emotional, not without it, all of us girls like to get emotional, yes from time to time, but i try to sort of control this issue, but anything can happen.
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in general, a woman has a difficult mission, she must accomplish a lot, now any woman can realize herself, there is enough desire, and of course, family support is nowhere without this, because to be realized simultaneously in the profession, in the family, as a wife, as a mother, is the most important thing for me in my life it is health. first of all, mine, because i understand that i have a family behind me, and i have children, i have parents, the second priority is their health, the health of my relatives, their well-being, i met my wife
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about 15 years ago, we witnessed a wedding, a little more than a year later, we got married, 29 years old. i gave birth to my first daughter, now we have two children, tatyana and maria, one is 11 years old, the second is nine. quite often , my husband takes the children, they go to their relatives at the dacha, and at this moment i just relax, i am alone, i can watch tv series, i can read a book, but the main thing is that i am alone, and this helps me restore all my strength, always caused wild delight. her tenacity, the way she knows how to build relationships with people, clearly
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understands people, how to communicate with them, she is fair, she is demanding, and this demandingness has probably been there throughout her life and not only in relation to others, but in relation to herself. being managers at work, it is not always possible to switch at home, yes, well , maybe to some extent. and it relaxes my husband sometimes, but of course we always try to agree, we have a certain division, everyone knows what he is responsible for, what is his responsibilities, what is my responsibilities, that now the children do a lot, and we try to help each other so that we can feel comfortable at work and at home, so that no one thinks that you need to do something there. i was awarded
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the opportunity to become a delegate to the all-belarus people's assembly. i think this is a great opportunity to convey information from the people, to convey information from the authorities to the people, to participate in the life of the country, i will try to take from there as much as possible. but also, if possible, to convey the eyes of the people. belarus is clean, beautiful, beloved, a country in which you want to live comfortably. i would like, for my children to live here.
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maternity and childhood protection in the republic of belarus is a priority area in healthcare and is regulated by regulations, ranging from the national level to local acts; in the country, in fact , almost 100% of childbirths take place in specialized obstetric institutions, almost 97%. mothers undergo screening for congenital malformations; the country has already built a clear multi-level system of providing high-quality care for more than 30 years provision of medical perinatal care, which in turn contributes to these indicators.
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the belarusian capital, minsk, with its spacious streets and avenues, parks and squares, ancient streets of the upper city, architectural monuments , modern buildings of yesteryear, a unique city where eras converge, where the architectural design of many objects can be used to study its history, they built... different times, but among them there are those special ones that are symbols of minsk of our country, from one of the main buildings of the palace republic, we will begin our story about such an ancient and such a young belarusian capital.
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the creator of the republic, shining with bright lights, the last monument of architecture that is leaving. soviet era, here in the palace of the republic new new year traditions were born, one of which is the main christmas tree of the country, and the history of these traditions is unique, as is the construction... of the building itself, because it keeps many secrets. today it is difficult to imagine what all this is.
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newspapers begin to regularly publish reports on decisions made at management level countries and republics, one of them is dedicated to the renaming of the central square to october square, there is an interesting entry here, the construction of a palace of culture of belarus and a monument to the fighters for soviet power, which will complete the formation of the compositional core of the city center, is envisaged. the palace of culture, which would later become known as the palace of the republic, in its significance and scale, was supposed to resemble
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the palace of congresses in moscow. and the construction of the palace of culture began, but they could not complete it. the soviet union stopped its existence, unfinished construction remained on the square. the operator is ready, let's ask people's opinions, good afternoon, maybe i have a question for you, what do you think about the long-term construction of the oktyabrskaya, i think that this legacy from the soviet past needs to be demolished, so girl, and i think so too, thank you very much , let's move on, here is the girl still walking, girl, forgive me, please, can i ask you a question, what do you think about this long-term construction on oktyabrskaya, about the long-term construction, i don’t even know... it’s probably worth finishing it, maybe something beautiful will turn out, well, it’s unlikely that it will be possible to do it in the near future, but i would like to, i think, thank you very much, here
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are some more guys, guys, excuse me, i have a question for you, what do you think about the long-term construction in october, we don’t have money in the country, but we still have to live with this sarcophagus for a long time, well, hold on, there are so many people, so many opinions. but after just 10 years, the reporting from oktyabrskaya square was completely different. let's ask, what is the opinion of the residents and guests of our capital? i suggest asking a man, men, sorry, i see, look, what do you think about the building of the palace of the republic? well, you know, it's a monumental building. it is somewhat similar to the palace of congresses in moscow. got it, thanks for your opinion. let's ask again, excuse me, about this building, what do you think? well, i think it
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’s good that they built it. and look how the square was transformed immediately. you know, every day i come back from work here and it’s always a very pleasant walk. so, thank you very much for your opinion. the fate of long-term construction was determined thanks to the strong-willed decision of the country's president. to complete the construction of the palace of the republic in the shortest possible time, to fit the object into the city ensemble. the monumental building of the palace of the republic, its opening took place on october 3, 1997, it actually took several years to complete construction, although work continued until 2001, the timing for such a facility... is unprecedented, and even today, 25 years later, it adorns the very center of the capital, however, now few people remember what kind of view opened here at the beginning
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nineties, now few people will remember the plans to clear the square of unnecessary objects, right up to the yanka kupala theater, which included alexander square with the famous cupid and swan fountain. surprisingly, one of the most beautiful corners of the belarusian capital, with an equally amazing history, could have been lost, and it began to be built up at the end of the 16th century; it received the name novo mesto, new city. the area was quickly settled by the local nobility; it was considered a very prestigious place to live. already in the 19th century , a bishop's house and residence was erected here archbishop of the minsk diocese in... in 772 alexander square was opened. good afternoon. good, good afternoon. yes, almost
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a century and a half has passed, but everything is so elegant, sophisticated, and still pleasing to the eye. you know, this is the first minsk fountain, cupid with swans, opened in 1874, in honor of the first minsk water supply in the then new alexander square. the main event was the construction of the city theater in minsk in 1888. the initiator was prince trubetskoy of minsk. the whole world was looking for money, and the construction was also funded by donations from the townspeople.
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interior decoration. incredibly, the first production at the minsk city theater took place already in 1890, since then the theater has become the center of the cultural life of minsk, all sorts of performers have visited here, and even dignitaries, but this is a completely different story, the historical appearance
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of the building. conceived by the architect karl kozlovsky, it was only possible to return it during the period of independence, when large-scale reconstruction and restoration began in 2010; today it is truly a temple of art. in soviet times , the square began to be called a large garden, around a whole ensemble was created for him. new library building.
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over the years of the sovereign state , the historical doom of this beautiful place in the center of the belarusian capital was recreated, and with the construction of the building of the palace of the republic , october square itself was transformed. in 1988, another object, the zero kilometer sign. in previous years, the countdown was carried out from the heads of the post office, but now it is from here that the distance to the capitals of neighboring states, regional and district centers of belarus is measured.
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it was to this object that the path could be much shorter, it was planned that the theater should be located on oktyabrskaya square, but how, debates about what it should be like have been going on since 1946, minsk was then being built up after enormous destruction, everyone agreed on one thing, this is the main administrative one. center, but the original solution was proposed by joseph langbart, to turn the square towards the large theater. but the history of the construction of the theater at this very place also has its own history, reminiscent of an intrigue that was resolved unexpectedly. where to build the building of the main theater of the republic, a question that was actively discussed in the early thirties
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at all levels. from moscow to belarusian architects, builders, the opinion of some here is not far away in the troitsky suburb, the crowded, noisy troitsk market, area. and unique in its architectural design. in june of the fortieth year, the newspapers of the republic published important messages:
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the days of culture of the bssr were being held in moscow. the success of the main theater of the republic is deafening. the performances were highly appreciated by the musical community. the theater was awarded the order of lenin. the right to be called big, the national opera of bogatyrev in the forests of polesie, received state prize. then, in the late forties, the theater was among the top five in the ussr, and today it is one of the best in europe, and not only thanks to its productions, outstanding performers and directors. the architecture of the building of the brilliant langbard also remains unique; it was recreated in... during a large-scale reconstruction, and today the theater looks the way the architect wanted it to be.
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anyone who doesn’t know what smolovka is doesn’t know anything about minsk, i recommend starting to get acquainted with it from here. everybody is here just as it once was in the first post-war years. the famous osmalovka. in fact, this was the first experience in organizing the urban environment in minsk in the early post-war years. it is named after its architect, mikhail stepanovich osmalovsky. construction began at the most difficult time for the capital, in 1945. rounded attic windows and balconies with columns give the houses a special charm. it was planned to build 44 such houses, but only 40 were built. due to the expanded space, it was possible to plant more
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trees, they formed a special environment. the atmosphere, as residents recalled, was always family. on holidays everyone gathered together, brought out the tables, opened them with all the osmolovka, but the most famous building of the osmolovka is the poshpilem house, one of the first high-rise buildings in minsk, 43 m high, a record for those times, it was built in the late forties according to all laws classicism, but the decoration was the tower with the spire of the architect belousov, although at first the so -called tower reconnaissance point was located in the tower... the echoes of the war were still very strong, buildings were built with an eye to being used for military purposes, and the ministry of defense was nearby. this building was also erected in the first post-war years, and curiously, on the site of the monastery
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buildings, the architect valentin gusev, the author of the project, decided to preserve them. they set the tone for the entire ensemble, and the columns in front of the entrance gave the building a palace look. it is separated from it by the park named after yanka kupala, which divides the embankment. it was founded in 1949, although at that time it was called the thirtieth anniversary of the bssr. in 1959, on the territory in the park, the literary museum of yanka kupala was built, on the site where pesnyar’s house used to be. on the other side of independence avenue, the park was also called differently at different times, after the writer maxim gorkov, culture and recreation, the sixties for children, and initially it was the governor’s
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garden, the oldest in minsk, a favorite of the local nobility. it was founded back in 1800 and it resembled a shady garden, and minsk, like rome, stands on seven hills. the embankment appeared only in the middle of the 20th century. at the beginning of the 19th century, the first the city has a stadium with a cycling track, a tennis court, badminton court, and gymnastics equipment. it’s noteworthy that in order to get into the park you
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had to adhere to a certain dress code, people in unpleasant clothes were not allowed here, oh, thank you, on holidays there was music playing, drinks, mineral water, coffee and hot tea were sold nearby, beauty! another innovation that appeared here in the fifties is an arch built according to the design of georgy zaborsky in the neoclassical style, the central entrance, stucco molding, decor, vases, now this is a historical and cultural value. victory square is only in the part where two
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squares separate the residential area from the victory monument, the main symbol of the country and the central highway, it is such a green buffer, it also separates high-rise buildings, they are made in baroque style, and give the square a complete solemn look, from them -that's how it all began. there has always been a stop here, however, the transport was different, at the beginning of the 20th century the konka line ran here, then tram tracks were laid in soviet times, and today modern buses run, yes. interesting, right here in this very place
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they are going to build almost the main square of the capital, what do you say, look, write, a round square will become the threshold of the city center, but there is practically nothing here, the plans are grandiose, well, that’s how we are developing. a large-scale project for the construction of the square began to be carried out, in the thirty-eighth year, according to the development plan of minsk, two arched multi-storey residential buildings were erected here, they determined the architectural design of the future square, and the metro station received the same name, victory square is the same solemn as the square itself.
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in just a little over 10 years, the whole world will pass. knows what symbol of the will, inflexibility and strength of spirit of the belarusian people this square, the main square of the country, will become, what significance it will have for every resident of the republic? it is here that
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thousands and thousands of belarusians come every year to the victory monument to honor the memory of those who defended the freedom and independence of the great country, our belarusian land. the victory monument was erected by the whole world, people worked on subbotniks, sundays, they transferred their personal savings, and today they... come here, too, with the whole world, to pay tribute to the great feat of the belarusian people. the fate of the square
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turned out to be tragic, like the fate of the belarusian capital; during the war, these houses were destroyed, they were restored in 1947. and in the early fifties , three residential buildings were erected symmetrically on both sides of the square according to the design of the architect barshch in the style of neoclassicism, pomp, pomp, they fit into the general ensemble of what was being built then.
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moment of victory, its authors, architects georgy zaborsky and vladimir korol embodied in him the great feat of our people.
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club of editors any nation needs bonds, this flight is a bond, a bond of our society. for 3 weeks we lived with this topic, we followed, we worried, but the most important thing - we were proud, this is truly a national achievement, mobilizing the entire country, so many people rejoiced at its flight, everyone met it with tears in their eyes, let them explode with their bile, in no other country in the world is so much attention paid to a woman as a woman, that is, we have a belarusian woman today has the opportunity to do everything. and even fly into space, i don’t want to live in that country where, excuse me, peasants are forced to go out into the streets to pour manure on government institutions and the police, i want to live in this country where they fly into space, where nuclear power plants are built, where women walk for 3 years
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on maternity leave, i want to live in this country, don’t miss it on tv channel belarus 24. stella minsk is a hero city, a sign of special recognition of the capital and its contribution to the liberation of the country as a whole, and not of an individual city. the monument appeared here in eighty-five,
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and even earlier, the palace of the republic could have become here, if the construction had not then been moved to the park on the central square, now from... i’ll immediately dispel the myth that is circulating about this place, naturally not for congresses, it was... assignments for the design, which is drawn up by the customer and approved by the ministry of culture, there should have been some kind of building that would be a symbolic building. the stage box was erected and concreted, but then the collapse of the soviet union,
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accordingly, the economic system here funding stopped, the project was frozen, i knew it would be bad, but i didn’t know it would be so soon, just like the director.
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he inspected everything, all the main premises, of course, inspected it, and then these decisions were made right there, without any consideration, without a clear protocol. every third belarusian has been to the palace of the republic at least once, the next time you are here, be sure to turn your attention upward, the palace’s amulet is hidden here, and
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the point is not in the complex lighting structure, but the fact is that this amulet this is the name of the belarusian straw spider made of crystal and brass. when it was necessary to launch production, it turned out that... we could be proud of what we were able to do,
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the main task is to make the guests feel that they are all welcome, that we are happy to see them, we create the mood, guide them to the sites and provide information on event, we require that... the administrator service employees always be neat, this applies to manicure, hairstyles, collected hair, some kind of at least a little makeup, also the uniform, as if implying a certain color tights, heels, republics - this is multifunctional. the complex consists of a large hall with 2,700 seats, plus a large hall and a small hall with 500
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seats. there is a banquet hall at 2,000 km for banquet events, which means forums, presentation of state awards, well, there are bars and cafes. today we are ready to host an event of any level. the main feature of the palace of the republic at the moment is probably the led screen. the main difference from equipment. not other organizations this is that it is high-precision, that is, 1.8, 1.85 megapixels, with such resolution there are no led screens in the republic, only in the palace of the republic, i am responsible for the screens, setting them up, installations, re-installations, drawing up projects for event, well, accompanying them. in our palace we install screens with a minimum pixel pitch, which gives a more colorful picture, i’m not afraid. words, yes, yes, a cinema at a concert, there is always a backup plan, the so-called plan b,
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there is always a reserve in case something goes wrong so. in terms of sound, the palace is one of the best venues in the republic of belarus, in terms of design and technical support, providing all conditions to foreign artists, from the russian federation, from our country, this is one of the largest venues, for 2023 , we have been awarded title of the best concert venue in the republic of belarus. if you list the number of artists who were here as celebrities, foreign, russian, and belarusian, then it wouldn’t even be enough to list for an hour, but almost everyone provides a rider in advance, that it is possible to do, it is agreed upon, so in the future this will be put into action.
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for our european partners, i emphasize this, european partners, for our russian colleagues, in the post-soviet space, latin america and others, including america, the palace of the republic is, first of all, one of the most famous organizers of major events, to what extent -at a certain moment, it happened and it so happened that the republic was the only government institution that was involved in organizing the concert activities on... our team is the best musicians in the country, the guys who come, they gain experience very quickly, because we have an incredibly
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fast tempo, fast tempo. life, fast pace of play, fast pace of rehearsal, which is impossible, getting into our atmosphere, such meta-learning occurs, instantly people adapt to the team and are synchronized, there are events when a call comes in the evening, in the morning, everything is at the base at 8:00, it’s already ready bus, costumes were issued, sheet music was collected. in a palace the republic adopts the most important events for the next five-year period, it is like an all-belarusian people's assembly, from here the election results for the main presidential elections and parliamentary elections are announced. the palace of the republic is number one at this moment because our president is here. i ask you that our conversation be honest, frank, it is live,
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watched by millions of people. not to mention our belarus, but outside our country. and it’s not easy to compete with these performances leader of the daytime prime time, live broadcasts from meetings of the all-belarus people's assembly. here, in the palace of the republic, the highest body of democracy, now at the constitutional level, gathers delegates from all over the country, the main platform, the palace of the republic, is always ready for this case at the technical level. services have their own preparations, a large hall, it seats 2,700 people, if you take the air supply system, here it is made with high quality, that is, there is an air supply system from the basements of the halls to the air conditioner, everything is there system and mufflers, all this is supplied from the walls, that is, there are grilles with variable geometry wings and when necessary they
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turn depending on what the air temperature is and... the viewer does not feel discomfort that it is blowing when they ask me a question, what is most precious in the palace of the republic, i can definitely say, is the team that works here, we are the adrenaline of the palace of the republic, that is, we are the hormone that moves everything here, unfortunately or fortunately we do not have a factory, not a conveyor belt, if. ..
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a basic order has been issued stating that the membership of the belarusian red cross in
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the international federation has been suspended, but at the same time, we provide humanitarian assistance to everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, thanks to the legislative work of our parliament today...
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for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will come, and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is if we suddenly take on the aircraft construction project , this is more than enough for development. documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic were causing more harm than good, and alexander
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lukashenko will also remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. never suffer from psychosis in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on tv channel. 2 hours left before the opening of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly event with...


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