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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 3:55am-4:21am MSK

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and they knew that the people's artist 's wife yadzwiga did not know this, and after all, she tried to end her life with self-destruction, and most of the time they lost it. uladzislaў galubok were shot out just like the month of easter, 28th spring. iago's theater was dismantled, hell fell to sin. the playwright and director of the people had a lot of shakespearean plots, but the end of my life was tragic in terms of all of them. there are zreshty and a jumping legend. the lives of galubok for some people fell into the shadow of death. utsek near sibir, sabraў there is a new corpse and hadzіў hell weights and weights, showing performances and sleeping belarusian songs. you, who knows the master, have faith in this history.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece.
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the opponent plays as much as you like you allow him, you allow him to take the initiative, you allow him to use his chances, he always plays like that. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . in the new episode of the ether 24 on 7 project, we will talk about rating news and landmark dates, find out why our ancestors customarily patted each other on the back, take a trip to the amazing poleska city of pinsk, and get acquainted with its
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the belarusian economy has maintained stable positive dynamics, with inflation in the first quarter of the year amounting to 2.1%. all this in within the limits of forecasts, the ministry of economy noted that the current price increase since the beginning of the year has already included the traditional rise in prices for seasonal vegetable products, housing and communal services and some excise taxes, and then it is expected that the inflation rate will continue to rise in the future. overall
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, economic growth was ensured; it amounted to 4.1%. the drivers are industry, agriculture, construction and retail trade. regarding exports, he also added. the growth rate is low, but export prices are recovering, which lost about 13% at the end of last year. it means that selling domestic goods abroad becomes more profitable. the belarusian metallurgical plant is increasing its exports of products. this year. it is planned to supply 200,000 tons of steel to the countries of the african continent, the company is also working on import substitution, over the past year they have mastered more than sixty types of products, these are new products for the automotive industry and steel grades. the work of the agro-industrial complex was discussed in the government. the main task is to mobilize all resources to increase the rate of agricultural production to 6-7%. as well as receiving foreign exchange earnings of at least 9 billion dollars,
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prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko announced this at a meeting where issues of the work of the agro-industrial complex were discussed. this dialogue is a continuation of the conversation that began the day before at the president’s meeting. but in general, the tasks for the entire industry have been set for a long time. today it is important how someone feels about their implementation. much attention was paid to the construction of new dairy complexes, the development of one optimal project and its scaling across all farms. by may 9, 8,400 veterans will receive financial assistance. in the anniversary year of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders , the amounts were significantly increased, almost doubling. so for 4.0 rubles. disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in battles against the japanese army, those awarded orders and medals of the soviet union for selfless labor and impeccable military service in the rear, and other citizens will receive 2.0 rubles for their services in wartime. family members
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of missing military personnel, as well as former prisoners of fascism will receive a thousand rubles. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4. in general, for financial assistance. rub. the pre-premiere screening of the film dugout took place in brest, the film was presented by a creative team led by director mark gorobets and leading actor alexander metelkin. the main line of the picture, which will certainly make every viewer think, is the sincere and even fraternal friendship of young people, representatives of two nations at war with each other in the great patriotic war, russian and german. main conveys the message of the film. both through the play of two talented actors, and through the created atmosphere of the film, almost the entire film was shot on location in the forests of the pskov region, trenches and bunkers of the two warring sides were built in a pine forest, and a battle was recreated with the participation of dozens of units of retro equipment, but to understand the whole the scale
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of russian film work, the dugout needs to be seen with your own eyes. the film was released in wide release on april 25. zhlobin metallurgist won the cup. president of hockey , the long-awaited sports intrigue was resolved in in the fourth match of the final series , the metallurgical hockey players defeated the brest team 4:0 and won the national trophy for the third time in a row. for the first time in history , the team that took sixth place in the regular season became the national champion, and the brest hockey players took silver. for the southerners, this season was the best since the club was created. for the first time in a quarter of a century, the bison won silver medals from the belarusian championship. on april 28, exactly a week before the bright holiday of easter, the orthodox world will celebrate palm sunday. why exactly verba became for belarusians as a substitute for a palm branch, and why our ancestors treated each other to palm branches. about this and much more in the
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ethno section. palm sunday and... verbnitsa in orthodoxy is one of the great twelve holidays. the moving holiday is celebrated exactly one week before easter, the bright resurrection of christ. according to the holy scriptures, christ rode into jerusalem riding on a donkey. crowds of people greeted him, many showering his path with flowers and palm branches. such honors in jerusalem rewarded only to kings. but the mission of christ was not to gain earthly power, to atone for the sins of mankind. on this day , instead of cheerful festivities and songs, people observe fasting, turn to their inner world, visit temples and illuminate the willow branches there as a symbol of the renewal of all living things. the illuminated willow was believed to have miraculous powers. the belarusian
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folk calendar talks about the tradition of beating each other with willow shoots, while saying, not i b'yu, vyarba b'e, kab b'zdarovy, yak vada, dy bagaty, yak zyamlya. the original symbol of easter was the evergreen palm branch. there are no such plants in our climatic latitudes, so willow came as a replacement. its branches were decorated with dried or artificial flowers, ribbons, even toys and sweets. the tradition of whipping the willow on the back has an important purpose: to convey the life-giving powers of the plant to people around the world. such branches were called branches in different nations. life and truce, it was believed that after people in conflict were beaten with a willow, they would no longer quarrel in life. on on the territory of our country, about four dozen different species of this plant are known; it belongs to sacred trees that have
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a feminine principle, it is sung in songs and poems, and there are many legends about it. according to one of them , a girl who did not want to marry... an old man turned into a willow and became a willow of her own free will, when she went to the river for water, her buckets turned into stones, and the caramels into sycamore, which is why willows grow more often in total... it is not surprising that most of the signs are associated with her. to the illuminated branches of this
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our ancestors attached special importance to plants; they believed that the touch of a willow heals and saves from damage from the eyes. if you stick the branches into the ground before the start of the field work season, then the harvest will be rich. if you lightly whip cattle with a blessed willow, the animals will not get sick all year long. depending on the weather. during this holiday, our ancestors could predict the volume of the coming harvest and make forecasts for the whole year. it was believed that good weather on this day would certainly lead to a rich harvest.
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in the date of the week section we find out what reasons the passing week offers us something to celebrate. let us remember our outstanding fellow countrymen who made a significant contribution to the development of belarusian culture. on april 22, 1961 , a belarusian tv presenter and holder of the order was born in minsk. skarina, honored artist of the republic of belarus, elena speridovich, mother,
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television director, father, actor tsyuz, so her path to the profession was predetermined. elena graduated from the faculty of journalism of bsu, despite the fact that her school teacher tatyana vasilyevna considered this a huge mistake, noting the future tv presenter natural inclination towards science. took place on belarusian television, she was entrusted with conducting a teleconference with moscow, in 2021 she celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of her first appearance on the festival stage of the slavic bazaar. the name of alena speredovich is inextricably linked with many prestigious national and international festivals, competitions, television projects, and film forums. july 13. in 2023
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, the name star of the belarusian tv presenter was lit on the alley of stars of the slavic bazaar in vitebsk. on april 23, 1886 , samuil plavnik was born into a jewish family in the lagos region. future famous poet, prose writer, translator zmitrok byadulya. since childhood, he was drawn to literature, the boy was not afraid.
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april 24 marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding jazz pianist, composer, arranger, and teacher arkady eskin. he was born in kharkov in a family of musicians. jazz began playing at the age of 13 in a restaurant, during his career. arkady borisovich in songs. as an arranger and performer, he took part in the creation of legendary pesnirov programs. a song about share to the verses of yanka kupala, at the top of his voice - to the verses of vladimir
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mayakovsky and others. later there was work in the mikhail state concert orchestra. the pianist worked under contract in europe as part of the ural dexelend, with whom he shone at many iconic festivals. here the lungs of europe breathe, the heart of belarusian woodland beats. our path lies, of course, to pinsk. we will learn more about this amazing region in the traditional section for travel lovers: place on the map. we are in pinsk, one of the oldest cities in our country. the blue and white river station is a wonderful example of poleska wooden architecture. every spring it is towed to the city's pier. pinsk river station is a real symbol of river navigation
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in belarus. pinsk has always been located at the intersection of water canals. the path to the greeks. the pina river, connecting with pripyat, yaselda, bug, connected the baltic and black seas. thanks to water transit, life in the city was in full swing, the city prospered. back in the mid-19th century , there were more rivers in the pinsk region than roads, and local residents more often used boats than horse-drawn carts. today from little of the port city's former glory remains, however. nowadays there are ships plying the pina, one of which can be used for a tourist excursion. pinsk is one of the six belarusian cities that still retain river passenger transportation. the motor ship pinsk makes walking routes every day, except mondays. departure is not from the river station, from the embankment near
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the pripyat hotel. everyone can enjoy a charming boat trip and admire the natural beauty. franciscan church, church of the assumption of the virgin mary, another one of the main attractions of pinsk, as well as one of the most important catholic shrines in belarus. the cathedral is the main part of the architectural complex of the franciscan monastery, which also includes a separate bell tower and residential buildings. the entire ensemble is one of the largest architectural ensembles in belarus. baroque style ensembles. the cathedral and monastery are included in the state list of historical and cultural values ​​of our country. among the original paintings of the pinsk church of the assumption of the virgin mary, special attention the pinsk madonna turns herself. the artist depicted, a young woman in a blue cape, with her hair flowing under a flowing
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scarf, carefully holds a baby in her arms like a mother. only by the bright ray of light, as if coming... from the sky, as well as the barely perceptible nimbus above her head, can one understand that this is not just a human mother, this is a madonna. it was not by chance that the madonna was named pinskaya: firstly, the prototype was a city dweller; since 1894, the painting has been in the walls of the church; more than one generation has seen and admired it townspeople the author of the pinsk madonna is the artist alfred romer. towards the end of life after. the finnish madonna is a kind of spiritual testament from the master to his descendants. the pride of the franciscan church is its organ. it has 1049 votes. wooden pipes up to 4
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m. together with metal ones, there are 1,498 pieces. the instrument is unique in that there are no such ancient, let alone functioning organs in belarus anymore. welcome. belarus in the guide section you will find the best projects of the tv channel, meeting a person who has not only with an excellent voice, but a beautiful soul, a journey to a city that is known to all lovers of railway travel, as well as a review of the most interesting international news. outfits remain relevant even after decades. style is timeless. iconic images of princess diana were presented at an exhibition in one of the auction houses in hong kong. diana can definitely be called
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a fashion icon. her outfit is 40 years old, but you can still say, wow, these could be worn to a business meeting today and to the academy awards tomorrow. in tandem with the owner. a fast dog raced with dogs in moscow. there were about 250 pairs of participants. ran a distance of 2 km in the bicep forest park. the winners were determined in two categories, men and women. the main condition is that pets had to be on a leash. the sea of ​​fire is an impressive coincidence. the night sky near the icelandic town of grindovik was illuminated by a volcanic eruption against the background of emerald and crimson tints of the northern lights. nature has created species of wondrous beauty. a column of smoke, glow and red-hot lava. the most interesting international news. watch in the program "around the planet". what unique exhibit can be found in the local history museum of the city of osipovich? a very interesting towel, it is also made of wood, the oldest towel in
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our collection, there is also an old grammar, when there are eras, that is, yes, royal glory, here is a craftswoman who embroidered. let's find out what the city owes to the private railway line built by the dorogan family. they built this branch for 9 months, it was in 1896 on december 28 at...
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the belarus 24 tv channel. watch these and other projects on air. we do not tell dry historical facts: we immerse ourselves in an era that grows
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with roots. up approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted using the method of exclusive planting, which even the rodzevils could not achieve, and napoleon’s family managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. is it namitka or namitka? namitka, in the place where we have it found.


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