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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:56pm MSK

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our team of two thousand people at this forum is not only an honor, of course, it is a great responsibility, because a huge amount of work lies ahead, and for those who ensure the protection of borders, and for those who educate patriots or are responsible for the economic security of the country, there are no impossible tasks with their devotion to the country and people, labor, intellect, desire to create, belarusians are building peace, confirming that this is the strength of the nation. marina romanovskaya, natalia ignatenko and yuri kornelov. tv news agency. the decisions of the vns are intended to secure our country as much as possible is a response to, to put it mildly, unfriendly actions of the west. well, how else can we evaluate the fact that nato, which has deceived us for 30 years and is not expanding eastward, is already conducting exercises at our borders. moreover, for the first time you...
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the history of this aggressive military bloc, they do not even hide the fact that the maneuvers on the territory of the baltic countries, poland, germany are supposedly aimed at containing russia. about 90 thousand military personnel, about 50 warships, 80 aircraft and more than a thousand units ground equipment already on the borders of the union state. there is also a real nuclear threat, the desire of... our neighbors to acquire their own nuclear arsenal cannot but cause concern, although europe is armed to the teeth. about 150 american free-fall thermonuclear bombs of the b-61 family are located on the territory of the old world. the 18-megaton bombs are stationed at six military bases. in belgium, italy, by the way, there are two. germany. and
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great britain. in conditions of unprecedented conditions in turkey, france and western military pressure, we must be on maximum combat readiness. today, our country is actually in the epicenter of a major military-political crisis using all available methods of intimidation, and the appetites and activity of the collective west will only increase. the us will continue to expand nato.
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was not named, it was fictitious, now nato members are directly saying that they are training against the russians, today we see increased military activity of the north atlantic alliance on the borders of russia and belarus, we see aggressive plans of countries such as poland and lithuania. poland is already openly inviting the americans to host the nuclear weapons of the united states on its territory, plus american military bases, the same thing.
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the potential enemy is actively transferring the economies of their countries to a war footing. global defense spending has reached an all-time high. compared to 2022 , they grew by almost 7%. $2.43 billion, or 2.3% of global gdp. the data was announced by the stockholm peace research institute. us military spending honorable first place. in service for the past. washington spent 916 billion a year,
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and britain spent 75 billion on the war, and does not intend to stop. i am announcing the largest increase in the na... dy from 3 to 5% of gdp, only, as the head of the local ministry of finance said, for this you will have to get into the pockets of citizens, no less ambitious in riga, the president of latvia said that european countries must achieve level of cold war spending and discuss the return of compulsory military service, and
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lithuania generally exposed its lands to german boot. the first 20 bundeswehr soldiers have already arrived at their duty station, by the twenty -sixth year the number of german troops... the german presence will cost the country's citizens approximately 11 billion euros. your military presence is proof of germany's reliability, which is very, very important for us in the entire region. poland is trying to stand apart in this friendly row; its ambitions are simply off the charts. no wonder warsaw constantly declares the creation of the most powerful army in europe, as confirmation. bulk purchases of military equipment in south korea and the usa, but most importantly, nato is using polish territory as a training ground for the largest military maneuvers ever conducted on european soil. at the same time , the country’s leadership declares that 2% of gdp is not enough for
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the defense expenditures of the bloc countries; they need to be increased to three. but with dreams of nuclear weapons, the dictator duda did not succeed, that the united states and the alliance are giving warsaw a turnaround, but what is there? there is no unity even within the country. i must be well aware of the president's intentions. i really want poland to be in security and as well armed as possible. but any initiatives must be well prepared by the people who are responsible for it. and let's all make sure that we want it. this idea is very large-scale and very serious. i need to know all the circumstances that prompted the president to make such a statement. however, the nuclear issue for poland may be only a matter of time. the united states is rapidly modernizing its tactical nuclear weapons. there are currently about 150 american warheads stationed in europe. in in military terminology, this is called
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offensive strike capabilities, but in essence the threat of a real nuclear war. and against the backdrop of overt western militarization , attention is accused of aggressive intentions. we have enough of our own territory, they don’t listen. and 79 years ago, on april 25, 1945 , the famous meeting on elbi took place. there were also belarusians there, stepan pribyshchuk and alexander selvashka. footage of them flew all over the planet.
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the legendary meeting of the soviet american military near the german town of torgau then divided germany, as did its troops in two and made it clear. further resistance was futile, but while the allied forces hugged, exchanged gifts and raised toasts to their common upcoming victory, winston churchill and his colleagues were seriously considering a new military operation against the soviet union. we could now be attacked by the british and american military, with the support of a dozen remaining german troops. divisions, the goal is to free poland from the influence of the ussr. the date is also known: july 1, 1945. only the fear of defeat stopped the nazis and anglo-saxons from implementing the plan. right now i would like to remind yesterday’s shifter allies. just like the soviet
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union once upon a time, today the union state is always ready to stand in defense of its land. as we know, we don’t need someone else’s, but we never need our own. all areas that are formed in the military doctrine adopted today will be provided with the necessary weapons to protect the state. this was stated by prime minister roman golovchenko in the on-site studio of the television news agency in the palace of the republic. at the same time , he emphasized that belarus never expects not to apply it in practice, to use more the peaceful effect of the developments of military industry enterprises. but just in case,
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the tasks are not only for the state within the limits of now, i think, probably one of
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its main boundaries, but also for the entire international community, because we cannot ignore ongoing processes, such as climate change, global warming, this is not speaking about what work is being done in the field of biological weapons development, a lot has been said about this today, so we , as a responsible state, accept proactive steps, we...
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and the non-aligned movement that exists today, they have different tasks, but they all have one thing in common: the desire to find harmonious coexistence.
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the publication of brix has not yet been completed, more and more countries are talking about their participation in it, we are watching this, we share the values ​​of brix, and perhaps at some point we will become participants in this association, but for now we are concentrating on our work within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization.
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the pressure that is being put on today belarus, real examples of sabotage prevention. the delegates of the people's forum continued to discuss in the classrooms at the end of the meeting; they should speak about what they heard locally and be vigilant, as instructed by the commander-in-chief and chairman of the supreme national assembly. we must not be indifferent to the fate of our country, we must feel the strength in our voice, we must be faithful to our country, so the most important thing is to work, fulfill the assigned tasks, and if necessary, then...
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together. beautiful and brave, it’s me, the hero of belarus, marina vasilevskaya. every the all-belarusian forum is a new stage in our
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common history. the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly is closed for the good of the future. time to say goodbye, time to discuss, time to keep promises. fragments of the galakantser palace are currently trending on social networks. sports of the first day in the national assembly, footage with star participants is gaining likes and comments. our cultural observer lidiya zablotskaya with behind-the-scenes declarations of love for belarus and exclusives from russian guests. the legendary truly historical site, it was the sports palace that became the place the birth of the all-belarus people's assembly in ninety-six, then they decided how to take the country back from the abyss, but today, 28 years later, they get the answer.
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the main chroniclers of the independence of belarus tandem aleynik bykova created an aura of unity on the stage and seriously united the whole country. i represent the grodno region. i represent the brest region. yes, of course, the support of our delegations was very felt, it was a great joy to sing for our own people. it is a great honor for us to participate in such a large-scale event. and you know it was very pleasant to look into the hall and see those burning eyes that...
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because i sincerely say, i ’ve been to many places, but i sincerely love belarus, and it is a great happiness and honor for me to always attend such celebrations. our ukrainian woman returned to her creative homeland again, with declarations of love. thanks to taisa and pavali , the flag of our southern neighbors is still woven into the wine of the slavic bazaar. a wonderful premiere of unity music. our slavic trait, hospitality, openness, sincerity, there are such people in the hall now, and the youth - this is something extraordinary, oh what
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we have... and even with her you felt unity, did they sing along to your songs? yes, i’m straight, well , it feels like we’re not at a concert, but somewhere in some cozy home. and, despite the cold, the real engine of the entire post-soviet stage gave us his clear days. and i have clear days, leave them alone. people's artist of russia oleg gazmanov became the best emotional release for the three-thousand-strong palace rostrum. well, something is changing in my country, belarus too. we became aware of ourselves. we are aware of ourselves have become like a state that can carry its own vision of the world. the finale was alarming for the pagmuts, but the delegates were so
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inspiring afterward. meetings tomorrow at 19:45 for belarus 1 and belarus 24 peace of mind to your home.
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i asked myself many times. question: where does this desire to create and give beauty come from? probably, after all, it came with me from childhood. my parents, my grandmother, they spent long evenings crocheting, embroidering, knitting, this craving, it probably went on throughout my whole life, ours used to do ancestors, now we are engaged, without the past there is no future, our history is cultural. values, this is what shapes a person’s consciousness, where he grew up, where he lives, what country he is in, so only we, the slavs, are engaged in handicrafts that give people beauty, only we, such a hardworking people, the beginning of the nineties. years
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, new types of cultural institutions were created, such as houses, crafts, it was the time of perestroika, a difficult time, people had nothing to eat, they stood in lines with coupons, they took clothes for themselves, food, but still that love and soul of people, it remained, and i wanted our traditions, our historical past, to not only be preserved, but also to develop. without a historical past, without traditions, there cannot be a full-fledged nation, the people cannot live without it. what are you guys embroidering today? we are embroidering beregina for the poberegina holiday, which will take place in july. we have in october. in 1999, i was offered to head a state cultural institution, the october house of crafts. for 25 years i
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i am its leader, i am a patriot of my country, a patriot of my business, because i love it, guys, and what will you do here in the workshop today, with all my soul, with all responsibility, i take what i do, and of course, on i am directing this to my team as well. in the twelfth year we received the status of a legal entity, and we had it. the opportunity to introduce folk craftsmen specifically in the village, five creative workshops run by master craftsmen, because we not only teach and train children in craft traditions, but we also introduce already old masters, nosbits, who, through personal experience, pass on the technique of making, for example, the same towel, when we go on an expedition, we look for
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ours... who could tell us something, it is always with us, a person always has there is a personal relationship with his business, she somehow manages it in her own way, is a little strict, but in a kind way, a little bit... but in a good way, despite such modern trends, the craft is still very popular now, now everyone is trying to wear embroidered shirt, wear a headdress made of straw, on your arm hang some kind of decoration made of clay, since it is in demand by people, it means it is important, i am very glad that we continue to have such a fashion, this is what... distinguishes us, i wonder what you are doing here today? today we make fakes, this is how it is a swan. today, in our house of crafts there are nine creative workshops, seven for children and teenagers and two amateur
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associations, this is a talisman that revives amulets and makes wedding paraphernalia, and another amateur association of loops, by the way, girls... i'm already thinking about gloves, just in case, maybe someone is taking it there, which is involved in charity, this is an association of knitting lovers, women of completely different ages, professions, who knitted for premature babies, we had one problem , we had no place to meet, we knitted at home, but we had no place to get together, knit, distribute threads, exchange some new patterns, collect a parcel for our kids, i of course turned to that... vasilievna with a request help us with this so that we can have a district crafts house. tatyana vasilievna responded with pleasure, and what’s more, she became an active participant in our meeting. we knit things from pure wool yarn that
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further warm and stimulate the nerve endings of our premature babies. when i knit a sleeveless vest, a hat and socks, i always think. about the good, that this thing that i knit with my own hands will help this child, will give him health, and he will grow up to be a good and worthy person, a citizen of our country. i myself am a native of the urban village of oktyabrsky, i was born here and am proud that i live here, i was probably lucky that when i... graduated from the mogilev cultural and educational school, i had a lot of offers to stay in mogilev, you know, i was rooted in my native land, i was drawn here because my roots are here, my ancestors lived here,
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i wanted to do a good deed for my small homeland, not only to give people joy, but also to be here to captivate everyone, to attract the process is more creative... here in our small village everyone is a brother to each other, we are such close people here, and even if some kind of trouble suddenly happens or help is needed, then of course everyone tries to respond, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, how is my health, anyway, i’m infinitely glad that i have my own rear here, my own support, i owe who i am now to my parents, they invested in me the maximum of what my parents could probably invest, who love their children, who
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really love their land, but comes a time when parents become frail and old, and of course, our support is important to them, i, as a devoted daughter, always find... a moment from my fast-paced life to help them in word and deed, and in general it just doesn’t occur to me it fits when i leave my parents, the elderly, the infirm, unattended, this is, first of all , inhumane, it is our son and duty to still look after them, my work is my calling, so my work really does not leave me even at night. me even at night when i sometimes get up to drink water, some creative thoughts just come to me, when i wake up in the morning, then of course i build a plan of action for the day. the top is still what i and
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my team have achieved. in the seventeenth year, we became laureates of a special award from the president of the republic of belarus for spiritual revival. we have crafts in the house today. we continue to work, move towards our goals, develop, involve craftsmen and our children in creativity, and, of course, participate in showing our oktyabr region.
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and no profession can make up for the happiness
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that motherhood gives. our country has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood for many years. how do we do this? yes, indeed, olga, this is true, maternal and child health care in the republic of belarus is a priority area in healthcare and is regulated by legal acts, ranging from the national level.
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we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. temple near mosara - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyaknuty spirits. italian renaissance, in a simple way, in a kanfiguratsy way. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta just 790 reptiles knew the paspalitay river. and with this, we say, the
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end of the famous baroque style began. and all the hysterical kryntsy here are taking us away from the people, it’s such a dead end, because... more recently, the architects would have been the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. kali spachatku there were more european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel.
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kondraty ivanovich naumov on august 22 , 1944, at the age of 26, he received the high title of hero of the soviet union, marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the babrui operation. within a few days, in june 1944, in a battle for a railway station with four tanks, he destroyed two against. tanks and knocked out one self-propelled gun, at the head of the group he liberated a fortified point, set fire to an ammunition depot, knocked out a tank, captured the northwestern outskirts of bobruisk, destroyed a column of enemy vehicles. despite the severe wounds received in
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this battle, he continued to command the battle until the very end. september 5, 1944. during fierce battles, the tank of the guard of captain naumov was shot down. this time, the seriously wounded battalion combatant was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war , second degree, and medals posthumously.
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how can we get away from the germans? you understand, it’s impossible not to morigo, we have a rented apartment there, supposedly, suddenly he asks to come to you, when we receive the portions they will knock, we must make sure that tanya is not getting off, as you put it, we need to check her.
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damn belt, damn it, damn it, i only installed it a week ago, okay, i have a spare. stand face down on the ground, dear girls, let's talk, it's not all serious, we after all, we’ve been together for a long time, but... i saw your husband, tall, handsome, and a tight-knit girl, honey, shut up, i’m not a traitor, i just knew how, remember, sit down, kneel in my arms,
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i understood everything then that you understood, we are doing nonsense, that's what, it's all theatre, theater, crosses, stars, it's all unreal, it's all nonsense, the main thing is to survive , that's what, there's something sweet in the cabin, you don't eat, i don't eat, girls , eat, then eat all the substances. stand out from us, my dear little girl, please, let's think, it’s a pity, yes, she is a soviet citizen, you can’t do this without a trial, there is no soviet power here, according to wartime laws we owe it, they are tied up, they won’t go far, yeah, they will die for a long time, they will suffer, and if suddenly the germans attack, by chance, you she said it herself, she knows everything about us, and about serebrov, i won’t say a word to anyone, i thought helbud would take me to jurvala or somewhere else, i’ll find a job there, even... until they win the passports, i’ll do everything, maybe i’ll get you i asked, find something sweet, we have to look for a way out, but there is no way out,
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if we let it end for us. girls, i thought i’d sit and then leave, girls, please, i ’m not a traitor, i didn’t tell helbu anything about you, i just wanted to survive and that’s all, i’m firing you, please,
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i should have done it, confess to the authorities. “i couldn’t, but you did, so what? i think that you should be of the older group, but i don’t care if you’re older or younger, you’re going to riga, or you’ve also become wiser, so you’ll be older or not, kolaynik, yes i'll be the devil, my daughter needs to go back there.
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we'll introduce you to the people who found it . your calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenku, who said: medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also train pharmacists; this is our only university that trains specialists in this area.
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