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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 3:40am-3:55am MSK

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pharmacies, they had plantings, disembarks, medicinal herbs, that is, our greens, that’s why the print on my fabric is our belarusian greens, and i’ve been faced with criticism all my life, in fact, and i treat it with gratitude, with the greatest gratitude, because criticism is feedback, and it’s impossible to live without it, well, no matter how you look at it, you can’t please everyone, uh, probably, until i was 28 years old, i experienced it all very painfully, endured it, well, it’s criticism is, always, whoever you are, whenever you are, in any age, as for now, for me this is especially constructive criticism - it ’s like working on mistakes, it’s like such an incentive to improve your work, that is, well, it turns out that they criticize so that you become better at your job, yes, i i am proud that i am a belarusian designer, because i work with themes of our historical and cultural heritage. and this is not just, this concerns me,
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this concerns my family, this concerns mine, well, these are ancestral ties, clan, heritage, ancestors, that’s all, these are very important topics that i’m touching on, and naturally, belarus is my homeland, i wrote at one time about where i live, what i’m inspired by, in the same way, i now want to convey to the world that we have, we have such a great heritage , which... well, which need to be broadcast, we need to talk about it. success is a very broad concept, i didn’t think about myself in this way, but i’m definitely happy about the interest that...
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i see regarding my work, regarding the collection, the message that i put in, this cannot but please me, here, but for me, success is not some point, not some achievement, it’s like an expression in the movement of life, it’s like a road that is constantly renewed, and you achieve, you set a new goal, you move on, this whole process, that’s the beauty of it , it’s probably called success, how distracted i am as a child...
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i can disconnect from everything, even to the point where i turn off my phone, for a day, i recover in this way, if i went back, i would do everything the same the best thing, but i would have done it much earlier than i did this is now, and the only advice i can give to myself and anyone else is not to be afraid and not to waste time and life on fears, but to fight your fears and just do it, even if it’s in small steps, even if it’s just at the dream level notes. notepad, well, just do it, there is a dream in my life, there is a favorite thing in my life, there are people in my life who support me, my family, who go with me and, as they say, help in this, my business brings joy, people like my business, i have some kind of mission i have, well... this is happiness for me, that
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is, to live for something, to wake up every day with some plans, some goals at the end of the day to be happy with what you managed to do, even if something doesn’t work i managed to, still be happy, because there will be a new day, there will be new plans, there will be something to do.
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william shakespeare is a high classic for us, but it wasn’t like that at the meeting. the life of the playwright of the theater was entertaining for the simpleton of the people, like the tv show's director: sometimes the viewer could not show up for the performance, or allow for slow
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remarks, no labels. yak promusic the public is not brave enough for popcorns, the way is only adzin, to capture the living, so much so as to see how many people cried, or... they laughed at the heroes of the song, but that was 16 hundred years ago, on the page 2 0 seeds in the hall no one is welcome, the theater of medicine is elitist, uneducated peasants and travelers simply did not go there, there were thousands in belarus, even 80% were not written at that time, but the most important thing is what are the heights and dimensions of the widest masses. uladzisla galubok would be intellectuals have... the first intense hope fallen baranavichami. sennya lyasnaya is a very languid age, and since 1882 the villages have been populated by three houses. one of them had the same assistant as the machinist yazep golub. there the light of the feather appears, uladzik. kali father
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went to the father of slesar at the depot, and moved to minsk. the pigeons lived in wealth and dyatstsinstvo, it was painless, and the pakul was not healthy. i was able to scrape the tickets at the garadsky theater, a penny grabbed the h_ba on the hedgehog, but finally the lad understood, the very tanny to the galorka, with the sleep of uladzislava galubka. respect may was draped over the curtain. behind which there was something new, unknown, the tradition signaled the curtain of the great horror, the artist, the words, the joke, that day changed all my lives. uladzislava lethal illness on mastastva. he is small,
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playing at the archestra on the trombone, winning his own folk harmonica, and everyone is free from hell to the mechanics and the cantors for an hour. 24 bastards lad raptam pachynae pisats tops. belarusian, maybe the geta is connected with you, what happened to kahanna? jumpers yadzvidze petrashkevich cavalier falls, payna, menavita yana began to be called yago pashchotna galubok, and after her all the others. then he gave his father his nickname zmyani. here we have a dzetsi, a cotton and three dzauchynki. klopata was ill, and galubok mary's theater was very early. in 1917 near minsk. posters for belarus have appeared. the purchase of enthusiasts revealed the first products of drama and comedy. uladzisla went to casting and became actors. there was a problem with the rappers. belarusian dogs have been rejected since then. no problem - says galybok. i’ll write right away. i lethally
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dump the corpse of my dogs. there were some spyarsha comedies, then drama, and then spatter. revalutsyya, khannya, turma i ўureshtse tragic death of the galoin. the heroes of the shybenitsy, however , the plot is the same as usual. further, pain, with praise, the charming locksmith hastened to build his own theater. i had nothing, no everyday life, no action, no dekaratsy, or even a weak feather. performances can be performed in workers' clubs, or simply on a vyaskovy padwork, songs can be written by oneself, decorative paintings, taxa will be used by neighbors. darechy, who knows, who knows? ih... so the 16-year-old stefa stanyuta, the future legend of the scene, patralized the corpse. nesser sakalowski made his debut in her and ўhorashny soldiers, being a campaigner, the singer of the belarusian anthem. ale naypersh ruplevets zazyagnuu at the new theater with his family, wife, dacha and old matsi.
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on the stage galubok and all galubki, yadzia, lyusya, busya, ema and grandma, the minchuks were roasting. the nep has cultural regulations based on the budget. amal did not finance, what you earn is yours. as ordinary people are attracted to the performance, they will pay for the entrance. galubok secret i'm in a hurry, i mean, i'm going to jump. after all, stopping them is possible only through powerful experiences. hai ta budze eternal baratsba pamіzh chistіnya i ponds, svyatnogo i tsemraj. pan surynta, for the famous dog galubka, is such a sweetheart, that you are already waiting for retribution. the hand of the gentleman has a sharp knife, sapraudny, the blow of the very heart. surynta asyadae on the padloga, on the yago porridge tread the chyrvonaya flame. the public doesn’t want to ruin the tradition, and no one understands that instead of covering there
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is extreme crane juice. krytyki and aesthetics covered, original, naturalistic, washed, and very crisp. galubok paravaў, vun have hamletse azhno pyats mertsyaў, so why don’t they do anything for this autara? the theater's performances in minsk were sold out. the prakurana workers' club in ukraine had about a thousand members. ale galubka of the getag was small, and it grew up, because the corpse was taken out on tour, throughout the entire republic. extraordinarily, the vanguard artists were moving all hell and all over the jumping van, but galubok didn’t have his own transport, there was no supply for hours, hours passed with children and the story, sometimes with scenes and details. finally, the actors during the performance were required to give in to the stars. it's two miles away. there is no transport, and then galubok is thinking of a yashche adzin performance, yon paprasia of the butchery policeman of their
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aryshtavat. that sleepy rainfall and i made a wish for vurman just a short time ago near the regional center. it’s true, when the harmonics fell in joy, the important thing is clear. and other times, the corpse was traveling on a carriage from the negarelag to the outside, and raptam nekhta ugledze forest agenchyki vachey. vauki, completely playing draperies. i ran for a long time after the supplies, but didn’t attack, i’m sorry, galubok grinned. on stage, the actors often engaged in a real conversation, and the drinks and snacks were not fake. and all of life was well-fed and it was not a good day for the skin. ale all these misfortunes compensated for any public. the vandroine company gave 150 performances a year. hutka uladzislava galubka in our villages and meats knew where to create... the same shakespeare. in 1928 the bssr had ўvedzena
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ganarovae zvanne: narodny artyst. pytanna, hto yago atrymae first, navat did not melt. uladzisła galubok would have already been given to the artists of the people's saprauda, ​​but the hour would become increasingly harsh. vandroўny theater is becoming uncontrollable. and then the asadzic berries were grown and the animals were processed. this is how a traditional belarusian theater appeared in gomel. the first two were in minsk and vitsebsk. napachatku galybok pratsyagva kiravats corpse, ale hutka rashennym zhivo yago adhilili. true, the scene came out earlier, and performances are staged, as well as other ones. new hours of work have been verified. the public did not fall for them. the shakespearean heat of the barbarian fire did not succeed. all senior officials are responsible. in 1935, for the 15th anniversary of the galubka theater
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, personal cars were installed. ale himself from the nostalgic times of our lives, the actors of infantry vandalism in all of belarus, the virtues and lights of our people. for galubok’s soul, he sits down at the table and sleeps, so it’s time for these songs. finally the 37th came. pik rapresia. at the wife's varanok arrived at galubko's quarters, the hands were confiscated after being searched and disappeared. what was the purpose of the national artist , the wife of yadzviga never knew. in hell , i tried to end my life with self-destruction, and most of the time they lost it. uladzislaў galubok were shot out just like the month of easter, 28th spring. iago's theater was dismantled, hell fell to sin. the playwright and the director and the people had the quality of shakespeare's. the plot, but the end of my life is extremely tragic in terms of everything.
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zreshty is a jumping legend. nevermind to some extent, we will fall into line, so that we can escape death. utsek at sibir, there is a new corpse and hadzia hell and weights and weights, showing performances and sleeping belarusian songs. you, who knows the master, have faith in this history.


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