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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 27, 2024 11:25pm-12:16am MSK

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i have a grandmother, yes, my grandmother in western belarus, she went to work at the age of 7 and never went to school, she just signed with a cross, you know, only when she went to school at the age of 7, she earned a calf by the age of 11, what does this mean, this is what an alternative to development, you see, and this alternative to development for us. in the event of any upheaval , this state of a collapsed, destroyed society can very quickly be imposed, so let everyone go to their roots, look at the conditions, who was there and how we are now have developed, then there will be an understanding, and what is valuable, extremely valuable, can very, very easily be lost, well, god grant us all reason.
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just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 . if i'm not mistaken.
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990 years. zubar? yes. find a belarusian football club. left, right. on right. on the right is the correct answer. football club naftan. look, in the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. why do we need an astronaut? space in general? don't we have anything else to do? sovereign belarusian? in space - this is pride in the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will come, and it is alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing and howling, now the most important thing is, if suddenly we will take on the project of building airplanes, this is for development...
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more than enough documents from the robert koch institute have already been leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic were causing more harm than good, and alexander lukashenko will also remain in history as the leader who most effectively solved the coronavirus problem than anyone else in the world. don’t suffer from psychosis, never in anything, just listen to your dad. author's project of igor turai propaganda.
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this is the cross of jesus christ, a piece of the cross on which jesus christ was crucified, so this is exactly the same one, this is a glubokoye treasure, by chance during construction work, an excavator was digging a small trench and with its ladle picked up this cast iron pot, and they also share their vivid impressions, when we walked, i noticed that the temple goes very well... with the sky, that is , any, white, it’s like in the air, very beautiful, that’s how i found out right away, of course, this is what i did it today, watch it on tv channel belarus 24, agency tv news is in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people.
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“rolls and loaves are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and familiar to us, the artel field is called a green workshop, and happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop, 280
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tons of bread per day”: skhovishcha towns and gardens.
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i am kulyakov pavel ignatievich, purposefully settling scores with my life. since i could not justify the high trust in the party, and without a party card, i would not be able to continue my life
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i imagine, for my death, i ask you to blame only... me, the kulyaks.
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with your diagnosis, the chances of getting pregnant are minimal.
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hold it, open it, dear inga! 2 years ago, when i invited you to live together, 2 years have passed, wow,
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in general, i want you to know that i am not one of those men who are afraid of responsibility, i am ready to rush headlong into the abyss of family comfort and warmth. what's happened? what's happened? i'm leaving, i wanted to tell you about this personally, i didn't want to stoop to the level of past sms. wait, i don't understand anything, i can't do it anymore, i have to there must be some reason. inga, i don’t want to talk about this, but wait, inga, wait, what’s wrong
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with you, what? dear olga, i don’t know if i have the right to address you like that, probably not, and you ’ll understand why when you find out what... i’ve done, since the moment you left i’ve been living with a heavy burden in my soul, unbearable, i don’t know ,
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whether you forgive me or not, i want to admit, like you, i love ivan very, very much, believe me, my love is no less than yours, and maybe even stronger, your relationship, which developed so rapidly in my life eyes, brought me to the extreme of wild jealousy and black envy, and envy, as you know, is mortal... the sin is that you broke up with ivan, my fault, i did everything to make this happen, but it was all in vain , ivan loves only you, what do you want? hmm, interesting movie, but what hasn’t been collected yet? we agreed on what? how about
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what? why are we going to the kursk spit on sunday? bogdanov, i’m not going to go anywhere with you, well, you promised, i said so, only so that you would get rid of me. you, bogdanov, stuck to the fish, leave me alone, don’t leave me alone, i did everything as you said, that's three for you. first wish, we are going to the kursk spit, i remember, i remember, no kisses on the lips, okay, bogdanov, i’ll go, wait for me on the street, honey, you
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thought well, you’re in a hurry, it will be better, for whom is it better, for me, for andrei, for everyone, what happened, grandma, i was at the doctor, that i would never be able to give birth to andrei’s child, i don’t want to ruin his life, god, i thought that... seriously, grandma, well, grandma , you were with the wrong doctor, oh, andryusha, hello, come in, olga ivanovna, i didn’t come to you empty-handed, i brought some things, someone, well, i won’t
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name them, forgot my camera. yes , it’s still somehow, well, a working tool, andryush, you didn’t drink, it’s not like you, but you knocked it out, that’s already in the know, yes, okay, i’ll go, no one else is waiting for me here. tell her that i love her, he left, you think i’m wrong, your action is thoughtless, andrei does not
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deserve such an attitude, you must tell him the truth, please think about it. okay, i'll think about it, think about it hello.
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how can i help, hello, i am announced to be a third-year student at the faculty of history. you need help compiling a catalogue, right? yes, and i remember you, you also have such an unusual name, brigita saulita, my parents come from latvia, and may i ask what you are working on now? please, the last grand master of the tifton order, duke albrech of brandenburg. it is very interesting. how can i help you? yes, there is a lot of material. everything from different sources needs to be sorted, and i i’m already completely buried, pay attention, a bird is about to fly out, oh brie, i understand, that’s the whole point, please meet me, my volunteer assistant, we know each other, well, keep in mind, he won’t pay you any money anyway, friends, i’ll ask you to be in the frame for reportage, students and teachers working together on
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scientific research, smile, please, you kissed, no, what? we will introduce you to people who have found their calling; in russia there was a master veterinarian. science evseenka, who said: medicine treats humans, but veterinary medicine treats humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that... of this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their
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work, our uniqueness is that we present more democratic genres, more understandable, look at tv channel belarus 24, we were pioneers to pay tribute to the veterinary... 100 brave guys, each of them has their own question for adults, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us and answer all the questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you
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have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that an artist is so easy. work, it’s easy for them to get up, it’s, it’s very hard, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions, you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even said the eternal. look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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well, wait, what are you allowing yourself to do, why are you here? why did you come to him yourself or did he call you? it doesn’t concern you, it concerns that you fell in love with him, yes, i saw the way you look at him, and i also saw how you cut out an article with his photograph from the newspaper in the library, stop, i’m not going to listen to all this nonsense , brie, why are you dumb and nothing will happen, well, i don’t love you. i still won't give up, anyway you will be mine, saulitta brigitta from
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kaliningrad, you never told me that you were in kaliningrad, brikita is beautiful to him, who is she, this is my old friend, so old that i began to forget her name. “grandma, is that you? me, who is this handsome guy next to you? is this your grandfather, a courageous submariner, who tragically died in the arctic long before i was born? and i came up with the legend about the submariner when your mother was still very little, which means he’s not a submariner, but why haven’t you told me about this all this time?” yes because you don't i asked, bree,
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i’m so grateful to you for your help, but you did so much in a week, but i couldn’t have done it in a month alone, and i also called the gurev archive, they have preserved materials on neuhausen castle, albrecht’s summer residence. i made an appointment, this is very interesting, and tomorrow we are going to schaaken castle, there in the basement they found a well in which, according to legend , the alchemist paul skalikh was drowned, well, for participating in a conspiracy against the duke, i agree, i know where to look for you, magdanov , i can’t hide from you anywhere, it’s already six, and my friend is waiting for me, i promised to go to the cinema with her, she’s beautiful, and from leningrad, oh, i wonder where you met? in artek, worked as pioneers, made friends there, married? no, you heard, a beautiful leningrad girl. i
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'm an excellent guide with you, have a good time, see you tomorrow, vanya, how about joining us, but if it's convenient, hello, oh, meet me, this is my friend. what a wondrous creature? and this is bogdanov. does bogdanov have a name? but what about it? but bogdanov prefers to be called by his last name. and this is ivan, do you like to read? adore. me too. so you are from leningrad. and what are you doing there? i'm studying library science. yeah. so, let's go tamrita. bogdanov,
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take a photo of us, please. uh-huh, little girl, hold it, yes, come on, okay, tighter, tighter, oh, a beautiful couple, who, ivan and brigita, they are not a couple, bogdana, well, one might say, just her leader, yes, yes, yes , work together on one project, well, he works, she helps him. what kind of project? yes, how long will it take to tell you what you are talking about? how about what? exclusively about you. thank you! friends, listen, tomorrow is fisherman’s day, there will be folk festivals, would you like to watch? no, we have planned a trip, we want to go to shaaken. by the way, do you like ancient castles, are they ruined? very true, i’ve never
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seen them, right? just to the cinema, but don’t you want to come with us? ivan, olya came here to relax, and not to travel around the region on saw trains and buses. no, no, i’m very interested, i’d love to, well, in that case, i’ll go too. bogdanov, why such sacrifices? the topic of my dissertation is the architecture of ancient prussia. van, tell me, and whoever has a ticket, we’ll set it up for the cinema now, let’s go. next, what happened, you’ll tell me, but, in fact, there’s nothing to tell, i didn’t lift my head up much, no, uh-huh, that’s it, brie, one shot without glasses, so, composition, then, hello, a photo portrait of the second hero, ivan,
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if i may you. i’m taking a picture, i allow it, just not me, us, okay, let’s all get on the water, quickly, but how could he leave you with the child, he didn’t know about the child, why didn’t you write to him? than he, he should know that my mother is his daughter, and i am his granddaughter, so much time has passed, he, like andrei, has the right to know the truth, oh, well, let’s sit down on the path, maybe we’ll give up this idea, no way, i’m flying to kaliningrad and i’ll find my grandfather. oh, i
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really don’t want this meeting to be interpreted by my grandfather as my obsessive desire to meet, of course, olga ivanovna, when i meet him, i will immediately explain everything to him that i am acting solely on my own initiative. it seems to me, ivanovna, that you are still in love. "don't be stupid, here 's a beautiful medallion for good luck, i made it myself, i found this symbol in a silver
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duke albercht's library." which duke, don't you know? once upon a time, duke albracht decided to organize a library in köniksberg. the duke was a great reformer. he ordered the purchase of books, mainly on theology. the most valuable of them is the five-language bible, between by the way, it was found by your humble servant, in the basements of geongenburg castle. especially for her , the duke ordered the production of a silver frame, decorated with symbols and allegories of biblical scenes. at the moment, the bible is in the historical museum of kaliningrad. it was in it that i found this symbol. why are you looking so, so intently
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somehow, because it seems to me that you are a mirage, i ’m afraid to close my eyes, you will disappear, but don’t close them, you will marry me.
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let's go on a trip to belarus. this town was built from 94 to 9 of the last century. it is unique in that the concept of a pedestrian zone is fully implemented here. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. good afternoon, masha, how old are you? oh, don’t even count me, i actually really miss your bread, but in general it's great that this is available.
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government institutions, police, i want to live in this country, where they fly into space, where they build nuclear power plants, where women go on maternity leave for 3 years, i want to live in this country, don’t miss it on tv channel belarus 244. thank you.
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12:02 am
hello, hello, my name is inga, tell me, does brigitte live here, there are no such people here, but wait, we’ve been living here for the second year, and before there was an elderly lady who lived here, i don’t remember her last name. they said she had a daughter, brigid, and that's how she died died, wait, when did she die? long ago, about 40 years ago, it seems, she drowned, i don’t understand anything, i just received a letter a few days ago, and i specially came from st. petersburg to find her, i ’m sorry, i’ll go then. excuse me, do you know
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olga, sokolovskaya? yes, olga, my grandmother, she was friends with brigita, do you know something? this, i sent her a letter from brigid. while sorting out the things in the shed that were left over from the previous owners, i came across a suitcase.
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there were various photographs, letters, postcards, this letter was not sent, it seemed to me this is strange, it was not in a sealed envelope, i... read it, but he didn’t do anything wrong, no, what are you saying? mom, i just thought it was very sincerely important, and i decided that it should definitely reach the addressee, only the envelope was old, air, i bought a new one, rewrote the address and sent it to... to st. petersburg. thanks to this letter, i
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learned about the existence of my grandfather. now i am here. all that remains is to find him. if you want, i'll help you. i have transport. well, are you sure you'll be interested? of course i'm sure. i did read the letter. there 's definitely some secret there that needs to be revealed. well then tomorrow. let's start, yes, tatyana viktorovna, thank you for the treat, but i'll go, but stay with us, senior in the res, his room is free, separate entrance, stay, yes, it's somehow inconvenient for me, it's convenient, transport things tomorrow, oh , excuse me, just a second, hello, yes, i ask you, don’t
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hang up, we need to talk, where are you now, i’m in kaliningrad, what’s where? i'm sorry, i don't feel comfortable talking right now, why are you like that? sad, andrei mikhailovich, why are you sitting here in splendid isolation? listen, i want... one after a serious operation, i have the right, you have nothing to do, what do you need, nothing, it’s just my birthday today, i... wanted to invite you, excuse me, we’re at my sister’s -the housewives gathered to drink tea. lenechka, wait, lenochka, forgive me, i really don’t know what
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came over me, but i’m probably tired. here, they asked me to tell you. and... who asked? stepanov from the sixth chamber. what are you taking, andrei mikhailovich, his i was discharged last week. happy birthday. thank you, come and have tea. it would suit you.
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look what i found, but there are no lips, and a beautiful song is heard, this is the zhebrod architect in the room, and what does this mean, to the old architect in rome, uh-huh, and what is this song on the face stopped, and bogdanov, what is this, this is trace of a wolf, here stood the prussian castle of zocke, when the teutons attacked prussia, they destroyed it and built a new one, schaaken, it’s true, they used the local population as a labor force and the naive peasants believed that if you mark a wolf's seal on a brick that has not yet hardened, the wolves will sneak into the castle
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and gnaw on the enemy, in a fairy tale, history, and this, by the way, is a very rare find, but what is it? saaken, from ancient prussian, saaken means grass, here everything is in the reeds all the way to the bay, how do you know all this, well, how from, he is smart with us, he reads books, this is ivan, and this is brigita, and what kind of badge is this? sword of duke albrecht of brandenburg. he is the founder of the university of koenigsberg, the albertina university is even named after him, haven’t you heard? well, let's go to university?
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is there really one? professor bogdanov worked with petrov, maybe he knows? thank you very much, thank you, that ’s all for today, i’m waiting for you on monday, please don’t be late, i ’m warning you, i won’t let you in, sorry,
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professor bogdanov, professor, we need your help, how can i help? we were told that you might know these people, yes, how time flies, brigita, brigita, i was once in love with this girl, i sought her affection, but an accident happened, she died, drowned, and... ivana, you you know, yes of course, we were friends, no, not again, no, pavel ignanovich, but what should i do, my work is on fire, without these materials. i can’t move on, no, ivan, don’t ask, without the permission of the keeper of the rare book fund, i can’t give it to you, i don’t have such
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authority, this is not just a book, this is a museum exhibit, there is order, that’s when potapov will go to work, then come, and if potapov is sick for a whole year, then you will come in a year. “i told you, you’ll come back in a year, well, that’s bureaucracy, pavel ignatievich, you are the director, what should you order, just for 2 days, van, i told you, no, pavel ignatievich, well, you yourself defended your dissertation, well, you must understand me, please, on my word of honor, but this is me last year, with a group of volunteers, i found her in the basements of geogenburg, when i was working on restoration, vanka, vanka, what are you doing to me, huh?" "okay,
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if something happens to her, i'm risking my party card, yes, what's wrong with him it may happen, alla, viktorovna, give petrova, five languages the bible, and take a receipt from him, how can that be? stage on sick leave, please, under my responsibility, valga, look at me, why ivan was expelled from the university, there were various rumors, they said that he was what a story, the theft of a valuable book from the collections
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of a historical museum, and what kind of book? children's language bible of 1483, nuremberg edition by anton kaberger, was part of the collection of the silver library of duke albrecht, for... ivan sold the bible abroad, for which he was arrested by the kgb, sentenced to 8 years regime, i haven’t seen him since then. can you be curious as to why you are interested in his personality? this is my grandfather, your grandfather, excuse me, i'm following. guess, maybe i can ask you for a favor, well, if you find out anything, keep me informed, thank you,
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thank you very much, if you need anything, call, contact me, i’ll help as best i can, call at any time, you’re upset, what do you think find out that your grandfather is a thief, and maybe end it there, well, don’t you really want to find out what happened next? "i know what needs to be done, we will advertise in the newspaper, evening tram, in an ordinary paper newspaper with a tv program, there is something in it, oh, you know, i liked one girl at school, but every time. when i called her and started to stutter out of excitement, she threw me off, it was very cruel, she
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never gave me a chance. kulyakov handed over on my word of honor and his responsibility. ivan, they called you.


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