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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 26, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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the experiment was a success: from september 1, all belarusian schools will switch to a new diet, let's see what the menu in the canteens has become: 3,500 new jobs from agriculture and industry to woodworking and pharmaceuticals, preliminary results of the initiative one district, one project. alternative... getika: how to save on heat? spoiler: wood pills, our story from production. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy. veronica buta is with you. hello! the experiment was a success; from september 1, all belarusian schools will switch to a new diet. since this year , the updated menu has appeared in more than two thousand schools, which is almost 80% of the available number. certain issues regarding the organization of school meals still remain; they have been discussed in the government. svetlana lukyanyuk
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on how to cook tasty and healthy food. this big project to eat in a new way in schools started at the end of the twenty-second year. at that time, new menu items were offered to try only in twenty-three schools. now there are such lunches in more than two thousand educational institutions, well, since the new school year, that means september in everyone.
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schools, because even well-washed dishes are important for a good appetite. the purchase takes place during the academic year, not only in the summer, because we understand perfectly well that it is necessary to install it, launch it, train the relevant employees who will work on it, so this work is not postponed until the summer period, it is carried out every day, in fact including currently. upgrading the qualifications of 400 canteen workers to the appropriate level, allocating the necessary funds for...
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or ideas for diversifying the table or products, it’s more likely a human factor. there are facts of inadequate control over the quality and safety of products, individual violations of food preparation technology, deviations of rations from norms and non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. examples of conservation are given. the problem of the lack of demand for certain dishes, and accordingly, some of the already prepared food goes to waste, but here this issue must be approached carefully, like all the parents here, i believe, you understand that the lack of demand for food also manifests itself in children’s homes; it is important that both parents and the students themselves positively assess the work of the state in this area. the ministry of education has launched a hotline and a chatbot, so people can read reviews and suggestions.
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currently, more than 95% of our educational institutions are staffed with cooks and more than 1,100 people last year underwent advanced training in order to receive the fourth category, which is required to organize school meals. it allowed by now, 79% of our schools have been transferred to new principles of catering, which were tested last year as part of a pilot project by resolution of the council of ministers. by september, all school chefs will improve their skills and cook in a new way, which means the pilot project becomes the canon of proper nutrition, it is discussed today in schools as an elective from the first grade, so the work is not targeted, but in all directions. restore economic
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growth, create import-substituting production to retain specialists in their small homeland, the main message of the state program is one region, one project. last year, thanks to this... year, the future has arrived, although he even says: come here, he says, the future is there. experienced machine operator andrei shalaika had to study for more than one month so that finally everything would be in order. the borisov plant is implementing an innovative project to produce new generation products. there were competitors, including european countries, japan, which means that
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now there are still competitors and china, but in order for us to be stronger and stay in the market, in principle, this prompted us to... create a new product, create a new product, purchase high-precision, high-performance equipment, starters and generators - irreplaceable auto components, without which no tractor, no dump truck, no combine harvester, almost four dozen technological equipment worth 15 million rub. the enterprise is 65 years old, but it is not inferior to its competitors, all because the engine of development is new technologies, new jobs, the creation of new... innovative products that we traditionally produce starting generators, this new generation of products allowed us, let’s say, to take a step forward towards progress to reach a higher level in terms of import substitution, and this is
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marina gorka, here they also relied on innovation, within the framework of the program, one district is building a drying complex with a boiler room. the project will allow us to produce products with higher added value and expand our geography.
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areas outside and landscaping the area. last year, within the framework of the one district one project program, more than 3,500 projects were created in belarus new jobs, increased investment in almost all regions, so innovation can happen not only in big cities, but in the outback. ilona volynets, alexander samailovich, area of ​​interest. now let's break into a short advertisement. next about alternative energy. stay with us.
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how to surprise a foreigner in belarus? have you ever tried it, never? of course, national exotics, for example, birch sap. they check for safety, and what do you see there, raya, tell us, nothing yet, nothing yet, and how it is cooked in industrial scale, from here, yes, yes, maybe we can help, come on, the whole path of birch sap from the forest to the store shelf in the new belarus 24 project, this saturday we will organize a master class and tell you how it is done. this is an area of ​​interest, we are now continuing about
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exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and the yuan. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles, 24 kopecks. the euro is now at the national bank exchange rate of 3.47. for 10 yu they ask 4.44, 100 russian rubles costs 3.5 belarusian. our country is developing alternative energy. except peat, the extraction season for which has already begun, plays a big role in wood pellets. 21 per. here the local agricultural enterprises can produce 350,000 tons of such fuel pellets, which are ready to be bought in the countries of central asia, china and turkey. but most importantly, the energy sector of the domestic market of belarus paid close attention to them. fuel, of course, is not the cheapest, but it has many advantages. in addition, the country is ready to subsidize owners of pill boilers. about new energy trends alexey kondratenko. when the forest is cut down in the minsk region, chips of sawdust fly
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purposefully, turning into tightly compressed granules. in recent years, the production of pellets has been opened in old roads, kopol, columns, and the borisov forestry enterprise was one of the first in this energy niche. here the equipment produces 4 tons per hour. in the borisov forestry enterprise, fuel pellets are produced in two types: industrial. for boiler plants or housing and communal services, as well as household ones, they are lighter and practically do not leave the halls. household pellets in the borisov experimental forestry are produced from debarked waste from sawmilling, that is, it is sawdust chips, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the ash content of the ash output and an increase in heat transfer. packaging is produced in bigbed, weighing per ton. packaging of 15 kg is in greater demand among the population, due to the fact that it is much easier to use.
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kazakhstan, the russian federation, well , we are trying some volumes, we are starting to work with turkey. pillets, as the optimal type of fuel, are being looked at in housing and communal services, and there is interest among owners of cottages where they can heat rooms and get hot water. thanks to burning pills. there are already examples in the regions of belarus. we have about a million 2000 tons of this that is used in the form of firewood. naturally, this firewood can not be used... in an automated mode
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it can produce thermal energy without the participation of personnel, in fact, this equipment is quite expensive, if you compare it with the cost of gas equipment, it is many times more expensive, so the state, seeing this problem , will offer a subsidy to the population, in order to see a boiler on pellets from... gradually poured into the bunker, from there they go into the furnace, the output is, of course, not latto and cappuccino, but energy that makes it warm and pleasant. as part of the project , two pellet boilers with a unit capacity of 95 were installed. in terms of economic effect, there was a reduction
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in the cost of thermal energy production by about 15-20%. this boiler house, like almost all heat sources on our balance sheet, is equipped with dispatch control systems. currently in the minsk region there are 154 heat sources that operate on pellets, their total capacity is 10.8 megawatt e, this year it is planned to build 61 objects on pellets, as an example it can be noted that there will be... 10 boiler houses in the minsk region, which are part of the structure of the housing and communal services, will be taken over. alexey kondratenko and alexey petrov - area of ​​interest. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business.
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we're live every tuesday, wednesday and thursday with the biggest stories in the economy. see you. while nato is conducting exercises near the western borders of belarus, increasing its military contingent, weapons, rebuilding military infrastructure, on our southern border the special services continually catch ukrainian saboteurs who are trying to smuggle
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dangerous explosives into our country , weapons, attempts to implement their dirty plans for destabilization. belarus does not consider any nation as its enemy, despite the actions of their government, but we are not going to act as a victim either. today in our country all conditions are being created in order to successfully repel any aggression, but our western neighbors did not really like it the appearance of nuclear weapons in belarus, and their deployment. on the territory of nato countries everyone is happy, but this is probably different. and i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva, hello! already this week, the all-belarusian people's assembly will have to approve two most important documents after the constitution: the military doctrine
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and the concept of national security. in conditions of constant militarization nearby. our borders, the number of states wishing to become owners of nuclear weapons or place them on their territory is growing, first all in europe. the risks of a nuclear conflict are increasing, the threat of developing the production of uncontrolled use of biological weapons is increasing, and the principle of indivisibility of security is being ignored. key directions for transforming modern risks have called.
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and as it usually happens, there were no sanctions from the civilized west. a routine statement, as if nothing had happened. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. wherein i would like to emphasize that the constitution of our country states in black and white that we will not attack anyone.
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our national interests, look at what happened today, what conditions have created in the world in general, if we look from a political point of view, then...


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