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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest military analyst andrei bogadel. andrey petrovich, a huge number of videos appear on social networks, tiktok, instagram, where people, ukrainians , stand in huge queues, directly at ukrainian consulates, embassies, trying to renew their identity documents, due to the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine designated a ban on certain actions in... this area for
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so that, as we understand, people begin to run out of these documents and are forced to return to the territory of ukraine, this, i think, is a continuation of the very mobilization of the law that was adopted with stricter measures, again of the news that we have already repeatedly discussed, there will be whether the extradition of ukrainians from european territory, again we came to the conclusion in our studio that europe will not agree to this, because this is a big image loss directly for the european union, a violation of human rights. well, we found a way out situation, so that the european union saves face, ukrainians begin to return to the territory of the country, what do you think about this, how the situation will unfold, will it turn out that ukrainians will simply begin en masse to accept other citizenship and citizenship, and that same ukraine and kiev, who are now trying to bring people back in this way will play on opposites and simply people, on the contrary , will try even more to leave the country, well , from...
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the corresponding male population, well, so that they continue this endless massacre in ukraine, especially since the west has supplied new funds today, offers them, come on, now only people are needed, everything relies on people, but i think, andrei petrovich, they are just announcing the figure of 250 thousand, this is the same number of new mobilized, who must appear on the territory of ukraine in order for, say, the supply of weapons to continue, because, by and large, the question arises that today there is no one to accept these weapons and use them against the russian federation. well this is julian röbki, the last one in the build, yes, as he talked about it, why 250. well, you know, you can of course question these words, but different experts give different numbers, that is, from 150 thousand to 300 small to 350. there and resolve issues with mobilization, issues related to demobilization, which, by the way, are not taken into account in the new mobilization law, which was adopted in ukraine, but röbki decided to choose the middle one.
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professionalism, of course, is impossible, this is a figure of 250 thousand, so it’s not a serious military expert who, yes, can blame him may sometimes be distinguished by russophobia, well , nevertheless, he has very sensible thoughts on... very many aspects, there is no doubt, he took exactly the same average figure, well, let's still figure out whether these 250,000 are enough or will not be enough for in order to truly protect ukraine, as is proposed today, not even to protect, to go on a counter-offensive, they are again pushing this topic, look, there is such a thing as opportunities, that is, opportunities are not only mobilization and opportunities training, of course you can collect 250 thousand in a certain time, i think they start in mid-may and this law starts to apply, plus for now... they will recruit and prepare, it will take about 2 months, that is, somewhere around the end of july, the beginning of august they will have something like that some part, so what part will appear in these 2 months, look, the capabilities of the training centers of ukraine amount to somewhere, well, according to various estimates, from 30 to 40 thousand training,
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training of specialists yeah right there specialists are usually trained for a month or two, i understand that it does not consist only in individual training, but consists primarily in coordinating units in order to... maybe military units, or maybe even the formation of a formation, then the period will increase accordingly for in order to then send to the front, and not so that sending someone just to replace the dead, dead, out of action and so on, that is, 30-40,000 is what ukraine can provide, there is, then, as a rule , here are western countries helping in within 10-20 thousand, that is, it also fluctuates within these figures, there is such a delta, that is, if we count together, within 2 months they can prepare about 50 thousand roughly. well, in how long will they be able to prepare these 250 thousand, let’s tell you in principle, this period is not very fast, so even what we are talking about, will they be able to quickly go on a counter-offensive, of course not, here before just in connection with the arrival of new weapons systems, everything else will have to there is no doubt about preparing them from specialists, or there is a second option,
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this is to use them as cannon fodder, you can prepare them there, put them there, explained how to move on the battlefield, learned to aim. there won’t be, he said that he was waiting for them, in principle, i think that’s exactly what happened, we are waiting for the corresponding news in the newspapers, the next about the dead generals, who accidentally
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drowned somewhere, who accidentally stumbled, lessons, about everything else, oh which , by the way, poland has also begun to prepare more than once, we see what losses nihsut learning. of course, the time of the training, that is, all this, you understand, well, often it’s just not by chance, it’s not by chance that all this happens, so 250,000 uh, i think this figure is so interesting, of course, ukraine definitely has the opportunity to gather these people, especially considering these are the latest draconian laws, but i want to say that these 250,000 will absolutely not solve any problem, why not solve any problem, even if they get 650,000, the question is still that the front line... today it stands, well, let's say honestly and objectively, even the armed forces of the russian federation carry out exclusively tactical tasks, even this is often beginning to be used in expert assessments of what is happening, like company platoon thinking, that is, today we are tasks that are being solved even in higher tactics, this
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is from the level of formation above, we do not see, that is, by and large, we can state the fact that starting from the operational to the strategic level, this is an operation for... in this it is impossible, but the most important thing is necessary understand, let's objectively assess the capabilities of one other side: the russian federation today has superiority in absolutely everything, air superiority is on the side of russia, but for some reason the planes do not fly beyond the front line, russia has superiority in air defense systems, but nevertheless
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some less missile systems still break through, of course , the black sea fleet has total superiority, but there are separate questions regarding the black sea fleet that we can talk about... the following fact: as soon as america signed
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an allocation of funds in her congress in the lower house, an additional set immediately appeared, an additional number of people who wanted to take revenge on these conventional pindos, and for the fact that they are trying to interfere with our country, that is , as in the old song, yes , belarus is dear, ukraine is golden, but our happiness is dear, we will protect it with our bayonets, believe me, today everyone clearly understands that the russian federation... needs only one thing: a political decision to carry out operations. we can see this only in one case. how, where and how can this operation be performed? yes, avdeevka is without a doubt a major tactical success. yes, bakhmud, a major tactical success. today there are military operations in the area of ​​the yar clock, well , practically, i am sure that they will master it, well, maybe not as quickly as they would like, but they will master it. the russians have the potential for this, and most importantly, they have the desire to carry them out. task, but if you and i see the beginning of the kharkov operation, consider
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that such a political decision has been made, well , this is an interesting topic, in fact, because that it is being promoted quite actively in russian and western media, in your opinion, will there be a solution, that is the question, you know, a lot of factors influence, that is , firstly, you and i have repeatedly talked about the strategy of crushing, to russia has switched to a strategy of starvation, and today it is quite difficult for it to get out of this strategy of starvation, and it is grinding some forces out of... but at the same time he managed to say that we could lose, but the number of flags with ukrainian flags on the territory of kiev
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appears more and more, and all over ukraine, well, as they say, this cannot be hidden, everyone can see it perfectly well, well, the transition of this strategy of death is quite complicated in itself, you know what i think, without a doubt there are certain concerns; look, nato is not asleep; today there are huge borders constantly passing near the state borders.
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sweden and finland are forcing us to send additional forces to these regions, to concentrate them, where an additional burden falls on the northern fleet, the most powerful fleet of the russian federation, and yet we are only talking about the fact that not only in ukraine, but there is also a northern sea route, and there are also shelves for which the united states and not only the united states...
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before the russian federation and to the republic of belarus, especially taking into account our union state, a single group of troops. well, today the all-belarusian people's assembly, of course, we are all looking forward to with great impatience, these two documents, they are the most important, in my opinion, they are significant, but they really stand out right away for constitutions, and i want to say that one will determine our overall state policy in the field of security, this is a concept, the second is our military policy, yes
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, it is more narrowly focused, but nevertheless, in these conditions, this document is very, very relevant. i want to say, i also took part in the development of one second document in this or that, that is, i want to say that people approached this issue very, very scrupulously, and the scrupulousness of this was that and how the national council, how and the security council, as well as general staff, they did not usurp this issue, that is, there was a very open debate, many ministries, departments, our scientific community, they were all completely involved in this issue. including the faculty of the general staff, which i now represent, i want to say, there were a lot of disputes, a lot of things, the documents turned out, well, in fact, they are so significant, they are large-scale, even if we just dwell on some particulars, yes, here is the military-political situation that we talked about, its trend development, you see, it’s paradoxical, today only this document will be adopted today or tomorrow, that’s what was
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provided there, it turns out it’s already working, you know, it turns out it was already correct. to deliver such a blow as a retaliatory strike, at the same time the ability to repel this blow, and look how well thought out was the creation of air defense systems in our country, their holonization, modernization, improvement, new models from the s-400 tors to the modernization of beech everything else, we can say the same about missiles systems, we have our own polonaise, and a very serious missile system, which
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everyone is talking about today rszzo, yes, the second iskander appears, we are modernizing aviation and... including tactical nuclear weapons and everything, that is, in principle construction issues that were laid down in advance, they were correctly predicted, what and how will be carried out, but i think we can’t stop there, rest on our laurels, oh, what great fellows we are, ah, miran decided, and someone else decided , no, these are completely poles the opposite, they are constantly thrown from one corner to another, they objectively begin to misunderstand what is generally happening in the region, they have lost their... imperial ambitions associated with the trimoria, they have lost the opportunity to create their own commonwealth, because well, belarus does not fit in there , they even managed to quarrel with the ukrainians in the end, but it turned out that today, but essentially nothing works out for them, they grab weapons, wherever give us everything, as in the old joke, give us pills for greed and more, more, yes, but this is crazy money, you have to pay for all this,
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why, why do they need 500 hymers, no one can tell you this, but we already sort of calculated there, it seems like it’s not 500. the attention of large-scale warriors is already all countries, and they still maintain an army of 3,000 people, it is still in the distant future, and with these divisions, with everyone, but at the same time they have absolutely no reserve, the reserve that they got from the polish people's republic, everything else , they are ready to take control of the t-72 tank, they are ready there to shoot from guns there d-20, d-30 or
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some other guns that were produced by them, yes, i think that the skills can be restored, well, are they ready to shoot today? from korean weapons, well, let's, of course, or ride on abrams, let's say objectively, they don't have a reserve, so they hastily begin to make a decision, but what about these patriotic classes, for which the same people are criticizing who are today for some reason they don’t stand up for the poor ukrainians who are oppressed by the authoritarian the regime in kiev, everything else, look, they are following in our footsteps, they are trying to understand something from us, well, they are still lagging behind, they are lagging behind us, they are lagging behind russia, they are even lagging behind their colleagues. moreover, they are not just behind by a day or two, they are already, it seems to me, they are getting, soon they will end up in the infinity of this lag with these huge funds, everyone, in the end they came running, give us nuclear weapons, well, it’s reached, but this... in general, you understand, this already reminds me of this unsystematic military construction of poland, i don’t see anything else there, the question is the amount of corruption that
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arises in the polish armed forces, because before that we saw a fairly large number of cases of detention, especially of military personnel related to border issues, as for whether they are ready to fight in the korean, let's say, systems, but even if they suddenly become ready, and i apologize, you would rather carry supplies if necessary, this is exactly what you are talking about, it seems to me, logistics built or not, including just regarding logistics, this is also an alarming moment when they conduct an exercise on the territory of poland, we all began to pay attention to the fact that the first priority is precisely the exercise regarding the establishment of logistics supplies to the territory of poland, the rapid transfer of the creation reserves, this is a really important... difficult moment that needs to be monitored, as i understand from your words, we are doing this, so here is an interesting question - including from our polish colleagues, uh, what’s his name, brylka, called for
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preparations for poland’s exit from the european union, this topic has been discussed for quite a long time, it has already been said more than once that poland is about to leave, and so on, and i have seen it several times, including on social networks , people stick such, you know, posters to their...
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one might say, it is located on the territory of europe, these are three states, this is lithuania, this is poland and this is romania, that is, three states that you need to pay attention to, those that are essentially today they are engaged in placing these weapons systems, including troops, training of everything else. as for anna brylka, well, she is the director of the conservative party, this is, in my opinion , a confederation, it is called, yes, that is , a eurosceptic, they are divided into eurosceptics and those who precisely support the european union. in this regard, it should be noted that in general this is such a polish folk pastime, starting with how they entered the european economic community back there in
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the early nineties, ending with how this happens with them, that is, periodically once a year they begin to raise the issue of leaving the eu, and exit from yes, they are interested, just recently, let’s remember when he was fraternizing in the twenty-first year, he shouted that duda andrzej duda, is about to, or we will take out andrzej duda and his peace, or... he will take us out of the european union. well, if we talk about euro skepticism in general, then we can say that the polish people do not support this, they definitely do not support it, because according to various sources, from 60 there is data, up to more than 80% are those who still want to continue to be in the european union i am really in favor of remaining part of the european union, because people are accustomed to a good life, they understand how this life is conditioned, because it is conditioned by the fact that they can go and earn money somewhere else. something, that is, money, they, them, what they are interested in today is far from war, not far from the militaristic ambitions that the polish leadership has, that is , fundamentally it is still the administration of some kind of parties, which
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conservative orientation and we know, that is, led by this same andrzej dudaye outside without any doubt, his right and justice are those who are precisely engaged in this euroscepticism, but as for donald tusk himself, we also understand perfectly well that he is a pro-european politician, he will stand on the european side until the end. positions, we have correctly raised the issue; in my opinion , it should be considered from the point of view that, of course, a lot of loans have been accumulated, it needs to be repaid somehow, these issues need to be resolved somehow, everything still comes down to money, because the whole ideology today in the west, yes, it depends precisely on how much it is financed to one degree or another, the fact that they will not be able to leave the european union, because those billions of dollars infusions that are even still taking place, we say there that the allocation to taiwan . allocation for israel, allocation, and money is slowly flowing, i think that the item of expenditure today on poland, western countries, the collective west, significantly exceeds the item of expenditure on the same
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israel or for that matter... the very ukraine, the poles , i think this is fine, but from time to time this issue needs to be raised, this is both for internal use and, of course, for external use, because today, why bother, poland is still one of the leading states in the european part of our continent, especially since it solves not only economic issues, but also military issues, of course, and this is understood today, especially against the backdrop of those ambitions. which europe is experiencing after trump’s words that if you have money if you don’t pay, then defend yourself as you would, that is, everyone would understand that this comrade can bring the matter to the end, well, if this comrade is elected, of course, the question today becomes very open, because after all, biden is the leader positions are beginning to be intercepted little by little, there is no doubt, but europe understood this message correctly, why because the leadership of the united states today sees that, in
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principle, the russian... is mired in these armed conflicts, it has an interest in china today, that’s what intelligence the community that the united states gathered, they reconsidered the strategy of national security, that there is a slightly different interest - this is of course outdated, that no, they came to the conclusion that russia still poses for them , without a doubt, an existential threat , but the main geopolitical adversary, they see china today, so what is happening today... is, say, in many aspects, friendly relations between china and the russian federation, everything is being done to make them very to quarrel thoroughly, both the macrons and the scholzes are going, and blinken is going there to china, all with one goal: to convince xinzenping, not to support the russian federation, to convince in every possible way, after all, in order to destroy this alliance. well, we are waiting, as they say, we have the brix ahead, look how many new countries are trying to join this organization, they are already there , and even sri lanka and colombia, well, in my opinion,
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everyone is there, i think. are also interested in this, and i have no doubt that after the sco, the next step will be, of course, definitely joining, and many member countries, why are we talking, because yes , they are now gathering in dads, in dads they are gathering this very conference, a peace conference, as they call it in lucerne, in switzerland, well, it’s clear that it’s not about skiing, but about developing some kind of strategy , why develop a strategy, look, everything that was planned for russia specifically in ukraine failed, this one sent. and the counterattack that was planned, and what was associated with the work of the fifth column, it was on it that a massive emphasis was placed, this campaigns of the same pmc wagner in the grave with prigozhin in search of shells in the kremlin, everything else, and of course these are issues related to the presidential elections, you look, all of russia voted for putin, today there is such a carte blanche, they understand, the fifth column doesn’t work, which means
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this plan that was drawn up... this strategy that was formed in relation to the russian federation, it doesn’t work, and if the plan doesn’t work, you understand, our war plan will show it, but the west doesn’t , they have everything point by point, if some fad didn’t work, the algorithm breaks down, so this gathering, which will be held today under the auspices of the peace conference, is precisely the development of a strategy regarding russia’s further actions, an attempt to remove allies and turn the south to its side.
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there is some kind of strategy to what it should lead, it’s difficult to say, but we sort of sorted out this issue, well, there the military-political leadership of the country of the russian federation, i think, their clear position in this regard is more visible. andrey petrovich, before the broadcast we started discussing an interesting topic, with the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine for military assistance, but everyone
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already... ridiculed that it would reach ukraine, but at best, 7 billion direct injections into the budget, plugging holes, and so on, everything else remains on the territory of the united states, but we have moved a little to another. for comparison, more than 300 billion have been spent on ukraine recently. and two questions arise: either this money, to put it mildly, ends up in pockets and is not used for its intended purpose, or wow, what inflation happened with the dollar, that three...
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the prospect is not so far there and everything else, but the fact remains a fact, let's be honest about lenlis, after all, of course, there was help, and the soviet union assessed it as 4%, 4 %. and many are now trying to shout, it ’s not the soviet union there, why is everyone saying that the soviet union won the second world war, i want to say right away, guys, we never said that we won the second world war, we always mentioned the allies, this there were features of our history, we never hid,
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it was the soviet people, who united all 15 republics, we paid a price that no state in the world, probably in history, will ever pay, to be honest, in order to live under a peaceful sky, so the understanding that we are at war it’s not needed, i think it’s already in our blood today, that’s what concerns the supplies that are made to ukraine, these funds, of course , are not enough to win, but the funds are not enough, we already said during the program , about this, this is just for in order to maintain this smoldering, slowly smoldering cauldron, in order to constantly hold the russian federation and endlessly continue this conflict, there is no need to console yourself with thoughts, i want to immediately tell everyone that this conflict will not end quickly, it can
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develop into different phases, but this for a very long time, and you will understand that, as our head of state alexandrevich says, as the head of state of the russian federation says, we need to prepare for the fact that... that this conflict will continue for a long time, are we ready for this? we, of course, are ready, beyond any doubt, why this conflict will continue for a long time, again we return to the nato plan that we talked about, where they have the final plan and even the last ones, when sijurnet met with cameron, yes, these are the heads of the foreign ministry, britain and france, they spoke about one thing: our task is the strategic defeat of russia, nothing else. andrey petrovich, thank you. for taking the time to participate in our broadcast. thank you very much for inviting me to transfer. the information and analytical project “current microphone” was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus 24, with you the presenter andrei sych, and also our guest, military analyst andrei bogodel. see you.
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zaslonov konstantin sergeevich, partisan pseudonym uncle kostya, one of the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus. during the great patriotic war, commander of the partisan detachment of the brigade, commander of all partisan forces in the arshan zone.
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from the very first days, the zaslonovo detachment deployed an active combat activities. in a short period of time , the zaslonovites destroyed about ten food warehouses and boldly attacked the german garrison. in 1942, the nazis, having learned that the headquarters of the zaslonov brigade was located in the village of kupovaya, surrounded it. the battle continued for more than 4 hours. zaslonov decided to wait until darkness and make a breakthrough. he was mowed down by a machine gun burst. on november 14, 1942, in a battle with punitive forces near the village of kupovat, seninsky district, the legendary. kombrik died; he was thirty-three years old. during
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the great patriotic war, his name was assigned to two partisan brigades operating in the occupied territory of belarus. he was awarded two orders of lenin and a medal. on march 7, 1943, he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the name of konstantin sergeevich zaslonov is forever included in the book of people's glory. everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. with the name of the prince. izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one
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of the oldest cities in belarus, for which i glorify. this city was founded in 985 by the great prince vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaseslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned, instructed, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs. homeland, what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its relics, we will tell and show you. in spiritual and educational projects on
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tv channel belarus 24. there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance. the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe. indeed, preparations are underway, the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite. in order for the gun to line up, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall. and in order to start a war. we don’t deceive, we don’t cheat, the only correct approach, which we
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have been voicing in belarus for 30 years, is the union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically, states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. today in belarus we are remembering the tragedy at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. 38 years ago , the largest man-made disaster occurred. the radioactive cloud affected over twenty countries, but belarus suffered the most, accounting for almost a quarter of the entire territory. more than half a million people took part in the aftermath accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. one of the first rescuers who arrived at the scene of the tragedy was a native of the gomel region, twenty-five-year-old vasily ignatenko. the squad leader is paramilitary.
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his mother, sister, belarusian rescuers traditionally visit them, visit them, he was such a real person who was not afraid and accepted this battle to eliminate the consequences of this terrible disaster, we must draw the most serious conclusions from this, they are drawn, including during the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant, no one
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today it is no longer a secret, and to the international expert community of magatha, that the belarusian station is one of the safest stations in terms of its operation.
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the elements that remained there and are still located were safe, first of all , for our people living in the border zone and, in general, for all people living in europe. commemorative events took place throughout the country. to consolidate youth around national values, form their legal political culture, as well as unlock their potential in civil initiatives, a new youth gathering project has been launched, which started today in the capital. this is a joint initiative of the belarusian republican youth union and the youth parliament. round tables and discussion platforms will be organized where young people will discuss issues that concern them. belarusian cosmonauts marina vasilevskaya and anastasia lenkova met with young people. the dialogue about space brought together more than 400 young men and women at the national academy of sciences. these are
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young scientists, activists, students at universities and suzov, the guys watched with bated breath launch of the soyuz ms-25 rocket, and now. got the opportunity to learn first-hand details of experiments about space travel and preparation for it from marina vasilevskaya and her understudy anastasia lenkova. in terms of manipulations and actions, it is a proxybiotic and lactoferin. of course there were in terms of research and public. this is also communication via amateur radio with the earth from the international space station, as well as sounding of the earth.
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grodno region, where it discusses opportunities for cooperation in various areas in within the framework of the russia belarus project, a strong partnership. the initiative aims to strengthen relations between countries through joint activities. the visit program was intense; a consultation session was held in grodno with the participation of civil activists and social design specialists. a single internet portal about prison camp prisoners will be created in belarus. it took place in the national archives in minsk. the signing ceremony of the memorandum on the launch of the patriotic project, this is a joint work of the belarusian peace foundation, the orthodox church and national archives. living witnesses of those events also took part in the event. belarusian technical students together with russian colleagues are taking part in the development of the internet portal. the official launch is planned for
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the eightieth anniversary of the victory. this project was conceived so that people would remember, know and at the same time take care of it. military administration and military technical support units. the training included arsenals and storage bases. and more than 200
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conscripts called up the reserves. during the exercise they restored skills in repairing weapons, military and special equipment, learned new techniques for performing tasks. in addition, the tasks include providing troops with equipment, restoring military vehicles and working repair teams, as well as protecting and defending part of the technical support. the peculiarity of this teaching. for the fact that the military units of the unit perform tasks at points of permanent deployment using a stationary industrial base, we are also considering the use of the local industrial base, which is provided to us by local authorities authorities, all personnel show high organization, coherence in work, initiative, as for those liable for military service, recognized from the reserve, i note with pleasure the fact that they are all highly motivated, show interest in fulfilling...
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pray to god, let the snow fall from the damp earth. the hell of the road, the storms of revelry , the sun is warmer, the ice is scoured, the springs are falling, the gloom of all our lives is upon us, everything is showing, the geese are crowing, the sap is spreading on the oak tree, ўлі it's already a summer, and the winter disappeared like smoke, the greener meadow of the king, like the hell of pain, our native
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land, acquaintance. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, our equipment today is actually very reliable, the safety margin is enormous, the approach to business that everyone should strive for is one hundred percent control to ensure that these products comply with technical standards...
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i have no doubt that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look. i caught the decoy myself, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show.


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